Only One


"How long do we have to wait Key?" Jonghyun asked his boyfriend while they were in the waiting area.

"Jonghyun, can you please be more patient?" Key answered back while looking around to see if the person that they are waiting are already in the area.

"To tell you Key, we have been waiting for almost two hours now. Are you sure that they are coming today?"

"Yup, he said that they are coming today. Oh there they are!" He excitedly jump out from his chair. "Minho!!" He called the guy who just step out from the door.

He run towards him and he happily carried Mi-Hyun in his arms.

"YAH! Key, careful! She's still fragile from her op--"

"Aigoo. I this stupid Minho. I know that I am just excited to see her again." He rolled his eyes from the other as he looked at his sister. "So. How are you princess?" He asked then he pinched her cheek.

"I am wonderful Jonghyun-boyfriend oppa." She answered while giggling.

"Yah~ will you stop calling me that?" He pouted at the little princess.

Minho and Jonghyun laugh to what they heard. It's the first time that they heard that name.

"Mi-Hyun-ah, who thought you that?" Jonghyun asked as he help Minho in their luggage.

"Jessica unnie." She answered and she rested her head to her brother. "She said that whenever Key oppa and Jonghyun oppa are together, I should call him like that.”

"Aish, Jessica noona is such a tease." Key said. He put the little girl inside the car first before he get inside while Minho and Jonghyun are organizing the luggage at the back.

"Remind me to thank Jess when she come here." Jonghyun said when he enter the car.

"Yah. Why thank her? That name is so gross!" Key shouted inside the car

"But Key oppa, Jessica unnie said that Jonghyun oppa will gonna love it so you just have to accept it." Mi-Hyun giggle while she was digging her candies.

"Mi-Hyun darling. I don't care if your Jonghyun oppa will gonna love it. Are you not concern about Key oppa's feeling?" He asked with a pout.

Mi-Hyun leaned towards her pouting brother then grinned. "NO." She answered in English.


Jonghyun laughed loudly. "Mi-Hyun loves me more than you babe. Just accept that." He said the he looked around at his boyfriend who was glaring at him. He just stick out his tongue before he continued his driving when he notice Minho sitting quitely. "Why so quite Minho?"

Minho take out his eyes from the window to look at Jonghyun who was focusing in his driving. "Aren't am I always quite hyung?"

"Oh really?" Jonghyun asked with a mot so sure expression. "I know you from being an arrogant brat when we first met, but a quite one? I don't think so."

Minho didn't answer and just smile. He then look at the window again.


Minho was currently at the balcony that night. Mi-Hyun and the two guy was in the girl’s room and was trying to put her and bed. That was Key's request. It was amazing that Key and Mi-Hyun got close immediately.

When Minho and his Dad went back to America to be in Mi-Hyun side on her operation, Key asked them if he can come too, he said that he also want to be in his sister's side.

Staying in one roof together with Jessica is not that easy for him and for Key. The silence surrounding them is enough for them to be suffocated. He once ask his father if he can leave the house but to his surprise it was jessica who stop him. She said that if there is one who have to leave the house, it was her since she don't have the right to be in the Choi resident.

She leave the house and started to live in a condominium.

Minho raise his head to look at the moon. To be honest, he doesn't even remember when the time he and Jessica became friends was. Oh right, that was after Mi-Hyun's operation. Jessica came that day and offer her support. That time too, she said her sorry to Key and she promise that she will not going to disturb him and Jonghyun anymore.

After that, the situation turned 360 degrees. Jessica and Key got close to each other as if nothing happened. Key turned to be Jessica's love couch and even help her to find her true love which until now she didn’t found yet.

Minho sighed as he remember all the storm that came to his life. All the storm that he overcome, thankfully. It was already six months. Half a year since he last saw Taemin and he miss him like hell. He looked down at the paper in his hands when Key seated beside him.

"Haven't you still contacted him?' The other asked as he passed one of the cup to his brother.

"Nope, I still can't reach his phone." He answered.

"Do you know where he is?"

"No.” He look down at the paper in his hands. "But Jessica noona gave this to me."

