

Jonghyun stretch his arm as soon as he got out in the departure waiting area. He feels like that his travel took forever. His limbs and muscles starts to be stiff while he was sitting in the airplane. He cannot even remember how many stretches he had done since he got out of the plane.

He flip his bangs that gain some glance and giggle from the girls besides him. He look around to search for his sister, they are supposed to be the one who is looking for him here in the airport since he is the one who arrive. But why the hell he is the one looking for them. He bring out his phone from his bag to text his sister when one boy hug his legs.

“Uncle!!” The boy shouted as he was hugging his legs.

“JungJeon.” He lifted the little boy and put him in his arm. “Aigoo, you are so big now. Where is your mother?”

The little boy look around and pointed his mother who is walking towards them.

“Yah. Why the hell are you late? You are supposed to be here before me noona.” Jonghyun said as soon as his come.

“How dare you say that to me? You should be thankful that I still came to pick you up, idiot.” His sister smack his head while laughing.

“Still. I am sure another more minute and your handsome brother will kidnap here.” Jonghyun look at the girls beside him who is still looking at him. They are not Koreans but he can’t blame them if they are so fascinated by his perfect look.

“Tsk..tsk..your narcissism is showing again. ” His sister pull one of his luggage and starts to walk. “Don’t worry, it’s not they are going to killed you.” She put the luggage at the car compartment and headed to the driver’s seat while Jonghyun and his son are already at the back of the car.

“Why DongHo hyung is not with you noona?” Jonghyun as his sister while his attention is in his nephew.

“He’s busy in our store.”

“You have store here?”

“Yup. Didn’t I mention that to you? We open that just last month.”

“Wow cool. You guys can really survive here, eh?” He starts to play with his nephew until they reach his sister’s house.

The house is not that big, just enough for the family. He carry his nephew in one arm while the other is pulling his luggage. “You have a nice house, noona.” He follow his sister who is opening the house.

Once they enter the house he put down his nephew and walk around the living room. He observe the house and he finds it very simple yet it look elegant. He walk towards the kitchen where he’s sister is.

“What do you want to eat? I can make you something before I will return to the shop.” His sister, starts to look at the fridge to find something to cook.

“It’s okay noona. Can I just come with you?” He ask as he carry his nephew who wants to be carried.

“But aren’t tired? You just got here? You must have some sleep.”

“I can’t do that noona. My body is have to make an adjustment to the time here since at this time back home is opposite right, it’s already six in the morning there.”

“Okay if that what you want. Just take a short shower while I am packing some foods for DongHo.”

“Can I come with uncle, mom?”

“No sweetie. Uncle needs to take a shower. Just wait for him at the living room.”

The little boy pouted. “Okay.” He said while he takes his step towards the living room.

Jonghyn just smile on how cute his nephew. He just once saw him when his sister bring him when she had a vacation back home. And in that one month, his and his nephew got really close. And he remember that when they are about to go home, JungJeon cried a lot. He wants to introduce him to Key since the other really love kids, but just before he could do that, Key--. He shook his head to drive away any thoughts of Key. He came here to at least take a rest for thinking Key. He can’t say to forget because he doesn’t want to forget the other. As long as he is living, he will forever remember Key.

He went up at the second floor where his room is located. There is four room there. One for the couple, one for their little boy and two for the guest. He walk toward his room, he throw his bag anfd his body at the bed at the same time. He look at the ceiling but all he can see there is Key’s face.

“I wonder if this is going to work. No matter where I go all I can see is your face, babe.” He mumble to himself. He sat up as he ruffling his hair. “I have to take a shower now.”


When we arrive at the shop, there is a lot of customer who is eating there snack. He look around and he notice that most of the customers are Koreans. He feels like he is just in his country. He take a sit at the corner of the shop and watch all the customer eat there foods when his eyes flown at the other side of the shop. His heart was beating so fast that it feels like it’s going to explode any time soon when he recognize the guy sitting there.

“Key.” He mumble and didn’t notice that he is already walking toward the other.


