Awakening Feelings


Taemin is busy organizing his clothes in his closet when he hear his phone rings. He run outside his room to get his phone in the kitchen where he put it. He saw Minho lying in the couch and as usual, his watching his stupid soccer games. He's always thinking, what's the scenes of watching sport, it's not like it will benefits your life. He shook his head and headed to the kitchen. He looks at the caller I.D but it didn't show there whose calling. 

"Hello?" He still answer the phone even though the number is unknown.

"Hey Tae. It's me." Key answer him.

"Hyung!!" he shouted in excitement.

"Yes Taemin?" it was Minho who said it when he enter the kitchen.

"Not you." Taemin glare at him.

"I thought you already decided to all me that." Minho said then headed out the kitchen while holding the cartoon of milk.

"Hey!! Use glass if you’re going to drink that!" He shouted as he saw Minho drinking directly to gne cartoon.

"No need. I'm going to finish this now." Minho said as he lay again in the couch.

Taemin just took a deep breath.  Minho was really comfortable living in his house now. He starts to get tired in this daily situation. But no matter how much he ignore the other, it feels like Minho keeps doing something that can get his attention.

"Hey Tae. Still there?"

He hear Key at the other line. He almost forgot that his on the phone. "Yes hyung.” He answer as he walk back to his room and sit to his bed. “How are you hyung?”

“I’m okay Tae. I just call because I miss you.”

He heard a sadness in Key’s voice and it makes him worry. “Are you sure hyung? You sounds sad.”

“No Tae. I’m okay. I just miss you. I’m alone here and I don’t have someone to talk to that’s why I am calling you.”

“Where are you exactly, hyung? It makes me worry not knowing where the hell in earth are you at.” He ask and heard the other chuckle a little.

“I can’t tell you now. I’m almost done doing in my mission and I will be back soon.” Key answer and pause a little. “Tae, ahmm..h-how’s there?”

“Do you mean, how’s Jonghyun hyung?” Key clear his throat and he takes that as a yes. “He’s leaving hyung.”

“W-what? Where is he going?”

“U.S” Taemin answer and he heard the other gasp.

“A-are you sure he’s going to the U.S? He doesn’t know to speak in English. How can he live there?”

“He have a sister there he said.”

“Sister? I didn’t know that he have a sister he- there?”

“I don’t know that but he said no one knows. And he is going to throw a party tomorrow night. He invited me and your fiancée to come to.”

Key sigh at the other line. “Okay Tae. I am going to call you again next time.” Key said and Taemin hear a little bit of nervous in Key’s voice but before he could ask why, the other already hung up.

He just sigh and put his phone in his bed. He still haven’t told Minho about the party because he still not sure if he is going. He doesn’t want to go because he doesn’t want to answer any kind of question his friends will ask when they see Minho. He sigh again and walk out of the room and walk towards Minho.

“Hey Minho.”

“Yes Taemin?” Minho look at him.

“Is it okay if I will invite you tomorrow?”

“Where? Date?”

“You wish.” Taemin sit at the chair beside the couch. “My friend is having his party tomorrow and he is inviting us.”

“Okay, I’ll come.” Minho answer and drink his milk.

“Are you sure? It’s okay if you don’t want.”

“I said I am coming. It will be good to know my fiancée’s friends.” Minho smile at him.

Taemin just rolled his eyes. He stand up and walk back to his room.



Key put his phone in his table. He starts to get worried now. Jonghyun will be in U.S. The country where he is now. Key buried his face in his hands.

“I should not be worried, U.S is a big place. It’s not that we will meet here.”

He’s been staying in California for almost a month now, and he know that it will be just a little more time and he will be finish the thing he’s doing. But what if Jonghyun see him, he is not sure if he can ignore the other if that happens because no matter how much he convince himself not to think of the other, he really miss him like crazy. And he really, really want to see him.

But if ever he will they will meet, Key starts to get worried because he might not find the thing he was looking for.




“Taemin! You made it. You’re late.” It was Jonghyun who run towards Taemin and hug the other.

“Of course hyung. I have to be here. Because this might be the last time I will be seeing you. You might die in U.S from lossing of blood because of nosebleed while speaking in English.” Taemin answer while laughing.

“YAH!! How dare you tease your hyung.” Jonghyun slightly smack the younger head.

Temin laugh. “Where in U.S are you going hyung?”

“I want to go to New York because I want to be in a big city, but my sister is in California. So I will be staying there.”

“Wow. If ever I will come there, can I stay at your sister’s house?”

“Sure.” Jonghyun answer as he pet the others hair when he notice the guy at Taemin’s back. “Hi. I’m Jonghyun. You must be Taemin’s boyfriend?”

Taemin glare at Minho. Before they got in the party he ask Minho not to mention their relationship. Though he was not sure if the other will do it, it will be good to warn him. He saw Minho smile at him.

“Is that we look like?” Minho ask as he put his arms around Taemin.

“Well.” Jonghyun answer and look at the two. “Yeah.”

