Chapter 10

She's Having My Baby

Jiyun glanced over at Yoochun, who was sitting at the passengers' seat just beside her. Yoochun caught her glance and gave her a 'is anything the problem?' look.

"Jaejoong ditched us, so where to now?" Jiyun asked. She wasn't sure where they should head off to or what they should do now. Jaejoong was supposed to be the location designator and she was supposed to be the chauffeur. Heck, Yoochun wasn't even part of the planned itinerary!

"Urm, Marina Barrage? Do you know where is it?" Yoochun asked as his eyes were focused on the phone that he's holding on to currently.

Jiyun looked over to Yoochun immediately, who had later looked up to face her when he felt her looking at him.

"What?" He asked.

"Either you love Singapore too much that you have investigated all the attractions thoroughly or you have a helper." She said as she eyed him suspiciously. "I'm guessing it's the latter." She added.

"Bingo!" He grinned and showed her his infamous eye smile. "Let's go on a picnic date!" Yoochun replied happily and started waving his hands up in the air.

"Picnic?! It's kinda last minute for that, isn't it? Besides, it's gonna take us quite a fair bit of time for us to prepare the food...?" Jiyun replied as she tried to mentally imagine the flow plan if they were to actually have an impromptu picnic trip. 'Maybe we can stop by O'Briens...' She thought.

"Don't worry about that stuff, Jaejoong hyung has everything prepared, it's...... here!" Yoochun said as he dug out a medium sized environmental friendly bag from the back passenger seat, while casually rummaging through the different boxes of food. "Oh wow! Hyung even had your favourite kimbap prepared!" He exclaimed happily and removed the cover before popping one into his mouth.

It all made sense to Jiyun now; as to why Jaejoong was behaving so oddly earlier that morning when he hurriedly ran back home to pick up that bag when he realised he had forgotten to bring it. He had claimed that it was a 'welcome gift' for this 'friend' of his.

She chuckled to herself 'So he had everything planned out for us for today? Such a sweet omma!'

"Chun ah, you mean it's YOUR favourite food? That's your 4th piece! I bet if this goes on, we'll have nothing to eat by the time we reach...." She teased and took one to eat. Yummy.

"Oops! Sorry dear, you know how delicious hyung's cooking is..." Yoochun blushed and covered the box up, before putting it back into the bag.

"Yeah, i do get what you mean. I'll miss his cooking when he returns back to Korea..."

"Return with us then!" He suggested, and continued speaking excitedly, "And be Mrs Park!"

Jiyun choked and started coughing uncontrollably, leaving Yoochun in panic. "Chun ah, please don't mention about such stuff all of a sudden!" She complained and switched on the car engine, after which the music started blasting from the music player.

Yoochun stopped himself from continuing the conversation, for that (starting the engine and driving) was an indication that Jiyun doesn't want to speak any further than that. But he smiled, feeling that Jiyun was actually slowly opening up to him. She hadn't turned him down flat, unlike the last time they were on that topic. He mentally made a note to thank his hyung someday as it was apparent that he was the one who brought about the change in Jiyun.

Jiyun drove along the expressway as she recalled what Jaejoong told her during their 'heart to heart talk' a few days ago. He had persuaded her to try and sense Yoochun's overt feelings for her and not just rejecting him at the slightest possible chance. 'Stop denying and open your eyes wide, you'll see that Yoochun's love for you is much more bigger, wider and deeper than you thought!' Was what Jaejoong had said.

She peeked at him from the corner of her eyes and found him grinning to himself as he happily rolled his favourite Cartier ring on his last finger. She grinned, knowing that he is definitely in a good mood. That ring was Yoochun's latest purchase a few months back, and she knew that rolling this ring around his smallest finger was an action that will only occur if he is feeling happy.

"Urm, dear?" Jiyun glanced over to Yoochun from where she was standing at, who has been helping her spread out the picnic mat and placing all the items neatly on it. He then motioned for her to join him on the mat, which the latter did.

"So... what should we do now? It's still early for lunch..." She said as she checked her phone for the time - 10:30am.

"Kite, perhaps?" Yoochun suggested unsurely, holding up the weird looking kite bag brought by Jaejoong. "I hate to admit it but, i don't know how to... well, play with this." He muttered, followed by giving the kite a few pokes, hoping that it will just magically transform and start flying by itself.

"Actually, me neither." She admitted. Both of them looked at each other in silence for a while and... threw the kite over to the other side of the mat.

"Let's just talk instead..." Yoochun said. 'What is Jaejoong thinking, making me look like a fool in front of her?!' He thought to himself. He made a mental note to throw away the 'thank you' that he had intended to.

