Make Things Work Out


Minho have been in the river side for almost three hours now and it is already midnight but he still don’t want to go home. He still don’t want to see Taemin. Because right now he still don’t know what to do. He was really shock knowing that Taemin is not his fiancée and he is entitled to marry another man. But he is not mad because of that, he was shock, yes, but was not mad. He was not mad at Taemin.

He was not mad because Taemin is not his real fiancée, because in some ways, he thought that it is a good thing.

He was not mad because Taemin lied to him, because at the first place he lied too.

He was not mad because Taemin deceived him because he deceived him too.

But he was mad because of this reasons,

He was mad because of all people, why does he have to say that to Kai. To the man that he knows, have a feeling for him.

He was mad because his stupid mind already thinking that, maybe Kai will take advantage from the fact that, he and Taemin is not really going to marry.

He was mad because, if ever he didn’t happen to hear what Taemin and Kai was talking about, who the hell knows what will Kai plans to do.

He was mad because Taemin is still talking to him.

He was mad because he is ing jealous of Kai.

He throw another stone in the water and watch it drown in the there. He silence his phone because Taemin have been calling him since he leave the party and it is still not stop vibrating right now. He look at it and he found out that he already have 50 missed calls, 20 messages and 25 voicemails. He sigh as he open his voice mails.

Hey Minho where are you? Answer your phone!”

“Come on Minho, you have to answer your phone!!”

“Minho!!Where the ing hell are you?”

“You didn’t met an accident right?”

“Damn it Choi Minho! Answer your phone. You have to talk to me! Let me explain, okay?”

“If you don’t answer your phone right now. I am going to call a police to search for you.”

“Fine!! If you don’t want to talk to me at least bring back my car, you thief!! If you don’t I am going to call police and we will just see each other in the police station.”

“YAH!! Are you still not going to answer? I am now calling 911. I am not joking.”

Almost all his messages have the same message. Taemin is asking him and trying to convince him to answer his phone. Until he open his last voicemail.

“Okay, I give up. I know that you are angry because I lied to you. I’m sorry. I know that what I did was wrong. I just want to help my friend, your true fiancée. He is my best friend and this was this first request to me. Please Minho, meet me, okay. Let me explain everything to you. And about your true fiancée, don’t worry, he will be coming back to meet you and to proceed for the wedding.” a sudden silence is what happen next. It’s like Taemin wants to say something. “I will be waiting for you Minho hyung.” After saying that Taemin ended the message.

“He called me hyung.” Minho mumble and that put smile in his face.

He stands up and run to the car and drove back at Taemin’s apartment. Because it’s already midnight, there are no more traffic, and he reach Taemin’s apartment in just a short time. He use his own key to open the apartment.

As he open the door, the living room is dark. He tried to search for the switch, when he almost tripped because of something that was in the ground but he still managed to open the light.

He found Taemin on the floor, sitting there. He was leaning at the wall while hugging his knees and his face down. He sigh as he sit beside the other.

“You called me hyung in one of your messages.” He said that put a smile in his face.

Taemin didn’t say anything but he look at the other and found that he is smiling.

“But I still prefer if you call me oppa.” This time Minho turn his head to look at Taemin to meet the other’s eyes.

But Taemin avoid Minho’s eyes. He put his chin on the top of his knee and stare somewhere in the living room. “I am sorry for lying Minho.”

“Where is the hyung?”

“I didn’t mean to deceive you but I really want to help my friend. I want to help Key hyung this time and I thought that his request is a simple thing to do.” Taemin disregard the thought that Minho doesn’t want to talk about this.


“I’m sorry that you fell in love with me. I am sorry that you develop those feelings for me. I am sorry that you wasted your time with me, which you should waste when you are with your true fiancée. And I am sorry that I fell in love with you even if I know that this is not right.” Taemin continue with his face doesn’t have any expression at all. But the tears was falling in his face.

It hurts him knowing that this love is not right. Knowing that he should not feel this way. Knowing that this love will be thrown away once Key return.

Minho grab Taemin’s hand and lock it in his two hands. The other turn his head to Minho with a confuse look.

