Let's Get To Know Each Other


Taemin was busy looking for a music in his iPod that he will going to use for his next lesson when, one of his student comes running to him.

“Teacher! Teacher! Oh my god, you can’t believe this.” His student, Krystal, hold his shoulder and shaking his whole body.

“What is it Krystal?” He ask and he feels like his head will be separated from his body because of how Krystal shake him. “And please stop doing that. I am feeling dizzy.”

“Oh sorry.” She takes off her hands at her teacher’s shoulder. “Oh yeah, as what I am saying. Teacher there is a good looking guy outside the studio. Not just good looking, he is hot.” She said and starts to blush. “Oh my, just by thinking of him makes me blush.”

Taemin take a deep breath. His head starts to hurt now, oh how he wish that it’s not that Minho who Krystal, is talking about. Well maybe it is not him, it’s not that he is the only man who you can describe as hot in their area. Taemin thinks of someone who you can call hot, well there’s his hyung Jonghyun, but his student already know him since he and Key was always visiting him when they are still together. He thinks deeply, someone…someone..

Ah I give up. That guy is obviously that demon.” He said through his mind.

“Come on teacher. You have to look at him.” Krystal said and just before he could protest the girl drag him outside.

Then there he is, the man who ruin his life, his beautiful, perfect and happy life. He saw all his student surrounding Minho, like how ants surrounds the sugar.

“Tsk..tsk..tsk. I pity you guys. You’re being deceive by that man. I’m telling you now, beside his look, nothing is good at him anymore.” Taemin said and turn to his side but was surprise when he didn’t see Krystal. The girl is already at Minho’s side. “Aish..that girl.”

He decided to turn around and just ignore all the commotion but Minho calls him.

“Hey you there.” Minho called Taemin but the other just continue to walk away. He run and put his arms around the other’s shoulder, who slap it right away.

“Don’t touch me.” Taemin said and continue walking.

“Why?” Minho said and stop Taemin by standing in front of him and lean towards him. “Is by being touch by me makes you feel weird?” He ask with a smirk in his face.

Taemin takes a long sigh. “Look Mister-“


“Mister, Minho, whatever. I don’t have a time to listen to all your erted words right now. As you can see I am working and you-”

“Let’s have a lunch. It’s already one in the afternoon.” Minho cut Taemin’s words.

“Didn’t I just said I am wo-”

“I wonder what the best food to eat right now.” Minho put his fingers in his lips while thinking.

“Sorry, I have to-”

“Oh I saw this restaurant while I am walking. Let’s try there.”

“Can you listen when someone is talking?” Taemin irritably ask. Minho had been cutting all what he wants to say. “I just told you, I am working and busy right now.”

“But its lunch break.”

“No it’s not.” He lied just to drive Minho away.

“Yes it is. You’re student told me.” Minho said and look at Taemin’s students who was busy giggling not far from them. He give them his sweetest smile which makes the girls scream.

Taemin look around in his student. “Huh I can’t believe it.” He look at Minho again with a serious look. “Sorry Minho but I can’t go with you. I am really busy and I am not really eating in my break. So, bye.” He walk pass at Minho, when one of his student come.

“Yah, teacher. Why are you rejecting him?”

“I’m busy.” He said.

“But you’re not doing anything, when I come inside. You’re just listening in your iPod.” Krystal said which make Taemin to glare at her. But she was not scared of him. “Why don’t you just go with this man?” He ask and look at Minho who smile at her which makes her blush.

Ah seriously. There’s no point by me being a good teacher with this kids. If I should have known that they are going to betray me I should just be a strict teacher so that they will be scared of me.” He thought while looking at his students.

“Yeah, why don’t you just accept your fi-” Taemin immediately covers Minho’s mouth.

“A-ha-ha-ha. I think you guys are right. I should just accept his offer.” He look at Minho. “Try saying that word again and you’re so damn dead.” He whisper at Minho then look at his student who is looking at them curiously. “You guys can have your lunch now.”

All the girls starts to walk away while still giggling. He push Minho away as he takes off his hands that is covering the other’s mouth.

“Why did you stop me when I’m about to say that I am your fiancée?” Minho said and follow Taemin.

“Because I don’t want them to know, duh?” He stop at the door and turn around to Minho. “Wait for me here.”

“Why can’t I just wait inside?”

“You are going to wait here. And that is final.” Taemin said and run inside and lock the door.

After Taemin finish changing his clothes he gets out in his studio and lock it. He saw Minho sitting at the bench. If you just look at him, he really looks like one of those Greek Gods. So perfect, but sadly no matter how Godly his look, his attitude can pass the criteria of being the next Satan. Taemin shakes his head and walk toward Minho.

“Since you force me to come with you, let me choose where we are going to eat.” He said and put his hands in his waist.

“Sure.” Minho said as he stands up.

Taemin smile while he was walking to his car. Nice. He thought.



“What’s that?” Minho ask as he poke his chopstick at the food that is in their table.

“Chicken feet, chicken liver and chicken gizzard.” Taemin answer and almost laugh while he was looking at Minho’s expression as he was examining the foods.

