The Storm is Over


A deep silence was surrounding the whole apartment. So silent that you can even hear a needle once it drop in the ground.

The three men was now sitting in the couch while the two younger's head was down, trying to avoid the elder's eyes.

Minho was unconsciously playing the screen of his iPhone while Key playing his fingers. There are so much to talk about but somehow no one can start the conversation.

Mr. Choi cleared his throat as he was warming up to speak. "So, did the both of you ended up marrying each other?" he asked that makes the two younger looked at him.

"No. And how did you know about that?" Minho asked.

"I have my sources Minho." He looked at Key who was just now looking at him closely. He smiled to the younger. "Your mom raise you very well." He said.

"When did you recovered?" it was Key's turn to asked the elder.

"A long time ago. I really don’t want to talk about this right now because I want us to talk about this with Jessica."

Minho feels his ear burning when he heard his sister's name. "Dad, I want you to answer one of my question and I want to hear your answer right now." Before he continued his question he looked at Key. "Why did Key just called you Appa?" He asked and returned his eyes to his dad.

"Because Minho." Mr. Choi paused for a second to gather his courage to answer his son. "Key.. Key is your elder brother." He continued.

Minho's eyes got widen just like the eyes of an owl as he looked at Key who was not even surprise from what his father just said. "Brother? He's my brother? You’re my brother?" He asked continuously he turned his eyes from Key to his father.

"Yes. He is your brother. He is my son." Mr. Choi hold Key's hand while saying those words.

"Did you know this Key? You’re not even look like your surprise?"

"I know." He answered but there is one thing that he wanted to make sure. "Ap—“ He refrain himself to call the other Appa again. “Mr. Choi, I just want to make sure one thing." He didn't wait for the elder’s permission before he continued his question. "Is Minho.. is he your son in blood?"

"Yes Key.” Mr. Choi answered immediately. “He is my son. In blood. I know that you did some research and you found that Minho is my second wife son alone. But no. Minho came from me. He is your brother. Your real brother."

If Key heard this thing when Taemin and Minho haven't fallen in love with each other and he was still intitled to marry the other, he might be already jumping around the house. But today, it was not really a big deal for him. He just wanted to make sure that Minho is really his brother. Brother by blood.

"I can't believe this. Why didn't you tell me?" Minho asked. He didn't know what he was about to feel right now about this revelation.

"It’s no big deal Minho." Key said as he stand up to get some water. He sudden feel thirsty.

"No big deal? We almost marry each other. I almost get married to my brother. Did you know how ridiculous is that? Did you know that if I didn't fallen in love with Taemin there will be a possibility that I might fell in love with you." Minho said continuously. "Oh God. I can't even imagine." He added while walking around the living room.

"Minho calm down. Stop being exaggerated." Key passed the water to his father who was just sitting there calmly.

“And who this Taemin might be?” Mr. Choi asked.

“He is Minho’s boyfriend.” Key answered bluntly.

Mr. Choi choked while drinking his water when he heard the answer. Key patted his back.

“Are you okay dad?” Minho walked toward the elder as he gave him a piece of tissue.

Mr. Choi waited until he recover from his shock. He wipe his lips then he look at his two sons. “Boyfriend? I didn’t know that you are gay Minho.”

“I didn’t know that I am one too Dad, until I meet Taemin.” He answered with a smile in his face.

“Are you somehow not okay with gays?” Key asked and was nervous that his father might get angry when he figure out that he is gay too.

“No Key. I am okay with them. There is no reason for me to be angry with homos. They are also human just like me too, that’s why I don’t have any hard feeling for them. Besides I have gay friends too. I was just shock that Minho is one of them.” He put down his glass of water. “And if you are worried that I might not accept you because you are a homo. Don’t worry. I will still accept you as my son.” He added with a bright smile in his face.

“Y-you know that I am gay?” He was surprise that his father know about this.

“Yes I know Key. And I also know that you are Jonghyun’s boyfriend. And that is the reason why Jessica doing this right?” He looked at both of his son.

Key and Minho lowered their head as they remember the problem that they are facing right now.

