Revealing Secret


Taemin was busy cutting some ingredients early in the morning. Today is Minho’s third month in his house and he wants to make something delicious to celebrate it. He is not sure why he is doing this, but the time he woke up this morning that is the first thing that comes in his mind. Oh well, it’s not really that bad thing, since they are already in good term, sort of. He feels that he wants Minho to acknowledge his skills in cooking. He knows in himself that he is good at cooking but whenever he was presenting it to the other, he feels so nervous because he was afraid that Minho might insult him. But luckily, Minho never do that.

He starts to cook his first dish. The crab stew. He thinks that this is Minho’s favorite food since the other have been requesting it ever since the day he came into his house. But he don’t want to do it since that days they are in yet this close. He smile remembering the first month of their meeting. All the quarrels that they had because of Minho’s rotten character, all his frustration with the other, all the control that he did just to ignore his feeling for him, which it didn’t work out and that one magical day that leads to this day.

He is happy, so much just by being with him like this even though he knows that this is just a temporary happiness. He is still not sure if Minho’s feeling is true, but he still wants to believe that all those confession is true. Besides it’s not really bad to dream right? Minho told him that he loves him, then that’s what he will going to believe.

Taemin look at the clock, it’s already eight and Minho is going to wake up any time soon. He starts to set the table for their grand breakfast. He was almost done when the other enter the dining area. He look at him and notice that he is just wearing a towel that wraps in his lower body, which is his usual get up every morning.

“Morning Love.” Minho greeted him and kiss him in the temple and sits at his chair. “Woah, why the breakfast for today is so extravagant?” Minho was staring at the table that is almost occupied by the food.

“Nothing I just want to cook.” Taemin answer while pouring some coffee at the other cup.

“Woooh. Us being like this, I really feel that we are now a married couple. You are going to be a good wife.” Minho said while getting some crab stew.

“What do you mean wife? I am a man. Why do I have to be the wife?”

“You didn’t expect me to be the wife Love.”

“Why not.”

“Do I really have to answer that?” Minho look at him with a smirk in his smile.

“Forget it.” Taemin said and begin to eat too.

“Hmmm. This is so good.” Minho complimented Taemin’s cook while continue eating. “I am so happy that you already cook this. I have been requesting this to you but you don’t want to do it. What makes you do this today?”

“Nothing in particular. I just happen to see a crab crawling here in the kitchen when I walk up. And I don’t want to just ignore it so I made a decision to cook it.”

Minho chuckle at Taemin’s childish answer. “Hmmm~?”

“What?” Taemin look confuse while looking at Minho who is grinning from ear to ear.

“You should have said that you want to capture my heart by this dish. Did you put love poison here?”

Taemin blush at that. “Are you crazy, why do I have to do that?”

“I don’t know too. Besides you don’t have to do that. You already know that you already have my heart.”

Taemin feels a shiver in his whole body. “Ba-----bo.”

“So did you really put love potion here?”

“No. I put poison that can help you to curse your narcissism.”

“Oh no. I don’t have to cure that. I want you to continuously love me for what I am.”

Taemin didn’t answer anymore and just continue his foods.


After their breakfast and washing the dishes. Taemin prepare himself to go to work. He check his e-mail to see if Key message him, but his inbox is empty. In the past, he remember how frustrated he was whenever his inbox is empty and Key is not contacting him. But now, he feels relieve that the other is not sending him and message and not even calling him for three weeks now. He wish that Key will stay longer at where he is now. In that way he can still have a longer time being with Minho.

When he got out in his apartment, he found Minho in the couch, lying there and watching TV.

“You look like a jobless man.” Taemin said while putting his some stuff in his bag.

“Work now?”

“Yup.” He look at the other whose eyes is glued at the TV screen. “How come the wife is working and the husband is just lying there and watching TV.”

“So you accepted our role now?” Minho smile at him. “Well, our generation is changing. The wife have to be the one who is working now. And for your information, I am still working, but not physically, just mentally.”

“Tsk, can you even call that a work.” Taemin hang his bag at his bag. “Gotta go now.” He walk towards the door and put his shoes on. “Bye!”

“Bye love. Take care.”



He is currently lying at the floor of his studio when it is already their break time when someone knock in the door. He suddenly feel excited because he is expecting Minho. But was disappointment when he open the door and he saw Kai.

“Yah. Are you that sad to see me?” Kai ask him because he couldn’t hide the disappointment in his face.

“Not really.”

“Are you somehow expecting that guy?” Kai avoided to say Minho’s name because by just remembering him makes his blood boil.

“Nope.” Taemin sat at the floor and lean his back at the wall.

Kai sits beside him. “Can I ask you something Taemin?”

“Sure what it is?”

“Do you love that guy?”

Taemin look at Kai and meet his eyes. He was the first one who averted the eyes contact. “Yes Kai.” He answer and he notice that Kai look down.

“Is that so?”

“What makes you ask me that?”

“Well, I just can’t believe that you fell for him even if he have that kind of attitude.”

