Chapter 21

She's Having My Baby

Jiyun and Jaejoong have been spending the early part of the day by shopping for some groceries, seeing that the fridge had been voided of food for quite some time. They didn't have to worry about being noticed by fans for it was still early in the morning where barely anyone in the neighbourhood was awake. Hence, the grocery shopping trip was rather fun to the both of them. Well, except for the fact that Jaejoong had been carefully scrutinizing the different brands and packaging. Even the nicely packed vegetables were not spared either. He was the perfect example of an ahjumma.

"Umma! That's so embarrasing!" Jiyun whispered, nudging Jaejoong by the elbow as she lowered her cap even further down. Jaejoong was stuck at the food tasting counter, eating the food samples happily while striking a conversation with the promoter. He was on full disguise, thus he didn't have an image to care about.

Jiyun sighed in defeat, walking away from him when she felt a hand clutching her arm.

"What now, umma?" Jiyun asked without turning around.

"I feel like eating yukaejang, you'll be cooking right?"

"What?! Do you seriously think i can whip up such a dish?" Jiyun asked, shocked that Jaejoong had made such an impossible request: She was only capable of whipping up some simple cuisines (she had even originally intended to make some simple fried rice).

"Didn't you say you will cook whatever i want to eat?" He asked, half pouting and displaying an expression that egged her on to accept his request.

"Yeah, but i hadn't expected something so random...? I mean i even thought you will just make me cook instant noodles!" Jiyun replied, returning the same expression as Jaejoong back to him.

"You're kidding me." Jaejoong asked in disbelieve.

"Well, try me." Jiyun challenged.

"Whatever~" Jaejoong ignored her and turned into the promoters' direction. "Ahjumma!" He called out politely, "Please get me some of those yummy beef that you have just let me sampled!" He said happily, all the while ignoring Jiyun's protests.

Turning back after collecting the beef from the promoter, he looked straight into Jiyun's eyes and said, "Be thankful, i'm going to teach you how to cook this wonderful dish.", leaving Jiyun standing there dumbfounded.

"Damn, umma you're the greatest cook ever!" Jiyun exclaimed as she took yet another bite on the kimchi pancakes, all the while grinning as she feasted on the spread of food, kindly made by Kim Jaejoong himself. Jaejoong, on the other hand, was staring puzzledly at his yukaejang.

"Why do i feel like as if i got taken advantage of...?" He mumbled. Apparrently Jiyun had escaped the claws of Jaejoong's monstrous cooking coaching... by pretending to make a mess of his kitchen station (or maybe it wasn't on purpose at all).

Jiyun grinned. "Umma, weren't you the one who said 'Aish, you're more of a trouble than of help, just get out of MY kitchen while i cook. And DON'T come near MY kitchen! Just wait for food to be served!' I remember everything you said just now!" She calmly said, but her smile was betraying her calmness.

"Damn. Did i just get tricked?" He questioned himself.

Jiyun winked. "Who knows?"

"Did you just flirt with me?! That wink!" Jaejoong asked excitedly.

"No way. You're totally not my type. I don't fancy Edward Cullen, although i do appreciate the fact that you are a good cook."

"Gosh. You're never gonna get yourself married off with your current attitude." He fussed, claiming yet another piece of beef, unsatisfied that it wasn't spicy. He had held himself back on the chilli while cooking, considering that Jiyun wasn't allowed to take in much spicy food during her pregnancy.

"I don't intend to anyway, not with this cute little bulge here." Jiyun replied, smiling happily at her growing belly.

"Whatever~" Jaejoong said, rolling his eyes to show his annoyance. "By the way, do you know if the baby is a boy or a girl?"

"Nopes. I figured it would be fun not knowing upfront." Jiyun shrugged, munching on more kimchi as she spoke.

"Not a wise idea, we wouldn't know what to get for the baby's clothing until it's too late! The pinks! The blues!" Full panick attack by Jaejoong umma. Typical ahjumma umma.

