Chapter 25

She's Having My Baby

Jaejoong woke up in a wasted state of mind. It was as if his brain cells were gone along with the liquor that he had the night before.

'Hmmm... what happened?' He asked himself and looked at his surroundings. He was at home, in his room.

'Damn, how did i get home?' Jaejoong wondered as he squeezed his eyes in full concentration, trying to recall what had exactly happened.

[The night before]

"Umma, i know i've always told you to gain some weight but now... LOSE SOME! You're so heavy!" Jiyun complained as she pulled Jaejoong into the house. Without caring if the door is locked yet, she proceeded with dragging him onto his bed before walking back out of his room to check on the door.

Being dead tired from exhausting all her energy in bringing Jaejoong back home, Jiyun decided to take a little rest before checking up on the drunk man. She pulled her bag that was thrown on the sofa nearer to her and fished out her handphone.  She thought that there'll probably be no new incoming messages or calls, but she was wrong - Joon had dropped her a little message earlier on.

'Hey, how are you doing?' Was what the message wrote.

'Exhausted. Just dragged a drunk Jaejoong home and is resting now. Other than that, everything's fine :D'

Jiyun turned to look into the room where Jaejoong is lying silently. 'Well, at least he's quiet when he's drunk unlike the rest that i've met.', she thought.

'Well, just leave him to rot. Get some rest now.' Joon replied.

Jiyun laughed silently and proceeded with typing, 'Shall i do that?'

'Totally. Now go rest! Your baby needs sufficient rest too! Good night!'

Jiyun giggled and slotted her phone into one of the pockets in her jeans. She stood up and went over to the kitchen and got herself a cup of water.

'Then again, Junsu was too calm just now, wasn't he?' Jiyun suddenly thought. 'Exactly how much does he know?!'

She pulled out her phone once again and searched through the list of celebrity contacts that Jaejoong had inputted in the phone from before. She wasn't starstruck or even excited about the fact that she had so many artistes' phone number, she didn't even recognise at least half of them. But tonight, she was glad that Jaejoong hadn't deleted any of them.

Scrolling through the contacts, she finally found the number that she needed. She opened a message conversation and typed, 'Ya! Why weren't you shocked about seeing me with Jaejoong? You know something, don't you?'

She smiled to herself, walked out of the kitchen and into her room to wash up for a little bit.

When she walked out of the bathroom, she found her phone blinking, indicating an incoming call. 'Must be Junsu...' she thought and walked briskly towards it.

"JIYUNNIE RIGHT?! Have you reached home safely already? Was Jaejoong a hassle to take care of? Just leave him to rot, he'll survive. More importantly, you're alright right?"

'Oops.' Jiyun thought, "I really left him to rot..." She replied.

"Good. So what are you doing now? I just brought Yoochun home..." Junsu replied happily, glad that Jiyun had bullied Jaejoong indirectly.

She frowned. "He's drunk again?!"

"Yeah, all because of you." Junsu replied.


"Ok i was kidding. Anyway now that we're free right now, care to explain everything to this cute little hyung of yours?" Junsu asked.

Jiyun rolled her eyes. "Not now, Junsu. It's already so late. We'll talk tomorrow, if that's ok with you."

"First thing in the morning?"

"Yes, first thing in the morning. Come by Jaejoong's house tomorrow, i'll cook."

"You? Not Jaejoong? Wait. YOU'RE LIVING WITH JAEJOONG?!"

"How rude. Do you think Jaejoong is able to wake up early, judging by how dead drunk he is now? By the way, yeah i'm currently staying in his house. You know how big his house is." Jiyun replied, rolling her eyes in annoyance at the fact that his house is at least 3 times bigger than her previous apartment.

"I want details!" Junsu squealed.

"You'll have them tomorrow." Jiyun insisted.

"Aish. Kay, i'll drop by tomorrow morning! Seeya Jiyunnie!" Junsu replied cutely and hung up.

Jiyun smiled at the dead tone, relieved that Junsu was such a nice 'little hyung' to her and hadn't pressed on for an explaination, even when it seems to her that he was so eager to know it.

Frowning again, she realised. 'Damn, i forgot about Jaejoong!', and ran over to his room.

There he was, still lying motionlessly on his bed. But the difference now was, Jaejoong was mumbling incoherently to himself.

"Umma, are you feeling better now...?" Jiyun asked as she tried to remove his jacket so that he could sleep more comfortably.

"Jiyun ah... Why.." Was the only thing he replied.

'This drunk umma.' She thought and rolled her eyes.

"Jaejoong ah, just sleep." Jiyun commented and was about to leave when Jaejoong pulled her down on the bed together with her, with her plopped on top of him. When she tried to pull herself up, he hugged her more tightly. [A/N: ERTED GIRLS! Don't imagine too much, you'll not get rewarded :P]

"Jiyun... why didn't i meet you earlier... if i had met you earlier, you'll not be so broken like this... if i had met you earlier, will we be happier together instead...? I... i will definitely make a better husband than him right...? I... i love you... Jiyun ah..."

