Chapter 38

She's Having My Baby

Jiyun glanced at her phone. '4pm. 3 more hours to go before the concert starts.' She thought and walked over to a random seat from the thousands that were available in the concert hall for a short rest. It is finally the day when JYJ returns to the sunny island for their new concert.

She looked at the trio who were seriously doing their last sound check on the stage before they get the chance to be dismissed to take a breather. That was the first time since their arrival 3 days ago that she had seen them on the stage.

Suddenly, her phone vibrated, indicating an incoming call. Realising who the caller was, she smiled and picked up the call.

'Yes, mummy?' She asked cutely, knowing that her dear mother had a soft spot for her cute actions.

'Jiyun ah, i'm not familar with the concert hall... can you pick us up at the entrance later?' Her mother asked, obviously busying herself with some other things at the same time.

'Sure, are you guys on the way already?' Jiyun asked, at the same time scanning through her checklist to make sure that everything had been done before she could really hand her work over to her colleagues. She had decided to be an audience for that night.

'Both your dad and me are ready to go, but Amber is still having her meal. She kept whining and wants mummy to feed her.' Her mother chuckled. 'She is definitely taking after your traits.'

Jiyun pouted. 'But mummy, i got those traits from you!' She protested.

'Hahahaha! Anyway, we'll be making our way over to the concert venue after our princess Amber finishes her meal before we drop her off with our neighbour, Aunty Lim. I'll send you a message when we're on our way.' Her mother chuckled. 'Oh, and Amber wants to tell you something... incomprehensible. She has been mumbling since we started talking on the phone.'

It was Jiyun's turn to laugh. 'Tell my princess i love her too!'

With that, they hung up the phone.

Jiyun smiled as she thought about her little sunshine, Amber. One year old and still counting, Jiyun's love for her daughter has never once depleted. In fact, it just kept multiplying by itself. That is what being a mother is about.

Looking back, the roads leading up to this exact moment hadn't been smooth. When she got back to Singapore about one and a half years ago, she knew she had to revamp her life in order to move on. Fortunately, her parents were understanding about her situation and made her move in with them so that someone can take care of her and her baby.

It certainly helped that Yoochun had (surprisingly) followed her back to Singapore to make sure that she was comfortably settled in her new residence. Of course it came as a shock for both Jiyun (knowing that Yoochun had actually flew over to make sure that she was safe and sound) and her parents (finding out that their daughter was pregnant and 「gulps」, that the baby belongs to a celebrity). As expected, Yoochun was very well liked by her parents due to his sociable yet down to earth personality.

Like what everyone had promised during the farewell lunch back in Korea 1.5 years ago, Kang, SuYoung and JaeSu had been frequently flying over to visit her and making sure that she was coping well. Yoochun, in particular, had set aside a huge chunk of time to be in Singapore just to make sure that he gets to be the first one to meet his daughter when she comes out. (He wasn't able to though, for he had fainted upon seeing the pool of blood, much to the amusement of everybody [Although he kept insisting that he had fainted due to over anxiety]. He was lucky that Jiyun's mother had stayed behind and filmed the entire process.)

She recalled of how Yoochun had boasted and claimed that he was 'jjang' for accurately predicting the gender of their baby. But what amused them the most was that he did not even know how to carry a baby properly, hence constantly making baby Amber wail out due to the uncomfortable feeling.

'B...but she looks so soft and wobbly... i'm scared that i will crush her even with the slightest strength that i use...' She remembered Yoochun stuttering as he said that back then.

As she thought back on what had happened, a smile made its way to Jiyun's face. And that didn't get unnoticed by the trios that were on the stage.

"Jiyun ah, i caught you daydreaming!" Jaejoong teased, speaking into his microphone as he made his way down the stage towards her. He was the first to finish his sound check. Laughters broke out from different parts of the stage as the staff totally heard what Jaejoong said. They no longer had to hide the fact that they had a close relationship, or that Yoochun and Jiyun are dating, for it had all been disclosed by the paparazzi a while ago, no thanks to the frequent trips the trios made to meet her.