“Don’t blame yourself Taemin. It’s not your fault.” Minho said while massaging Taemin’s soft hands. “Now I know why you are so aloof to me when we first met. Why does it feels like you are holding yourself to fall for me. I am not being full of myself, but I know that you already have a feeling for me a long time ago now. And I should be the one saying sorry since I just left like that at Kai’s party. Living you behind.

Taemin can’t help himself to smile. “How can you still think those kind of things when the situation situation like this?”

Minho didn’t answer, instead he pull Taemin closer to him. “And it’s not like you push me to fall for you. I can’t believe that I am saying this now but, unlike things that needs gravity to fall, I didn’t need that to fall in love with you. I fell in love with you not because I thought you are my fiancé, but because you are Lee Taemin.” Minho said while smiling.

“But Minho.” Taemin push the other way and he turn around to sit facing Minho. “This is not going to work. This is not right. You are already entitled to marry my Key hyung.”

“Then I think I have to be a runaway groom.” Minho jokingly said. His smile turn into a bitter smile now. He was torn between Taemin and his sister.

“What? No Minho you can’t. You have to do it.”

“Do you know the real reason why your friend accepted this marriage?”

Taemin shakes his head and still remain looking at Minho.

“So when the last time that I ask you about that you just guessed?” Taemin nodded. “Then you guess it right.”

“T-then, Key’s parents company is now at risk?”

“Yup, and it was my sister that can only save them. In exchange, me and him, have to marry each other and let the two family be a partner.”

“Then you really should do it. I can’t afford to think that because of me, Key’s parents will suffer in the future. And besides you said that you owe your sister, right? Minho I will not going to be the reason for you to turn your back on your family.”

Minho gulp. He’s thinking if he will going to say the real reason, about him owing Jessica, he was afraid that Taemin will be more persistent to push him in the wedding. No, he doesn’t want to take that risk.

“It’s okay Taemin. I am just going to explain it to her. I don’t want to continue this marriage.”

“But what about Key hyung? No Minho. I can’t be that selfish. We can’t be that selfish.”

“But when you love someone, you have to be selfish.”

“Minho, no---”

“When is he coming back?” Minho cut Taemin’s reason.


“Your friend.”

“Tomorrow evening.” Taemin look at the clock and notice that it’s already 5:00 in morning. “Or should I say this evening.”

“Then I am going to talk to him. I can help him and his parents company. I have money that can help them.” Minho was being stubborn right now. That money in his bank should be used for his sister’s medication once they leave the Choi resident. He don’t have a plan to be in Jessica’s manipulation all his life. As long as the operation is successful, then he is sure that he and his sister can survive with that money in his bank.

That plan is before he meet Taemin. But right now his love for him is dominating all his plan in the past. He thought that maybe he can speak to his true fiancée and make a compromise. Or maybe a temporary marriage, then after they get what they want in this marriage, they can just end it and go along with their lives. Besides divorce is the last thing in Jessica’s plan. This revenge thing of Jessica is much easier to finish now.

He can save his sister, he can be with Taemin after the temporary marriage. And he don’t have to hurt someone, which he really hate to do. Good thing that Jessica is disabled right now. He knows Jessica trust him, that he can get the revenge she wants by using his sister Mi-hyun as bait.

 “But Minho. What if Key hyung will not approve it?”

“You said that he is your bestfriend right?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“Because if you really is his besfriend, then I think that he will understand our situation. Beside he just want to save their company that’s why he is going to be in this marriage right? It’s not like he love me at all.”

Taemin look down, he still not convince. His mind is mess up right now.

“Don’t worry love. Everything will be okay.” Minho said. He touch the others face to meet the other’s eyes. “I love you, okay? And now that I found the person who change my whole life, I don’t have a plan to give it away. I don’t want to hand my property to anyone.”

“I am not your property Minho.”

“Yes you are. When you said that you love me, then you started being one.”

Taemin lean his forehead at Minho’s shoulder. Right now he just want to be calm and just stay still at this very moment, because he knows once Key will arrive, he is sure that everything will turn into a mess. Even though Minho said that everything will be alright. He wonder if it really is going to be alright.