“If that’s what you want to believe then I don’t have to answer anymore.” Minho answer.

Jonghyun clear his throat and just guided the two inside the bar that he rented. When they got inside, Kai and Onew was already there. They sat join the two in the table and got serve by the waiter.

“You’re late Tae.” Kai said but his eyes is in Minho who was comfortable sitting beside Taemin.

“Yup, I have to finish my lesson today since some of my student are joining a contest.”

“Great.” Kai answer. “Hey there. I’m Kai. Taemin’s friend.” He offer his hand to a hand shake but the other just nodded. He slowly put it away and feel a little embarrass. “This is Onew.”

Taemin glare to Minho when he notice that the other is being arrogant to his friends. He look at Kai and smile at him. “This is Minho. My…..friend.” he said and look at Minho who is looking at him to.

“I don’t know that you have a very good looking friend, Taemin.” Onew ask while he was eating his food.

Taemin didn’t answer and just put his head down to drink his beer.

“So?” Minho spoke and look at three people around him. “Are you guys’ homos?” He ask which Onew choke and the other just cough a little. Taemin look at Minho and if his stare can just kill people. He is sure Minho’s soul is already in hell.

“You’re friend have a very sophisticated look but it’s not justifying his attitude.” Jonghyun whisper to Taemin.

“No. We are not. It’s just Jonghyun.” Onew answer while still coughing.

“And me.” Kai said which makes the other look at him.

“You are?” Taemin was surprise. He never know that Kai is gay too.

“Yes Taemin.” Kai answer, as he smile at Taemin and look at Minho whose eyebrow is up. “Well, I have a crush on you Tae.” He was still looking at Minho while saying those things.

Taemin’s eyes was wide open after hearing Kai’s confession. It never occur in his mind that Kai have those feelings for him. They are friends for almost five years now and Kai never show him any sign that he like him. “Come on Kai, don’t joke like that.” He said while chuckling.

“No Taemin. I am not.” Kai grab his drink and take sip on it.

“Great. I think that’s a very surprising confession for you Taemin.” Minho said and put his arms around Taemin’s shoulder while looking at Kai whose eyes turns angry.

“Okay..okay. Enough now. This is my party you know. How dare you guys make it as a confession time?” Jonghyun said and clap his hands to drive away the tension that is in the air.


Time passes but the awkward atmosphere between Kai and Minho was still there. Taemin was in the washroom and he was looking at the mirror after he wash his face when Kai enter.

“What taking you so long here Tae?” Kai ask as he walk toward the other.

“Nothing, I just feel like dizzy. Maybe I drink too much.” He answer but his eyes is still in the mirror. He saw Kai leaning at the wall.

“What I said is true Tae.”

Taemin sigh and look at the other. “Come on Kai. Why are you still saying that? I know that you are just kidding. Beside how can like me, as much as I know you like girls. And on how you change your girlfriends is just like how you change your underwear.” Taemin said knowing how playboy his friend is.

“That’s because I want to ignore my feeling for you. I remember I already confess my feeling once but you rejected me.” Kai smile a little when he remember how Taemin unconsciously rejected him when he said that he like him, but Taemin’s answer was “I like you too. You are one of my best friend.” After that he never once tried to confess again because he was thinking that Taemin was still not ready in those kind of relationship. But he feels like there will be someone who might take Taemin away, that’s why he decided to try again. Maybe this time it his feeling will be recognize. Just maybe…


“Then what makes you confess to him again now.”

Taemin and Kai look at the door and saw Minho leaning at the door frame, his arms are cross in his chest and was looking at the both of them with an expressionless face.

“Because I decided to have him as my boyfriend.” Kai answer with a stong voice.

Minho smirked and walk towards Taemin and put his arms around the other’s waist. Taemin wants to shove Minho away but the other just tighten his grip.

“How romantic, but that’s not going to happen.” Minho said and pull Taemin closer to him.

“What do you mean?” Kai ask while his eyes is in Minho’s arm in Taemin’s waist.

“Because he’s my fiancée.”

Kai gasp in Minho’s answer. “Taemin? Is that true?”

Taemin clench his fist at his isde. He wants to punch Minho at that moment in his life. But he doesn’t want to get wild in front of Kai. He glare at Minho who is smiling at him that makes him angrier. He put his head down and mumble a little ‘yes’.

Kai chuckle bitterly while looking at the two. “How the hell that happen Taemin? How come you have a fiancée when you’re not even falling in love to anyone?”

“Well that’s not really necessary for you to know. That thing is just for us to know.” Minho said and walk towards Kai. “Why? Are you expecting that it is you he will going to fall in love with?”

“That’s not what I mean. I just—”

“Then, I think it is better for you to totally ignore your feeling for him. He’s not going to be yours. He is mine and mine alone. So get lost.” Minho said and put a very serious face.

Kai clench his teeth and fist and meet Minho’s eyes with the same expression. Then he look at Taemin who was looking at them. He turn around and walk out the door.



