Proposal and Vows


Taemin have been avoiding Key's eyes ever since they enter the wedding hall. Today is his wedding day and they are currently at the lounging room, waiting for the time of the ceremony. When he looked up again, he saw Key glaring at him.

"U-umma. Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked and he take away his eyes from Key.

"Lee Taemin. How dare you." Key answered who was standing not far from him.

"W-why." He scratch his head. To be honest he already know why Key is acting that way.

"How can you be getting married before me?" The elder walked towards him and stop in front of him. He cross his arms in his chest as he looked down at the younger who was sitting in the couch. "Minho just found you a week ago and you guys already decided your wedding day? Ha! I can't believe it."

Taemin chuckled. He was right. Key haven't still okay that he is getting married first before him. He looked up at the elder and he hug his waist. "Umma stop being angry. Besides it’s your fault. It’s already been six months when you fixed your problem, then why you didn't proceed to your wedding?"

"That is because of you. Idiot." He caress the others head. "Do you think I want to get married without you by my side?"

"Then I think I have to thank Minho for finding Taemin. If he didn't, who knows if you still want to get married to me?" Jonhgyun interrupted the two when he and Minho entered the room.

"Yah! What the two of you doing here. Didn't you know that it is bad for groom to see his--"

"Groom?" Minho continue what was Key saying. He walked towards his fiancé and give him a quick kiss in the lips.

"That is right. Then what are you doing here?" Key wrap his arms around his boyfriend’s waist.

"I can't wait anymore to see my love." Minho smiled at the younger who was smiling at him too. He seated beside him and he wrap his arms around the younger’s shoulder. “Are you ready?” He asked.

“Yup, I can’t wait anymore.” Taemin answered as he leaned his head to the other’s shoulder.

“I can’t wait anymore too love.” He touch the other’s lips then he looked up when he heard Key clearing his throat. “You guys are still here?”

“Obviously. Even if you are my brother, I still can’t trust my baby to you.” Key answered that makes Taemin and Jonghyun laugh.

“Well you can’t do anything about that Key.. hyung.” He added the last world playfully. Key is much older him in about three months.

“Don’t you dare call me hyung, idiot.”

“Anyway, can you two leave now? I want to be alone with Taemin.” He shooed the two. Key glared at him and when he was about to say something, Jonghyun pulled him out of the room.


“That stupid Minho. He didn’t tell me that he have a plan of proposing to Taemin.” Key said when the two of them are heading in the garden.

“He told me.” Jonghyun grab the other’s hand and he pulled him to the swing.

“He told you? How mean. I am his brother but he didn’t say anything to me.” He pouted then he cross his arms in his chest then drop his body at the swing.

“C’mon babe, stop getting angry. Beside there is no need to be mad.” He kneeled in front of his boyfriend.

“What are you doing?” Key was surprised at Jonghyun action though he feel a sudden excitement.

“The thing that I have been doing a long, long time ago. I have to make sure that this time I am going to succeed.” He pick the small box in his pocket and he slowly open it in front of Key. “Key, wi—”

“WAIT!” Key immediately covers the other’s mouth. “Wait.”

Jonghyun takes off the others hands and look at him curiously. “Why?”

“This is not right.” Key shook his head then he stands up. “Why are you proposing right now?”

“Why? What is wrong for today?” He stands up too.

“I don’t want to share this special day with Taemin.”

“Huh?” Jonghyun raise his eyebrows.

“Jong. This is Taemin’s wedding. I don’t want to remember this day together with Taemin’s wedding memories. Do you get me?” He put his hands at the others shoulder then he shake him.

“Kibum, this is not the first time that I propose to you. In my memory I already asked you for more than five times but you said that you will only give me your answer when Taemin comes back. So now that Taemin is already here, all you have to do is to give me your answer and wear this ring.” Jonghyun answered while smiling.


“Shh!! Shut up. Just wear this.” He grab the other’s hands then he put the ring on his ring finger. “There you go.” After he put the ring, he kiss the other’s hand.

“This is the most unromantic proposal ever.” Key mumbled but still he feels his heart skipping a beat when he looked at the ring in his finger.

“Babe, I already lose the interest of prosing romantically. You ruined all my romantic proposal in the past. Onew hyung even laugh at me when I told him that you rejected me.”

