Dim Hope


Key enter the big house where his father have been staying. It was a home for the ages and he notice that the place feels so safe and warm. There is a lake at the side of the house where he saw lots of elders having their free time. He walk straight at the receptionist while his investigator follows him.

“Hi, how may I help you?” the receptionist ask with a bright smile in his face.

Yes, please. I want to ask if someone name Choi Kun-Woo is staying here?”

“Just give me a second to check it.”

“Sure.” Key watch the girl as he browse the name of his father.

Yes sir. He is here. Do you want to see him?”

“If it’s possible. Yes.”

The receptionist guided Key where his father is staying. While walking in the hallway he feels like his heart will gonna explode because of nervous. After 28 of his life, he is now going to meet his biological father and he was thinking what will his father will gonna say to him. Is it possible that he will recognize him? Is it possible that his father will acknowledge him as his son? There are so many question in his head that he wants to answer.

When they reach the room at the end of the hallway, the receptionist open the door for them. He saw immediately his father at the balcony sitting in his rocking chair with a nurse in his side.

Is it okay if I can leave you now?”

“Yes, thank you very much.” The receptionist mumble a small ‘welcome’ before going back to her position.

Key step inside the room which makes the nurse turn her head.

Hello.” Key greeted the nurse with a small smile in his face.

Hello. Are you here for Mr. Choi?”

“Yes. Can I talk to him?”

“Are you his family or friend? Because his daughter told me that friends and family are the only one who can talk to him.”

“I—I am the son of his best friend.” Key answer and he saw that the nurse was still unsure about him. “Don’t worry. You can stay if you are having a doubt on me.”

The nurse look at him with question in her eyes. Then she bend his back to speak to the older.

“Someone wants to talk to you. Is that okay?” The nurse ask the older with a very low voice. The older didn’t give any response. Not a word, not an expression, nothing. He was just keep on staring at the small forest in front of him.

“What is wrong with him? Why isn’t he talking? Is he sick?”

“I am so sorry to tell you but he’s been like this since he came here.”

“What do you mean?”                     

“He will not talk to anyone except his daughter. No matter how much you talk to him, it will be useless. He will not give you any response. He’s been like this, since he was taken here by his daughter.  He will only speak if Ms. Choi is here.” The nurse explain and wipe the small sweat that was starting to form at the older forehead. And that made her curious because he never sweat like this before even if the weather is so hot.

Key feels like all his hope collapse all of the sudden, when he realize that the only one who can help him is in this kind of situation. He sigh to stop himself from crying. This is hopeless. Key walk towards his father and squatted in the elder’s front. He hold his hand and squeeze it slightly.

“Hello dad. I know that you don’t know me since you are not with my mother when she gave birth to me. But I want you to know that I am your son. I am Kibum. Can you hear me?” He was speaking in Korean so that the nurse will not understand him.

But his father’s expression is still the same. He was still staring at nowhere. Key feels like there is something that is stopping his father to give any response. He squeeze his father’s hand again. “Please get better soon.” That’s the only thing he can wish for his father now. He don’t want to force him just because he need help. After staying a little longer just to look at his father’s face, Key decided to leave.


The nurse return at the elder’s side and was shock when he saw that the old man is crying.

“K-Kibum.” The old man mumble.


Key was already in his way home but suddenly stop at the park near his apartment. He sits in the swing and look at his feet and starts to play the sand.

“What now?” he mumble. All his plan didn’t work out. At the end he will still going marrying Choi Minho. No matter how much he wants to run away, thinking his adoptive parents makes him stay. He don’t want to disappoint them. He remember when he told his mother that he accepted the offer, though she was worried, Key was sure that she is happy knowing that their business will still continue. And he also remember that he promise once, that he will going to do anything just to pay their goodness to him.

But never in his wildest dream he seen this situation. It makes him dizzy, just by thinking that it is impossible for him to spend all his life to the one he loves. To spend it with Jonghyun. He feels like crying remembering all the plans that they already made. Their future that is starts to fade away now. Their love that was once endless; now the end is approaching.

He sigh realizing that this is all his fault. If maybe he shouldn’t have made a sudden decision that time and ask Jonghyun to help him, this should not be happening now. But he can’t do anything now but to accept the reality and the consequences that he have to face.

He stood up and was about to leave the park when he saw Jonghyun together with a boy and a girl. He knows that she is his sister because Jonghyun told him that when they are in their shop. But a sudden pain run into his heart when he thinks that in the future, Jonghyun will gonna have this kind of family and he is not the one who will be in his side. He turn around and decided to leave when he heard someone calls him. When Jonghyun calls him. He plans to just ignore it but Jonghyun was already holding his arm and pull him to face the other.

“Hello.” Jonghyun greeted him with a small smile in his face.

“Hello.” Key greeted back but his eyes was on the ground.

“What are you going here? Are you lonely in your apartment? You should have called me, since I am your friend right.” Key was not sure if Jonghyun saying that sarcastically.

“No I just want to have some fresh air and I was about to go home now.”

“Do you want me to walk you home?” Jonghyun turn around and saw that his nephew and his sister are busy playing.

“No it’s okay.”

“Come on Key. I just want to walk you home. That is not really a big deal. Beside I know that you hate walking alone.”

Key didn’t say anything because he doesn’t want to make the conversation longer. He just want to go home now and cry his lung out in his blanket.

They are already at the way in Key home but none of them are talking. Jonghyun hands is in his pocket and is busy kicking the stones that was in the ground. Key was looking at Jonghyun once in a while in was glad that the other didn’t notice him. Or that’s what he thought. There is only a few step before they reach Key’s apartment when Key suddenly stop which makes Jonghyun stops too and turn around at the other.

“Why Key?”