Key peeked at the paper Minho showed him. "What is that?"

"She said that this is where Taemin is right now."

"Oh really? How did she know?" Key wonder how did Jessica found out where is Taemin is.

"I don't know too. She said that this is all she can do to repay me. She also said that Taemin met her before he disappeared."

“Why did he met her?” Key doesn’t know why but whenever he asked Jessica about Taemin whenever they are together, she’s not answering his questions.

“Taemin made her promise that she will going to proceed the operation once he left me.” Minho folded the paper and he put it in his pocket. “Key what if?”

“What if, what?”

“What if Taemin already found someone else that’s why we can’t contact him anymore. What if he realize that he really don’t love me. What if he—” He couldn’t finish his words when Key suddenly smacked his head. “YAH! What’s that for?”

“Because you are being dramatic Minho.” He stands up and walked towards the railings. He turned his back on Minho to watch the beautiful moon. “It’s not as if Taemin left you, or the two of you got separated because of some love problems. Did you forget his message Minho, he left because he wanted to help you. He wanted to fight for your love. Though up until now, I don’t know what his plan for staying away. And for us to find that out, you have to look for him.” He said as he looked back at Minho. “And besides, my baby have to be in my wedding. I can’t proceed with my preparation because I need him by my side.”

“You are right, Taemin wabted to fight for our love. I just have to find him now.” He smiled at his brother. It not been long enough when he found out the he have a brother but he feels like he have a brother all his life. “And about your wedding. Preparing long enough?”

“My wedding should be fabulous Minho.” Key patted the other’s shoulder before he enter the house.



"Again!" Taemin shouted to his class. "Kids, I told you, you have to focus while you're dancing." He said with his hands in his waist.

"But hyung-nim, the steps are so hard." One of his student pouted.

"This not hard, you’re just not focusing enough." He walk towards the boy whose pouting. "Do you really want to be a dancer Yun-suk?" The boy nodded. "Then you have to work hard. You cannot stop just because you feel like this is hard." He look around at his student. "All of you, did you hear what I said? You have to work hard to achieve your dreams." He said then he patted the boy’s head. “Okay, let’s take a break for now. Go have your lunch.” After he said that, all his student storm out of the room in a speed of lighting. “Aish this kids, they just wanted to have a break.” He shook his head.

He walked towards the window and he start to feel the cold breeze outside. It’s already spring time and the weather is so nice. He sighed when he saw the flowers that is starting to bloom in the garden.

It’s been six month since he left Seoul, that was a careless decision that he made because he totally forgot that he have a studio that needs him. He remember how many call he got when he didn’t showed up for almost a month. Thankfully, he got a substitute that he hired to teach his student. He’s sending his video to them as their lesson. And the maintenance of the studio is not really a problem since he have a care taker there.

Six months. He didn’t notice that it’s already been that long, maybe because he enjoy his time teaching kids how to dance. Six months that he’s missing Minho. He bended his back to reach the card that he got one week ago. It’s from Jessica saying her sorry about what she did to them. She said that she will not gonna disturb them and she wishes their happiness. Up until now, she don’t know how did Jessica knows where he is. Not even Key know his place right now. Oh well, money can do anything. Jessica also told him that he can now come back at Minho side and he needs him right now.

“Can I really go back to you now Minho?” He mumble.

“If you want the answer for that, then I think you have to ask me.”

He turn around that he almost break his neck. Then he saw him there, standing in front of him. He was smiling at him. “Minho.” He mumbled.

“Yes love?” Minho start to walked toward him.

“How did you know where am I?”

“Well, I have my sources. And did you already forgot who am I?”

Taemin smiled. He remember that line. “Of course not. You are the Choi Minho.” He meet him halfway of the room and hug him tightly. “I miss you.” He said while he buried his face in his chest.

Minho hug the younger even tighter. “I miss you too.” He kiss his head. He smell like a spring. “I miss you love so much.”