“But still, you still have to try.”

Jonghyun chuckled. He pulled the other’s body closer to him. He locked his hands in his waist. “But you still haven’t said your answer yet.”

Key wrap his arms around his fiancé’s neck. “I’m already wearing an engagement ring. Do I still have to answer you?”

“Of course.”

Before Key gave his answer. He leaned forward and kiss the other. “I love you Kim Jonghyun, if there is a person who I want to spend the rest of my life. That is only you. So yes. I will going to marry you!”

Jonghyun smiled and he kiss the other deeply. “I love you more Key. I promise that I am going to love you until we reach our grave. You will be my second self. I will be your mortal companion forever.” He leaned closer again to kiss his fiancée when Key pushed him.

 “Seriously Jong?” Key bite his lips to control his irritation.

“What again?”

“I already accepted that your proposal is not romantic. But your proposal speech?” He rolled his eyes.

“W-why? What is wrong in with my speech?” He smiled stupidly as he start to take a step backward.

Key took an irritating sighed. “Why do you have to get it in a book?! Can’t you have any originality?” Jonghyun run when he saw at Key was about to smack him. “Yah! Come back here!”

Jonghyun laughed. “A-ha-ha, so you know that book?? Sorry babe. I just can’t think of a romantic proposal anymore. I run out of them from my previous proposal.”

“You stupid dino!” He run after his boyfriend.


“Where the two of you go?” Jessica aked Key and Jonghyun when they enter the wedding hall.

“Somewhere.” Key answere with a big smile in his face.

Jessica looked at him closely. “What happen?” She asked curiosly.

Key smile got widen. He lean closer to the girl and whisper something that makes her squelled. “Really?”

He nodded his head then he lift his hand. “See?”

Jessica hug him tightly. “Congatulation.” She turned to Jonghyun who was just standing beside them. “Especially to you Jonghyun. I really pitied you for waiting for so long.” She said then she offered her hands.

“Thank you Jess. If you should have help me and pursue Key. We should have gotten married a long time ago now.”

“Well at least I got my revenge to you. You waited a long time for Key.” She giggled.

“I hope you can find your true love too Jess.” Key said then he patted the other’s hand that he was still holding.

The girl smiled then she looked around. When she saw the one that she was looking for, his smile got widen. “I already did.”

“Really? Who?” He followed her eyes and was surprise who is she looking at. “Onew-hyung?” Jessica nodded then he wave to the guy who turned his head in their direction. “But how? Onew hyung is here in Korea and you are in US. How?” He asked continuously.

“He seduced me.” She turned her head to Jonghyun who was smiling. “Right Jonghyun?” Jonghyun just put his head down then he chuckled. “And Onew was visiting me there for almost three months now.”

“Wow. That was great. I hope for your happiness Jess. And again I am so sorry for taking away Jonghyun away from you.”

“Let’s forget that already Key. Past is past. Let’s get over it. Besides there that thing lead us in this friendship.” She smiled at him and to Jonghyun too. “For now on. Let’s just be happy together with the one we love.”


Taemin feels like his heart was about to jump out from his chest when he saw Minho standing at end of the aisle. Waiting for him patiently. He looked at Key who was smiling at him. He start to walk in the aisle that looks like there is no end. He wanted to be at Minho’s side immediately.

This is like a dream for him. All his life he dream of marrying the only person who he can love forever. But that dream didn’t show that his other half is a man.

The man that he hated at their first meeting.

The man who took all his first. The man he thought he will never have because he was entitled to be married to his bestfriend.

The man who can sacrifice his own happiness just to save his family.

The man who can sacrifice his family just to be with him.

The man that he loves more than anything else.

The man name Choi Minho. His once rude fake fiancée.


Minho feels like he was waiting for Taemin to reach him for a thousand years. He was so excited to be tied to him. To the boy who taught him how to love.

To the boy who taught him how to trust people.

To the boy he didn’t expect to love.

To the boy who did all his best to fight for their love.

To the boy name Lee Taemin. His once cute fake little fiancée.


When Taemin reach the end of the aisle he feels like he walked a thousand miles. Minho grab his hand and leaned closer to him.

“That was the longest time that I waited for you love.” He whispered.