Of course, chaos broke out immediately after that, leading to an increase in the number of “fans” in Jiyun's (anti)fancafe. On the other hand, Yoochun's fancafe saw an inconsistent turnover rate, with a steep drop in fans initially. However, it was soon replaced by a new batch of fans registering themselves due to his role as Lee Gak in Rooftop Prince. Besides, very few celebrities dare to reveal their relationships, so his bravery was being looked up to by the citizens worldwide. Unlike those who have protested and started blackmailing Yoochun that they will leave his fanclub if they do not break up immediately, those who stayed on had fairly matured thinking and had sincerely wished for their happiness. Hence, there were minimal damage when it comes to the popularity of JYJ. It was pretty safe to say that the worst is over (Well, other than the fact that Jiyun and Yoochun had a child together was still under wraps).

"Umma, i wasn't daydreaming... i was just reminiscing about the past..." Jiyun pouted, embarassed that Jaejoong had seen through her once again.

Plopping himself on the seat beside hers, Jaejoong grinned, "Isn't that called daydreaming too?"

"Aish. I can't win over you." Jiyun surrendered and stood up. "I'm going backstage to do a quick handover to Joon, you coming?" She asked. She had been in charge of the overall A&P activities of the concert event, so her role was finally nearly completed for the day.

Jaejoong nodded and followed after her.

As they walked side by side towards their destination, Jaejoong suddenly asked, "So how has it been with the fanatic fans? Or rather, shall we call them your antis? I could've sworn i'm still seeing protesting tweets here and there."

Jiyun merely shrugged. "I couldn't be bothered with their hate messages anymore. Someone recently told me 'if you bother with and react to what people say about you, it means you are acknowledging and agreeing to it.' So, i merely take those messages with a pinch of salt. Haters are always gonna hate, so why dwell on it so much?"

Jaejoong nodded. "How about the scary parcels and nasty actions from before?"

"I guess they got bored from constantly getting ignored by me, they gave up on those creative stalking already." Jiyun replied nonchantly.

Jaejoong finally broke into a smile. "Jiyun ah, you have become a really strong woman. You weren’t like this previously."

"Sometimes, you have to learn things the hard way in order to grow. Having Amber certainly helps as well. I need to protect her, so i have to be stronger. She’s my source of strength."

"She is definitely well protected since she has God-Daddy Jaejoong!" Jaejoong grinned.

Jiyun rolled her eyes, "Should i be happy about that? You dote on her too much." She replied, referring to the constant supply of baby products that had been sent to her almost every month.

"But the baby dresses are all so cute! I couldn't help but keep buying them everytime i see a cute one!" Jaejoong reasoned.

"But boxes full of baby clothes?! She's growing up fast, do you realize that?" She asked, amused.

"Well, you can keep them for your basketball team. Yoochun told me that his plan of creating a team has been approved by you."

"What?! But i did not agree to it..." She muttered as she silently cursed the mentioned guy under her breath, while they finally arrived at the waiting room.

"Well, enough about that..." Jaejoong smiled. "Where's Joon?" He asked as he looked around. There was only the two of them in the room.

"I don't know, he asked me to wait here." She replied, slipping her smartphone back into her back pocket from reading Joon's latest message.

Just then, an idea came into Jaejoong's mind. "Jiyunnie, since we are both free right now, shall i give you a little makeover?" He asked with an evil grin on his face


"Ooooh~ Mummy Jiyun is so pretty today!" Suyoung teased upon seeing her at the ticket counter beside the hall entrance. Jiyun's parents nodded in approval, seeing that their daughter had finally started taking care of her appearance since she was always seen in tees and jeans.

"Aish. Blame umma." Jiyun grumbled, pulling the hems of the dress that she was currently wearing. "He blackmailed me into letting him do a makeover for me." She rolled her eyes.

Suyoung chuckled and asked, "How did he do that?"

"I secretly replaced one of Yoochun's favourite One Piece figurine cos i accidentally broke it..." She grumbled, and upon realising what she had said, she covered in shock. "I shouldn't have said that."

Suyoung laughed out loud as Jiyun's parents look at her amusedly.

"I pity my son in law...." Jiyun's mother said.

"Mummy!!!!" She grumbled and sighed. She knew it was no use trying to talk back since she was clearly outnumbered. Looking at the clock on her smartphone, she sighed again. "Let's get in already, it's almost time for the concert to start."

With that, they made their way in happily, not without having to bear with the numerous times of recognition by the various fans who soon recognised who they were once they stepped in.


Time went by pretty fast and soon, it was time for the solo acts by the individual members. From what Jiyun recalled in the lineup that Joon had planed, Yoochun was supposed to be the first in line. So, she sent him an encouraging text, knowing that he would definitely get to read them since Joon was holding onto his phone and he was with them to make sure the timeline proceeds smoothly.