Taemin leave the bar and almost run to his car after he said his goodbye to Jonghyun. He was almost at his car when he feels Minho grab his arms and turn him around.

“How dare you to be so arrogant to Kai. He is my friend Minho.” Taemin said as he snap away Minho’s hands.

“Are you still thinking that he is your friend? He just confess that he likes you Taemin.” Minho said with a calm voice but Taemin notice a hint of angry in his voice.

“No matter what he said. He still is my friend. Your behaviour is---”

“What behaviour should I put when I am witnessing someone confessing his feelings to my fiancée. Do you want me to be happy with that?”

“I don’t care what the you want to do, but you got overboard there Minho. And let me remind you, we are not married yet. It’s not like I am already yours.”

“What did I really do that makes overboard Taemin? I just said what the trurth.and once you said that you also agreed to this marriage you already give me the privilege to own you.” Minho said with so much possession in his voice. “And I don’t like sharing the things that I own.”

“But didn’t I ask you to not tell them about our relationship? About this goddamn ing fake fiancée realationship.” Taemin was taken aback in his word and realize that he was about to expose himself. He look at Minho who was looking at him closely.

“What fake thing? We are getting married Taemin. And that is for sure.” Minho push him at the car and put his arms at Taemin’s side. “Are you getting angry because you too, have a feeling for that friend of yours?” Minho ask sarcastically

“What?” Taemin was so amuse that Minho conclusion reach that idea.

“So you’re getting mad because I am getting arrogant with the person who like?” Minho said and move closer to Taemin.

Taemin smirk. “Am I hearing a jealousy in your voice?” He saw how Minho’s eyes become confuse but it change immediately.

“Jealous? Isn’t that just for people whose in love? Are you saying that I am in love with you Taemin?”

It was Taemin’s eyes turn to be confuse. He look down because he doesn’t want the outcome of this topic. “W-well. You’re acting just a jealous guy.”

Minho smile as he lift the other’s face. “I don’t want to deny it if I do really love you. It’s not like a bad thing since we are going to be a married couple soon.” Minho look at Taemin’s eyes as if he is looking for something. “Maybe I really starts to love you.”

Taemin gulp. He try to push Minho away, because he don’t know but his heart skip a beat after hearing Minho’s confession. He ignore any kind of feeling that starts to rise in his heart. Because he feels scared of whatever it is

“But I don’t to be just the one who’s loving Taemin.”

“W-what do you mean?”

Minho put his one arm around Taemin waist and the other is in his face. “I will make you fall in love with me too.”

“T-that’s impossible. I—I will never fall in love with someone like you.” Taemin said but his body’s reaction is different on what he is saying.

“Impossible? I don’t think so. Your body’s response is very different.” Minho look down at Taemin’s body.

“Body’s reaction is very different from what the people feels Minho.” Taemin push Minho away but the other just pull him closer, close enough that their lips almost touch each other.

“You’re going to fall for me Taemin and I am sure with that. And is it a good thing to fall in love with each other? That will make our marriage be successful.”

Taemin look away. He knows that it is a good thing. But not for him, it should be Key and Minho who are going to fall with each other. Not him. Because it’s not him who will be Minho’s husband, it’s not him who will be in his side forever, it’s not his face who will Minho sees every time he will open his eyes every morning. It’s not him who will be Minho’s special someone, it will never be him who’s going to walk in the aisle on the wedding day. It’s not him, it’s Key.

Taemin wants to say those word to other but he stops himself because he doesn’t want to put Key in trouble. Once Key return, he will be gone at Minho’s life forever. So what’s the sense of falling in love with someone you know you will never had.

He push Minho away using his all strength. “Let’s stop this. Just what I said. I will never fall in love with you Minho.”

“Let’s just see.” Minho said and release the other and get on the passenger seat.

Taemin took a deep breath and look up at the dark sky. “I should not fall in love with him, I don’t have to.” He mumble before he gets on the car and starts the engine.




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oh shoot!!! i accidentally deleted the latest chapter..stupid me~_~


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Beau1996 1389 streak #1
Chapter 2: Minho's teasing is hilarious 😂
Beau1996 1389 streak #2
Chapter 1: Minho is so bossy!!
Chapter 3: Taemin just so nice. If I am him I will right away kick minho from my house no matter what lol.
Key indeed owe him big thing
Chapter 1: Cuterrrrrrrrrrr
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 28: Finally together forever! :)
Chapter 28: Wow! The emotional drive is so awesome! Enjoyed reading the story so much!
AusAngel26 #7
Chapter 28: Cute story, I enjoyed reading it. Always good to get a happy ending. Thank you for writing it. :-)
Chapter 28: The ending is so overwhelming. Their vow speeches are so romantic. And I'm laughing at JongKey's antics especially their proposal. I have fun while reading this :) The plot twist is amazing.
I love it so much . you are great author . thanks for this
Chapter 28: I love the ending really and also the jongkey proposal, its so romantic.....
Keep writing wonderful stories purplesnow......
And also I live in the country as yours,

Anyway inalways love your stories...... Fighting