Jiyun giggled to herself, seeing Yoochun acting animatedly due to the little hiccup made by Jaejoong. He caught her in the act and moved nearer to her. "Are you laughing at me?" He asked, raising his eyebrows ily.

"No, i was just giggling!" She grinned and was about to get up and escape but...

"My dear girl, you arn't going to leave like that!" Yoochun had pulled her back and she was now sitting on his lap due to the force. Jiyun tried to free herself from him but he had his arms around her waist semi-tightly so it's almost impossible. He gently propped his head onto her shoulder, making her stop struggling almost immediately.

"Aish. Such a big kid..." She commented, his silky soft hair.

"Jiyun ah... i missed you a lot..." He said as he burried his face into the nook of her shoulder, his grip on her waist getting tighter. He couldn't stand not seeing her for even a second, and when he heard from Jaejoong that he had a potential rival, he flipped.

Which explains why he was here.

But now that she was in his arms once again, he immediately calmed down. As he slowly drifted off to sleep, still in that position, he heard her whisper 'me too...'. He smiled, and finally went to lala land to get the overdue sleep that he needed very much. 

Jaejoong was shopping at a hypermarket while the couple was on their date. He yawned.

There was no way he could've stayed wide awake since he had managed to catch only about 30 minutes of sleep. He yawned once again, throwing some fresh small chillis in the trolley at the same time.

'Maybe i should head home to sleep.' He thought.

Upon deciding on that move, he turned his cart around and was about to proceed towards the checkout counter, when saw someone familar instead. "Joon?" He called out.

"Ja... Mr Kim! Fancy meeting you here!" He replied happily as he looked around. "Where's Jiyun?"

"Oh, she's on a DATE!" Jaejoong replied nochantly, emphasizing on the word 'DATE'. When he realised what he had just said, he mentally hit himself on the head as he blamed his foul mouth for blabbering confidential information when faced with little sleep.

"Eh?! She has a boyfriend?!" Joon asked in surprise.

"Didn't you know?" He queried. 'Of course he won't, but let's just ask for the sake of asking...' Jaejoong thought.

"No... i've known her for several years already but this is the first time i've heard of it..." He stuttered.

"Oh well, that's just like her. Hey! I've got an idea, why don't you join us for dinner tonight? I'll be cooking, and Jiyun will be back!" Jaejoong asked enthusiastically.

He had a brilliant idea; since he had already spilled the beans, why not...?

"Erm, i don't think it's a good idea...?" Joon stuttered. Apparently he is still not out of his trance.

"Don't worry, i'm sure Jiyun won't mind! I'll see you later at 7 then!" Jaejoong said and continued to push his trolley towards the counter without letting Joon have any chance to refuse again.

'Tralala~ We're in for a nice show later~' Jaejoong thought.

[Back at the Barrage]

"Mummy?" A small voice called out, waking Jiyun up.

They had fallen asleep earlier, with herself sitting on his lap, and with him embracing and lying on her back for support.

"Hmmm..?" Jiyun struggled to open her extremely dry eyes.

A moment later, she realised the little girl was still standing in front of them, looking. She looked no older than perhaps 2 years old, with sparkling big round eyes and chubby cheeks. She smiled at the little girl, who later started smiling at her, before pouncing on her to reach for a hug. All that commotion finally woke up the still sleepy Yoochun, who stared at the little girl with eyes and jaws wide open.

"Mummy!!!" The little girl called out again happily.

"I'm sure i'm still in my dreamland... i swear i am seeing our kid here as a toddler instead of her still in your tummy." Yoochun mumbled as he stared at the little girl, but Jiyun heard them clearly. She started giggling as she saw Yoochun rubbing his eyes in order to clear his blurry visions from all that sleep.

"Mwo? Why are you laughing?" He asked once his vision became clearer and him finally waking up for real. He looked at the little girl again, and exclaimed, "OMO! That's not a dream?!"

"Hahaha!! Chun ah! She probably got separated from her parents, and have mistaken us as her parents!" Jiyun replied, now seeing the little girl walk towards Yoochun and reaching for a hug.

"Omo! Jiyun ah, she's so cute!" Yoochun exclaimed happily and started playing peekaboo with her. "I wonder if our girl will be as cute as her?" He asked sincerely.

Jiyun smiled at the scene in front of her. 'Yoochun certainly does seem to make a good father...' She thought. "Why are you so sure that it's going to be a girl? Shouldn't guys like boys better?"

