
Before you read this chapter, I just want to share this <beautiful music.>
Listen to this once you reach 2min moment in their room.
This is the one that inspire me when I was writing that.
Thank you!!

Taemin was busy humming a song while cooking their breakfast that morning. Minho was still sleeping and he knows that it will going to take time for the older to wake up. He already finish doing some laundry and cleaning. It was Saturday that means it was his day off.

He usually use this time to make a new steps, but that’s in the past when he still don’t have a person to take care of. Minho is taking all his free time. If they are not going outside to have a date, Minho is keeping him inside the house and well, his usual doing, harass him.

Taemin pause a second from what he was doing when he think of something. “I can’t call that harassment, can I?” He mumble.

“What harassment?”

Taemin almost throw the knife because of his surprise. He turn around and saw Minho stretching in the door. As usual, he is just wearing his boxer. But it’s better instead of wondering around . “Minho, you surprise me. Why are you up so early?” He ask as he continue to cut some garlic ham.

Minho walk towards the other and hug him form the back. “I have something to do today, Love.” He answer and kiss the other’s cheek.

Taemin feel a sudden disappointment because he was planning to invite the other to go somewhere since it’s his day off, but he didn’t show that to Minho. “Where are you going?”

“My sister wants to meet me.”

The younger froze from what he was doing when he heard Minho’s answer. Why his sister does wants to see him? “I-is there any problem?”

“I don’t know but I hope not.” Minho rested his chin in the other’s shoulder. “What are you cooking?”

“Just some garlic ham. I’m craving for it since last week.”

“Is that why you almost bought all the ham in the grocery?”

“Nope, stupid. And what are you talking about. I just bought five.” Taemin giggle when Minho press his chin the other’s shoulder. “Yah Minho, stop seducing me so early in the morning.”

Minho chuckled. “Not today Love.” He said before kissing the other’s head. “Gotta go shower now.”

“Okay, but shower fast okay. So we can eat breakfast.” He said before Minho leave the kitchen.

Taemin put down the knife and he seated. He don’t know why, but he feels like something’s wrong. He’s having a bad feeling about Minho meeting his sister. He took a deep breath and shook his hand to drive away any thing that is bothering him.

“No, no. I have to think positive. Everything is going well. It should be.” He said to calm himself.



Minho parked Taemin’s car in the big parking of the Choi Mansion. Jessica called him this morning, telling him to meet her in the mansion since she decided to stay there instead of continue staying in the hotel. He know that the elder hates staying in the Mansion since there is where her mother died. She hates the mansion because he and his sister and mother used to leave there too. Jessica hates everything that can remind her of all her depression.

That’s why Minho was surprise that Jessica decided to stay there. Alone.

He walk at the huge garden before reaching the door. The mansion is still the same, nothing’s change especially the furniture. It was still elegant and prestigious. Just like how the name CHOI, is.

He climb upstairs and walk toward Jessica’s room. He saw the other sitting in her wheelchair in the balcony, and one guy is standing at her side. The guy bow at him and excuse himself when he walk towards his sister.

“Minho, that’s you?” Jessica ask while her face was looking straight at nowhere.

“Yes noona. Is there anything that you want from me?”

“Yes Minho. I want you to proceed with the wedding next month.” She said with a serious face. With her usual expression. Jessica never smile, nor laugh.

“Next month? Why so fast noona. And besides, you said that I can choose the time when I want to do the wedding.”

“I want it next month Minho.” Jessica said firmly.

“Noona. Do I really have to do the wedding ceremony? I just remember that you didn’t mention that I have to a wedding ceremony.”

“What do you mean Minho?” Jessica tilt her head a little.

“I don’t have any intention to do a wedding ceremony. I just plan to file a marriage certificate. You just want him to be my husband right? Wedding ceremony is not necessary.” Minho feel a sudden nervous when he saw the other raised her eyebrow.

“Is that so?” Jessica sipped in her cup of coffee. “Okay then.”

Minho was surprise that her sister approve just like that. Does he have to be happy or nervous about that? Happy is the right choice.

“But Minho. Let me remind you again. The result should be good.”

“Yes noona. I know that. Is there anything else?”

“Don’t you wanna know how’s your little sister’s doing?”

Minho froze at his feet. He never ever want to talk about his sister with Jessica. “No need noona. I know she is doing well.”

