

Taemin feel a little nausea when he open his eyes. He was puzzled when he saw his surroundings, because that place is not familiar with him.

“Where am I?” He ask himself when he sat up on the bed and look around.

The room is so big that it almost as big as his apartment. He close his eyes and he tried to remember what happen to him. “That’s right I was talking to Minho hyung when someone—Oh God, have I been kidnapped?” He said and he starts to panic and feel scared when he heard a footstep that is coming to where he is.

I think that boy is already awake now Miss Jessica.” He heard a guy.

“Who the hell is Jessica?” He mumble. His eyes never leave the door that is now slowly opening.

He saw a girl sitting in the wheelchair. She is wearing a sunglasses. And a big guy was walking after her.

Why is she wearing sunglasses inside the house?” He thought as he watch the two people walked in his direction.

“Are you awake, Taemin?” The girl ask him.

“Who are you?” Instead of answering, Taemin ask the girl back.

“I take that as a yes.” The girl smirk. She roll her wheelchair beside that big Flat Screen TV. “Before I introduce myself. I want to show you a very interesting video.”

Just before the Taemin would ask anything. The girl switch on the TV. Taemin saw a picture of a small girl, maybe she is 7 or 8 years old. She was being held by a woman, maybe her mother, and beside them, a guy. Taemin eyes open widely when he recognise the guy, it was Minho.

The slideshow continues and he saw that Minho was always holding that little girl. Most of the picture are stolen that’s why he was sure that Minho’s smile is true and not just because someone is taking a picture.

But who is that girl? He was so dead curious. The slideshow ended, when suddenly a scene in the hospital appear. The little girl was in the stretcher and an oxygen was attach in her face. He saw Minho beside the stretcher, is that tears in his eyes. Yes, he was sure it is a tears.

He wants to just ask the girl in the room who is that little girl and why does she making him watch this. But he wants to continue watching and he was sure that the girl will not answer him.

He watch it. Every part of it, when Minho visit the little girl in the hospital room. When he feeds her. When he walked her outside the hospital. And many more that looks so heartwarming.

The next scene makes Taemin’s heart ache. The little girl was sleeping in the bed, with so much tube in her small body, Minho was sitting beside her and holding her hands while reading some book. He saw Minho’s eyes was watery. He knows that the other was holding his tears.

Now the Prince found her missing princess, he propose to her and they live happily ever after.” Minho close the book and hold the little girls hand with his both hands. “Mi-Hyun-ah, oppa have to leave you for now. I have to do something to save you. Please be strong while oppa is not here. Okay? I will be back and I promise that I will not going to leave your side again.” He the little girls head. “You have to be strong in your operation. And when I come back, you have to great me with a smile.” He stands up and he kiss the girl’s forehead. “See you soon, princess.” He look at the girls face for about five minutes before stepping out of the room.


Taemin knows that there’s still next scene but the girl with the sunglasses pause the video.

“Interesting huh?” She said smiling.

“Who is that and why are you making me watch it? And who are you? How did you know me?” He ask continuously hoping that the girl will answer all of it.

“Woah, easy boy. But don’t worry I’ll answer all that question. First let me introduce myself. I am Choi Jessica, Minho’s sister.”

“Y-your Minho’s sister?”

“Yes. And that girl is his sister too.” She look Taemin and was not even surprise when he saw the shock of the other’s face.”

“I—I don’t understand. Minho never told me that he have a two sister.” Taemin with confusion in his face.

“Of course he will not tell you about that because he doesn’t want any pity from the other people.” She smirk and she take off her shades. “You ask me how did I knew you. I have been sent someone to follow you ever since the day Minho came into your house.”

“Why did you do that?”

“Because I don’t trust him.”

“Let me explain everything to you. And listen very carefully.” She roll her wheelchair toward the boy who is sitting in the bed. “Minho came here to take a revenge for me.”


“Yes, revenge. Revenge to Key.” When she notice that the boy was about to ask again, she speak immediately. “Because Key is the reason, why did I lost my eyes and legs for a year. He took away Jonghyun away from me. He is the reason why Jonghyun left me. He is the reason of my suffering.” She added with so much hate in her face and voice.

“Jonghyun hyung? You are Jonghyun hyung’s fiancée?” Taemin was loss now. He don’t understand anything.

Jessica snorted with a smirk in her face. “You don’t know anything, do you?” She took Taemin’s silence as a yes. “Then you are living with a bunch of liars. Yes Jonghyun is my fiancée, ex-fiancee. He turn down our wedding because he said, he was falling in love with other person. Ha! I still can’t believe that he choose to be iwith a like Key instead of me.”

“How dare you call Key hyung a ?!” Taemin was about to jump on the girl but a guy grab his arm and push him back to the bed.