Taemin just chuckled and they walked together hand in hand towards the altar.

The priest started the ceremony. All the visitors put all their attention at the two men who was about to deliver their vows. It was Taemin who did the first vow.

“I, Lee Taemin, will take you, Choi Minho to be my partner for life I promise above all else to live in truth with you. And to communicate fully and fearlessly. I give you my hand and my heart as a sanctuary of warmth and peace, pledge my love, devotion, faith and honor as I join my life to yours.”

Then it was Minho.

“I, Choi Minho will take you, Lee Taemin to be my partner for life. In your eyes, I have found my home. In your heart, I have found my love. In your soul, I have found my mate. With you, I am whole, full, and alive. You make me laugh. You let me cry. You are my breath, my every heartbeat. I am yours. You are mine. Of this we are certain. You are stuck in my heart. The small key is lost. You must stay there forever.”

Taemin wanted to cry from that heartwarming vow. His love for Minho was overflowing. When they are put their rings in each other’s finger Taemin’s almost cry from happiness. Minho saw that small tears in his eyes. That’s why just before the priest allow to sealed their vows with a kiss, Minho already pull Taemin closer to him and kiss him passionately.

A loud applause was heard in the wedding hall. Taemin even heard Onew shouted, congratulating them. But his full attention was in Minho’s kiss. The kissed that sealed their vows.

“I love you Taemin. So much that no words can describe.” Minho said when he broke the kiss.

“I love you too Minho.” He wrap his arms around his neck. “But I’m sorry my love, I don’t think I love you as much as you love me.” He answered laughing.

“Well I have a life time to make you love me even more.” Minho smiled then for the second time, he kissed his husband.

Oh my God…Oh my God..did I already mark this as completed? I can’t believe it. It’s done my friends.

Please give me a moment to sob here in the corner. I just..I just can’t control my feelings.


*Wipe wipe my tears*

So yeah FIANCEE is officially completed. It’s done!!!! Waahh.. I am so happy at the same time I am sad too. When I started writing this story, I didn’t expect that it will going to attract lots of readers. 179 subbies? Seriously? I know that it’s not really a big number of people, but that is already big for me. Bigger than universe ^____^

I know that some of the subbies are not happy with this story because I had lost, I think 15 subbies when I was in the middle of the story. But I still want to thank them that even if they are not with me until the end, the fact that they got interested with my story I am already happy with that. Though they can’t read this anymore, I want to say.. I STILL LOVE YOU!!

And for you who stayed with me until today. Please hear out my confession. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! I REALLY DO. You guys gave me so much love with your subscription, upvote, and from your lovely comments. You are my inspiration to continue writing.

So now, I am ready to wrap up this story. If you didn’t like the ending, please forgive me. Writing an ending is my weakness as a writer. *90 degrees bow*

Hmmm..what else??? I think that’s it. No wait I’m missing one thing…..oh yeah…..


To those Jongkey shipper,
I am currently writing a Jongkey story, there is no side pairing there.
Sorry for my fellow 2min shipper.
I am currently taking a break from 2min
because I still have a problem with my feelings for them. ^____^
*click me the poster*





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oh shoot!!! i accidentally deleted the latest chapter..stupid me~_~


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Beau1996 1389 streak #1
Chapter 2: Minho's teasing is hilarious 😂
Beau1996 1389 streak #2
Chapter 1: Minho is so bossy!!
Chapter 3: Taemin just so nice. If I am him I will right away kick minho from my house no matter what lol.
Key indeed owe him big thing
Chapter 1: Cuterrrrrrrrrrr
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 28: Finally together forever! :)
Chapter 28: Wow! The emotional drive is so awesome! Enjoyed reading the story so much!
AusAngel26 #7
Chapter 28: Cute story, I enjoyed reading it. Always good to get a happy ending. Thank you for writing it. :-)
Chapter 28: The ending is so overwhelming. Their vow speeches are so romantic. And I'm laughing at JongKey's antics especially their proposal. I have fun while reading this :) The plot twist is amazing.
I love it so much . you are great author . thanks for this
Chapter 28: I love the ending really and also the jongkey proposal, its so romantic.....
Keep writing wonderful stories purplesnow......
And also I live in the country as yours,

Anyway inalways love your stories...... Fighting