'My pretty wifey, just keep looking at me always ♥. I'll make you proud of me ^^~' Was what he had replied.

Jiyun grinned.

Then, the lights dimmed down, indicating that the video clip before the Yoochun's solo performance was starting.

It started with a familar scenary, which she clearly remembered as Namsan Tower. It was showing the 3 of them looking out at the far distance.

She chuckled, remembering what she had done there back then. 'Nice choice of filming location.' She thought as she looked on.

However, unlike what everyone had expected (come on, it's THE romantic Namsan Tower, the video clip should be all greasy and fluffy, right?), it became a talkshow instead.

"And now, it's time for the JYJ treasure hunt show!!" Jaejoong shouted happily as Junsu did a silly dance. Yoochun merely looked at them and was clutching onto his stomach due to too much laughing.

"Everyone, do you know why are we here today?" Jaejoong asked and pulled his ears nearer to the screen, and the audience happily replied 'no'. Junsu started singing a random 'Namsan tower' song that he had made up on the spot. Jiyun started laughing along to Jaejoong and Junsu's goofiness.

Finally, Yoochun could no longer bear with it and walked nearer to the screen, bowing and apologising for 's crazy behaviour as 'they had forgotten to eat their medicine'.

Junsu could only pout as he pushed Yoochun out of the screen, leaving Jaejoong alone. With the additional 'noise' removed, Jaejoong finally became more serious and cleared his throat before he started speaking, "We're here on a very important mission. Word has it that amongst all these lockets here lies a very precious locket with a bittersweet story. Apparently due to the harsh and negative oppositions from the people surrounding this couple, they had to separate even though they clearly love each other. But, long before they separated, they had made a pact with each other to hang this locket that the male lead had prepared on the fence of this very tower, together. Although they couldn't do this together, the female lead managed to fulfill her promise by putting it on one of these fences, hoping that the binding locket can at the very least bring comfort and bind them together emotionally..."

Then, Jaejoong smirked and looked outside of the screen towards the brothers who are seen to be standing in the near distance and asked, "Shall i reveal the rest of the story?"

The focus suddenly changed to the two brothers, Junsu, who gave a knowing look and Yoochun, who just stood there dumbfounded.

At the same time, Jiyun was having the same expression as well. 'He couldn't be thinking of...?!' She thought.

"Ah hyung i think i know the rest of the story, let's skip this part~ Our concert is going to go into an overrun!" Junsu complained.

"Ah right." Jaejoong chuckled. Then, he looked at the screen and asked, "Do you guys want to know the rest of the story?" before putting his ear nearer to the screen once again.

As expected, the audience roared with a common answer - Yes.

Jaejoong started laughing and replied, "Arraso arraso~ I'll continue~" before turning to Junsu and saying, "We'll just cut off your performance."

The audiences laughed along, seeing how Jaejoong had successfully bullied Junsu once again.

"Perhaps it was due to the magic of the locket, that they had finally met each other again months after. Having grown more matured and stronger during each others absence, they agreed to give their relationship another try. At long last, they had finally overcome almost all obstacles." Jaejoong said.

Yoochun could only look at Jaejoong in disbelieve. He looked like he had a lot to say, but slowly it seemed that he had understood where Jaejoong was getting to. He grinned and asked Jaejoong, "She really came here to put the locket?"

Jaejoong merely grinned. "So today, we are here to unravel how this mysterious locket look like!" Looking at Yoochun, he added, "And it seems like the female lead had written something on the locket as well!"

Yoochun widened his eyes and without doing a closing, he ran towards the rows of fences and started searching the lockets one by one. Jaejoong and Junsu then continued the video by saying, "And now, our male lead is frantically looking for his princess's message on the locket. Shall we cheer for him?"

At the background where Yoochun was, he shouted frantically, "Guys! Please help me look for it!"

But Jaejoong and Junsu merely ignored him and continued talking to the audiences who were by now cheering along with them.

The video then started fast forwarding, whereby the bright sky slowly became orangey, indicating that it was nearing evening. Yoochun had been diligently looking for it but JaeSu had settled themselves comfortably on the seats at the side, eating and playing games amongst themselves. It was pretty obvious that they knew where the locket was but refused to tell him where it was.