"Umma! There a colour called white!" Jiyun said matter of factly.

"Oh. Right." Jaejoong stopped and replied, laughing sheepishly at his own idiosyncrasy. Jiyun joined him in the laughing session but not long after, he received a call on his phone.

Jaejoong suddenly stopped laughing and stared right at the incoming call screen.

"Umma, what's wrong?" Jiyun asked, seeing Jaejoong's stoned expression.

"It's Yoochun." He finally replied.


Jaejoong stood up and walked towards the direction of the kitchen. When he was a few steps further away from Jiyun, he picked up the phone. He knew Jiyun was looking at him worriedly. Not for him, but Yoochun.

"Chun?" Jaejoong asked carefully. He already knew that Yoochun has been informed about Jiyun's disappearance, for Joon had already warned him upfront right after Yoochun left the office. He was worried about Yoochun.

"Jae, join me for a drink."

"Where are you now?" Jaejoong asked.

"Incheon Airport."

"What are you doing there?"

"Long story short, Jiyun left me. Come out and accompany please...?" Yoochun pleaded.

Jaejoong looked worriedly over to Jiyun, who gave a quick nod, signifying that she will be ok staying alone at home.

"Alright, usual place in half an hour." Jaejoong replied and hung up immediately.

"Jiyun ah, i'm...." Jaejoong said once he walked out of his room, fully dressed to head out.

"It's ok, i'll be alright by myself." Jiyun forced a smile.

"You're the best." He said in reply and turned around to head for the door.

"Oh yes, just leave the dishes as it is, i'll clean them up when i'm home. Don't want to see all my utensils in wreck when i'm back." He added.

"I hate you, umma." She said monotoned.

"I love you too, Jiyun!" He replied and immediately shut the door, followed by laughing hysterically as he made his way to the lift.

Jiyun rolled her eyes and turned back into the dining area; where the mountain-ful of food laid, staring right back at her.

'I'm full'. She decided as she started keeping the leftovers into tupperwares. She was sure that Jaejoong would definitely sprinkle some magic on the leftovers the next day and turn the food into a new dish once more.

After she had finished tidying the dining area up safely (yes, including washing the dishes), she curled up in the corner of the black chic looking sofa, looking out at the night skyline.

"Twinkle twinkle little star... How i wonder what you are....." Jiyun sang softly as she slowly her bulge. She recalled of how just about a week ago, Yoochun had sung the same song while singing that very same song to their baby on the cable car.

Tears slowly fell out from the corners of her eyes. From just droplets of tears, it gradually became a waterfall of tears that came gushing out from her tear ducts.

"Amber ah... I miss your daddy..." She whispered, crying and hicupping at the same time.

She felt all sorts of emotions overwhelming her, but couldn't quite figure out what they were. Was it loneliness? Nahs, Jaejoong umma was there for her. Feeling empty? She just ate. Missing a piece of herself? Maybe. Regret? Perhaps.

She hadn't exactly been left alone ever since her little accident. Joon and Jaejoong had always found some ways to stay in the ward after visiting hours to accompany her till she's asleep and was there before she's awake.

Now that she's by herself, she felt lost.

Beneath all that tears, she found herself asking, 'Am i doing the right thing by leaving him? It feels so painful, much more painful than anything else, even much more worser than the pain inflicted by those antis...'.

When Jaejoong walked into their favourite bar, he easily found Yoochun as he was sitting at the same table they always sit at. He saw him pouring himself yet another glass of his favourite Johnnie Walker.

He made his way to the bar counter and waved to get the attention of the bartender, someone they have gotten to know since they frequent the bar so oftenly.

"Bro, how long has he been there?" Jaejoong asked, pointing in Yoochun's direction.

The bartender shrugged, saying "10 minutes perhaps?"

"10 minutes?! That bottle is already empty within this short period of time?!"

"Yeah, i'm gonna get his second bottle to him already..." The bartender replied, showing him the bottle that he had just brought down from Yoochun's exclusive shelf.

