Two hearts

The Right Choice?


Dara POV


“Dara choose me…” I looked at the guy on my right who had a nice dazzling smile. Tall, handsome and got a nice hair.

“Dara…..choose me…” I looked at the other guy who was standing on my left that had a nice warm smile, He has cute gummy smile. His also tall, handsome and got nice fashion sense…

Both men offered their hands towards me and I just stood in the middle not knowing which hand I should take.

Would it be this guy on my right? Who has been there since I was having a tough time back when I was training in Romania?

Or this guy on my left? Who has been with me ever since we were kids and the one that was supposed to be my Alpha?


I looked at the two handsome guys in front of me as they both awaited for my answer…

“Dara..” Both said at the same time as they are still offering their hands towards me..

“Choose me..”     “Pick me..”  Both had said to her.






I woke up from my dream abruptly as somebody started poking on my arm…

“Wakey wakey..” My cousin Bom said.

“Where am I?”

“Welcome back Dara….” She said as she had her arms open wide for a hug..


“How was the vacation?”

“Oh it was….” Dara said not knowing what to say as memories flood in her mind..

Dara groaned and rubbed her forehead.

“Come on sleepy head we need to get off the plane now!!”

“Oh deh.” Dara stood up and walked out of the plane along with Bom and when they got off……

Dara gasped…..






“Oh errmmm.. Ummm..” Dara said as she stood in front of everybody.

She eyed her “suitors..” and notice something odd about them when they’re all standing in front of her awkwardly while blushing…

“That was one long and tough vacation.” Donghae murmured to himself as a pretty girl cling in his arm…

The 7 contestants bowed shamelessly at Dara and the king..

“It’s ok guys..” Dara reassured the eliminated 7 alphas.

“Mianhe princess..” The 7 alphas said as they paid respect to her..

“Ande no need to say sorry I understand..” Dara smiled at them as she gave a smile to the girls too..

“Even though all of you have not been successful.. At least I know one thing that you gained in this competition..”

“What is that?” Kwanghee asked.

“Your true feelings and your luna..” Dara winked at them and they all blushed as they all hold hands with their now luna…

Dara noticed that during the competition the full moon had done its bewitching effect nicely to these alphas as she noticed bite marks from their girl’s neck. Looks like they all had bonded when they were back in jeju island….

“I hope you will find your true alpha dara..” Donghae said as she took her hand and kissed it.

“Deh princess… kamshamnida for this opportunity..” Jaejoong said.

“Hwaiting Dara..” Nickhun praised her….

As the 7 eliminated alphas gave their thanks and goodbye’s to Dara, two remaining alphas stood rigidly next to each other.








 “Looks like 2 had passed..” The king said while chuckling…

“Congrats to the two remaining alphas!!”

*clap *clap *clap..

One was grinning from ear to ear as he shook hands to those who were congratulating him…

The other was just bowing respectfully to his congratulators while he had a blank face on….

Dara looked at the two boys.. she gulped and sweat started to form in the palm of her hands…







“Now the real competition begins.” Her cousin Bom murmured beside her as she eyed the two victorious alpha…

“So my dear cousin… who would you wanted to win?” Bom grin at her…

Dara just bowed her head down and gave a loud sigh..

“Omo don’t tell me!!!!!!!”

Dara nodded..

“Deh….. I think I…..”



Dara looked at her cousin fully on the face with a very serious worried look..

“Bom… I think I’m in-“

“NO!! ANDE…”


“What are you going to do then?”

“One alpha could be your husband, while the other is your ‘mistress’?” Bom said with a sarcastic voice.

“Who are you the great King Henry the 8th?”

“Didn’t he have 8 wives?” Dara asked..

“Don’t tell me you’re planning to have 8 alphas too?”

Dara chuckled…

“What can I do Bom?”

 “What you can do is to take some magical pill or something so that your loose screws in your brain and heart can be repaired..”



“Mianhe but that’s what my heart tells me..” Dara said.

“I’m in love with Kwon Jiyong and.... Lee Minho..”

“I’m in love with them both..” Dara said with a strong tone of voice assuring that her feelings are very true.

 “My heart felt like it’s torn into two pieces..”

“One heart for the handsome nice guy and the other to the warm gummy smile……” Dara thought to herself.


“Call me selfish but I don’t think I can choose between them.”

Bom rolled her eyes..

“I guess it would be a lot easier if you can keep both huh?”

