Better For The Both Of Us


Key throw his whole body in his bed, he was so tired, no, he was exhausted for the entire day. It’s already been two weeks since he left Korea to investigate his fiancée’s background. Good thing he accidentally heard his parents talking about this man that's why he manage to know his name. He look at the paper that was in his hands. It was written there all the information of his fiancée.

Choi Minho, 28 years old, vice president of the biggest silk company in Korea. Family, sister. Jessica Choi.

The first thing he found out is that his parent’s company are planning have a partnership with Minho’s company. Second this Minho’s sister is Jonghyun ex-girlfriend and they are supposed to get married but never happen, and the third one is….

"Should I hope that it is true?" Key touch the name that was written in the paper.

At first he thought that the only reason why Jessica arrange this wedding is to make him suffer but now, he was not that sure anymore. He stands up to look at his laptop, he was sure that Taemin e-mail him again. The younger is always messaging him every day. He is feeling guilty for not replying to his messages but it was the best thing to do for now. He doesn't want to be distracted.  But to his surprise, it was not Taemin's name who was in his inbox. It was Jonghyun.

From: blingJong

To: kittyKey


Hello Key, how are you? I know you said that I don't have to be worried to you but i just can't stop myself. Where are you now? Are you in the safe place? You’re eating properly, aren’t you? Don’t exhaust yourself and always take a good rest. I know that I don't have any more right to say all this things since we already broke up. But Key I want you to know that I love you and I miss you so much. How I wish that this is just a dream and the next morning everything will be back to the way it was before. I can still hope right? Since you still not yet married.

Anyway, that's all I can say now. Please key take care of yourself.. I love you..

Key didn't notice that he is already tearing up. The pain in his heart was so unbearable. He didn't mean to end his perfect relation with Jonghyun, but it’s for the best at that time. But after what he found out about Minho, he starts to feel regret. But he have to make sure if what he discover is true. He doesn't want to hope in something that he is not sure.

He wipe his tears and his eyes fly at the picture frame beside his laptop and no matter how much he avoid not to remember the past, the memories of him and Jonghyun flow just like a water in a broken dam. 


He and Jonghyun doesn't have that super dramatic story before they got together. They become friend first and when they discover that they have mutual feelings for each other, they decided to be together. Their love for each other was so genuine that matter how big the problem is, they still manage to get over it. Until that problem hit them.



“I’m home.” Key said once he open the door of his parent’s house. He look around but he didn’t see his parent. “Maybe they are in the balcony.” He walk towards the balcony and was right that his parents is in there when he hear them talking. But he was confuse when he notice that his mother’s voice sounds angry.

“No! I will not permit that to happen to my son.” He heard his mom. He doesn’t want to listen to what they are talking about but his curiosity arise when he heard that it was about him that they are talking about.

“Hon, I am not saying that he have to do this. But this is the only way we can have Ms. Choi’s signature in that contract.” His father answer and is trying to calm his mom.

“I don’t care if that company will go down. My son’s freedom is more important. I can’t allow him to be married by a complete stranger. And Key have a boyfriend, and I know how much he love Jonghyun. I can’t tolerate to him in pain!”

Key cover his mouth to avoid a loud gasp to come out in his mouth. “Marry? Me?” He mumble and wish to heaven above that his parents didn’t hear him.

“Let me talk to Key first.” His father said with so much determination.

Key quietly run to the door and left the house. He bring out his phone to call his boyfriend. After a five rings the other answer.

“Yes babe, what’s the problem?” Jonghyun ask him.

“Jong, please can we meet up?” He said and trying so hard not to cry.

“Sure, but I thought you are going to meet your parents today?”

“I-ahmm..They just called me and they cancel it. Please Jong, come to my apartment. I need to see you…now.” Key cover his mouth when his sob starts to come out.

“Okay. I will be there.” Jonghyun said before hanging up.

He run towards the side walk and call a taxi. When he reach his apartment Jonghyun was already there. The other meet him half way in the hallway.

“What’s wrong babe? You look so sad. Is that the right face to put once you see your lovable and handsome boyfriend?” Jonghyun ask him and put his arms in his shoulder.

Key didn’t answer and just continue walking until they reach his apartment. Once they step inside he immediately hug his boyfriend.

“Hey, someone misses eh?’ Jonghyun said and kiss his boyfriend’s head.

“Jong. I love you.”

Jonghyun hold Key’s shoulder and slightly push him away. He lift the other’s head so that he can see his face. “I love you too babe, so much.” He move his head towards the other to kiss him but stop when he saw that Key was crying. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He starts to get worried since Key was acting so strange.

Key just shake his head and smile. “Nothing, I was just so happy that I have you.” He hug his boyfriend again.

“ really miss me that much. It not even twenty four hours since we didn’t see each other but—” Jonghyun words was cut when Key kiss him.

“Take me Jong.” Key said in his lips.

Jonghyun pull Key closer to his body, so close that even an air can’t get through and kiss him deeply. He carry the other and put him in the bed. “I’m going to be gentle today babe, since your still sore from last night.” He starts to take off his and Key’s clothes.

