The Reason


Minho drove his rented car to the Han River. He got out of his car and sit at the front of it and watch the beautiful color of the city light. After talking to Jessica he feels like a very weak man who can’t do anything but just do whatever his sister want him to do. Everyone thought that he is a very strong man, but no he is not. He is the weakest man alive who don’t have anything to save his sick sister.

Jessica is doing this not just to get revenge to the man who took away her soon-to-be-husband and leaving her devastated. She is doing this too, to make him suffer, to him, who is the fruit of Choi Kun-Woo cheating. Some people thought that he is just a legal adoptive child of Kun-Woo because that was Jessica’s request to her father, to introduce him as a child of Kun-Woo’s second wife alone, after he married her when Jessica’s mother died because of an accident she met at the stair.

Jessica despise him and his sister, just like how she despise her own father and the world. She is always making them suffer ever since he enter the premises of the Choi and when his sister was born, eight years. She said that they are the reason why her mother died. She said that their mother took away her father away from them and her mother died not just by accident, rather she killed herself when she found out that her husband is cheating on her.

When his mother died, in an unknown reason, Minho and his sister, Mi-Hyun, tried to get out at Choi’s resident, since they don’t have their mother to protect them from Jessica. But his father beg them not to go anywhere. He said that he can protect them in any case. That is before his father fallen sick, he knows that Jessica is putting some drugs in his food when he was in his sick bed, that cause his disease to get worsen. And because his father is incapable to run their business, Jessica took her father position and put him as a vice president when she got an accident that cause her to be blind and unable to walk.

That is when she ask him to get the revenge she wants if he wants to save her sister’s life. Yes, his pitiful sister who is now suffering from a heart disease and now being examine by a bunch of doctors in America. It was Jessica who is paying all his sister’s medication and treatment. Of course he can pay that if he wants since he already save some money when his father was still in his right condition. But that is not enough and Jessica freeze all his account and is just giving him his monthly allowance. That is the reason why he choose to be at Taemin’s house. To save all the money, Jessica’s giving him.

At first, he doesn’t want to accept whatever Jessica wants him to do, which is not his business to begin with. But she threaten him, that if she will not do what she wants, she will stop all the treatment and medication of his sister. Hurting and deceiving someone is the last thing he wants to do, but saving his sister is his number one priority. He have to change into a person he doesn’t want to be in the first place, to be a person who is numb in any kind of feelings. He have to save his sister and make her enjoy her life in the world. That’s what he promise to his mother before she left the world.

After a lot of thinking he made, he accepted Jessica’s condition and do the revenge for her. At first, he thought that plan is just easy for him to do. That is to marry Taemin, make him fall madly in love him and then dump him at the end leaving him with nothing but just the pain in his heart. Looking back at the time he made the decision, it was so easy for him to do that. It was easy for him because he knows in himself that there is no possibility for him to love and to stay married with Taemin forever. Because:

First, they are both guys, never in his wildest dream he sees himself loving and to marrying someone as the same gender as he is.

Second, he can’t love someone. He just can’t. For him love is just a pain in the and will just destroy everything, just like how it destroyed his family. And how did it destroyed Jessica.

Third, he doesn’t have a plan to spend his whole life to anyone, for him forever doesn’t exist, and forever is just a word and a ing fake promise, a promise that no one can fulfill, because at the end of the day, everyone will go away.

And the most important thing, his sister. He have to stay in her side and give her the moral support that she needs.

All that reason gave him the courage to meet Taemin and execute the plan. Just like what Jessica wants him to do. But what he didn’t expect is that all those reason will turn the other way round. Because he fell in love with Taemin the first time he saw him. For the past months that he had spent with him was the happiest time of his life. He feels that he got free from all the sorrow that he is suffering right now. Meeting Taemin gave him another reason why does he have to continue his life, not just because he wants to save his sister, but also because he wants to be with Taemin as long as he can. Living with him at the same roof, makes him feel that he wants to be with him forever, the word that he doesn’t believe before meeting the younger. He found all the things that he thought, didn’t exist in the world when he meet Taemin.

He feels as a normal person now that is because of Taemin. That is because of his love with Taemin. And he wants to thank Jessica for asking him to do her stupid revenge for him to meet the person that he will going to love forever.

The only problem now is his last mission. About hurting him and leaving him after the divorce. That’s the most important thing he have to do in this mission and he have to find a way to stop that from happening.