This is the first time that Key had his dinner outside. He’s always cooking his food in his apartment but he don’t know, but today he feels so lazy to cook. He already know this place for a long time now but this is his first time eating here. He was happy to know that there are places here that serve a Korean food and there is a lot of Koreans too. He was so busy reading the report that his investigator gave him this afternoon that’s why he didn’t notice that there is a guy standing beside him.


He feels that his whole body system suddenly got shut down when he heard that voice. He don’t have to look up to know who he is because that voice is already recognize by his mind and his heart.

“Key.” Jonghyun call again and this time the other look at him.

“J-jong.” For a moment there it feels like they are stuck in their own world. Staring at each other’s eyes and no one wants to look away. Especially Jonghyun who really miss looking at the other’s face.

It was Key who first look away. “W-what are you doing here?”

Jonghyun clear his throat. “Just taking a vacation.” pull the vacant sit beside Key “You don’t mind if I sit here right?”

“No. Of course not.” Key answer but didn’t bother to look at Jonghyun.

“How are you Key? It’s been a long time.” Yes, two months for his is a very long time.

Key took a deep breath and gather his strength to look at Jonghyun. At least he manage to smile. “I’m okay Jong. How about you? I am surprise seeing you here.”

“I don’t know if I am okay Key.” Jonghyun answer bluntly, but he still smile so that it will look like he was just joking. “I just decided that I need vacation. This shop is own by my sister.”

“I didn’t know that you have a sister.”

Jonghyun just smile and didn’t bother to explain. What for? Is not that important right now. What he wants to do is to talk to Key. “Did you know that Taemin is getting married now?”

“Y-yes. He told me.”

“Can you believe it? He is going to get married before us.” Jonghyun laugh a little.

Key feel a sudden awkward atmosphere, he starts to tidy up his things. “It’s getting dark now. I think I have to go home.” He said as he starts up but Jonghyun hold his wrist.

“Can’t you stay a little longer?” Jonghyun ask with a begging voice. He was scared that he might not see Key again.

“But I have to go now Jong. I have something to do.”

“Then can I see you again next time?”

Key didn’t answer. This is the thing that he is afraid of. Why does Jonghyun have to be in a place where he is now? The world is so big, why do they have to meet here. He remember how many times he pray not to see Jonghyun while he was in his mission, but it looks like it didn’t been heard.

“Please Key? You said we can still be friends right after the break up. So it is okay if we still can meet each other.”

Yes he offer that before because he thought he will not be seing Jonghyun for the time being, while he was in his mission. But it change now. He doesn’t to be distracted.

“Okay. Let’s meet again here tomorrow.” Key answer contradicting his what his mind thinking.

Jonghyun smile at him as he release his wrist. “Thank you.”


The next day, as what Key said, he went to the shop again. He arrive there earlier than Jonghyun and when it’s already half an hour and Jonghyun was still not there, Key decided to leave. He was already at the door when Jonghyun arrive.

“Sorry Key, I’m late. I woke up late.” Jonghyun said to him and pull him back inside the shop.

He wants to pull back his wrist which Jonghyun is holding but that would be a rude thing. He saw that the owner was looking at them.

“Jong, can you let go of my wrist?”

“Ah sorry.” Jonghyun pull the chair as he sit there. “Did you wait long?”

“No.” Key answer shortly.

“So you did wait long.” Jonghyun said. He knows if Key is lying. He knows everything about Key.

“I said no.”

“Do you want to eat something?”

“I already had my coffee.”

“But we have to eat breakfast. Wait let me ask my sister what they have for breakfast.” JOnghyun stands up but the other stops him.

“That’s not necessary Jong.” Key said as he pull his hands away. “I want to tell you something.”

Jonghyun sit back again and he saw how serious Key is. “W-what is it?”

“Can we not meet again after this? Even if we run to each other can you pretend that you don’t know me?” Key said looking at the table.


“Because that’s what I want Jong.”

“Aren’t you being cruel Key? It was you who said that we can still be friend then what is this? I accepted it and what I just want to do now is to spend my time as your friend.”

“Jong I am going to get married soon. Hanging out with my ex is not a good thing.” That is true beside he is not sure what will going to happen once they meet again. He is not that sure if he can control himself not to hug him and not to kiss him.


“I’m about to get married with your ex-fiancée’s brother.”

