

Taemin and Minho are already in their way to Jeju Island. The younger doesn’t even remember how did he pursued Minho to come with him after all what happen to them and to Jessica. But it was a good thing, he wants to relax his mind before he do anything else.

Sure he did say that he will not going to leave Minho no matter what happen, but that words came out in his mouth because of the spur of the moment. He, himself was not even sure if he can really do that. He was still shock that Minho is having a big problem right now and knowing that he is part of it, makes him feel guilty.

After hearing the truth from Jessica, he expect himself to be angry to Minho, because he lied to him. But that’s not what happen, instead he loves him even more, knowing that he can give up his own life just to save his sister. And now, he can even give up the chances that his sister might get better, just to be with him.

Taemin sigh as he look at Minho who is sleeping. He was leaning in his shoulder and he look so peaceful in his sleep. He was so different from the Minho he saw after that incident in Jessica’s house. That Minho, is so broken, devastated, and depress.

Minho was, and still is, in a very deep depression. And he wants to help him no matter what happen. And after seeing Minho cry like that last night, he was so desperate to help him.


“This is the same room we had last time.” Taemin said as they enter their hotel room.

“Yeah, that’s because this is a VIP room. And it was reserve for me and to my family.” Minho walk to the closet and place their clothes there and walk to the bed and sit there.

Taemin watch Minho’s every move and he knows that the elder is not really that happy in his idea. Who would be? When you are having a big dilemma and someone drag you into a vacation, it is sure not a good thing. He sigh as he walked to the bed and seated beside his man. He lean his head to the elder’s shoulder and he grab his hand.

“Minho hyung. Sorry if I invited you to come here even if I know that you have a big problem to solve.” He said while playing Minho’s hands.

Minho sigh as he lock his fingers to the other. “Don’t be Taemin. I know that you only want to help me to lessen my depression. And I was so thankful that you understand me. Having you here with me is a great help, knowing that you are willing to fight for this love is enough for me to fight this storm that I am facing right now.” He kiss the younger’s head and lean his head to the other.

“Of course I will going to fight for this love hyung. After you took everything from me, my first kiss, my first love, my first night, everything, I don’t have a plan to let you go no matter what.” He tried to joke around.

Minho chuckle. “I know, and I don’t have any plan to let you go as well.”

They stayed like that for a couple of minutes before Taemin stood up.

“Let’s have a date tomorrow hyung.” He said while smiling.

“Why tomorrow. We still have a lot of time right now.” Minho answer as he peek in his wrist watch. It only two in the afternoon.

“Hyung, it’s already afternoon. I want a date in a whole day. And that is tomorrow. Okay?”

“Then what you do you want us to do today?”

“If I am going to answer that. It is okay for you to do what I want?”

Minho grinned when he thinks what might Taemin wants, and of course his mind can’t stop thinking erted things. He was so amazed how Taemin can change his mood. Sure he still is in a big dilemma, but he know that the younger is doing all his best to help him to lighten up. “Sure love. What is it?”

“C-can you tell me about your sister?” He was looking straight to Minho’s eyes, that’s why he saw how the elder’s expression change.

Minho let his head down to avert Taemin’s eyes. The younger kneel down, he grab Minho’s hands and tried to get meet his eyes.


Minho sigh before looking at Taemin. He thinks that Taemin deserve to know everything about him, besides sooner or later he will going to tell this to him, so why does he have to wait for that.

“Mi-Hyun, is my real sister, my sister in blood.” He signal Taemin to stand up and patted the side of the bed. The younger seated while Minho lay in his lap.

He starts to tell the story of his life. On how he was born from his father’s cheating. From the death of Jessica’s mother which leads his father to marry his mom. From Mi-Hyun birth and they found out that she have a heart disease. From his mother’s death, from up till now, they still don’t know the reason. From his father’s falling ill. From his sister’s operation that leads him to take the revenge for Jessica.

Minho told Taemin everything that he have to know. Everything that he keep as his secret. Hoping that after he did that, he will going feel the less depression.


Taemin gave Minho the time of his life to cry while lying in the bed. He hold the other’s hand that was covering his eyes that is full of tears. He let the time pass in that moment because he thought that Minho needs time to release all his sadness, hoping it can make him feel better.

When he saw that Minho’s tears are gone. He lifted the other’s hands and look him at the eyes. “Minho hyung, don’t worry. Everything will be okay, you will going to save your sister. Trust me.” He said before leaning to the elder and kiss his lips.

Minho savour that kiss. The kiss that assures him that everything will be going alright. The kiss that tells him how much Taemin loves him. The kiss that means everything to him.

“Thank you Taemin. Thank you for being there for me.”

“I will always be here hyung. Trust me.” He said giving his brightest smile.

Taemin woke up early in the next morning. The first thing he wants to do in their date is to watch the sun rise, as usual. He looks at Minho who was still sleeping. He feels so guilty to wake him up and disturb him in his sleep, knowing that it is the only time for him to take a rest and escape the reality that is causing him so much pain.

He caress the other’s face. “How am I going to help you?” he mumble.

“Break up with Minho.” Jessica’s word just pop out in his mind.

Is that the only way, but didn’t he said that he is not going to sacrifice their love? But how? How is he going to help Minho without them being separated? He was biting his nails while thinking when an idea cross his mind.

“Is there any way I can do?” He mumble. He hug Minho while still thinking of a better way.