Jessica smirk. “Sure she is.” She mumble but it still reach Minho’s ear.

“I have to go now noona. If you don’t mind.”

“Don’t you want to stay here? I wonder where are you staying all this time since you came here in Korea.”

“I am staying in an apartment. And I’d rather not stay here.”

“Okay then. You can leave now.”

“Goodbye noona. Take care.”

“You have to take care too, Minho.” She said with an indifferent voice.

Minho look at his sister thoroughly. “I will noona.” He said before walking toward the door. He saw the guy in outside and it looks like he is waiting for him to leave because as soon as he step out of the room, the guy walk in.



“Miss Jessica. Is there anything you want me to do?” the guy ask the lady who is sitting in the wheelchair.

Jessica blink her eyes and turn her head to the guy. “Not for today, DooJoon. Let them have the time of their life.” She said before standing up and she looked out in the balcony, watching Minho drove away his car. “Like mother like son, eh Minho. Its looks like betrayal is in your blood.” She change her face expression to digust. “Just continue to follow that Taemin and continue to investigate him. You can now stop following Jonghyun and tell to your workers to stop bothering his sister too. I think I have a better idea.”

“Yes Miss Jessica.” The guy excuse himself from the lady and step out from the room.

Jessica return from her wheelchair which she doesn’t need anymore. But she feels like this chair is the only thing that can stay with her.

She don’t have anything. Because Minho and Key took everything from her. Her mother, her father, her boyfriend, Jonghyun who she loves the most. Jonghyun is enough for her to survive and to continue to live when her mother pass away, but one year after her mother’s death, Jonghyun leave her too. Leaving her heart broken, for what? To be with that ? She will never forgive them. They have to experience all the pain that she undergo.

“Umma. Please guide me.” She mumble while looking at the sky, controlling her tears, that she hates the most. She already cry a million liters of tears.



Minho enter in the restaurant where Taemin, Key and Jonghyun are. The younger texted him after he meet his sister, to inform him that Key and Jonghyun invited them to eat lunch together.

“Hyung!” He turn around when he heard Taemin voice. The three are sitting at the very corner of the shop. He walk toward them and he kiss the younger’s lips.

“Hello.” He greeted the two elders. He saw Key glaring at him.

“I heard you met your sister.” Key ask the other while looking at the menu book.

“Yup, she wants us to do the wedding next month.” Minho answer as if that is the most common answer.

Key hand suddenly stiffen. “W-what did you say?” He look at Jonghyun who is holding, his now, cold hands.

“Don’t worry Key. I told her that we don’t have to be in any wedding ceremony. And I was surprise when she approve that we just have to file a marriage contract.” He answer looking at Taemin whose head is down. He was sure that the other is feeling uneasy too. He hold his hand that is resting in the table. And when the other look at him, he smile to assure that everything is under control.

“Should I be happy about that Minho?”

“Of course Key. Why are you asking that question?” So Key was feeling the same feeling that he have when Jessica approve his plan.

“I don’t know, I just feel like somethings not right.”

“Aish Key, shut up. Everything will be okay.”

“What makes you so sure?”

“Because I am Choi Minho, did you forget that?”

Even if the atmosphere is kind of heavy to carry, the three smiled at him. ‘So you still haven’t cure that personality of yours huh?” Jonghyun ask before calling the waiter.

‘I don’t have to cure it, hyung.” He answer looking at Taemin who smiled at him.

“Minho, I want to help in your plan. Key already told me everything. And I didn’t know that you are Jessica’s sister.”

“You know his sister hyung?” Taemin ask.

Minho suddenly feel a little panic. Taemin didn’t know that Jonghyun is Jessica’s ex. He look at Jonghyun hoping that he can read his mind. It’s not like, it’s a bad thing for Taemin to know that, but its better to keep it a secret because he was afraid that his previous plan will get expose and his sister’s condition.

“Y-yes Taemin, she and I attended the same university.”Jonghyun answer when he read Minho’s expression. Though he was puzzled why does it like Minho didn’t tell Taemin that he is Jessica’s ex.

“Oh,” Taemin mumble.

Minho realease the air that he was holding. He excuse himself for a moment to go to the bathroom. Jonghyun followed him.

‘Minho, why you didn’t tell Taemin that I am Jessica’s ex?” Jonghyun ask the other when they were in the bathroom.