As night comes, Yoochun was tired and was already starting to bribe the guys, much to the amusement to the audiences. One fan even shouted 'Yoochun hwaiting!' to cheer him up.

Seeing Yoochun look so shagged from finding within the gazilion number of lockets, the boys decided to help him out a little. "Pabo Yoochun! Let me tell you what the female lead said when she attached the locket!" Jaejoong said while covering himself with a blanket.

It was definite to him that they had already expected him to look until night time. 'THEY EVEN PREPARED BLANKETS DUE TO THE COLD WEATHER AT NIGHT!' Yoochun complained.

Jaejoong laughed, "She said, 'Even if we can't be together physically, i will still admire this shining star from afar, protecting him from beneath the shadows.' Do you know how to find it now?" He asked.

Perhaps due to the fatigue, he only glanced at them with a blank look.

Not able to bear with their current situation (frankly speaking it was just the cold that he wasn't able to bear with), Junsu said, "Look at something shiny... or something that's glowing!"

Upon hearing that, Yoochun took a step back and calmed himself down. When he finally calmed down, he took a deep breath and slowly scanned through the rows of lockets. Then, minutes after, he turned back to JaeSu, smiled and said, "You bastards, i love you guys." before proceeding to the locket that he had his eyes on.

Apparently, someone (by the name of Kim Jaejoong) had painted a layer of fluorescent paint on the metal bend of the locket, making it VERY easy for one to identify it at night.

Jiyun found herself laughing at the situation, thinking, 'That naughty umma, when did he do that?'

Zooming in, the trios finally gathered together at the said treasure and was starting to make a conclusion for the video.

"After such a long and tiring day of searching... we have finally found it!" Junsu said happily. (A/N: YA! Junsu, you have been eating and playing the whole day! OTL)

Yoochun, on the other hand, was all smiles. He had seen the content of the locket.

"Should we reveal the contents of the locket?" Jaejoong asked as he pretended to ponder deeply into it.

The audiences started cheering, saying they want to.

"Let's not disappoint our audiences, shall we?" Yoochun said cheerfully, much to the delight of the fans in the concert hall.

The camera started zooming into the locket as the first message came into sight.

'I want to marry Jiyun and make her my wife! I promise to give her happiness for eternity.'
- 6002

The audiences upon seeing it, melted and soon, the hall was filled with 'aww's' made by fans who were sincerely touched by the writer's sweet message. It was pretty obvious who the writer was.

Jaejoong then spoke up. "Yoochun ah, let's reveal what the female lead wrote when she put this locket up alone."

Yoochun slowly turned the locket around and there the message clearly showed:

'Although we are far apart physically, i believe that our thoughts are always aligned with each other. If fate allows us to have a second chance, i will never ever let you go again.'
- JY

With that, the video came to an end and the hall was filled with darkness once again. This time, murmurs were heard all across the hall with fans squealing 'How sweet!' everywhere.

Suyoung nudged the blushing Jiyun and whispered, "Looks like the fans have finally accepted you!"

Jiyun nodded with a smile. From the corner of her eyes, Jiyun saw her parents nodding in approval as well. Gone are the hard days where she gets cursed upon everywhere she goes. Now, she was sitting in a 5000 seater venue fully packed with fans who have approved their relationship. She didn’t know how long have they endured in pain waiting, waiting for this day to come. All she knew was, she was glad that they had perserved.

Without even realising, tears of happiness fell down from her the corners of her eyes.

“Silly girl! Why did you cry?” SuYoung chuckled as she wiped her tears with her thumb. Then, she patted her back, trying to comfort her as much as she can.

“I don’t know unnie! They just came down unknowingly!” Jiyun pouted.

“Gosh, you are already crying like this... i wonder how will you react later...” SuYoung mumbled. “Luckily Jaejoong has enough sense to apply waterproof makeup for you...”

“Huh?” Jiyun asked. She was still pretty overwhelmed by the earlier incident, so much that she didn’t pay attention to what SuYoung was saying.

[A/N: Dear readers, please spend a bit of time to open another window and load this link cos it will be pretty much what this part of the story is like... with a bit of changes here and there : ]

SuYoung chuckled. “Just... pay attention to the next performance.” She said, pointing to the stage where a single spotlight was focusing on the center of the stage, as a white piano was slowly being elevated from underneath the stage.