“Even myself, I can’t believe that too. But then I realize that his attitude is not really important. I love him just what he is.” He doesn’t want to say this thing to Kai because he knows about the other’s feeling. But he wants to be honest with him just like how did Kai confess his feeling to him honestly.

“That’s nice. I am happy for you. He is your first love right?”

“Yup. And will be my first heartbreak too.” It was too late for him to realize what he just said.

“What do you mean by that?”


“What do you mean heartbreak? Aren’t the two of you are going to get married soon?”

“Y-yes. We are. I am just exaggerating things. You know me Kai. I always expect all the unexpected things in the future.” He tried not to meet Kai eyes because he knows that Kai will know that he is lying.

Kai look at the other thoroughly. “Well, if you say so.”

“I-is that the only reason why did you come here? To ask if I love Minho?”

Kai stands up. “No. I want to invite you to my birthday party since it looks like you already forgot it.”

“Oh, yeah. Tomorrow is your birthday.” Taemin clap his hands and shouted excitedly to ease his nervousness.

“I am throwing a party at my parent’s house tomorrow. You know where is that right? Just drive there.”

“Okay. Do I have to bring a gift?”

“Taemin, give me a present whole heartedly. Not just because I want you to.” Kai chuckle and ruffle Taemin’s hair.

“Yah, don’t do that.”

“Why not?

“We are in the same age you know. And you doing that, I feel like I am younger than you.”

Kai just smile then said his goodbye.



Taemin was busy walking around at the living room the next day. Sure that Kai invited him in his birthday party but he forgot to ask if he can bring Minho. Should he just leave Minho and go there alone. But the other will surely question him where is he going today since he don’t have a work. It’s not like he can’t think of any reason, but he don’t want to lie to Minho, and he also know that he is not cool meeting Kai again.

“If you need to go to the bathroom, just go.” Minho said who starts to get dizzy by just watching Taemin walking around the area.

“No I don’t.”

“Then why the hell are you walking around there? I am now starting to get dizzy watching you.”

“Then don’t watch me.”

“How can I not watch you when you are blocking the TV while walking.” he decided to turn the TV of since Taemin is distracting him every time he walks by at the screen.

Taemin sits at the floor and stare at Minho. “Hey Mister.” Taemin call the other. That’s how he call him whenever he is not sure about something he wants to talk with him.


“Tomorrow I am going out. I am attending Kai’s party.”

“What time?”

“Seven in the evening. D-do you wanna go.”

“Yeah sure.”


“Yup. I just can’t leave you alone to someone who have a hidden intention to you.”

“Minho, Kai is not like that. We still friend you know.”

Minho didn’t answer any more and just turn the TV on again and focus there. Taemin feels so happy because he have a feeling that Minho is being jealous right now.

They arrive at Kai’s party around 7:15 because of the traffic and Minho purposely woke up from his nap at 6 in the evening. There are already a lot of visitor when they arrive. Some are their college friends and some who he didn’t know, maybe Kai’s family or other friend.

They walk toward the birthday celebrant and greeted him. Taemin saw how the two stare at each other. He grab Minho’s arm and pull him away from Kai.

“Happy birthday Kai. Here’s my gift. Don’t worry, I am giving that to you whole heartedly.” He give his gift which Kai accepted.

“Thank you.” He put it at the table where all the gifts are place. “Go eat and mingle. You already know most of my visitors since they are our friends in college.”

“Sure.” Taemin pull Minho’s and starts to grab foods.

“I didn’t know that, that guy is rich.” Minho said when they are already sit at the chair beside the window.

“Yes, Kai is rich. His father is the owner of the biggest bank here.”

“Is that so? Then why your parents didn’t ask for their help. I am sure that they are friends to since you and that guy is friends.”

Taemin almost choke his food. Sure he and Kai are friends. But their parents are not, since he doesn’t have any more parents. And Minho is talking about Key’s parents who have no any idea about Kai’s parents, since they don’t know each other since Key is not really close at Kai.

“Ah, I don’t know. Maybe they are shy to ask that from Kai’s parents.” He answer without looking at the other.

Minho just nodded his head and continue to eat while looking around the area. Though he was raise at this kind of society too, he never really enjoy the big occasion where he didn’t know most of the visitor. He look at the whole house, it’s just the same as their house, it is so big that it feels like you might be lose if you wander around.



The party continues and Taemin already introduce Minho to his friends, of course as his friend. And he notice that some girls are not leaving their eyes at Minho, and tries to flirt with him which the other just ignore. He already had a three glass of alcohol and he starts to feel dizzy now. He’s alcohol tolerance is really low. He excuse himself to Minho and to his friends and walk towards the washroom.

When he got back he notice that Minho is talking to one of his friend, a girl. He didn’t want to feel jealous since he knows that Minho is not the kind of guy and the friend of him is a really good girl. But the alcohol starts to work in his body, which makes him feel the unnecessary feelings.

He sigh and decided to get some air. He thinks that it is really not a bad thing to leave Minho alone and have his time to meet new people. And it’s his friends to so it’s okay. He walk toward the balcony and inhale the fresh air that comes in the lake not far from the house.