"Gosh, and you're not stopping him?!" Jaejoong asked irritatedly.

"What to do, that's his own liquor."

"Damn. Get me a glass too." Jaejoong said, defeated as he made his way to Yoochun.

"Hey Chun..." Jaejoong said carefully, sitting down at the chair opposite him.

"You're here..." He replied.

None of them exchanged any words after that for it was clear to Jaejoong that Yoochun still needed some quiet to himself.

That silence maintained until the waiter made his way to their table, breaking the silent atmosphere.

"You know, Jiyun left me in a way i hadn't imagined. She literally disappeared into thin air. Even our baby, our only link is gone... why is she behaving like that...?" Yoochun softly spoke, stumbling on his words so frequently due to the effects of the alcohol kicking in.

Jaejoong didn't say anything, but hung his head low.

"She even returned the ring... she's determined to make a clean break, isn't she?" He added, a bitter smile on his face. Tears were already flowing down as he spoke.

Continuing to speak after a sip on his drink, it was Yoochun's turn to hang his head low. "Jae ah, why is she always running away from me? Why is she so cruel to me?"

"I'm sure there's a very good reason behind her departure..." Jaejoong finally spoke, patting on Yoochun's back to comfort him.

"Joon did mentioned something about my fans..."

"He did?" Jaejoong asked. 'That idiot!'

"Yeah, but he refused to comment any further...."

"So what are your plans right now?" Jaejoong asked, pretending to look away in another direction.

"Drink my head off for tonight." Yoochun replied as if it was a normal affair.

"You're just going to give up like this?!" Jaejoong asked in disbelieve, raising his voice a little higher due to shock.

"The words 'giving up' do not belong in my dictionary." Yoochun replied.

"Damn. I should've refrained myself from drinking so much. Luckily i managed to get both Yoochun and myself back to our own homes..." Jaejoong muttered under his breath as he made his way into his dimly lighted house.

He looked over to the dining table; it was empty and clean. He walked over to the kitchen sink only to find it all clean and dry. He smiled.

'Always good to have a woman around.' He thought as he reached for a cold bottle of mineral water from his fridge.

It was then that he realised, Jiyun was sleeping on the sofa.

Jaejoong smiled amusedly and walked nearer to her sleeping figure.

Looking at her up close, he realised that she had been crying.

He sighed. "I'm friends with two pabos."

"The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected." - Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook

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Keahun #1
Chapter 41: Such an amazing touching story, just sad for jae, you know am a true jae fanatic, but love yoochun here in your story, thanks.
potatonaah #2
Chapter 18: i have a feeling saying that Jaejoong is actually in love with Jiyun.i just hope my feeling is
Chapter 40: very cheeky!! >.< LOL.
nar12345 #4
Chapter 40: im sorry to know that you are going to leave was a great journey to know the characters and the story that you share about them..wish to know you better too..i guess you have found a better channel to go..therefore..All the best!! *hugs*
Chapter 39: this is great love it thank you i'm craving for chunnie's story:3
Amna11 #6
Thank you for this great stroy i like it ^^
really like the wedding because it was so sweet. love your story & hoping you continue writing stories like this :)
nar12345 #8
anyeong Yoochun and Jiyun..gonna miss both of you..good luck with the basketball team project..hope to read from both of you in future upating your epilogue..and authornim..have fun with creating new world for us! need to c dentist now..sugar overload here! hehehe
really like the ending because it was so sweet! really enjoyed reading this story of yours :)
oh my that is one good read.. ^_^ I love the ending!! It's just soo sweet it's giving me tooth decay. LOL!! I love the idea of showing us the youtube vid. I can actually imagine the scene in my head. That was awesome. Thank you authornim for sharing your story. awwww.. ending this is like saying goodbye to a very close friend. I will sure miss this. but for now.. I will wait for the epilogue!LOL will there be chunnie daddy moments there? definitely happy subbing to this