As according to the lineup, Yoochun was the one sitting behind the piano, a large bouquet of blue roses on top of the piano at the same time.

Jiyun found herself already mesmerised even before the performance started. After all, who can resist the sight of THE Park Yoochun?

The obviously nervous looking Yoochun took in a deep breath before placing his slender fingers on the piano keys. Then, the melodious sound slowly fluttered out from the piano, as the music of the wedding march reached the ears of the audience. As soon as it started, the music stopped again, bringing the concert hall to a complete silence. Yes, the audiences were all holding their breath, as if anticipating for something to happen.

Yoochun lifted his head and turned around to sneak a peek at Jiyun once again, this time sticking his tongue out teasingly. Audiences started squealing due to the excitement, but it shortly died down as the grinning Yoochun motioned for them to keep their silence.

Then, he turned back to the piano, this time with a serious look on his face. Shortly after he did that, the familar sound of a particular song flowed out from the piano as he started singing along.

“Will you marry me? Will you live forever with me?
Whilst loving each other
I want to have a child that looks like me, another one that looks like you
And live, unhurt, for 1000, or 10000 years

To be honest with you, I like you more than you like me
And people say that’s better between a man and a woman

I’ll love you more. I’ll take care of you
If you cry, if you’re having a hard time, if you’re hurt, I’ll hurt with you
I’ll love you forever, I’ll protect you forever
I’m thankful that I’ve met someone like you
I want to love only you everyday

[A/N: Video marking at 1:59 from the link~ At this point of time, Yoochun pluck out the microphone from the stand as he made his way out to the front of the stage, where Jaejoong and Junsu had already gotten into their position in front of the dancers and started dancing along with them]

You as my half, I as your half
I’ll love you as long as I breathe
When time goes by and we get wrinkles
You and I will be together like now

[A/N: Video marking at 2:31 from the link~ At this point of time, Jaejoong happily dashed down the stage and was running towards Jiyun. Then, as he inched nearer her, Jiyun could only stare at Jaejoong in shock (yes and in horror).]

“Jiyunnie! Hurry and come up with me!” Jaejoong cheerfully said as he started attempting to pull Jiyun, who resisted and was trying her very best to stick her on the movable chair. It didn’t help that Junsu had (also) made his way down to pull her up.

“Aish! NOoooo!!!! It’s so embarassing!” Jiyun whined, making a furtile attempt to resist once again. It proved to be a failure, as she finally resigned to her fate and got dragged up the stage by JaeSu while trying her best to cover her already blushing face. JaeSu, obviously enjoying that moment, was laughing at her.

I’ll love you more. I’ll take care of you
If you cry, if you’re having a hard time, if you’re hurt, I’ll hurt with you
I’ll love you forever, I’ll protect you forever
I’m thankful that I’ve met someone like you
I want to love only you everyday

(Rap) You’re like the light which lightened up my dark life
The sound of soup boiling greeting me
The rain that falls on my thirsty heart
The poem that contains the meaning of love
The string of destiny that the heavens have allowed
The meeting between you and I was meant to be
You’ll be irreplaceable even if I was given the whole world
You’ll be the only person in my life forever

[A/N: Video marking at 3:24 from the link~ By now, Jiyun had already been dragged up the stage and seated in front of the piano (surrounding the dancers) where a grand sofa had already been elevated during the time JaeSu went down the stage). The dancers AND Yoochun were performing AROUND the sofa where Jiyun and her ‘bodyguards’ were at. JaeSu were happily dancing along with the dancers.]

I’ll love you more. I’ll take care of you
If you cry, if you’re having a hard time, if you’re hurt, I’ll hurt with you

[A/N: Video marking at 3:40 from the link~ (yes yes, this will be my last video marking :P) Junsu suddenly left the crowd in the middle of the chorus and went to the piano to retrieve the bouquet while Yoochun finally stopped dancing to walk towards Jiyun. As he was happily singing to Jiyun, Junsu secretly passed the bouquet of flowers to him from behind. When the song finally came to an end, Yoochun squatted down and presented the flowers to her.]

I’ll love you forever, I’ll protect you forever
Im thankful that Ive met someone like you
I want to love only you everyday

Will you marry me?”

source: soompi

A soothing background music continued as the song ended with the fans holding their breath, anticipating for whatever was about to follow.