“Hey Tae, you okay?” Kai walk towards him.

“Yup. I just need some fresh air.”

“You’re fiancée is sure attracting a lot of girls attention eh?”

“Yes he is. Well he is very good looking, that’s why.”

“I am a good looking guy too, but Neri never approach me.”  Kai is defining the girl who’s talking with Minho.

“That’s because she hates you by being a player.” Taemin answer without looking at the other and just focus to watch the star.

“Are you not jealous?”

“To what?”

“To them? Are you not worrying that they might fall for each other?” Kai ask jokingly.

“Tch, that is impossible. And I am not jealous. I don’t have the right.”

Kai look at the other. “Taemin. You sound very suspicious since yesterday. Why are you talking like that as if Minho is not your fiancée?”

“Because I’m not really his fiancée.” Taemin answer without even noticing that he is now revealing his secret. The alcohol makes his mind to not function properly.

Kai hold Taemin’s shoulder and force him to face him. “Taemin, what the hell are you talking about.”

“You hear me Kai. I am not Minho’s fiancée. I am just acting to cover Key hyung, he is the one who is going to marry Minho. Not me.” Taemin answer with his eyes starts to get watery. “Aish, why the hell I am getting emotional now. Stupid alcohol.” He thought to himself.

“But you said that you love him. Is that part of the act too?” Kai ask Taemin.

“Yes Taemin. I am curious too. Is that part of your ing act too?” the both of them turn their head at the door and saw Minho standing there with a fire in his eyes.


“Tell me Taemin.”

“I-I.” taemin was loss of word because of his nervousness plus the fact the he is drunk makes him not think properly.

“So this is what it is.” Minho turn his back on them and walk toward the main entrance of the house.

Taemin tried to follow him but Kai stops him. “Taemin, I don’t think that it is best to follow him now.”

“I have to Kai. I don’t want this to end like this. I have to explain everything to him. I want us to be friends once this act is finish. Not like this.” Taemin pull his hands from Kai’s grip and run after Minho. All his dizziness because of the alcohol suddenly disappear that very moment.


Once he reach the place where they park their car, he was disappointed that the car is not there anymore. Minho have the key since he is the once who drove the car when they came there. He get his phone in his bag and tried to call the other but it Minho’s phone is off.

“Come on Minho, answer you phone.” He said while running towards the main road to get a taxi. When he already inside the taxi his phone rings. He didn’t even bother to look whose calling and answer it immediately. “Where are you Minho?”

“Hello Taemin, this is not Minho.” The person at the other line answer.

“K-key hyung?”

“Yes baby, this is hyung. What’s wrong with you? You sounds panting, are you okay? And why are looking for Minho. Is there any problem there?”Key ask continuously.

“N-n-no hyung. There is no problem and I am okay. I just finish dancing and I am on my home now.” Taemin wish that Key didn’t notice his stuttering. “Why did you call hyung?” Taemin think that this is really not a good time for Key to call. Why does he have to call at this very moment when he is having a problem?

“I just want to say that I am going home now Taemin.”


“I am coming back tomorrow evening.”

He should be happy knowing that Key is coming back now but instead he feels a sudden drainage of all his strength from his body hearing that news. “Why now?”






so yeah,

i am not even sure how did this chapter turn out like this


i already wrote the draft beforehand but it didn't turn out like that

well...kind of..

i, myself was shock too how my brain comes up with this idea.

maybe when i got my hair cut, my prevoius idea got cut off too and the beginning is the only one that remains in my head

oh well-----, i think it's really not that bad



again for the nth time,

i want to say my thank you to all of you who is:





this story..

please continue to support me and give me energy to continue this story

since my energy starts to drain now~_~

that's all

aieru my lovely reader!!!!!!

here are some gift the i am giving to you guys since i just learn how to insert pics here^_^

i love this pictures:








hope you like it^_^







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oh shoot!!! i accidentally deleted the latest chapter..stupid me~_~


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Beau1996 1384 streak #1
Chapter 2: Minho's teasing is hilarious 😂
Beau1996 1384 streak #2
Chapter 1: Minho is so bossy!!
Chapter 3: Taemin just so nice. If I am him I will right away kick minho from my house no matter what lol.
Key indeed owe him big thing
Chapter 1: Cuterrrrrrrrrrr
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 28: Finally together forever! :)
Chapter 28: Wow! The emotional drive is so awesome! Enjoyed reading the story so much!
AusAngel26 #7
Chapter 28: Cute story, I enjoyed reading it. Always good to get a happy ending. Thank you for writing it. :-)
Chapter 28: The ending is so overwhelming. Their vow speeches are so romantic. And I'm laughing at JongKey's antics especially their proposal. I have fun while reading this :) The plot twist is amazing.
I love it so much . you are great author . thanks for this
Chapter 28: I love the ending really and also the jongkey proposal, its so romantic.....
Keep writing wonderful stories purplesnow......
And also I live in the country as yours,

Anyway inalways love your stories...... Fighting