“Don’t worry, both of you. Now that I am here everything will be okay. Trust me.” He looked around the whole apartment. “So, I thought you said that you didn’t get married but why are you living in the same apartment? And where is this Taemin? I want to meet him.”

“We are not living together dad. This apartment is Taemin’s and Minho’s. And about Taemin, he was not here because Jessica threatened him.” Key answered. He looked up at Minho who was just standing and leaning at the corner. His eyes was looking outside the window.

“If that’s the case, I think I have to solve this problem as soon as I can.” He stand up.” You two, come with me.”

“Where are we going?” the two younger asked at the same time.

The old man just smiled at them as he walked towards the door.

“Miss Jessica.” DooJoon called the lady who was in the balcony that afternoon and was taking her coffee.

“Yes DooJoon?”

“You have a visitor.”

Jessica turned her wheelchair around just to be surprise to see her visitor. Without being aware of it, she stand up from her wheelchair and slowly walk toward her visitor.

“D-daddy?” She mumble as she stare to the old man who was standing a few steps away from her. “H-h-how? H-how did come you’re here? W-what are you doing here?” She asked continuously. Then her eyes flew to the two guy behind his father.  Then her facial expression change from surprise to anger. Her eyes was burning. “You two, what are you doing here?” She turned to DooJoon who was just standing at the corner. “Get that gays out of he—”


Jessica’s words was cut when that loud slap touch her cheek. Minho and Key gasped as they saw what Mr. Choi did.

“Why did you slap me?”

“That is for all the bad things that you have done. To me, to Minho, To Key, and to Mi-Hyun.” Mr. Choi answered with this voice still low.

She looked at her dad with so much hatred in her eyes as she walked backward while holding her cheeks. “You don’t have the right to slap me.” She said.

“Yes Jessica, I do have the right. I have all the right to do that to you.”

“No you don’t. You lose that right when you cheated my mother. You lose that right when you choose those savage instead of me, instead my mother.” She looked at Minho again.

“What happen to you Jessica? Why did you allow yourself to be like that? You used to be my little princess, you used to be my little angel.” Mr. Choi voice was full of agony as he was looking at her daughter. Honestly, he was hurt to when he slap her that was the first time he did hat to the girl.

“Are you kidding me?” Jessica snorted. “It was you who made me like this. It was you who turn me into this evil. It was you and your mistress. Your mistress who killed my mother!” She shouted while she control herself from crying when he remember her mother.

“My mother didn’t killed your mom.” Minho answered back. Key hold his arm to make him calm.

“Yes she did. She pushed my mom to commit suicide.” She look back at her dad. “You two pushed her into her grave.”

“Jessica, you are wrong.” The old man walked towards the balcony. “Your mother didn’t commit suicide. Your mother..she had..she had a heart failure.” His voice broke.

“W-w-what? What did you just say?” She bit her lips then she chucked. “Don’t make such story.”

“Jessica, I am not making stories. Ji-eun, your mother had a heart problem ever since she was born.”

“No. that is not true. If she’s sick, then why she didn’t tell me. Why?”

“Because she doesn’t want to hurt you. She doesn’t want to burden you.” He turned around to look at Jessica. “And she also asked me not to tell you. She asked me and Miri to hide this from you.”

“Miri? How did that woman know about my mother’s condition? How did your mistress know about this?”

“Jessica, sweetheart. Let me tell you a story. My love story, our love story.” Then he looked at Minho and Key who was silently listening to them. “Both of you too, listen to me.”

“Why does that outsider have to be in this situation?”

“Because, Key is my son.”

Jessica turned her head to his dad with a surprise look. “What do you mean?”

“Let me start my story.” Mr. Choi cleared his throat. “I was twenty two when I met the two amazing women in the whole word. They are best of friends, more than, to be honest. They treated each other like sisters. And I am amazed how they overcame all the challenges that had been coming to their lives. Then suddenly, I found myself falling in love in one of them, she was the tough one. The girl who can barely smile. She took every single thing seriously.” She paused a second to look at Minho who was looking at him too.