"I just know." Yoochun replied sincerly. "Besides, girls are more filial and she's going to grow up to be a beauty, just like you! Boys can wait.... until after our little girl is out! Let's have a boy next time to accompany this appa!" He winked.

Jiyun slapped Yoochun hard on his arms and the latter cried out in pain, shutting him up almost instantly as she threw some laser beam stares at him. "Park Yoochun, don't go overboard! There's not going to be a 'next time', and don't forget your promise!"

"Arrasoyo..." Yoochun said sadly, as he saw a couple running towards them. On reflex, he pulled down his beanie even lower to avoid getting recognised.

"Joey! There you are! Don't just wander off by yourself, stop worrying mama..." The mother called out as she walked over to them when she spotted the little girl.

Yoochun and Jiyun looked up.

"Thanks for looking after Joey!" The daddy said and brought the mother and kid back to their mat. Joey started crying along the way and her cries could still be heard from where they were sitting at.


"Maybe we should hope for a boy instead, since it seems to me that girls are very active nowadays, just like a boy." Yoochun commented after thinking for a while.

"No way! I prefer a girl! In that way, there will be no toy guns, dangerous contraptions and inconspicious plastic army lying around in the house! Hooray!" She mentioned happily.

"Our house?" Yoochun asked hopefully.

"You wish!"

"I AM wishing! In fact, i'm already on the lookout for a suitable house for us in Korea, unless you prefer that we all stay here?" He asked.

"Look Yoochun, haven't we already reached an agreement on this?"

"Well, i was just trying my luck...." He replied. "Just so you know, this ring's *pointing to the ring on the smallest finger* rightful owner is you."

"Liar, i know you've bought that for several months already. In fact i think it's 7 months and counting..." She was avoiding his gaze while she said that.

"That's how long i've been in love with you. Jiyun ah, do you seriously think that i will buy such an expensive ring that only fits my smallest finger? [A/N: *nod nod* yc ah, you will :P] If you recall, it fits your ring finger perfectly."

Jiyun knew he wasn't lying. She had bugged him to let her try on that ring when he had showed it to her a few months ago.

"I know you are still not ready to accept me right now, but i'll have you know that this ring will always be here waiting for you until you are willing to claim ownership of it."

"Chun ah...." Jiyun was speechless. If what Yoochun said was the truth, then... it means... YOOCHUN HAS BEEN IN LOVE WITH HER FOR 7 MONTHS?! It all seemed like a hurricane to her. But then again, he has once mentioned that he was secretly in love with someone, but that someone didn't realise his existance as a potential lover.

It was all starting to piece up now.

"Don't worry about it, take your time. I don't want our baby girl to affect your decision..." Yoochun assured her by resting his hands on hers as he smiled at her.

"...Told you it may not be a girl..." Jiyun joked once she recovered from the initial shock. She wasn't able to reach a conclusion, that will have to wait. Besides, she decided that she couldn't bear to ruin their little picnic trip.

"Well... we'll see." Yoochun's eyes sparkled as he said, very confident about his prediction.

Seeing the smug look on his face, Jiyun rolled her eyes and stuffed a quarter of a club sandwich into his mouth.

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Keahun #1
Chapter 41: Such an amazing touching story, just sad for jae, you know am a true jae fanatic, but love yoochun here in your story, thanks.
potatonaah #2
Chapter 18: i have a feeling saying that Jaejoong is actually in love with Jiyun.i just hope my feeling is
Chapter 40: very cheeky!! >.< LOL.
nar12345 #4
Chapter 40: im sorry to know that you are going to leave was a great journey to know the characters and the story that you share about them..wish to know you better too..i guess you have found a better channel to go..therefore..All the best!! *hugs*
Chapter 39: this is great love it thank you i'm craving for chunnie's story:3
Amna11 #6
Thank you for this great stroy i like it ^^
really like the wedding because it was so sweet. love your story & hoping you continue writing stories like this :)
nar12345 #8
anyeong Yoochun and Jiyun..gonna miss both of you..good luck with the basketball team project..hope to read from both of you in future upating your epilogue..and authornim..have fun with creating new world for us! need to c dentist now..sugar overload here! hehehe
really like the ending because it was so sweet! really enjoyed reading this story of yours :)
oh my that is one good read.. ^_^ I love the ending!! It's just soo sweet it's giving me tooth decay. LOL!! I love the idea of showing us the youtube vid. I can actually imagine the scene in my head. That was awesome. Thank you authornim for sharing your story. awwww.. ending this is like saying goodbye to a very close friend. I will sure miss this. but for now.. I will wait for the epilogue!LOL will there be chunnie daddy moments there? definitely happy subbing to this