“Please Taemin, you have to believe in me. I can make this things work out. All you have to do is to stay by my side.” Minho said pulling Taemin into a hug.

Taemin put his hands in Minho’s back returning the hug. His mind is so blur right now. He doesn’t know how the situation like this. He just want to help Key and when the other comes back, he plan to leave Minho and Key. Together with his forbidden love. But now he wonder if he can leave Minho when the other wants him to stay in his side.

He unconsciously hug Minho tightly and buried his face into the other’s neck.

“Taemin-ah, you’re hugging me too tight. I am not saying that it is a bad thing, but I have to breathe love.” Minho said with a laugh in his voice.

Taemin was shyly break away from the hug. But Minho’s hand was still in his waist and his other hand was touching his face.

“Trust me Taemin. We are not going to break up and I am not going to marry your friend.” Minho said caressing the other’s lips. He was stopping himself from the urge to kiss those soft lips. “Okay?”

“Okay.” Taemin answer but his mind is contradicting his words.

Minho pull Taemin up and drag him to the room. “Let sleep now love.”


“Yeah.” Minho look at the other. “Why? Don’t you want to?”

“Hmm? O-of course I want too. But I am not sure if I can sleep with all of this things in my mind.”

Minho pull Taemin at the bed which makes the other land in his side. “Don’t worry. I will make you sleep here in my arms.” Minho said and pull Taemin inside his arms. “Sleep love. We need energy to survive in this situation.” He kiss the other’s head and tighten the hug.


Minho smile when he notice that Taemin was already sleeping after saying that he can’t sleep. It was him, who can’t bring himself to sleep. There are so many things that was in his mind.

His relationship with Taemin.

His sister.

His true fiancée and the fact that, what if he will not accept his offer and still want to marry him.

And most of all, Jessica. What if she found out that, he fell in love with the friend of the guy she wants to get revenge? What if she found out that her plan didn’t really work out, just like what he told her last time he saw her.

What if his plan will not work out and in the end of the day, he will still have to end his relationship with Taemin?

He hug Taemin to and he close his eyes. He need to sleep and will just think a good plan once he woke up.





why do i feel like this chapter is so crappy and a complete mess

can you tell me if it is???

i really don't know how am i going to deliver Minho's plan because I need Key on the picture

and oh, please forgive me if i did break all your excitement about Key's home coming,

i just want to fix 2min relationship before Key come,

hope you can understand me

i was in torn torn between the thought of breaking 2min of just continue their relation.

but i just decided not to break it,

because even if it's just in my story,

i want to think that everyone  can fight for their love even if they are facing a big problem.


anyway (sigh)

the next chapter will be Key's home coming, i promise.. 



and OMG!!


you guys really made me so happy because of

all your comments, subscription, upvoting, and spending your time reading this story,

all of that makes me more insprired to write

even though I am not sure if i am giving you a great story

you guys still love me, right??


please continue to support me,

and i'll try, no, i'll give all my best to write a good chapters in the future


Thank you my lovely and awesome readers





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oh shoot!!! i accidentally deleted the latest chapter..stupid me~_~


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Beau1996 1384 streak #1
Chapter 2: Minho's teasing is hilarious 😂
Beau1996 1384 streak #2
Chapter 1: Minho is so bossy!!
Chapter 3: Taemin just so nice. If I am him I will right away kick minho from my house no matter what lol.
Key indeed owe him big thing
Chapter 1: Cuterrrrrrrrrrr
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 28: Finally together forever! :)
Chapter 28: Wow! The emotional drive is so awesome! Enjoyed reading the story so much!
AusAngel26 #7
Chapter 28: Cute story, I enjoyed reading it. Always good to get a happy ending. Thank you for writing it. :-)
Chapter 28: The ending is so overwhelming. Their vow speeches are so romantic. And I'm laughing at JongKey's antics especially their proposal. I have fun while reading this :) The plot twist is amazing.
I love it so much . you are great author . thanks for this
Chapter 28: I love the ending really and also the jongkey proposal, its so romantic.....
Keep writing wonderful stories purplesnow......
And also I live in the country as yours,

Anyway inalways love your stories...... Fighting