Looking up and gazing into Jiyun’s eyes, Yoochun smiled and held onto her hands. Unlike the usual smiles, Jiyun could feel the nervousness behind it. She smiled in response, hoping that it can at the very least calm him down.

Biting his lower lips as a last resort to calm himself down, Yoochun finally spoke, “Jiyun ah, I’m a clumsy fellow...”

Jiyun raised her eyebrows puzzledly. ‘What on earth did he just said?’ She wondered, thinking that she may have heard wrongly.

“....I’m a clumsy fellow. I’m not an attentive person. I am untidy and have a messy working desk full of papers and magazines. I collect mangas and figurines just like a kid. I don’t know how to cook, nor do i know how to do housework. I am a spendthrift. I do not do my dance practice seriously. I get jealous easily. I do not take care of my health at all and sleep at the most random times.”

By now, Jiyun was trying her very best to not stop his speech just to question what he was trying to say.

“....But, despite all my flaws, you still accepted me for who i am. You didn’t give up on me, and even motivated me to do even better in my career and life. Whenever i am faced with obstacles, or whenever i am down in the dumps, you will always be there for me, even when that’s something i should be the one doing for you instead...”

Jiyun grinned, rubbing her thumbs at the back of his hands as a sign to say ‘it’s ok, it is something i should do.’

“....So... Jiyun.... will you allow me to undertake this role? To protect you, to give you happiness, to be by your side always and forever?”

With that, he took out a ring from his jacket pocket and presented it to Jiyun. Everyone, including the audience gasped.

“Jiyun ah, i know this isn’t exactly the most romantic way of proposing... but, will you marry me?” Yoochun asked as he earnestly looked into Jiyun’s red and puffy eyes. Tears had already started flowing out of her eyes, and she could only stare at Yoochun, dumbfounded.

While she was still in a trance, screams of happiness had already started amongst the audience seats. Soon, the sea of audiences were shouting ‘Marry him! Marry him!’ happily and cheering Jiyun on.

Jiyun turned her head towards the crowd as she gave them a thankful smile. Turning back to face Yoochun, she smiled and nodded her head furiously. Yoochun’s worried frown eased upon seeing her answer. He hurriedly (and nervously) put on the ring on her finger with shaky hands, and without any warning, carried her up princess style as he ran from one end of the stage to another, shouting “I’M GETTING MARRIED!!!!”

The audiences found themselves laughing along, seeing the happy (and adorable) Yoochun drowning in happiness at that very moment, while Jiyun was... laughing and crying at the same time.

Looking at her parents and Suyoung who were sitting at the audience seats, she broke into a smile. She felt happy and thankful, for everything that had happened. She was glad that she was given a second chance to fight for her happiness. She looked at Yoochun and whispered into his ears, “Thank you for being born into this world for me, Park Yoochun.”

That was when Yoochun finally calmed down, and smiling at her, he replied, “
PARK Jiyun, thank you for being born into this world for me too. I love you.” before reaching down and gave her a peck on her forehead.

Then suddenly, music started playing from all around as JaeSu walked towards the couple and directed them towards the sofa that had been there all along to sit down.

“This song is a gift for the both of you, and we hope that you guys will be happy together, for eternity.” Junsu spoke.

“We now hand over our dear Jiyun to you. If we find out that you ill treat her in any way, be prepared for punishment~” Jaejoong added, as the both of them showed Yoochun their tightly clenched fists.

Yoochun chuckled as he raised his hands up, proving his innocence.

With that, Jaejoong started singing... [A/N: This is the song that they sang! I personally find this song very meaningful and sweet. It fits this story to the T, especially the bolded part. ]

“The pure white dress, shy steps,
dreamy expectations
My precious you who is standing beside me, and trusting me

When the cold stares try to stop us, it’s sad but,
In no time, you wrapped me up with your love

Days of suffering caused neither by you nor I, which you endured.
No more tears will we share, I promise you

Dazzling morning, scent of afternoon, and dark night skies
Are all beautiful
Because there’s you here by my side

All joy and sadness and love in the world
I had found someone to share
No more loneliness will be, I promise you

The hardships you suffered, I will turn them into abundance of happiness
For you
The laughing face and happiness, just like now
Please keep giving me them in the future

hanggul + roman credit: sharlee@tripod
trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress”

As the song came to an end, the lights dimed down and the performers left the stage, with the couple leaving hand in hand. While it may be the end of a performance, or even a story, it signifies a new beginning for the couple. There will definitely be more obstacles for them to overcome - more misunderstandings, more insecurities, more jealousy. Nobody knows how it will move on, but all they knew was, it will be a ‘Happily Ever After’.