Jaejoong mumbled as one of his hands reached for Jiyun's face. Just as he was about to plant a kiss on Jiyun's lips, she turned away.

"Jaejoong ah, it's not right. My heart.. has already been stolen by Yoochun right from the start... and it is irrevocable. I'm sorry..." Jiyun replied softly. She could have sworn that she saw tears threatening to fall out from his eyes.

Jaejoong, on the other hand, slowly released his grip from Jiyun's waist. "I'm sorry, just pretend that i didn't mention anything." He mentioned and turned away from her direction. He was instantly knocked out after that.

Jiyun nodded and walked out of the room. She had even forgotten about the reason she was in his room.

[Back to current time in Jaejoong's room]

Jaejoong stared at his bedsheet in disbelieve. He had finally remembered what had exactly happened the night before.

'Damn, what have i done?!' He mentally scolded himself. 'Blame it all on Yoochun for giving me the weird idea of confessing. Now my friendship with Jiyun is going to end up in a disaster!' He thought as he lightly punched his head for doing the wrong things at the wrong time.

'What if she wants to leave due to this? Oh dear, please don't let that happen!' He thought and immediately rushed out of his bed to wash up before dashing out of the room, hoping that he will still be able to see Jiyun in his house.

"Jiyun ah!" Jaejoong shouted once he opened the door to his room. 'Please... let her still be around...' he prayed.

"Yes umma?" Jiyun replied as her head popped out from the kitchen doors.

Jaejoong heaved a deep sigh of relief. "Jiyunnie!!!!!!!" He happily skipped towards her, ignoring the effects of the hangover. In fact, he hadn't felt much from the hangover; he was more worried about Jiyun's possible disappearance than anything else.

"I heard you the first time! Don't call me when i'm cooking, i need to concentrate in case i turn the food into charcoal!" Jiyun sighed and went back into the kitchen where she was cooking breakfast.

"Well, i was kinda worried that you may suddenly disappear on me..."

"For whatever reason will i do that?" Jiyun asked, not very much bothered about what Jaejoong was saying.

"About yesterday..." Jaejoong said guiltily, not looking at her direction even once.

Jiyun stopped whatever she was doing and turned to face Jaejoong directly. "I've mentioned this yesterday... this empty space in my heart... is only reserved for him. Umma, you do understand what i mean, right?"

Jaejoong nodded.

"I don't want this to ruin our friendship cos i really treasure our relationship." Jiyun added.

"Me too. Let's put this behind us, shall we?" Jaejoong asked carefully. He was glad that Jiyun hadn't been put off by his actions the night before, and that she was treating him the same like every other day. Jiyun smiled back.

"Oh shucks! My food!" Jiyun shouted, realising that the food was on it's way to massive destruction. Luckily for them, it wasn't that bad. Just slightly burnt. [A/N: *coughs* yeah... slightly....]

"Jiyunnie... i understand why you seldom cook now..." Jaejoong commented, seeing the pitiful looking food that was in the frying pan.

"Argh, shut up. Get me the plates, won't you?" Jiyun replied, annoyed that her masterpiece isn't as perfect as it should be.

Jaejoong chuckled and passed her a plate to put the food on. He was about to turn on the coffee maker when he heard the doorbell ring. 'We have guest?' He thought.

"Umma ah, get that door, will you please?" Jiyun said nonchantly, placing her full concentration on the food that was on it's transit from the frying pan to the plate.

"Right away." He replied, running over to the door viewer. "Who is this?" He asked politely, waiting for the screen to load at the same time.

"Hyung~ I'm here!" Junsu's voice squeaked over the intercom.

"!" Jaejoong thought and immediately hung up the voice call. He ran right to the dining area where Jiyun is at and nervously said, "Jiyun! Hide! Junsu! Here!".

Yes, that was what Jaejoong had really said, as his brain was not function well at that point of time.

Jiyun laughed out loud and ruffled Jaejoong's hair, saying "Yes, he's my guest!"

Imagine the shock shown on Jaejoong's face when Jiyun said that.

"What..?" was all he could say in reply.

"Yeah, we got busted yesterday, we have some explainations to do in a while..." Jiyun smiled, making her way to the door and opening it, revealing a fresh and excited looking Junsu.

"JIYUNNIE!!!! I MISS YOU!" Junsu exclaimed happily as he went over to hug Jiyun, who was laughing the whole while. It was only less than 12 hours since they've last met, but his behaviour had changed 180 degrees. He was so calm and collected the night before, but now...

"Junsu ah, you're so hyper today!" Jiyun commented as she grinned from ear to ear. Junsu, to her, was a bright sun that could easily influence and brighten the mood surrounding him.

"I was looking forward to our breakfast gathering!"

"You didn't let anyone else know about it right...?" Jiyun asked cautiously.

"I promised, didn't i?"

"Just asking..." Jiyun shrugged.

"I can't wait for the breakfast!....?" Junsu said happily as he ran over to the dining table, looking at the food with a puzzled expression. "Jiyunnie...?"

