Chapter 1

She's Having My Baby

As soon as the plane landed, Yoochun immediately reached out for his handphone and switched it on. He stared at the screen without even blinking for once as he waited for it to refresh on the missed calls and messages that he had received whilst on the plane.

"No... no... not this... not this either... DAMNIT! STUPID WOMAN! YOU MIGHT AS WELL THROW YOUR PHONE AWAY!'' he screamed silently as he walked down the aisle, now proceeding to alight from the plane. Rather than being angry or frustrated like he had been while in Korea earlier, he was more inclined to feelings like worry and bliss.

"Why didn't you return my calls...babo.." he thought as he looked at the clock on his phone, revealing the current time. "7.15am, great. That's 8.15am, Singapore time right now. I'll ambush her at her office. That way, she can't avoid me...'' Yoochun grinned and strolled towards the immigration counter.

It seems that the few hours on plane proved to be a good time for him to think things through. He had time to convince himself that he was in fact, the 'owner' of the 'product' that was 'manufactured' on that 'fateful night'.

True, it was an 'accident', they had no 'relationships', he could've ignored the document and live life as normal, but he knew for sure that he wasn't able to abandon the girl he loves. Yes, he was in love with the girl he impregnanted but was unable to confess to due to his trauma in relationships. But now that the situation has changed, he decided to set everything in the right direction.

"Jiyun, wait for me..."

"Urgh, finally this report is complete!" Jiyun muttered as she stood up to stretch herself. She had been working on an all-nighter in order to salvage the post event report that got deleted, all thanks to her capable assistant.

She proceeded to look around her surrounding and realised her colleagues were slowly streaming in, indicating that a new working day has arrived. "Oh damn, i'm not going to survive...."

"Hurricane came to your desk?" A voice suddenly came from behind Jiyun, who was at her maximum on her fatigue indicator and had now burried herself into the pile of papers and files on her desk.

No reply from Jiyun.

"Hey you still alive?" The voice spoke once again, now closer to Jiyun than before.

"Boss... i'm not in the mood to joke right now..." Jiyun finally replied coldly, indicating for her boss to leave her alone. "I've completed that damn report and have sent the soft copy to your email so please print it out on your own..."

"So cold! Is that how you treat your loveable friend?!"

"...Okay... dear lovable friend aka boss aka Joon, please let me take a power nap before i start on my work for today." Jiyun mumbled softly and slowly, as if she was about to fall into dreamland any second.

Looking at the tired figure in front of him, Joon sighed. Jiyun had been surviving on only a few hours of sleep for the past week due to the series of concerts that were happening concurrently. Just as the worst came to an end, the post event reports got deleted by Jiyun's careless assistant.

"Hey, you'll fall sick if this goes on... go home for today... hey, wake up..." Joon nudged the corpse lookalike in front of him as he caught sight of his secretary speaking to a guy from a distance. Apparently that guy had been catching everyone's attention as a crowd was slowly forming around him. He narrowed his eyes a little, trying to figure out who was causing the commotion.

"Yoochun?" Joon finally spoke. His guess proved to be right as the guy made his way towards him after hearing his name getting called.

"Hey bro" Yoochun spoke out as he walked nearer to him.

"Yeah, why the sudden trip to Singapore? I thought you were in the midst of recording for JYJ's new album? We're really looking foward to it, just so you know."

"Just... some things. Say, have you seen Jiyun?"

"Corpse is here." Joon replied cheekily as he pointed to the lump of melted body in front of him. 

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Keahun #1
Chapter 41: Such an amazing touching story, just sad for jae, you know am a true jae fanatic, but love yoochun here in your story, thanks.
potatonaah #2
Chapter 18: i have a feeling saying that Jaejoong is actually in love with Jiyun.i just hope my feeling is
Chapter 40: very cheeky!! >.< LOL.
nar12345 #4
Chapter 40: im sorry to know that you are going to leave was a great journey to know the characters and the story that you share about them..wish to know you better too..i guess you have found a better channel to go..therefore..All the best!! *hugs*
Chapter 39: this is great love it thank you i'm craving for chunnie's story:3
Amna11 #6
Thank you for this great stroy i like it ^^
really like the wedding because it was so sweet. love your story & hoping you continue writing stories like this :)
nar12345 #8
anyeong Yoochun and Jiyun..gonna miss both of you..good luck with the basketball team project..hope to read from both of you in future upating your epilogue..and authornim..have fun with creating new world for us! need to c dentist now..sugar overload here! hehehe
really like the ending because it was so sweet! really enjoyed reading this story of yours :)
oh my that is one good read.. ^_^ I love the ending!! It's just soo sweet it's giving me tooth decay. LOL!! I love the idea of showing us the youtube vid. I can actually imagine the scene in my head. That was awesome. Thank you authornim for sharing your story. awwww.. ending this is like saying goodbye to a very close friend. I will sure miss this. but for now.. I will wait for the epilogue!LOL will there be chunnie daddy moments there? definitely happy subbing to this