“Hyung its better not to.”


Minho turn around to look at the elder. “I am going to tell you the whole story hyung. But promise me that you are not going to tell this to Taemin even to Key. Jonghyun just nodded even if he was not sure if he is going to keep that promise. “Jessica noona is using me to get revenge on you and Key.”


“She lost her sight and the ability to walk when you left her.” He told him the whole story including his sister’s operation. He don’t know but he feel like there should be at least one who is aware of this.

“Did I really made a big damage to her?”

“It looks like it is hyung.” He pull a paper towel to wipe his hand. “But don’t worry hyung. My plan will going to work, just trust me. You don’t have to help anymore because I am afraid that your presence will just gonna ruin this. Jessica noona thought that you and Key had already broken up.”

“Are you sure?”

Minho snorted. “Come on guys, stop doubting me.” He said before he headed to the door.

Jonghyun just chuckled and followed the others.



Taemin was sitting in the middle of the bed and staring at the page of book that he had been looking for half an hour but he still can’t bring himself to continue reading. He feels so uneasy. He’s nervous. He was in his deep thought when Minho enter the room. The other join him in the bed and pull him down. He landed in the other’s chest where he can hear his heartbeat.

“Taemin-ah, what are you thinking?”

“Everything hyung. I am thinking about everything.”

“And what’s that everything?” he the other’s hair and starts to massage his head.

“About what will gonna happen to us. I feel so uneasy Minho hyung. I am scared that you might gonna leave me.”

“What made you think that?” he lifted the other’s face and saw how sad his eyes is.

“I don’t know. I have been just thinking that your plan might gonna fail.”

“No Taemin. It will not. I am confident. Jessica noona don’t have any idea about this so please, just relax and trust me. Hmm?” he said pinching the other’s chin.

Taemin crawled at the top of Minho and hug the other’s neck. “I love you Minho. You are the first person that I loved.” He said burying his face to the other’s neck.

“I know Taemin-ah. And I love you too. Like you, you are the first person that I loved like this. You are the first person that I want to spend my life time with. Never in my life, had I thought that I am going to love someone like the way I love you. Never in my life, had I thought that am I going to need someone as much as I need you. Never in my life, had I thought how beautiful it is to love someone. Thank you Taemin, for making me realize that.” Minho confess his love to Taemin and hug the other’s holding his head and body.

Taemin tighten his hug in Minho’s neck when he feels a tears falling in his eyes. Minho’s love is overwhelming. And it’s filling all the spaces in his heart. He was so happy to the point that he was ready to die knowing that he already experience this kind of love. Love that he wish have ever since he was a kid.

He sniff, making Minho notice that he is crying. Minho tried to get Taemin up so that he can see his face but the other remain hugging him, making him hard to breath. “Taemin, I can’t breathe.”

“Stay hyung. Let’s stay like this for a moment.” He said with a shaking voice.

“But I’m afraid that you might kill me if you keep on hugging me like that.”

Taemin lossen his hug but he remains lying in the other’s body. Minho didn’t complain anymore and cherish the moment.

“Love, after all this. Do you want to elope with me?”


“Let’s leave Korea and starts living somewhere far from here.”

“I can’t Minho. I have student right?”

“Just leave them. And be with me forever.”

“Are you proposing to me?”

“Yes I am.”

“Then I am going to give you the answer after this storm.”

“Okay, if that’s what you want.” He starts to caress the other’s back.

They stay in that position until Minho notice that Taemin is already sleeping. He roll the other’s body in his side. He smile when he saw the other’s sleeping face.

“Goodnight love. Even though I am upset right now because you sleep when I want to do something more.” He mumble before kissing the other’s lips. He pull the other’s body closer to him and wrap both of their body with a warm blanket.



“Yes Minho. I’m done now. I am coming home.” Taemin was talking to the other while he was closing his studio. “Why do you have you have to wait for me? Just cook al---” Taemin didn’t finish his sentence when someone hit his nape which makes him unconscious.


“Hello Taemin! Hello?” Minho was surprise when the other’s suddenly hang up. “Aish. He didn’t charge his phone again.” He mumble when he conclude that the other’s phone might was run out of the battery.

After a one and a half hour, Minho starts to feel impatient waiting for the other. Though it’s not the first time that he waited the other, today Taemin sure is taking so long to reach home. Even if he wants to call the other, it was useless since his phone is dead.

