Chapter 18

She's Having My Baby

Joon woke up startled. He looked at his surroundings, lights all dim and moody. Looking ahead he saw Jiyun lying peacefully. His breath slowly matched hers, him finally out of his trance. He felt someone tap on his shoulders, and immediately turned around, looking at the familar face that he had seen a few hours earlier when they had brought Jiyun to her ward.

"Sir, i'm afraid i will have to ask you to leave. It's way past the visiting hours..." She whispered softly as Joon stood up for the first time in a while, stretching his body in the process. It takes no fool to realise that he was definitely very tired.

"Has she waken up yet?" He muttered under his breath, looking at the peacefully sleeping figure once again.

The nurse shook her head. "She's facing extreme fatigue, both physically and mentally. Let her rest for a while more. Didn't the doctor mention that if everything goes well, she'll wake up tomor... i mean in a few hours time?"

"But i'm still worried about her... she will definitely wake up right? She looks so pale..." Joon started asking, blabbering everything that is on his mind.

"She will wake up... when she has enough rest..." She replied.

"But she has been sleeping for so many hours already..." Joon protested.

Just as the nurse was about to (patiently) explain Jiyun's situation once again, a panting figure dashed in, distrupting their little conversation. He looked around and realised that the ward that he is currently in had only one patient bed.

"Woah. You're fast..." Joon commented at the additional being that just came in. What is he? A superman?

"I was just lucky to ditch the guys so easily at the Incheon airport before turning back to purchase for the latest flight back here..." He replied, walking nearer to her bed. "How is she?" He asked as he slightly moved some strands of hair away from Jiyun's face. Carressing her cheeks a litle, he realised that she was extremely cold and pale. "Is she all right?" He looked up at Joon.

"Haven't been awake since she fainted at the airport." Joon replied.

"How about her baby?" He asked anxiously.

"Luckily she got to the hospital in time, if not... i don't even want to imagine it..." Joon said. He shuddered recalling what had happened earlier, being told that his friend was pregnant... thrice. Once by Jiyun herself, once by the doctor and once by the guy in front of him. He must have been the last person on Earth that hasn't realised it. So much for being an old time friend.

"Do you recognise those es that did this to Jiyun?" He asked, with a tone so cold and a voice so murderous that even Joon cringed a little.

"Jae ah, i think we should leave for now, the nurse is still standing behind you, if you haven't noticed." Joon slightly warned. This man is a public figure after all, and the usage of vulgarity isn't all that appropriate, even if the nurse behind him is a middle aged lady who probably did not know his real identity.

Jaejoong didn't speak, but hung his head down in silence, completely at a loss seeing his favourite girl lying motionlessly on the bed.

"You're right... we should let her rest..." he finally muttered softly under his breath.

Joon didn't know how to respond to the dejected figure in front of him. He patted him on his back for a bit, before pushing him out of the ward along with him.

"You ok, bro?" Jaejoong asked as he walked out of the bathroom. He walked along the corridor and slumped his tired body onto the long sofa in the living room, which happened to be his temporary bed for the time being. They had decided that Jaejoong will be staying with Joon until everything is over. The fact about him still in Singapore had to be kept a secret.

"Mmm... yeah i guess so. Luckily you came over, i wouldn't know what to do if i'm left alone to deal in this situation." Joon confessed, smiling for the first time in a while. It was a bitter smile.

[Earlier that day]

'Jiyun ahjumma! I specifically told you to make sure to pick up my call!' Jaejoong thought to himself as he stepped out of the plane. He frowned at his phone screen, annoyed that he was getting the silent treatment.

Just as he was about to hang up the call, the phone got connected. Jaejoong sighed in relief, for he was starting to worry that something had happened to her.

"Yah! Ahjumma!" He shouted into the phone angrily. It earned him weird stares from the people surrounding him, including Kang's. YooSu were long gone, having made up a racing game on the spot. Jaejoong walked away in embarrasment, away from the passengers.

"Sorry... Jiyun is not here..." Echoed a shaky male voice from the phone.

Jaejoong raised his eyebrows. Did he dial a wrong number? 'Couldn't be possible.' He thought.

"Who is this...?" The male voice continued. It sounded familar.

"Joon... is that you?" Jaejoong asked. This was all getting to be all very weird to him. What was he doing, picking up Jiyun's phone?

"Jae... Jaejoong...? Why did you call me..?" Joon replied. He seemed flustered. Apparently he hadn't realised that he had picked up her phone by accident.

"I called Jiyun... not you..? Where is she by the way? I need to speak to her." Jaejoong said, slightly amused that Joon was still in his little dreamy world.

"Jiyun.... ah...." His voice croaking, unable to even piece out single words.

Jaejoong's frown found his way back in between his eyebrows as he sensed something was definitely wrong.

Joon was at a loss for words. Jiyun had specifically told him not to inform anyone, especially not to Yoochun. But his mind was in a mess; he needed somebody to set his mind in the right track. 

"Jaejoong ah... Jiyun was bleeding so much... those damn fangirls... what should i do..." Joon stuttered as he tried to piece his thoughts together so that Jaejoong could understand.

"Mwo?!" Jaejoong shouted into the received, earning yet another round of stares. "What the hell is happening right now?! Explain it to me right now!" He roared into his phone, not caring about his image anymore.