“Don’t be so wild kid.” She signal the man beside Taemin to step aside. “Sure he is. What do you call a guy who is in a relation with the same gender as his? Gay? ? ? Disgrace? A virus that is very dangerous in our world.”  She chuckled. “Oh, sorry. I forgot that you are one of that too. You and Minho. Jonghyun was just being infected by that virus.”

Taemin clench his fist and bite his lips to stop himself from slapping this girl. He took a deep breath. “If you want to take revenge. Why do you have to involve Minho in this?”

“Because I want to get revenge in him.”


“Minho is the fruit of my father’s cheating. His family is the reason why my family got destroyed, why my mother died.” She pause a second. “That video that you just have watch a moment ago is his moment before he went here. He is doing this revenge to save his sister.”

“What’s wrong with his sister?” Taemin ask with so much curiosity in his question. Why did Minho, never told him about this?

“His sister have a heart problem and needs to have an operation if she wants to live longer. But she can’t have that without me.”

“Minho can save his sister.”

“No he can’t. He don’t have money for that. I freeze all his accounts.”

“Why are you so cruel?”

“Because I want him to suffer the same sorrow that I have been suffering. Him and Key.”

“But you don’t have to involve someone else’s life. A kid, especially.” Taemin heart was so soft when it comes to a kid.

“So you want to help Minho to save his sister’s life?”

“How?” Taemin ask immediately.

“Break up with Minho.”

“And what does my relationship with him have to do with his sister’s survival?”

“Oh boy. Can’t you picture it out? I want to make Key and Minho suffer, but looking at the situation, I think it is impossible for me to make them both suffer. Especially Key, knowing Jonghyun, he will not give up on Key. So I think one is enough? That is Minho. There are two kind of pain that I will going to give him. It’s either the pain of losing someone he loves, like when I lose Jonghyun. Or the pain of losing your family, like when I lose my mother.”


“But who knows, maybe I can do something to make Key suffer. I just remember, I haven’t sign the partnership contact with.”

“You witch!”

“I know. Thank you.” Jessica laugh as she stands up in her wheelchair that makes Taemin gasp in surprise.

“Y-you can walk.”

“Yes, pretty much.” She said while walking towards the other. “Let’s compromise Lee Taemin.”


“I will give you two choices. Simple choices. Your own happiness? Or other’s?”

“What if I will going to choice my own happiness?”

“Simple. Mi-Hyun’s operation will not going to happen and I will not going to sign Key’s company.”

“Then she will going to die and lots of employee will lose their job.”

“I don’t care.” Jessica said firmly.

Taemin took a deep breath. “What if I choose other’s happiness?”

“The opposite of the first outcome. And I will not going to disturb Key and Jonghyun”

“Then if I will going to choose that Minho will have the pain of losing me and Key hyung might feel the guilt that because of him I lose my love. And might end up breaking up with Jonghyun hyung” Taemin said as he analyze the outcome.

Jessica clap her hands. “Smart! You got it! So to make it simple. Love or Family. You can’t have them both.” She smirk as she go back to her wheelchair. “Think wisely.”

Taemin was thinking properly when he saw one guy come closer to Jessica and whisper something. Jessica look at him and smiled. “I think this will going to help you to choose.” She looks at the guy beside Taemin.

It looks like the guy didn’t need anything words from Jessica because he suddenly grab Taemin and drag him to the connected room.

“Hey! Let go of me.” Taemin wiggle and tried to break free from the man but he can’t. The man is so strong and he feels like he don’t have any energy.

He was wondering why did the man suddenly drag him to the other room and let the door close but let him stand close to it. When suddenly he heard Minho’s voice.



“JESSICA!!” Minho shouted almost tearing up the whole house because of his massive voice. “JESSICA!!!” He open the door open and walk towards the girl who is sitting in her wheelchair. “What do you think you’re doing!” he said grabbing and squeezing the girl’s arms.

“You’re hurting me Minho.” Jessica whine. She feels like her arm are about to burst.

“Hurting you? I could kill you right now, did you know that? I want to kill you.” Minho was already consume by the anger and he was wondering why Jessica was still breathing. He was mad!

“Then you don’t have any difference with your mom.”

“Why are you ing bringing up my dead mother here?”

“Because she is the reason why my mother die. Let go of me.” Jessica voice remain calm.

“What the ing hell do you want from me?! Why do you have to hold the operation when you know that Mi-Hyun have to do it immediately. She could die you know!”

“I don’t care about your sister.”

“You ing . How I wish you can just remain blind and disabled for all your life.” Minho said letting go the other’s arm which is now so red, and he feels like his whole body was shaking because of angry.

Jessica smirk and she takes off her shades and she stands up.

Minho gasp. “Y-you—”

“Yes Minho. What you can see is true.” She walks towards the TV and turn it on.

Minho saw his sister’s face in the on the screen. “Mi-Hyun.”