“I know that is feet liver and feet. But why are you eating their gizzard? That is so gross.”

“What? How can you say gross at my favorite food?” Taemin starts to eat and ignoring Minho.

“Can I order something?”

“Yeah sure. But I want you to know that they are only serving this kinds of foods.” He answer and wants to jump out from happiness. “I win.” He thought as he continue eating.

“Then I think I’ll just watch you eat.” Minho said and stare at the other.

Taemin tried to ignore Minho but he starts to feels conscious since the other just keeps on staring at him. “Can you stop staring at me, I can’t eat properly.”

“Why? I am just staring at you. It’s not that I am disturbing you.” Minho answer innocently.

“Exactly. You’re stare gives me hard time to eat.”

“Then we’re even. Since I can’t eat those foods, it is better for you not to eat too. That’s how married couple is, they have to suffer the same sorrow. Since we are going get married soon, we should learn something that can help our relationship become healthy.” Minho smile at him.

Taemin grab his glass of water and was thankful to his angels, that they stop him from throwing it to the other’s face. When will be the time that he will going to win with this guy?

 After paying the bill, of the foods that they didn’t even eat, Minho invited him to have a coffee. Since he feel that his stomach need some food, he just accepted the offer.

They sat at one corner of the café. Taemin was staring outside but he knows Minho was staring at him by his side vision.

“What are staring at?” He ask as he look at Minho.

“I just notice that you really have a cute face.” Minho answer and was not taking his eyes at Taemin’s face.

“I’m 26 years old now Minho, you can’t use that word to describe me anymore.”

“You’re 26? I’m 28, then I think you have to call me hyung.”

“No way.”

“Why not? Should you prefer, oppa?”

“Tch. That is more than impossible to happen.” Taemin answer and drink to his cup of coffee.

“You will never know.” Minho said while smiling. Taemin just ignore him and continue to drink to his coffee. “Hey Taemin, since we are going to be married soon, let’s get to know each other.”

“No thanks. I think I already know you.” Taemin look at the other and shake his head.

“Oh really? But we just met yesterday.”

“Oh no need to have a long meeting, because there is this words, first impression.”

“Then what is your first impression to me?”


Minho raise his eyebrows. “How come.”

Taemin smile bitterly. “Do I really have to be more specific?” Minho just nodded. “Well, you harass me in our first meeting, in public. You are being rude, arrogant, self-centered and a pain in the since yesterday. You’re forcing me to accept you in my house and making me as your nanny. Now tell me, isn’t that the worst characteristic of a person who just meet someone in the first time?” Taemin answer and he feels like his throat turns dry after his long speech.

Minho just look at him with any change in his expression. “Well I hear that a lot and for me I just take that as a compliment.” He said and drink his coffee. “But I think you miss one or two characteristic of mine?”


“That I am a good looking, hot and awesome guy.”

Taemin burst in laughter, he even starts to have a tears in his eyes because of laughing. “Aren’t you being conceited right now? And who told you about those things?” He ask as he take another sip in his coffee

“From a lot of people.” He said and starts to stare at Taemin again. “And I think, I discover another good characteristic of mine.”

“What?” Taemin ask and was shock when Minho lean over and lift his chin.

“That I am a sweet person.” Minho said and the foam in Taemin’s lips.

Taemin was so dumbfounded and wasn’t able to move. Minho already return to his chair but the other is still looking at nothing. “Taemin, you can return to the earth now.” Minho said while smiling stupidly.

Taemin blink his eyes. What the hell just happen? He wipe his lips. “Can you stop doing that in public? It’s embarrassing.”

“Why should I be embarrassed? You are going to be my husband in no time now. Kissing you in public is not that embarrassing.” He said and look around and notice that some of the customer in the café are looking at them. “Well that’s the only thing that we can publicize though. Because I prefer the other thing to be private and just be shared by the two of us"

“You’re thinking of a erted things again, don’t you?”

“Well I as if I can stop myself. By just looking at you makes me want to do something.” Minho smirk.

“Tsk..tsk..you’re sick Mister. Being a ert doesn’t have a cure.” Taemin said while shaking his hand. “I want you to answer my question, Minho.”

“Now look who’s being forceful.”

“Why did you accepted this marriage?” Key never told him the real reason. No matter how much he ask the other. Now he have to know it so that he can play this play.

Minho look outside. “This is how I want to repay my sister. This is her request.”

“Your sister?”

“Yup, I owe her big time.” Minho pause and look at the other. “How about you? Why did you accept this marriage?”

Taemin panic. He doesn’t know the answer since he didn’t know the reason for this marriage. Key never mention anything to him. Not even a hint. He look down to take a sip in his coffee.

“Do you want to repay your debt to your adopted parents?” Minho ask Taemin again since the other didn’t answer.

Taemin thinks quickly. So this is Key’s parent’s request. But Why? Taemin head starts to ache from thinking. When he thought of something. Key once told him that their company was in trouble. He hope that what he is thinking is the real reason.