“I don’t care Jong. Just take me and love me whatever way you want.” Key said and pull his boyfriend to kiss him. He feels so happy in Jonghyun arms. Smelling that sweet scent of his makes him feel safe. Oh, how much he love this man. So much that it feels like it is killing him. He hug him tightly when the other starts to move and again, his tears starts to fall.

Jonghyun feels that Key was hugging him so tight and he was worried when he saw the other crying, well it’s not that he didn’t saw him cry whenever he is making love to him, but this time his tears and facial expression is different. It was not the pain that from their love making, and he doesn’t what is it.



Key was lying in his boyfriend’s chest, listening to his heartbeat, heartbeat that is the same as his. He blink away the tears in his eyes that starts to form. He took a deep breath before standing up. “Do you want to eat something?” He ask while he was putting his shirt.

“Sure, but I am not sure if it is food that I want to eat.” Jonghyun said. He sat up and pull Key’s waist and hug him.

Key giggle when the other kiss his tummy. “But I am hungry and I want food. Beside you said that you are going to be gentle but it didn’t happen. I am so tired now.” He touch his boyfriend silky hair.

Jonghyun look at him. “Okay, then let’s cook together. I don’t want to give you a hard time…again.” He smile at him.

It was already a week since he heard the wedding topic but his parents haven’t said anything yet. But what makes him worried is that every time he visited his parents, he notice that the two of them are always fighting, and he knows the answer. At that night, he decided to stay over since his mother requested it. He have a strong feeling that they will now going to tell him about the marriage.

They are all in the dining room and Key feels the awkward atmosphere that was in the air. He reach his water and drink so that his throat that is starting to dry will get wet.

“Key.” His father call him. “I have something to tell you.”

“Here it comes.” He said through his mind. “What is it dad?” He ask and look at his mother who put her head down.

“I..I don’t know how to say this.” His father clear his throat. “You know that our company starts to go down and there is someone who I want to be my partner in business to help us raise again. She said yes, but ask me to make you marry his brother.” His father look at him and was surprise when his face expression didn’t show any changes. “Key?”

He sighs. “Are you surprise why I didn’t look like shock in what you said dad?” Key smile at his father. “I already know that. I happened to heard you two while you are talking in the balcony.”

His mother look at him with so much guilt in her face. “Key, you don’t have to say yes. I don’t want you to be trap in this situation. We can always find another company that can help us to raise this company again.” His mother starts to cry.

“Yes Key. I understand and respect your decision. I am not forcing you to say yes, but still I want you to know about this.

Key look away. He can never tolerate looking at his mother’s face while she is crying. It feels like it is killing him. “Let me think about this.” He said and stand up. He step out of the dining area and run to his room. He slid his back at the door and cry.

He knows how much that company means to his parents, they build it in their own sweat and hard work. Losing it just because they are considering his feeling makes him so guilty, plus the fact that he is not their true son.


It was already midnight but Key can’t still sleep, he decided to get some milk that might help him to have some sleep. He was in the stairway when he saw his dad in the living room. He was holding one of the plaque that his company receive. His face was so sad while looking at it. Key sigh and return to his room. He sat in his bed and buried his face at his palm.

“What should I do?” Key stay up all night to think a right thing to do. And come up with his final decision.



He was sitting in a restaurant and waiting for Jonghyun. His hands starts to sweat because of nervous and his heartbeat was so fast that he feels like his heart will pop out from his chest. He almost jump out in his chair when Jonghyun kiss his cheek.

“Why are you surprise?” Jonghyun ask him and sit across him.

“N-nothing I am just in my deep thought.” He smile. They called a waiter and put their order.

“So what this important thing that you want to discuss with me.”

Key gulp. “L-let’s eat first.” Yeah that’s the best idea since he needs energy today.

“Okay.” They just talk about something until the food came. “So, I think you can tell me what you want to say, since I am so curious.”

Key avoids his boyfriend’s eyes and put his head down. “Jong, l-let…lets break up.” Key said and was not sure if that words really came out in his mouth.

But for Jonghyun it was the loud enough for him to hear it. “W-what? Yah~, don’t joke around like that.” He reach his water to drink away the bump in his throat.

“I am not joking. I am getting married now Jong.” Key said and look at his boyfriend’s eyes. His feels like there is a thousand dagger in his heart when he saw Jonghyun’s expression.

“K-key, this joke is getting so far now. Stop it,hmm. Just finish your food and let’s have a walk after.” Jonghyun look down and pretend to put his attention in his food.

“Jong, let’s break up.”

Jonghyun clench his fist and look up at his boyfriend. “Why?”

“I already told you, I am getting married.”

“To who?”

“You don’t have to know.”

“Of course I have to.” Jonghyun starts to raise his voice. “I have to know who is this person who’s going to marry my boyfriend.”

Key sigh and look out the window. “My parents company was starting to get down now and the only thing that they can do is to save their company is to have a partner. They found one who is willing to be their partner but in exchange, the owner wants me to marry her brother.” Key explain.

