"Lee Kikwang...can't be that I'm...falling for him?"


Nicole's POV

"Boyfriend...?" I then smirked at him. He seems to have gotten embarassed and so his head is faced at the ground.


"want to make it real?" I then looked at him seriously. His face had lit up to face mine...

"Nicole...arr-eee y-y-ouuu s-ssu-rr-e?" he stuttered, looking nervous as hell. I can't help but laugh... "PUHAHAHAHAHHA!!! YA KIKWANG, you can't be thinking I'm serious?" 

"I'm not" he defended. "well, really?" his face turned tomato red. Keke~ its so fun teasing him. Then the bell suddenly rang, signaling that lunch is over. I waved by at him but...

"wait!" he suddenly said.

"why? what's the matter?" I looked at him curiously.

"well as a 'boyfriend', I need to take you back to your classroom" I looked at him totally surprised...


"come on!!!" he grabbed my hand and we were walking hand in hand making our way to our classrooms. I can't lie, but I think that my cheecks are already burning. AISHHH...YA!!! can't be, you can't be in love with a Kingka right? this is just acting, acting. I breathed in and out and just acted as normal as I can.

Seungyeon's POV

The bell has already rang, but...still need to go to our principal, AISHHH I forgot. Skipping class won't harm...right? I then just decided to not attend our class and go straight to the principal.

As I was walking towards the principal, I felt like someone was following me behind. I keep on looking back but no one seems to appear. 

"come out...NOW!!!" but no response. "I'm telling you, at the count of three, if you won't come out...ONE, TWO, AHHHHHH!!!" 

"Seungyeon-ah, mian, I wasn't really intending to scare you" I was surprised.

"YA YANG YOSEOB!!! what you did isn't funny" I glared at him, totally pissed. 

"why are you here anyways?" 

"hehe...its just that the principal had called for me" the principal also called him...but why?

"do you know why?"

"I don't really know, but I think its about...I'm not really sure" I smacked his head.

"aishhh...no use!" I then walked faster so that I would be going ahead of that crazy man. We both arrived at the office, late. The principal is already glaring at the two of us. We can't help but be scared. But suddenly he smiled and gave out a small laugh...

"funny right?" we just nodded.

"what's this about?" I asked curiously.

"you, and Yoseob were picked to arrange the incoming trip to Jeju Island" we were both had our mouth wide open.

"WHY US?!?" both of us said at the same time.

"because both of you were recommended by your batchmates" as simple as that, we were elected to organize this freaking trip...and its, NEXT WEEK.  We both went out to the office and decided to have a little talk at the coffee shop outside.

"What should we do?" I asked him while drinking my coffee.

"don't really know" aishhh this guy really...WHY AM I WITH HIM?!? WHY WOULDN'T I BE TOGETHER WITH MY PRINCE CHARMING, HYUNSEUNG T_T WHY?!? the world is so unfair...pshhhh

With all the thoughts running to my head, I hadn't noticed that Yoseob was already in front of my face staring at me. 

"what are you d-doing?" I stuttered.

"I have an idea..." then he whispered it to me, one by one. 

"It's great but would it work out?" 

"wanna bet?" he looked so confident.

"fine" I smirked at him totally confident that it wouldn't work.

"If you lose, buy me a year supply in this coffee shop" keke~ nice idea Seungyeon!!!

"If you lose, come on a date with me" he smirked at me.

"fine---WAIT, WHAT?!?" I looked so confused but totally given up because I know, he would lose. "DEAL" then we both sealed using our pinky's.

Nicole's POV

"YAY!!! CLASS IS FINALLY DONE KEKE~" I stood up wanting to head home so I could cook for my grandma. As I was about to head out, I stood up, totally finding the Kingka himself, standing in front of me. 

"Annyeong Nicole" he gave me his sweetest smile. PSHHH, who needs that? 

"what are you doing here?" 

"simple, to bring you home" 

"NO" I simply answered using only one word.

"WHY?" he pouted.

"why would you bring me home? besides, you need to head home because you have...because you have...you have..." AISHHHH I can't think what to say anymore, I'm lost for words.






"YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he shouted cheerly. 


"but you just said" AISHHHH Nicole you're so stupid, how could you agree...? It's just once, calm down...he then grabbed my stuff, and carried it.

"YA!!! bring me back my things" I decided to get my things away from him but he held it tighter.

"let your boyfriend carry it!" he then smiled at me and was skipping towards the parking lot, where the driver, Sangchu was. But...

*ring ring ring*

"yes mom?" Kikwang then answered his phone. His eyes suddenly widened as if what he had heard was some sort of a shocking news.

"Ok I get it, I'll be right there" I looked at him, as if I haven't heard the whole phone conversation.

"sorry Nicole, I'll just take you home next time"

"it's ok, get home fast, it seems that you're mommy is asking his child to go back home" I then smiled at him teasingly.

"YA" I saw him stomping towards me which makes me more and more nervous but...


"get home safe" he then smiled at me and went off. I stood there totally frozen. I held my cheeck, realized that I was blushing very hard.

"Lee Kikwang...can't be that I'm...falling for him?" 



HELLO READERS!!! I will try to update once every 2~3 says so please look forward. Keke~ 

what is the plan that Yoseob and Seungyeon had bet on for the trip? KEKE~ wait for the next chapters ^^

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Chapter 34: Author, are you ever going to finish this story? I miss you!
adgjmptw #2
Chapter 34: Auther-nim please update ur fanfic is really great i really wanna know what is going to happen
dynamo #3
ah..what gonna happen...huhu...
I want more....what's gonna happen? Is nicole gonna end up with Minhwan? He is such a cutie!
@Hazel_cyxb you will find out... soon :)
Eliano #6
Pls update soon. <br />
What truth??
Eliano #7
Pls update soon.
msmurder95 #8
"to continue giving pleasure to you all." it sounded sooo wrong. yes im dirty-minded. :P
Eliano #9
Ahh Nicole and Minhwan. Love those two. <br />
Pls update soon.
sicole4ever #10
Minhwan and Nicole !!! my favorite couple. please them love each other!<br />