“As time passed by, I didn’t realize that I already fell deeply in love with her. I want her in my life. I want her to be my wife. I didn’t know, but I notice that she also have a feeling for me. I waited for the right time to confess my feeling for her. And when that time came, I was so happy that she accepted me. The other girl was so happy for us. We shared our happiness with her. But then, all of a sudden, our perfect love life turned into a messed. The girl left me. She said that I am more suited to her friend. That her friend loves me more than the love she have for me.”

“I was devastated. I rebelled after she left, drinking alcohol from time to time, getting into troubled and meeting different woman. Then I met this one girl, she was very understanding, she fixed me and turned me to the person who I am before my love left me. We became friends, got into a not so serious relationship.” He looked at Key, “Yes Kibum. That woman is your mom.” He smiled when he saw the resemblance of Kibum and her mom. “When I thought that she must be the right woman for me, I receive a phone call from her, the girl that I love more than my life. She asked me a favor to meet her friend. To stay in her friends side. Because she was sick and she needs me. She needs someone to be in her side.” He walked towards the couch and calmly seated there while his three children was looking at him.

“I did what she said. That’s how I love her. I can do anything that can make her happy even if it can’t give me the happiness that I want. I stayed at her friend’s side, I married her. In our married life, I was happy, I didn’t expect to be that happy to be with her. I did love her and I want to give her the happiness she deserve. But I know deep inside my heart, that I only loved her as my little sister and my heart will always love one person, which is Miri. When she asked me that she wanted a child, we tried to have one, but because of her condition, it didn’t succeeded. She was so weak to bear a child. She was so sad that’s why I suggested that we can adopt one.” He paused and he tried to catch Jessica’s eyes. “And that angel is you Jessica. You are the baby that we adopted that time. You are the one who gave back the smile in Ji-eun face again.”

Minho and Key was shocked from what they heard, especially Minho. This is the second time for today that his father drop a bomb of surprise in front of him. He wonders what will be the next surprise that he might reveal.

Jessica’s eyes got widen from what she heard. “W-w-what? What did you just said? Adopted? I am just adopted?” She asked. Her eyes was starting to form a tear.

“Yes Jessica. We adopted you. And that was the happiest time of your mom’s life. She being a mother. But then, his condition got worsen as the time goes by. I remember that you asked her one time and she said that she only have an asthma. But no Jessica. That time was one of her major attack. That’s why she stayed at the hospital for a long time.”

“No.” Jessica loss herself as she started to cry.

Mr. Choi sighed as he was watch her daughter crying. But he wanted to finish his story. “That time of her sickness, I didn’t know that she started to contact her friend, her best friend, Miri. She told her that her time in this world will not be too long. That her daughter needs a new mom to protect and to love her. That I also need someone in my side when the she must have to leave. She is the reason why did Miri and I meet again. It was her who gave us the second chance to love each other again.”

“Miri tried to have your love, to have your attention. For you to love your brother Minho. But you didn’t gave her the chance. I want to blame myself because I didn’t tell you the truth. I also want to blame Ji-Eun because she didn’t tell you her condition. But I can’t. I can’t blame her. This is her only wish for me. Miri loved you as if you are her own daughter. And because of that love she even sacrifice her life to save you. For you to live in this world longer.”

“Dad, what are you saying? What do you mean that mom sacrifice herself to save Jessica?” It was Minho’s turn to ask. As he was expected, his dad have still bomb that he was keeping in his pocket.

“Minho, I know that you didn’t know what caused your mother to die. But she died trying to save your sister.”

Just before Key can stop Minho, he was already running towards Jessica. He grab her arms as he pulled her up. “Did you hear that? Did you just hear what dad just said? My mom didn’t killed your mom. But it was you who killed my mom.” He said while he was grinning his teeth.

Jessica can’t fight back. She lose all her strength from what she just found out. All this time she thought that she lose everything she have, she didn’t know that she don’t have anything to lose because from the very start she don’t anything that she can call hers. Even Jonghyun, she never had his heart.

Mr. Choi walked towards Minho and asked him to release his sister. “Minho, don’t blame her. It was you mom decision.”

“But dad, all this time. All this time she’s—”

“I’m sorry.” Jessica mumble which cut Minho. “I am so sorry.” After she said that she started to sob. A loud sob was heard in a very silent room. The three men just watch Jessica sobbing.