“Taemin, are you awake now?” Minho ask after he feel Taemin’s tight hug.

“Yup Minho hyung.” He sat up. “Come on, we have to see the sun rise.”

“Okay.” The elder stands up. He carried Taemin in his back and both of them walked to the bathroom.

After having a shower together and finish dressing up. The two starts to head in the mountain where they can watch the sunrise.

Most of the people who is climbing are elderly and they are smiling at the two boys who’s climbing while they are holding hands.

Taemin who have a good manner, greeted all the elders who is greeting them and praising their relationship. While Minho just giving them a small nod.


When they reach the top, they just waited for another ten minutes before the sun came out. And just like last time, Taemin prayed, prayed that everything will be okay. That his prayers will be heard just like his last prayer.

After delivering his prayers and wishes. He looks at Minho who is looking thoroughly in the sun, there was a tears in his eyes but he didn’t let it fall. Taemin lifted his free hand and poke around Minho’s eyes.

“Why don’t you let it fall?”

“Because I’m tired of crying love.” Minho joke around. He grab Taemin’s hands and playfully bite it.


They spend their day playing around in the beach, driving around the island and eating different foods that was only found in the island. They even did fishing just like last time before they decided to go home.

They bought a food in the restaurant beside the beach for their dinner. Taemin invited Minho to watch a movie. As he open the TV, he chuckled how much the coincidence is. That movie at that time is the story of the two brothers who struggling to survive in the cruel world. The elder have a cancer and was about to die, but the younger doesn’t want to let his hyung go.

When the movie reach its , where the elder brother was about to die, Taemin take a glimpse to Minho. And he was right, there’s tears in his eyes. The younger wipe it with his fingers, he grab the other’s head and lean it to his shoulder.

“Don’t be sad hyung, that is not going to happen to both of you.” He said while caressing the other’s hair.

“I know Taemin, I know I can save my little princess.” Minho mumble with a shaking voice.

“Yes hyung.” He look at the screen again and watch as the credit roll. “We can save your little princess.”

 Minho lifted his body and he face Taemin. He grab the other’s face and kiss him in the lips, “Again, thank you Taemin. I love you so much.”

The younger grab hold Minho’s hands that was holding his face. “I love you too Minho hyung.” He smile as he lean forward to kiss the elder.

Minho hug the other tightly to deepen the kiss, he need Taemin right now. He needs him so badly.

“Hyung, let me do it.” Taemin said when the other was about to take his clothes.

“Taemin I need you.” Minho mumble as he starts devouring the younger.

“I am here hyung. Take me.” Taemin answer as he welcome Minho into his body.



When Taemin was sure that Minho is already sleeping, he quietly break free from Minho’s arms and slowly get off the bed. He grab Minho’s phone and his own and walked to the bathroom. He stayed there for a while. When he got out, he was already wearing his clothes. He put down Minho’s phone where it usually is. He walked closer to the sleeping Minho and kiss him lightly on the lips.

“Hyung, let’s meet each other again. Don’t be angry. Okay?” He mumble with a smile in his face. “This is the only way that we have to save your little princess. Don’t worry, not because I am leaving doesn’t mean I am giving up on you. No hyung, I will never ever give up on you, but right now, your sister’s life is the most important thing. To save this relationship, and your sister, we need to be tricky hyung.” He smile. “I have to go now.” Again he gave him a soft kiss in his lips before walking towards the door.

After wearing his shoes he walk towards the door and give Minho a last look.

“See you hyung.” He walk out of the door and he was wishing non-stop that this plan might go along with him.

Hey, hey.. ^_^ I'm back..
It's been a long time..
Sorry for this lame update, but I just really really really need to put this chapter so that my plan will gonna work, and I hope it will.
I'm not gonna leave a long note for now, I hurt my arm just after I wrote this chapter and for the next chapter :'( 
Thank you for still reading this story, I hope you still remember the flow of the story.. ^_^
Oh by the way, special thanks to those who gave their good luck message to me when I leave for a hiatus.. I graduated successfully and I just had my work, YEY!!!
Thank you very much..
That's it for now..See you to the next chappie (I might post it tomorrow, depending on how's my arm's going)... ^___^
BYE, BYE!!! 


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oh shoot!!! i accidentally deleted the latest chapter..stupid me~_~


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Beau1996 1389 streak #1
Chapter 2: Minho's teasing is hilarious 😂
Beau1996 1389 streak #2
Chapter 1: Minho is so bossy!!
Chapter 3: Taemin just so nice. If I am him I will right away kick minho from my house no matter what lol.
Key indeed owe him big thing
Chapter 1: Cuterrrrrrrrrrr
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 28: Finally together forever! :)
Chapter 28: Wow! The emotional drive is so awesome! Enjoyed reading the story so much!
AusAngel26 #7
Chapter 28: Cute story, I enjoyed reading it. Always good to get a happy ending. Thank you for writing it. :-)
Chapter 28: The ending is so overwhelming. Their vow speeches are so romantic. And I'm laughing at JongKey's antics especially their proposal. I have fun while reading this :) The plot twist is amazing.
I love it so much . you are great author . thanks for this
Chapter 28: I love the ending really and also the jongkey proposal, its so romantic.....
Keep writing wonderful stories purplesnow......
And also I live in the country as yours,

Anyway inalways love your stories...... Fighting