Hello oppa? How are you my handsome oppa? Jessica unniecame here today to take a video of me because she said you misses me and you want to see me. I miss you too oppa. My nurse was reading a story for me every night but I don’t like her. She don’t know how to put feeling in the story, she was boring. Jessica unnie is better than her. But you are still the best oppa. I know that you have something to finish, so finish that soon and come back here. Okay? I’ll show you one of my newest dance move when you got here. So do it fast Minho oppa. And don’t worry about my operation, Jessica unnie and the doctor said that I am a strong girl. I know I can do it. Please come back soon. I miss your hug and kisses. I love you oppa!!!” she pause and she looks at the person who is taking the video. “Of course you too Jessica unnie.” She send a flying kiss to the girl and look at the camera again and sends her kisses to Minho.

“She likes you.” Minho mumble. Tears was falling in his eyes.

“I know. I am a good actress right? To think I got her love and trust.” Jessica said, turning off the TV.

“You deceive her.” Minho knows Mi-Hyun was attach to her sister. “Tell me Jessica. What do you want?”

“I want you to end your relationship with Taemin.”

“Y-you know him?” Minho lose all the energy and hope that he had.

“Of course. And I also know that you are lying to me Minho. Key and Jonghyun are still together.”

Minho’s knees gave it as he kneel down at the floor. Everything failed. Mi-hyun operation, Taemin’s love, his future, everything was gone.

Jessica smirk as he saw the man crying in front of him. “So Minho? What do you want me to tell you on what do have to do?”

Minho takes his time to think. “I can’t. I can’t give up Taemin.” he said making Jessica raise her eyebrows.

“So meaning you will let your sister die?”

Minho stands up and wipe his tears. “No. I will going to help her too. In my own ways.”

Jessica clench her teeth. “Then Minho suit yourself. But the final decision is not yours. Ta—”

“I can’t give up on him too.” Taemin said when he open the door. Surprisingly, the guy who drag him suddenly release him.

“Taemin?” Minho mumble. He’s eyes was fixed at the other’s smiling face. He was so bright and calm.

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know how miserable your life is. Or how you suffer. But taking blaming to others is not good. Being like that is your own choice. You choose to be lonely because you stop yourself for looking to the bright side. You already concluded that everything that happens to you is someone’s fault. But no Jessica, no one’s at fault. Not Minho, not Key, not you father, not Minho’s mother. No one Jessica. Noy even you.” He turn to the TV. “After hearing that message. I know that you love your half-sister.”

“I don—”

“She have the same blood and flesh as you are. I know that you don’t want to harm her. Wake up now Jessica. Stop making yourself suffer by your own doing and from your wrong vision of life.”

He walks to Minho and hold his hands. “I love Minho. And I also love Key hyung. But that doesn’t mean I choose love over family, because I know, I can save them both.” He look at Minho who is looking at him.

“You will going to regret it.” Jessica said while clenching her fist.

“No we don’t.” Taemin said. He drag Minho outside the room and outside the house.



“Taemin?” Minho called the other who is walking before him when they are already in the apartment building.

Taemin didn’t answer say anything and continue to walk. He open his apartment and walk straight to the couch. He seated there and buried his face in his palm.

“Taemin.” Minho called the other again. He was sitting beside him.

“Hyung.” He turn to Minho. He took a deep sigh before speaking. “Let’s go to Jeju.”



I'm sleepy and tired!!!

That's why I am not going to write a very long A.N right now..

My fingers doesn't have anymore energy to type,.

Just tell me what you feel about this chapter..Okay??


Thank you again to my:





well then goodnight my honey's

see you again to the next update..


and oh, before I forget, thank you for some of you who got interested to my upcoming story..

If you still haven't see it here: CURIOSITY LEADS TO LOVE and here is the TRAILER..





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oh shoot!!! i accidentally deleted the latest chapter..stupid me~_~


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Beau1996 1384 streak #1
Chapter 2: Minho's teasing is hilarious 😂
Beau1996 1384 streak #2
Chapter 1: Minho is so bossy!!
Chapter 3: Taemin just so nice. If I am him I will right away kick minho from my house no matter what lol.
Key indeed owe him big thing
Chapter 1: Cuterrrrrrrrrrr
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 28: Finally together forever! :)
Chapter 28: Wow! The emotional drive is so awesome! Enjoyed reading the story so much!
AusAngel26 #7
Chapter 28: Cute story, I enjoyed reading it. Always good to get a happy ending. Thank you for writing it. :-)
Chapter 28: The ending is so overwhelming. Their vow speeches are so romantic. And I'm laughing at JongKey's antics especially their proposal. I have fun while reading this :) The plot twist is amazing.
I love it so much . you are great author . thanks for this
Chapter 28: I love the ending really and also the jongkey proposal, its so romantic.....
Keep writing wonderful stories purplesnow......
And also I live in the country as yours,

Anyway inalways love your stories...... Fighting