“Jessica.” Mr. Choi’s heart broke as he watch Jessica who was clenching her chest while crying.

“Daddy. I’m so sorry. Sorry. Sorry.” She continuously mumble while crying.


“Minho, Key, I think you should leave for now.” Mr. Choi said as he closed Jessica’s room. The girl fallen asleep after she cried.

“But I want to ask you so many question.” Key said.

“We still have a lot of time Key. For now I want to take a rest first. I am so tired after that long talked.” He look at Miho who was just leaning at the floor. “Minho, I hope that you can forgive your sister. Your mom saved her thinking that she can enjoy the life in this world. She still deserve to be happy after all the pain that she had. I hope that the three, no, the four of you including Mi-Hyun can have a great relationship just like Miri and Ji-eun’s relationship. I hope that it still not late for the four of you to treat each other as siblings.” He start to walked but before he passed his two sons, he patted their shoulder. “And about your problems, Key, you don’t have to worry about your adopted parents company. I had already signed the partnership contract. And Minho, Mi-hyun’s operation will be performed next week. And we have to be there. Your sister needs you.” He gave him a small smile. After saying that, he continued to walk to his room.

Key and Minho just looked at each other before they decided to leave.


“Where did you go?”Jonghyun asked Key when he opened his door and saw the other standing there. “I thought you were at Taemin’s house. I came there but—”

Key hug his boyfriend tightly that the other feel that his rib cage was about to break any minute soon.

“Babe, I can’t br-breath” He said and was trying to break away from Key’s embrace.

“Everything is okay now Jong. Everything is okay now.” Key mumble.

“What are you talking ab—”

Key cut his boyfriend from talking by kissing him deeply. “Babe, why don’t we plan for our wedding?” He said after the kiss. He gave him his sweetest smile.


Minho was sitting at the bed at Taemin’s apartment. He was holding his phone and was holding himself from calling the other. Oh well, he thought that it will be useless since Taemin will not going to answer his call. “Love, everything is okay now. The storm in my life is over now.” He mumble as he dropped his body in the bed where he can smell Taemin’s sweet scent there.


First thing first... I am so sorry that this chapter is too long for you guys, at first I decided to cut this into two parts but then I realize that there's no need for me to cut it. I didn't expect that this will turned out to be a very long thank you for reading it patiently.. And also sorry if its just about family ^__^

And oh..GUYS!!!!!! I need your help!! I have a big BIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGG PROBLEM!!

I Think I am







(Taemin and Naeun)

I feel like I am betraying 2MIN...

But I just can't help myself to fall in love with them. They are so freaking sweet in the last ep of WGM and Naeun is such a sweetheart me to recover my 2min feeling..I have been digging all my reasons for loving 2MIN,.

I need those feelings for the next chapter of my story, I need those feeling to survive.

(oh this gif is from my favorite animated movie..ahaha..i'm so random)

Anyway..that's it for today..gotta go now..I have to dig more 2MIN stuff in my closet


OH before I forget, 

Thank you for reading

You already know that I love you all, right??



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oh shoot!!! i accidentally deleted the latest chapter..stupid me~_~


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Beau1996 1384 streak #1
Chapter 2: Minho's teasing is hilarious 😂
Beau1996 1384 streak #2
Chapter 1: Minho is so bossy!!
Chapter 3: Taemin just so nice. If I am him I will right away kick minho from my house no matter what lol.
Key indeed owe him big thing
Chapter 1: Cuterrrrrrrrrrr
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 28: Finally together forever! :)
Chapter 28: Wow! The emotional drive is so awesome! Enjoyed reading the story so much!
AusAngel26 #7
Chapter 28: Cute story, I enjoyed reading it. Always good to get a happy ending. Thank you for writing it. :-)
Chapter 28: The ending is so overwhelming. Their vow speeches are so romantic. And I'm laughing at JongKey's antics especially their proposal. I have fun while reading this :) The plot twist is amazing.
I love it so much . you are great author . thanks for this
Chapter 28: I love the ending really and also the jongkey proposal, its so romantic.....
Keep writing wonderful stories purplesnow......
And also I live in the country as yours,

Anyway inalways love your stories...... Fighting