Maybe after her sister’s operation and after Jessica sign the partnership contract between their company and Taemin’s company, which is the reason why Taemin have to marry him, he will come back to Taemin and explain everything to him. He is confident that the younger will understand him. Then after that he can leave the Choi resident, together with Taemin and with his sister. He don’t need the wealth of his father, Jessica can have all those thing and die having that in her hands, he could care less. The most important thing for him is Taemin and Mi-Hyun.

He and Taemin can get married again and be with each other forever. He smile imagining his future together with Taemin. He is sure that there will be a lot of quarrelling, war, happy moment and love making in the future and he is so excited to have that.

For the life of him, this is the first time that he feels this kind of happiness, this kind of tingling in his heart by just thinking of someone, this love that he thought he will never experience. This completeness of his life because of Taemin. He love him so much that he feels like his heart will going to explode. And realizing that Taemin love him too makes his heart beat rapidly.

He took a deep sigh and decided to get on his car. It’s already midnight, Taemin must be waiting for him, hopefully. He drove the car to where he rented it and just walk home since it is not really that far from Taemin’s apartment.

He open the door with the key Taemin gave him, the day after they got back from their pre-honeymoon in Jeju. as soon as he enter, he found that the living room is so dark, maybe Taemin didn’t expect him to be home today since he just leave a note that he is meeting a friend. He open the light and found Taemin lying at the couch. He walk towards the younger and sat the floor to watch him sleep.

He touch Taemin’s lips which is slightly parted. He watch him sleep and was so happy that this image will be the first thing in the morning that he will going to see in the future once they get married. He smile and pinch the other’s cheek.

“Taemin-ah, you’re drooling.” He said with a low tone which makes the other move a little.

“Minho?” Taemin mumble while his eyes still close.

“Sorry for waking you up. But you have to sleep in your room. It’s cold here, you might get sick.”

“Why you sound so diffirent?”

“Hmm? What do you mean?”

“You sound like an angel. Did you transform into an angel so that you can deceive me and make me fall in love with you?”

Minho chuckle and realize that Taemin is still in his dreamland and is dreaming of him. “Why? Did it work?” he played along.

“Nope. I am not in love with you. Never will I fall into a devil like you.” Taemin answer and then snore again.

Minho smile. He stands up and he carry Taemin like a princess and walk towards the bedroom. He put him in the bed carefully and was about to turn around when he realize that Taemin is holding the hem of his shirt while his eyes close.

“Don’t go.”

Minho lean closer to the younger. “I just have to take off my clothes. Didn’t I told you that I can’t sleep with them in my body?” he said then Taemin release his shirt and turn to the other side of the bed.

After taking off his shirt, Minho join Taemin at the bed and cover they body with the blanket. He pull Taemin closer to him and hug him from the back.

“Goodnight, love.” He said and kiss the other’s head.

“Hmmm.” Taemin answer sleepily.





just a short update with Minho's side,

did i give you guys a fright when i wrote the 'her' in the previous chapter??


no, i don't have a plan to put any other love interest for Minho, 

Taemin is the only one and i mean it ONLY ONE that he can love,

and how i wish i can find that someone who can make me feel just like how Minho feels like now *sigh*~_~

anyway let's go back to the story,

please don't hate if Jessica is your bias, since i am using her as the antagonist in this story..

i don't mean any harm to all the SONE, 



again, thank you for all you who are supporting this story,

i really really REALLY appreciate all your comments, subscription and the time that you are spending reading my work^_^

i will try my very best to give you a good update in the future

thank you


saranghae my lovely readers




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oh shoot!!! i accidentally deleted the latest chapter..stupid me~_~


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Beau1996 1384 streak #1
Chapter 2: Minho's teasing is hilarious 😂
Beau1996 1384 streak #2
Chapter 1: Minho is so bossy!!
Chapter 3: Taemin just so nice. If I am him I will right away kick minho from my house no matter what lol.
Key indeed owe him big thing
Chapter 1: Cuterrrrrrrrrrr
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 28: Finally together forever! :)
Chapter 28: Wow! The emotional drive is so awesome! Enjoyed reading the story so much!
AusAngel26 #7
Chapter 28: Cute story, I enjoyed reading it. Always good to get a happy ending. Thank you for writing it. :-)
Chapter 28: The ending is so overwhelming. Their vow speeches are so romantic. And I'm laughing at JongKey's antics especially their proposal. I have fun while reading this :) The plot twist is amazing.
I love it so much . you are great author . thanks for this
Chapter 28: I love the ending really and also the jongkey proposal, its so romantic.....
Keep writing wonderful stories purplesnow......
And also I live in the country as yours,

Anyway inalways love your stories...... Fighting