First of all, i would like to thank all my readers for being such sweeties and accompanying 'Baby' throughout this whole year. Thanks for not giving up on me and always encouraging us (pyc and me :P).

It's such a pity that after all the hardships, the sweet portions are just so little *raises eyebrows*. I know i know, but an overdose of sweetness will make me shudder! :P Frankly speaking, i was starting to dispise Jiyun in the middle of the story for being such an irritating b*tch who kept running away from reality. Always trying to hide... and clinging onto another for support. YES I HATED HER. (*Mumbles* But that is what i would've probably done. I'm a weakling, if you haven't already known :P Nahs, actually i think i won't. It may be true for a situation like that 10 years ago, but not now :P)

Actually there were a couple of bloopers all over the chapters, not sure if you guys have noticed them. One of them is that the time zone is COMPLETELY WRONG. S.Korea is 1 hour FASTER than Singapore, not LATER. (but yeah, i mixed them up :P). Spotted anymore? :P

For those who have read my short stories... yeah i confess, i reused the idea of confessing during a concert. BUT I CAN'T HELP IT! The thought of it alone is already so sweet. That is (to me) the best and direct way for a celebrity to reveal his relationship with his partner to the fans without the media distorting the facts (we all know how distorted it can end up). Again, I CAN'T HELP IT. Ok fine, i won't reuse this idea again. I'll try to promise. :P

It's purely coincidential, but it's so cute and sweet knowing that along the way... Yoochun actually ended up at the places where i've mentioned! First stop, BALI! Remember in Chapter 23?: "Chapels in Bali. This is called 'The Ritual' and this is called 'The Diamond'. Simple but pretty." Yoochun said as he smiled bitterly." Then, it's... Jeju island! (Ok it wasn't IN the story per se, but i did mentioned that i wanted an autumn wedding at Jeju-do...): "My dream wedding is to be held at the Rainbow Chapel in Jeju... IN THE AUTUMN!!! <3 (Yoochun ah, you hear that?)"

Don't tell me he really heard that. *bwhaahahahahahah!!!* YOOCHUN AH~ IF YOU REALLY SEE THIS... SARANGHAE!!!! *Laughs at self for going insane*

Nahs, it was REALLY just a coincidence, just to clarify~<3

*Talks to self mentally* "So what about the interview where he confessed that he likes daughters? Amber is a 'daughter' you know?" (See, people? This is why you shouldn't type an after fanfic comment at 1.47AM. You'll get MENTAL.)

Ok, I'm getting long winded. Let me just do a quick closure:


*blows her nose with a tissue*
(looks at the readers all groaning from getting irritated by the author)










and look out approximately one week later for an epilogue :P

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Keahun #1
Chapter 41: Such an amazing touching story, just sad for jae, you know am a true jae fanatic, but love yoochun here in your story, thanks.
potatonaah #2
Chapter 18: i have a feeling saying that Jaejoong is actually in love with Jiyun.i just hope my feeling is
Chapter 40: very cheeky!! >.< LOL.
nar12345 #4
Chapter 40: im sorry to know that you are going to leave was a great journey to know the characters and the story that you share about them..wish to know you better too..i guess you have found a better channel to go..therefore..All the best!! *hugs*
Chapter 39: this is great love it thank you i'm craving for chunnie's story:3
Amna11 #6
Thank you for this great stroy i like it ^^
really like the wedding because it was so sweet. love your story & hoping you continue writing stories like this :)
nar12345 #8
anyeong Yoochun and Jiyun..gonna miss both of you..good luck with the basketball team project..hope to read from both of you in future upating your epilogue..and authornim..have fun with creating new world for us! need to c dentist now..sugar overload here! hehehe
really like the ending because it was so sweet! really enjoyed reading this story of yours :)
oh my that is one good read.. ^_^ I love the ending!! It's just soo sweet it's giving me tooth decay. LOL!! I love the idea of showing us the youtube vid. I can actually imagine the scene in my head. That was awesome. Thank you authornim for sharing your story. awwww.. ending this is like saying goodbye to a very close friend. I will sure miss this. but for now.. I will wait for the epilogue!LOL will there be chunnie daddy moments there? definitely happy subbing to this