“Jonghyun. I am getting married.” Key said repating the same words that he use when they broke up.

“I-I know that Key. You already told me that don’t you?”

“No Jonghyung. This time it is real.”

“What do you mean? Did you just lied to me back then?”

“I can’t say that I lied to you. But that time, I thought that I can still stop this marriage. That it is still possible for us to be together and I decided to end our relationship with a confidence that I can restore it again. But now, I think that it will really be the ends of us.” Key said holding back his tears.

“K-key. Explain it to me. I-I can’t understand.”

“I am getting married Jonghyun.” Key keeps in telling that not knowing that it’s like he is throwing a dagger at the other’s heart.

Jonghyun pull the other and push him in the wall and the wall with his fist. “Dammit Key! Can you stop telling me that! Explain everything so that I can understand better.”

Key clench his fist at his side and tried not to cry. Not at least facing Jonghyun. “That’s the only thing I can say now. This is the end of us. Let’s just accept it. Hmm?”

Jonghyun wants to hit the wall again but the other stops him. “Dammit Key! Dammit.”

Key pull out his handkerchief and wrap it at Jonghyun fist that is bleeding. “Can you do me a last favor?” Key look at the other after wrapping his fist. “Can you promise me that even if we didn’t end up the way we want, we can still be friend in the future? Even if it will going to take a long time, I hope that one day, if we saw each other again, we can still manage to smile.”

“But I love you Key.” Jonghyun voice already broke and it hurts Key looking at the other like this.

He push the other way from him and tried to smile. “Goodbye Jonghyun. I hope that one day you can find the right person for you.” Key said before taking his first step away from Jonghyun.

“I love you Key.” Jonghyun mumble.

Key gulp the lump in his throat and tried his hardest not to look around. “Goodbye.” He said before he run as was as he can.

Jonghyun knees gives in which makes him sit at the ground and buried his face in his palm. And just like how the rain starts to fall from the sky, his tears starts to fall too.

When Key reach his apartment, he lean his back at the door and slide it down. And just like Jonghyun, his tears keeps on falling as the rain keeps on falling outside.





Minho was on in his way to meet his sister at her hotel room. She called him as soon as she landed in Korea. He didn’t bring his fiancée just like what his sister told him. Based on him, it was still early to meet Taemin and she have to talk to him alone.

He give his key to the valet before entering the five star hotel where his sister is staying. When he reach the floor where Jessica’s room located he wall at the long hallway. He knock and a woma open the door.

“Sir Minho.” The woman greeted him and pointed where Jessica is.

Minho walk at where is Jessica’s wheelchair is.

“Is that you Minho?”

“Yes noona.”

“Can you come here at my side?” Minho walk and stands at Jessica’s side. Looking at the nice view of Han River. “This room must have a nice view, right?” Jessica said.

“Yes noona. You pick the right place.”

“It’s just a pity that I can’t see it.”

“Noona.” Minho look at the elder.

“Minho. How’s the plan?” Jessica ask noticing Minho’s pitying her.

“It’s going smoothly noona.”

“That’s good.” She spread her arms to search for her coffee when Minho gave it to her. “Thank you.”

“How was your test noona?”

“It’s great. They already found a donor.”

“It that why you came here all of a sudden?”

“That and to meet your fiancée. In person.” She takes a sip in her coffee and carefully put it back at the table while Minho is guiding her. “You have to finish the plan with a good result Minho.”

“I know noona.” Minho look outside again.

“I will take away everything from that guy. He is the reason why I am like this and for making me a laughing stock when Jonghyun call off the wedding.” She tried to stand in her wheelchair but just sitted again when she feel a sharp pain in her legs. “I will take away everything, not just his eyes and his legs.” She said after a series of cursing when she feels the pain in her legs.

“Is that all you want to say to me now noona? To ask how’s the plan?”

Jessica turn at Minho’s side but didn’t really look at him. Since her vision is all black. “Yes Minho. And also to remind you. You have to get my revenge if not—”

“I will noona.” Minho starts to walk to the door. “I will do all what you want. But you have to promise me Jessica noona. You will going to help her and will not make her suffer again.”

“Yes Minho. I promise that.”

Minho gave a quick look at Jessica who have a dirty smile in her face before heading out of the room.





Hello my lovely reader


this chapter should only be for Jongkey

but i decided to put jessica appearance too..

hope you don't mind that

thank you for continue reading this story even if this is starting to get mess up now

honeslty speaking i am having a writer's block right now which give me a hard time writting

but knowing that you are sticking in this story makes me get better


so i want to thank you all who is:

commenting, reading (even to those silent readers), subscribing and upvoting

i love you guys ^.^





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oh shoot!!! i accidentally deleted the latest chapter..stupid me~_~


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Beau1996 1384 streak #1
Chapter 2: Minho's teasing is hilarious 😂
Beau1996 1384 streak #2
Chapter 1: Minho is so bossy!!
Chapter 3: Taemin just so nice. If I am him I will right away kick minho from my house no matter what lol.
Key indeed owe him big thing
Chapter 1: Cuterrrrrrrrrrr
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 28: Finally together forever! :)
Chapter 28: Wow! The emotional drive is so awesome! Enjoyed reading the story so much!
AusAngel26 #7
Chapter 28: Cute story, I enjoyed reading it. Always good to get a happy ending. Thank you for writing it. :-)
Chapter 28: The ending is so overwhelming. Their vow speeches are so romantic. And I'm laughing at JongKey's antics especially their proposal. I have fun while reading this :) The plot twist is amazing.
I love it so much . you are great author . thanks for this
Chapter 28: I love the ending really and also the jongkey proposal, its so romantic.....
Keep writing wonderful stories purplesnow......
And also I live in the country as yours,

Anyway inalways love your stories...... Fighting