“Maybe he drop by at Key.” He was about to call Key when his phone rings. “Hmm? This number is international.” He mumble when he saw the number. “Hello?”

“Mr. Choi Minho? This is Dr. Gorlick from SicKids hospital.” A sudden nervousness run into Minho’s system. Sickids Hospital is where his sister is.

“Y-yes? Is there anything wrong?”

“Yes Mr. Choi. You’re sister have to undergo into the operation right away. But when I ask your sister, since she is the one who is the listed as Mi-Hyun guardian, she didn’t approve it. And since you are the second guardian, I hope you can convince your sister about this. If not, I am afraid that Mi-Hyun condition with be worsen.”

Minho’s hands and knees starts to shake, and it didn’t last long when his knees gave in.

“Mr. Choi?”

“Y-yes doc, I will talk to my sister. Thank You.” He turn off his phone and run outside the apartment. “Jessica.”

He was already waiting for the taxi when Jonghyun car stops in front of him, he is with Key.

“Where are you going Minho?” Key ask while eating ice cream.

“Taemin is not with you guys?” Minho ask when he didn’t see Taemin in the car.

“No.” the elders answer. “Why Minho?” Key ask and suddenly jump out of the car when he saw Minho’s face. “What happen? Why are you asking if Taemin is with us?”

“H-he’s still not home.”

“Did you call him?”

“His phone is off.” Minho said. “Taemin, where are you?” he thought as he seated in the floor because he feels like his energy leave his body. His mind is so mess up right now. His sister and now Taemin. What the hell is happening?





First of all let me be shameless for plugging my upcoming story once I finish Fiancee, 

here it is (Curiosity leads to love). please check it out 

*run to hide*

*Back to my Fiancee*

OH MY GOD, i'm updating so fast.But since I practically finish all the chapters drafts, there's no point of holding the updates. Because I am a very oblivious person and I am afraid that I might loss all the ideas I have if I don't wrote it fast..

So how this so far? As you can see, the story is already in the conflict part. Though there would be some revelation to come, this story will be done soon.

Well another problem is arising, I believe in the sayings that, there's a rainbow after the rain, But then I realize, rainbow fades away ^____^ 

(Hope you guys get what am I trying to say)


Okay...That's it for today ^__^

I hope you love that one particular moment of 2min in this chapter. And i hope you did listen to the music that I recommend. I was listening and writing that while watching the raindrops in my window. And then I suddenly feel the love between them and how I wish to have that kind of love too. And I wish I deliver that feelings to you guys..Or maybe not?? ^__^


Thank you again for still supporting me,

For still reading this and patiently waiting for the next updates

For my readers (New, old silent and future) 

For my subbies and upvoters (You don't know guys who much happiness I have whenever that number is increasing)

For my lovely commentators (You don't have any idea how who make me smile with all your comments. I love them all)

And especially YOU!! yes You!! thank you for staying with me ^__^

Gotta go now. I have to prepare myself because I am going to meet someone tomorrow, and I don't know what am I going to feel once I see that person...wish me luck guys even if I can't tell you the real thing..

Sayonara, watashi no tomodachi ^___^


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oh shoot!!! i accidentally deleted the latest chapter..stupid me~_~


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Beau1996 1384 streak #1
Chapter 2: Minho's teasing is hilarious 😂
Beau1996 1384 streak #2
Chapter 1: Minho is so bossy!!
Chapter 3: Taemin just so nice. If I am him I will right away kick minho from my house no matter what lol.
Key indeed owe him big thing
Chapter 1: Cuterrrrrrrrrrr
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 28: Finally together forever! :)
Chapter 28: Wow! The emotional drive is so awesome! Enjoyed reading the story so much!
AusAngel26 #7
Chapter 28: Cute story, I enjoyed reading it. Always good to get a happy ending. Thank you for writing it. :-)
Chapter 28: The ending is so overwhelming. Their vow speeches are so romantic. And I'm laughing at JongKey's antics especially their proposal. I have fun while reading this :) The plot twist is amazing.
I love it so much . you are great author . thanks for this
Chapter 28: I love the ending really and also the jongkey proposal, its so romantic.....
Keep writing wonderful stories purplesnow......
And also I live in the country as yours,

Anyway inalways love your stories...... Fighting