Jiyun rolled her eyes and pointed to Jaejoong (who was still shell shocked), saying, "He's my partner in crime. I was cooking in full concentration when he interrupted."

Junsu pouted.

"That's alright, it still looks edible!" He decided and happily sat on one of the chairs. Jiyun followed suit.

"Jaejoong? Are you still with us? Or have you left Earth?" Junsu shouted jokingly once he realised (for the first time that morning) that Jaejoong was in a daze.

"Huh?" Jaejoong finally replied upon hearing his name being called.

"Breakfast?" Junsu suggested.

"Oh yeah..." Jaejoong realised, and sat down at the nearest seat. "By the way, can someone fill me in with what i've missed out on? How did the both of you..."

"You mean you didn't remember anything that happened yesterday?! Oh you ungrateful vampire!" Junsu chidded as he faked cry a little, making Jiyun giggle a little.

Jaejoong shook his head.

"Told you we got busted. He saw us when i was helping the drunk you out of the pub yesterday. He helped us out too, just so you know." Jiyun said gratefully.

Jaejoong looked over at Junsu, his face full of thanks. "I'm gonna cook you a whole truck of yummy food one of these days." He said, resulting in Junsu's face lighting up even brighter than earlier.

"Before that happens, Jiyunnie.... where's my details?" Junsu asked.

Jiyun and Jaejoong looked at each other and sighed. 'It's going to be a long breakfast....' they thought.

[A while later]

"I still can't believe this is happening..." Junsu commented softly as he was playing with the cushion on Jaejoong's sofa. Jiyun and him were randomly hanging around the living room while waiting for Jaejoong to be done with the dishwashing before they proceed out for some sightseeing.

"I know right? Until now i still can't believe i even made the decision to move here." Jiyun sighed.

"The safest place is always the most dangerous place huh?" Junsu replied.

Jiyun shrugged. "Perhaps..."

"Anyway, is my godchild growing healthily?" Junsu asked cutely, facing her as he showed her an innocent looking face.

"Who's your godchild?" Jiyun asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"There!" Junsu replied excitedly as he pointed at Jiyun's belly.

"Urm... the thing is, my baby already has two godfathers... one self proclaimed though..."

"I'll be the second self proclaimed godfather then!"

Jiyun chuckled. "Up to you..."

"Yipppeeeee!! I'm going to be a godfather soon!!!" Junsu shouted happily, throwing the cushions into the air.

"In any case, i was actually wondering... why didn't you look at least a little shock when you saw us yesterday?" Jiyun asked.

"Well, i was definitely shocked. It's just that i know how to behave in the right manner at the right time." Junsu shrugged. "You wouldn't want me to make a big fuss out of it and attract loads of attention upon you right? After all, that was what caused you to end up in this situation."

Jiyun nodded, "But... it's like as if you were aware of this even before we met at the pub. My side of the story, i mean."

"I may seem to be ignorant about everything, but i can put two and two together and figure things out ok? It's not that hard."

"Oh the irony." Jiyun said.

"Will you return to him someday?" Junsu asked all of a sudden.

"Jaejoong asked me this same question a few days ago too... but it's not something that i can control right? Let's just leave it to fate." Jiyun smiled and stood up from the sofa, seeing that Jaejoong was already done with the dishes.

"Do you still love Yoochun?" Junsu tried asking again.

Jiyun replied, "There was never a second where i stopped loving him.", her smiling glowing from within. With that, she walked away into her room to get ready.

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Keahun #1
Chapter 41: Such an amazing touching story, just sad for jae, you know am a true jae fanatic, but love yoochun here in your story, thanks.
potatonaah #2
Chapter 18: i have a feeling saying that Jaejoong is actually in love with Jiyun.i just hope my feeling is
Chapter 40: very cheeky!! >.< LOL.
nar12345 #4
Chapter 40: im sorry to know that you are going to leave was a great journey to know the characters and the story that you share about them..wish to know you better too..i guess you have found a better channel to go..therefore..All the best!! *hugs*
Chapter 39: this is great love it thank you i'm craving for chunnie's story:3
Amna11 #6
Thank you for this great stroy i like it ^^
really like the wedding because it was so sweet. love your story & hoping you continue writing stories like this :)
nar12345 #8
anyeong Yoochun and Jiyun..gonna miss both of you..good luck with the basketball team project..hope to read from both of you in future upating your epilogue..and authornim..have fun with creating new world for us! need to c dentist now..sugar overload here! hehehe
really like the ending because it was so sweet! really enjoyed reading this story of yours :)
oh my that is one good read.. ^_^ I love the ending!! It's just soo sweet it's giving me tooth decay. LOL!! I love the idea of showing us the youtube vid. I can actually imagine the scene in my head. That was awesome. Thank you authornim for sharing your story. awwww.. ending this is like saying goodbye to a very close friend. I will sure miss this. but for now.. I will wait for the epilogue!LOL will there be chunnie daddy moments there? definitely happy subbing to this