“But you don’t have to accept that, do you.”

“Yes, but I can’t afford to see my parent’s company to get down. They work so much in to have that. This is the only thing I can do for them as a payment from treating me as their own son.”

“Then how about me? How about us?” Jonghyun ask with so much sorrow in his voice.

Key already expecting this question. “You still have a change to meet someone Jong, someone who is better than me.”

“But it is you that I love, I don’t care about anyone. I just love you Key.”

 Key feels like he was about to cry, but have to remain strong. “Let’s end this now Jong, let's just try to be friends just like in the past.” Key said. He pick up his bag and put it in his shoulder. “Goodbye.” After saying that he almost run outside so that the other will not see his tears. “I’m sorry Jong.”


“Are you sure Key?” His father ask him after he told them about his decision.

“Yes dad.” He answer with so much determination. “Can I ask you something dad?”


“Does this person know me?”

“Personally, no. He only know that you are my adopted child. I didn’t give any information about you. Should I give it now?”

“No dad. That’s the favor I want to ask you. Please don’t say anything to him. And please allow me to search something about him.”

“Sure Key.” His father stand up and touch his head. “Thank you.”


Is was not that easy for him to found some information about Minho, he have to dig a lot and was surprise from all the information that he found out. He decided to leave to US to find someone and that’s when he ask his bestfriend, Taemin to do him a favor.

Key stand up from his chair to lay in his bed. He grab his phone and dial Taemin number. After a few rings the other answer it.

“Hello?” He heard Taemin who is panting. He was sure that the other is in his studio, working.

“Hey Tae, it’s me Key hyung.”

“HYUNG!!” Taemin shouted at his ears. “Hyung where the hell are you?”

“I can’t say it. How’s there?”

“Oh my god hyung. You have to get back in here now.”


“Your fiancée is so rude, I can’t handle him. And how dare you not telling me that it’s a man.”

Key chuckle hearing Taemin swearing, it was just a seldom thing for the younger to swear. And it was when he is totally frustrated. “Sorry Tae but if I did told you about that. I am hundred for sure that you are not going to help me. And about his personality, I have a confidence that you can handle him nicely.”

“But hyung, you don’t have any idea what I am going through. He harassed me in our first meeting. He make his own decision to live in my house. And he’s making me his nanny in my own house. Hyung please, come back quickly. I’m afraid that once you come back, I already lose my ity with that man. He is such a ert. I want to save my ity with the person I love and do those stuff in the night of our wedding. And I don’t want to go in jail by killing him.” Taemin said with a hint of sob in his voice.

Key almost die from laughing at Taemin's histeric. Oh much he love his dongsaeng. “Taemin-ah..” He can’t continue what he was saying because of laughing. “..please endure it just a little longer. I’ll be back just before you know it. Okay?” He wipe his tears because of his laughing.

Taemin takes a long sigh. “Okay. Good thing I have a long patience hyung. You owe me big time.”

“I know baby. I have to hang up now. Bye, see you soon.”

“Bye hyung. WAIT!!”

“What is it?”

“Are you not going to call Jonghyun hyung? He’s been asking about you.”

“I will Tae. Bye.” He press the end button and throw his phone. “I will going to call you Jong. Just give me more time. He look at their picture. “I miss you and I love you too.”





I’m sorry if this chapter is kind of dramatic. But I have to right JONGKEY’s break up. It have to be in the story.

Hope it didn’t change your mood while reading this chapter. I promise the next chapter will be the same as the other two chapter.

Thank you for all of your great comments, it really give me a lot of courage to write guys. I hope I will meet all your expectations in this story^_^

Thank you for all the readers, subscribers and to my future readers and subscribers^_^


Please continue commenting because I need it...baaaaadddllllyyyy!!!!pleeeeaaaaasseee!!!


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oh shoot!!! i accidentally deleted the latest chapter..stupid me~_~


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Beau1996 1389 streak #1
Chapter 2: Minho's teasing is hilarious 😂
Beau1996 1389 streak #2
Chapter 1: Minho is so bossy!!
Chapter 3: Taemin just so nice. If I am him I will right away kick minho from my house no matter what lol.
Key indeed owe him big thing
Chapter 1: Cuterrrrrrrrrrr
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 28: Finally together forever! :)
Chapter 28: Wow! The emotional drive is so awesome! Enjoyed reading the story so much!
AusAngel26 #7
Chapter 28: Cute story, I enjoyed reading it. Always good to get a happy ending. Thank you for writing it. :-)
Chapter 28: The ending is so overwhelming. Their vow speeches are so romantic. And I'm laughing at JongKey's antics especially their proposal. I have fun while reading this :) The plot twist is amazing.
I love it so much . you are great author . thanks for this
Chapter 28: I love the ending really and also the jongkey proposal, its so romantic.....
Keep writing wonderful stories purplesnow......
And also I live in the country as yours,

Anyway inalways love your stories...... Fighting