"Jiyun got tripped over by this so called fan of yours and she started clenching her stomach from pain... and she was bleeding so much... what should i do?!" Joon stuttered, fumbling over the usage of words as if English wasn't his native language.

"! She's pregnant you dumbhead! Why didn't you look after her more properly?! I specifically told you to take good care of her!!!" He shouted, yet again. He was making such a scene, that Kang had no choice but to signal to him to lower down his volume.

"I'm sorry..." Joon replied meekly.

Jaejoong took a deep breath before continuing, "So how is she now...?"

"I haven't had the chance to see the doctor yet..."

"I'm gonna go inform Yoochun." Jaejoong decided.

"NO!!!! I mean, no...." Joon protested.

"And why is that so? He's the father of the baby after all!" Jaejoong sighed in defeat. He figured that there was no need to keep it a secret from Joon anymore, now that it has come to this stage.

"He's the father?! 말도안돼!!" He said in disbelieve.

"Close your gapping mouth and tell me the reason now." Jaejoong said icily. It was so cold that Joon immediately woke up from his shock.

"Actually, Jiyun told me not to let you guys know.... especially Yoochun." Joon said, trying to piece everything up in his brain. He still found it difficult to comprehend the new piece of information from Jaejoong.

"That silly girl..." Jaejoong mumbled to himself.

"Oh i gotta run! The doctor is coming out!" Joon replied frantically and hung up.

"Hello?! Hello?!!! Aish!!!!" Jaejoong mentally cursed under his breath. He looked at the group of staff and YooSu sitting a distance away, apparently waiting for him to finish his call. He sighed and walked over with a heavy heart. His mind was full of what Joon had told him earlier.

"Kang, do i have any schedules for the next few days?" Jaejoong found himself asking.

"Nope." Kang replied nonchantly. "In fact you have nothing on for the next two weeks, unlike the two other who will be busy with their drama and musical."

"Good. Keep it that way." He said, and keyed in an sms to Joon.

'Joon i am heading back to Singapore for Jiyun. Hang in there.' Was what he typed on the sms.

[Back to Current]

"Jaejoong ah... what is happening right now? What does it seem like everyone but me knows what happened?! Tell me!" Joon said as he let out a frustrated sigh.

"You should check out your twitter. There's a hot rumour about Jiyun and both of us in an entanglement. They stalked her with hate messages and have been sending her weird..  stuff. It has been putting Jiyun into nervous breakdowns recently. What they didn't know is that Jiyun is actually already pregnant with Yoochun's child." Jaejoong explained simply.

"Pregnant... how long has she been pregnant?"

"About 3 months..?  Jaejoong counted. "Damn! Just when Jiyun has finally accepted the fact about them getting together..." He slammed his fist on the nearest wall, making a slight dent into it.

Joon winced at it. But realised a slight error within the sentence.

"What do you mean...? Accepted the fact? Getting together...?" He asked suspiciously.

'Uh-oh.' Jaejoong thought as he glanced over at Joon. 'I shouldn't have said that.'

"Spill it all out Jae, you are still keeping things from me, aren't you?" Joon asked suspiciously.

'This is definitely going to be a long night...' Jaejoong thought.

Happy Confession Day to everyone!!! For those who are not aware of it (actually i didn't know until Kevin of U-Kiss mentioned it -.-), it's a day where people confess to each other! If you get into a relationship on this very day.... your 100th day celebration will fall on CHRISTMAS DAY!!! How cool is this?! Since it's stll 17th here, i'm going to do a confession: MY DEAREST SUSCRIBERS, I LOVE YOU ALL!!! *gives bear hugs* You guys won't reject me right, right?? *puppy eyes*

PS: I tried confessing for the first time in.... 9 years? Only to find him flirting openly with other girls -_-+ How's that for a change? Whatever *scoffs*

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Keahun #1
Chapter 41: Such an amazing touching story, just sad for jae, you know am a true jae fanatic, but love yoochun here in your story, thanks.
potatonaah #2
Chapter 18: i have a feeling saying that Jaejoong is actually in love with Jiyun.i just hope my feeling is
Chapter 40: very cheeky!! >.< LOL.
nar12345 #4
Chapter 40: im sorry to know that you are going to leave was a great journey to know the characters and the story that you share about them..wish to know you better too..i guess you have found a better channel to go..therefore..All the best!! *hugs*
Chapter 39: this is great love it thank you i'm craving for chunnie's story:3
Amna11 #6
Thank you for this great stroy i like it ^^
really like the wedding because it was so sweet. love your story & hoping you continue writing stories like this :)
nar12345 #8
anyeong Yoochun and Jiyun..gonna miss both of you..good luck with the basketball team project..hope to read from both of you in future upating your epilogue..and authornim..have fun with creating new world for us! need to c dentist now..sugar overload here! hehehe
really like the ending because it was so sweet! really enjoyed reading this story of yours :)
oh my that is one good read.. ^_^ I love the ending!! It's just soo sweet it's giving me tooth decay. LOL!! I love the idea of showing us the youtube vid. I can actually imagine the scene in my head. That was awesome. Thank you authornim for sharing your story. awwww.. ending this is like saying goodbye to a very close friend. I will sure miss this. but for now.. I will wait for the epilogue!LOL will there be chunnie daddy moments there? definitely happy subbing to this