Taemin feel like he will gonna break his lung when he didn’t break from the hug. And besides he was losing his breath. “I’m sorry Minho. I’m sorry if I just disappeared like that.” He looked up to the other’s eyes and saw the love that was lying in there.

“That’s okay Taemin. Because you just did that to save me, to save my sister and to save our love. Though I am not sure what is your plan that time.”

“Oh that. My plan is not really that big and I am not sure if it will gonna work.” He tried to get out from Minho’s arm but the other didn’t permit him.

“What is it?”

“Oh, like this. I leave, then Jessica noona night think that we already broke up, that what she wanted right, then your sister will gonna have the operation. Then, after the operation and when I am sure that your sister is done with the operation, I gonna call you then we will elope together with your sister. Then we will gonna leave happily ever after.”Taemin grinned after he finshed his storytelling.

Minho scratch his head after hearing the other’s plan. “That plan is so, childish, useless and I now it will not going to work.”

“YAH! How can you criticize my plan like that?” He tried to push the other but Minho hug him again.

“Love, there are so many hole in your plan. Trust me, if my dad didn’t came that day. I am sure that we are not going to be together again.”

“Your dad? What did your dad do?”

“We have a lot of time to talk that about.” Minho pushed the other towards the wall. “Right now there’s one thing that I really, really want to do.”

“W-what is that?”

Minho smirked as he lean towards the other. “This.” He said before he devoured the younger’s lips. Tasting the sweet taste of Taemin’s lips that he misses for a long time.

“M-minho. To tell you. I am a instr—”

“I know love. That’s why I gave your students a lot of snack and asked them to not come here until I am not finish talking to you. And don’t worry, I locked your door.” Minho kissed him again. This time it’s more deep and rough. It’s full of love, longing, desire and more feeling that he can’t describe anymore.

Minho lifted him up and he wrap his legs around the other’s waist and his arms around his neck. “I love you Minho-hyung.” He said between their kisses. “I love you so much.”

“Then Taemin.” Minho pulled out from the kiss. “If you love me that much, then..” He looked straight into his eyes. “..will you..mar—”

“Oh you’re taking your time just to finish that question Minho-hyung.” Taemin peeked the other’s lips. “Yes of course. Of course I will marry you. I will be your other half. I will be the only one who can stay by your side until you die and live again. I will be the only one who can have your love. I can be the only one who can kiss you. I can be the only one who can have you Minho hyung.” He smiled when he saw how shock Minho is. “I will going to marry you Minho hyung.” He repeated then he saw Minho’s lips curved.

“Of course love. You are the only one for me.” Minho then sealed everything from kisses. Taemin. Taemin is the one who completed his life. Taemin is the only one he want in his life. Only Taemin. No one else.


I planned to write a bit ty chapter but I lose my inspiration about that,,^______^

Anyway..this story is almost done, just hang in there with me and please be with me until the end..though I still don't have an idea how am I gonna execute my endings..ahhhh..whatever..

So thank you again..and I love you all..gonna go to bed sleepy..~____~






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oh shoot!!! i accidentally deleted the latest chapter..stupid me~_~


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Beau1996 1389 streak #1
Chapter 2: Minho's teasing is hilarious 😂
Beau1996 1389 streak #2
Chapter 1: Minho is so bossy!!
Chapter 3: Taemin just so nice. If I am him I will right away kick minho from my house no matter what lol.
Key indeed owe him big thing
Chapter 1: Cuterrrrrrrrrrr
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 28: Finally together forever! :)
Chapter 28: Wow! The emotional drive is so awesome! Enjoyed reading the story so much!
AusAngel26 #7
Chapter 28: Cute story, I enjoyed reading it. Always good to get a happy ending. Thank you for writing it. :-)
Chapter 28: The ending is so overwhelming. Their vow speeches are so romantic. And I'm laughing at JongKey's antics especially their proposal. I have fun while reading this :) The plot twist is amazing.
I love it so much . you are great author . thanks for this
Chapter 28: I love the ending really and also the jongkey proposal, its so romantic.....
Keep writing wonderful stories purplesnow......
And also I live in the country as yours,

Anyway inalways love your stories...... Fighting