“Yes I want to repay them from taking care of me even if I am not their own child. And I know how important that company for them, this is the only thing that I can do to help them.” Taemin answer and look at Minho to see if what he answer will satisfy the other.

Minho nodded his head. “Well, we’re just the same. So let’s just be a good brother and son, and make our family happy.”

“But I think I want to withdraw now.” Taemin said immediately.

“You can’t do that though. You’re company’s future is in my sister’s hand.” Minho said with a little threat in his voice.

“Well I think I don’t have a problem with that, since at the end of the day, it’s not like it is me who will be trap in that situation. It will be Key hyung.” Taemin thought when he realize that this will not really going to affect his life, once Key will return them his out. Away from this devil guy.

It was already a week since Minho arrive and starts living with Taemin’s house. Taemin already brought a lock for his room and bought another blanket and pillow for Minho to use in the living room. At first the other still doesn’t want to sleep in the living room and disturb Taemin in the room by always knocking in his door every night. But Taemin just ignore it, which makes Minho leave no choice but to sleep in the living room floor.

Their situation was still not change. Minho was still harassing him every day, doing some erted things, like kissing him every morning and touching places that he was not supposed to. And he always picking up Taemin after his work in the studio.

Taemin doesn’t want it because his students starts to question his relationship with this guy, which they call “Minhot”. Taemin still remember how hard he laugh by just hearing that. But it looks like Minho already have his fan club, and what makes Taemin sad is, it is his students.


He was currently taking rest when someone came inside his studio.

“Hey there.” The guy said.

Taemin look up and saw his friends, Jonghyun, Onew and Kai. “Hey, what brings you guys here?”

“Well, we just decided to visit someone who looks like he already forgot that he have friends.” Jonghyun answer as he sat at Taemin’s side.

Taemin feel a little bit of guilt. It is true that he doesn’t have any more time to meet his friend since Minho arrive. “I’m sorry guys, just busy.”

“Well I think you are not that busy in this studio. Maybe you’re busy with someone.” Kai ask him suspiciously.

“Tsk. What nonsense are you talking about?” Taemin answer and ask at the same time. He didn’t told them what really is happening in his life now. Even what Key ask him to do. He doesn’t want any confrontation and questions, and it will be a big problem if they found out about Minho. And also it will be a big blow for Jonghyun if he meet his ex-boyfiend's future husband. He doesn't want to give any more pain to his hyung.

“I saw you last Friday at the department store with this tall guy.”Onew said.

“That’s your boyfriend right?” It was Kai who ask him.

“N-no. O-of course not.” He answer nervously.

“Aigoo. Don’t lie. You know that we know if you are lying.” Jonghyun said and put his arms around Taemin. “Let us meet him.”

“Yeah that’s right. Bring him at Jonghyun party.”


“Yup, I am throwing up a goodbye party.”

“Where are you going?”



“I need to go somewhere Tae. Staying here just makes me remember Key and it makes me feel sad.” Jonghyun answer with a very sad tone.

“But why in US. I know that you are not that good in English. You might be loss there.” Taemin ask which makes the three laugh.

“My sister is in there.”

“You have sister?”


“I didn’t know that.”

“No one knows.”

“Even Key hyung?”

“Yup.” Jonhyun stand up. “I think we have to go now. We just happen to past here to take a look at you. See you at the party. Don’t forget to bring your boyfriend.” Jonghyun tease the other.

“He is not my boyfriend. He is Key hyung’s---fiancee” Good thing the last word didn’t slip in his tongue.  

Jonghyun look at him curiously. “Key’s what?”

“Hhmm? Did I say Key hyung name?” He ask innocently.

Jonghyun just shake his head with a questionable look. “Anyway. Don’t miss the party okay. That's three days from now.” They step out of the studio. "Bring your boyfriend okay."

"I told you, he's not my boyfriend."

"Yeah...yeah..yeah." the three just wave their hands asbthey start to walk away.


Taemin sigh as he look at his friends who was walking away. “What should I do?"





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oh shoot!!! i accidentally deleted the latest chapter..stupid me~_~


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Beau1996 1384 streak #1
Chapter 2: Minho's teasing is hilarious 😂
Beau1996 1384 streak #2
Chapter 1: Minho is so bossy!!
Chapter 3: Taemin just so nice. If I am him I will right away kick minho from my house no matter what lol.
Key indeed owe him big thing
Chapter 1: Cuterrrrrrrrrrr
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 28: Finally together forever! :)
Chapter 28: Wow! The emotional drive is so awesome! Enjoyed reading the story so much!
AusAngel26 #7
Chapter 28: Cute story, I enjoyed reading it. Always good to get a happy ending. Thank you for writing it. :-)
Chapter 28: The ending is so overwhelming. Their vow speeches are so romantic. And I'm laughing at JongKey's antics especially their proposal. I have fun while reading this :) The plot twist is amazing.
I love it so much . you are great author . thanks for this
Chapter 28: I love the ending really and also the jongkey proposal, its so romantic.....
Keep writing wonderful stories purplesnow......
And also I live in the country as yours,

Anyway inalways love your stories...... Fighting