"get a girlfriend?"


Seungyeon's POV

"I can't believe this" I keep murmuring to myself. As I was heading my way towards our classroom, I saw someone outside and he seems finding something or someone, so I decided to talk to him. 

"excuse me" as I tapped him, he looked at me, and guess what? its one of the members of the Kingka group, Yang Yoseob. I decided not to talk to him and make my way towards my seat. I can't believe that they did such a crul thing to my bestfriend >.< 

"I'm sorry" he kneeled apologeticly.

"what are you doing?" I told him sheepishly. I can't trust him, he's one of the boys who bullied my friend.

"I'm sorry for what had happened earlier" 

I smirked at him. "ya, you know there;s something wrong"

"what is it?"

"why are you apologizing to me when you should do it to Nicole" he looked at me thinking that what I said had a sense.

"and, you should not be the one apologizing, it should be your damn friend Kikwang, he bullied Nicole since earlier" I told him yet he still kept kneeling. I walked toward him and helped him to stand.

"its not your fault, just remember that bullying others is wrong" and smiled at him.

"you should go now, class is about to start" 

Yoseob's POV

"class is about to start" when she was about to go, she game her famous eye smile :"> I can't believe it, SHE TALKED TO ME, I MEAN!!! I grinned happily and I melted inside, she's so gorgeous. As I was in a daze the bell already rang.

"AISHHHHH...I'm late" and headed my way towards my classroom.

Nicole's POV

as the teacher arrived, I noticed that the devil is still not here. I think he got humiliated nad decided not to go to class. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! you're just awesome Jung Nicole, he got what he deserved. But what I did, is it too harsh? YA!!! Jung Nicole, what he did to you since the first day is much harsher, what you did to him is not half of what he did to you. 

"Class dismissed..." 

I cannot be more happier, I mean the class is over for the week, weekend is coming, me and my grandmother is going out of town, the devil got what he deserved. I can't be more happier than this. I then waited in front of the bus stop to go back home.

Kikwang's POV

Aisssshhhh...I cannot attend to class today because my freaking dad called me and told me that the driver will fetch me as soon as possible. The nerd will probably think she won against me but NO, my dad called at the wrong time. AISHHHH!!! no worried, I'm gonna prove that nerd wrong tomorrow.

As I was heading my way towards home, I can't help but think about why my dad would call me in between class, I mean he would not do that if its very important. Oh and yeah I forgot, you probably don't know that my dad is the owner of our school, that's why I can just go home no matter what time I want keke~ 

As I arrived home, my parents were there in the living room waiting for me. 

"mother, father, what are you doing here?" I asked them curiously as I sat down in front of them waiting for the news they are about to tell me.

"Kikwang, we heard that you hurted Somi's feelings the other day and her parents went to talk to us" my dad told me. I was in a total shock, Somi would actually do everything for me to like her. 

"AISHHHHH THAT GIRL---" I was cutted off.

"Kikwang calm down" my mother said.

"her mom told me that you should start going out with her because Somi seems to be desperate to get you in any way that she can do" my mom continued.

"but, I don't like her, she's my childhood bestfriend and that's it" I told them bluntly.

"I know that's why---"

"you want me to date her because you're afraid that you're gonna brake ties with their family? is that it" I cutted her off.

"no Kikwang that's not it" my dad told me.

"then what?" 

"we want you to get a girlfriend to show to them that you don't think of her the way she thinks of you" they both told me. I can't believe they're suggesting such a thing. 

"I know you can, you're handsome, popular, and everything, I know it would be easy for you son"

I smirked at them "of course, I can get whoever I want right?"

"yes you can, dress her nicely, we want to meet her next week"

"ok, I'm going upstairs to rest" I went upstairs, sat on my bed.

"get a girlfriend?" I then smiked and went to bed.


Hello dear readers!!! I updated ^^ although its to late >.< thank you for all the comments I really appreciate it, I hope I can thank you all for the love and support for this fic by satisfying you all with this fanfic ^^ I'm gonna update 2 chapters tomorrow, so don't forget to tune in ^^ LOVE YOU ALL!!! MUAHHHHH!!! >:D<

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Chapter 34: Author, are you ever going to finish this story? I miss you!
adgjmptw #2
Chapter 34: Auther-nim please update ur fanfic is really great i really wanna know what is going to happen
dynamo #3
ah..what gonna happen...huhu...
I want more....what's gonna happen? Is nicole gonna end up with Minhwan? He is such a cutie!
@Hazel_cyxb you will find out... soon :)
Eliano #6
Pls update soon. <br />
What truth??
Eliano #7
Pls update soon.
msmurder95 #8
"to continue giving pleasure to you all." it sounded sooo wrong. yes im dirty-minded. :P
Eliano #9
Ahh Nicole and Minhwan. Love those two. <br />
Pls update soon.
sicole4ever #10
Minhwan and Nicole !!! my favorite couple. please them love each other!<br />