“Can I Though?” Dara smiled a little bit at bom…

Bom shake her head and gave a very loud sigh..

“You know what I think Dara..”


“I think you need to clarify your feelings Dara..”

Dara groaned..

“You can’t have both because you will end up hurting yourself and them too…”

“Especially Kwon Jiyong.” Bom thought to herself….

“You have to clarify your feelings on which of those two alphas you really love…”

“You think I can do that?”

“Deh… remember there are no such things of having two hearts…. We only have one dara.”

”Arasso… I’ll try but for now can I at least love them both at the same time?”

“Ha…” Bom blurted out..

“For now you can….. but-“

“I know bom… I have to pick one of them…”

Dara sigh as her head stirred with full of confusion… Weighing her feelings out on which of the two alphas that she really love the most…..











Jiyong POV


Jiyong was back at his condo drinking and smoking by himself as he stood in his balcony looking at the pretty lights emitting from the city..

His head full of thoughts about what had happen between him and Dara when they were back in Jeju Island..

He saw through right her…

 Her actions and from her eyes that his not the only man that is in Dara’s heart now…

When jiyong entered this competition… He was very sure of himself that he can beat all of them and he victoriously did…..

And now competing for Dara’s heart.. For the first time Jiyong felt very unsure to himself on whether he would win this one…




Jiyong sighed… He was soo tired… TIRED of pleasing everyone like his appa, the pack, his friends and now Dara..

But what can he do? This is his life… He would always have to show something for them to be satisfied and prove to everybody that he is worth it.. But when can he stop all of these?

When can he stop trying to prove something so he could be accepted?


*Ding *Dong


Jiyong looked at the door and rolled his eyes out..

“It must be Jessica.. psshh that ..” He thought to himself because ever since they have met in Jeju island she kept texting him nonstop and been wanting to meet up… Now his coming to his house bugging the heck out of him…


*Knock *knock *knock…. *ding *dong *ding *dong

“AIIISHHHHH..” Jiyong screamed and went to answer the door..

“WOULD YOU LEAVE ME ALONE..” Jiyong screamed at the annoying person that is bugging him..

“Jiyong mianhe if I’m bothering you but-“

"Oh" he said.

 “What are you doing here?” He asked her with a dead expression.

“We need to talk..” she said..

“We have nothing to talk about..” Jiyong closed the door to her but she pushed it and let herself inside of his condo..

“YES we do..” She said determinedly.

“I don’t want to talk, hear or see your face!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW GET THE FCK OUT!!”



She flinched and looked at Jiyong surprisingly who was holding his door wide open for her to get out.

This is the very first time that Jiyong get angry like that because he used to be calm and level headed on any situation but now.. This Kwon Jiyong is a very different guy now..

 “Dara please don’t push my limits….”

“I’m not going anywhere until we talk..” She boldly put her hands around his neck and kissed him fully on the lips.

Jiyong pulled back from her looking at her in confusion..

She her lips tempting Jiyong to kiss her back….




Just to let you guys now this coming chapters would frustrate the HELL OUT OF YOU!!..

KEKEKEKE just a warning.. Anywayz comment and subscribe..

Thank you too all my readers!! See u on the next update!!!!!!!

xoxoxoxox angelus_love


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Chapter 13: Jealous jiyong huh thats what you get bec of what you did to dara
Chapter 21: I donte like lee minho
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 40: Can't wait for more ☺
Chapter 40: update please ^^
Kat2601 #5
Chapter 40: I love your story!! Last few chaps got me really confused though.....
pressy34 #6
Chapter 16: I really like your story, naughty and craziness make me laugh, and the hottest kpop guys too ;)
ecnahc #7
Chapter 40: It starts to be so confusing.. I think the story seems to drift apart from the storyline
jeikah #8
Chapter 40: kinda confusing in the last few chspters.. but i think i'm getting it with the last one... so Minho is using Jiyong to go against the pack and the likes by getting rid of them... I must say Minho is too clever that not even one noticed all his plan to the pack and the royals. He is so manipulative that He can swayed the King and all of their packs, given that he is just an outsider..
Oh well nice story.. Hopefully it will get better Thanks
nonetheless #9
Chapter 40: tbh i don't really understand what's happening anymore. Like the past couple of chapters just made me confused.
yousee #10
Chapter 39: I'm really confuse with this story.... jun pyo and sandy?