“W-what? Jessica’s brother? What are you talking about? She doesn’t have brother.”

“Is that what you know? How are you going to marry someone when you don’t know their family background?”

“I know her background Key. I know everything about her because he is my childhood friend before we become a couple.”

Key look at the other. If that’s the truth, then who the hell is Choi Minho? He shook his head, he have to look for it again. “Still Jong, I don’t want Jessica to know that we are still meeting each other. I have a feeling that he is using my family to get back at me because I once take away his fiancée. I don’t want to give my family a headache.”

“How about me Key. How about my feeling? I am hurting too you know?”

Key look at the other and all he can see is the tears that wants to break away from Jonghyun’s eyes and it is hurting him too. He gather all his strength and reach Jonghyun’s hands.

“Please Jong. Do this for me. If you do what I ask you for, you will really help me a lot. Please? For me and for my family?”

“I can’t understand you Key.”

“I will going to explain to you everything in the future. What I am doing now is for the both of us too.” Key was sure that after he said that he is just giving Jonghyun a hint that they might be back together again. But that’s the only thing he know that can convince Jonghyun to do what he want.

Jonghyun took a deep breath. “Then Key, can I still hope for us?”

“I don’t know Jong. That’s why, for now, you have to do my favor.”

“Okay. I got it. I am still going to wait for you Key. As long as you still haven’t say you I do with that guy, I will going to wait for you.”


Key was laying in his bed and was still thinking at Jongyun. He wants to finish all this thing so that he can return at the other’s side. He was staring at the ceiling when his phone rings.


“Key, this is Lance.” It was his investigator.

“Yes Lance? Did you find something?”

“I found your father Key.”

Key sat up after hearing the news. “A-are you sure it was him?”

“Yes. He is currently at Dos Palos and is staying at the home for the ages.” Lance pause as if he was still want to say something.

“Is there anything that you still want to say to me?”

“Yes. As we both know, he have a family here. I already know the name of his child.

“What is it?”

“You’re suspicion is right, her name is Jessica Choi but we are wrong to think that she have a brother.”

Great. That would be a great news if I haven’t found out that Choi Minho is not her brother. He can escape in this marriage if Choi Minho is his brother. Before he accepted the marriage he already have an information about Choi Minho and Choi Jessica. His mother once give him a picture of his father. And when he research about the two he found a picture of them together with his father, that’s when he got the idea that they might be siblings and he can use that to help his adoptive parents company without having the marriage. But what now, that he found out that his sibling is only Jessica. He have to think of something that can help. His father, right. His father can help him.

“Lance, we go to my father’s place?”

“Sure Key.”

After hanging up his phone, he stare at outside the window. “Please father, you have to help me.”




So yeah, that's what Key looking for..

I don't want to beat around the bush anymore

I decided to reveal it here that's why it took me almost three days writing this chapter

because I have a hard time to think what is the best way to reveal it

i know it's kind of mess up now..and I am sorry about that

at this way, i can make the story running now...


Anyway.....thank you for reading and subscribing

please comment what do you think of it, I don't really mind





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oh shoot!!! i accidentally deleted the latest chapter..stupid me~_~


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Beau1996 1384 streak #1
Chapter 2: Minho's teasing is hilarious 😂
Beau1996 1384 streak #2
Chapter 1: Minho is so bossy!!
Chapter 3: Taemin just so nice. If I am him I will right away kick minho from my house no matter what lol.
Key indeed owe him big thing
Chapter 1: Cuterrrrrrrrrrr
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 28: Finally together forever! :)
Chapter 28: Wow! The emotional drive is so awesome! Enjoyed reading the story so much!
AusAngel26 #7
Chapter 28: Cute story, I enjoyed reading it. Always good to get a happy ending. Thank you for writing it. :-)
Chapter 28: The ending is so overwhelming. Their vow speeches are so romantic. And I'm laughing at JongKey's antics especially their proposal. I have fun while reading this :) The plot twist is amazing.
I love it so much . you are great author . thanks for this
Chapter 28: I love the ending really and also the jongkey proposal, its so romantic.....
Keep writing wonderful stories purplesnow......
And also I live in the country as yours,

Anyway inalways love your stories...... Fighting