
100 Themed MBLAQ One Shots

I'm sorry X( My dad kinda a sports-a-holic, so even through it's school break I'm forced to go to sports club, then gym, everyday ;_; So I think I gonna update rarely .. Sorry

Oh and I found this amazing cover. It has nothing to do with my stories what soever but it's really awesome *_*


I woke up, I open my eyes slowly, but the brightness of the room feels like poking my eyes out. I immediately shut my eyes again and blocking the light that's coming to my eyes with my hand. Suddenly, comeone grabbed my arm.

"Changsun! You're awake?" I heard a voice. I open my eyes slowly to gave time fot it to get used to the bright light. I turn my head to see who's holding my hand, I saw a old woman, standing there. Her eyes are watery, but she smiles at me. I just stared back at her.

"Changsun?" She asked again. I tried my hardest to remember who she is. But, everything just blank. I can't remember anything.

"Changsun? What's wrong?" Can't you speak?" She asked again in a worried tone.

"N-No, I can." I said slowly.

"Oh, honey." She said and jumped to hug me. As she hug me, I felt a bit  relaxed. I finally have enough courage and asked.

"Excuse me, but, w-who are you?" She immediately release me from her hug. Her eyes are filled with horror.

"You don't know me?" I shake my head slowly.

"N-no way!" She said and storm out of the room. 

A few minutes after she came back.

"Don't worry, I'm you mom. Your name is Changsun. Lee Changsun." She said.

"The doctor said this is probably temporary. There's high chance for you to regain all your memories." She smiled



A few days after, Changsun lives normally. But he have to be introduced to everyone who he supposed to know. After a few weeks he already learn almost everyone and everything he knows before. But to him, something's missing. But he can't put his finger to it. Until one day, he was curious about why he forgot everything.

"Mom, do you know why I forget things?" She looked surprised at his question. But then she sighed.

"I want to tell you later, but since you ask, you were in a car accident.The police said that there's a drunk driver who drives unsafely,and you were with your friend."She explained.

"And where's my friend?"

"He's.. He's dead. I'm sorry." I wave of horror hit me.

"N-No way.. Why don't you tell me earlier?"

"You were dealing with a lot. I thought it might be good to wait until you stabilze." I felt.. actually, I don't know how to feel, I don't know this friend, at least for now. But he died in an accident with me. 

"Here" She said bringing me back from my thoughts. I saw her hand holding a pice of folded paper.

"What is it?" 

"It's the place where your friend is burried." I reach for the paper and start to walk to the address written. As I arrived, I was a newly burried grave, not a single grass have grow on it. And there's still a lot of flowers, even through it's a little bit dry already. I walked to the grave, and squat down next to it. 


'Yang Seung Ho'


I read the name on the stone, it felt familiar.. But, I just don't remember. I sit there quetly. Then I saw a piece of paper on the back of the stone. It was a photo. I took it and look at it. Suddenly my head felt so heavy. I started to get dizzy.


"Joonie!"  He yelled as he signed to me to come over to his car.

"I don't know about this, hyung.." I said, walking to him slowly, reaaalllyy slowly.

"Eeeyyy hurry up!" He yelled and I immediately run to him.

"But I don't think your parent will like me, or approve us, or approve you being like..this." I said, looking down. He open the car's door and let me in.

"Don't worry. I'll talk to them. I'm sure they'll understand." He said as he open the driver's door for himself, then he started to drive to his parent's house.

"But hyung!" 

"No Buts!" He said and the car get silent. I agreed to meet his parent yesterday, but last night I had a horrible dream where his parents hate me and told him that and he immediately broke up with me. And that's the last thing I want to happen.

"Hyung.. I really don't think this is a good idea." I said once again. Making him sighed deeply.

"Yah, Changsun." He said with a really low tone. I got really scared. He never calls me with my real name, he only do that when he's really pissed.

"Why are you so against this?" He continued.

"N-No, it's not that I'm against this.. It's just.."

"You don't wanna meet my parents?"


"Why? I want to take our realtionship to a new level. You don't?" He asked, but before I can answer anything, I felt a huge bump. Then everything out. The next thing I know, Seungho is trying to pull me of the car. I can open my eyes slightly, but I can't move at all. As I open my eyes, I saw him, he was bleeding all over. But he manage to ask a guy near us to call help. And that's the last thing I remember.


I snapped out of that thought and realize that hot tears had begin falling down my cheeks. I immediately run to his house. I want to at least introduce myself to his parent. That was the last thing he ever ask to me I have to do it. I finally arrived at his house. I knocked at the door, and see a woman came out. As soon as she sees me, she hugged me.

"Joon, right?" She asked. I was surprised, 'cause the only people who know that nickname was me and Seungho.

"How could you-" 

"Seungho, before his operation he tells everything to me. He doesn't look like he was in a huge ammount of pain. So for him to suddenly.. like this.. I.." She said as she cried to herself.

"I'm sorry, if only I didn't talk to him, this might not happen." I said, looking at the ground. hoping my bangs would be long enough to cover my watery eyes.

"No, you shouldn't blame yourself. Even just for a while, I can see that Seungho really loved you." She said as she wiped her tears. 

"Oh, And Seungho had been preparing something in his room for a while. He forbid us to come to his room until he brings his 'special friend' with him." His mother said and lead me to his room. Before I open the door, she said once again.

"I'll give you some privacy." And she walked downstairs. I open the door slowly, And see aperfectly decorated room with a big banner saying:

'Joonie~ I know we can't get married in this country. But will you be with me forever?' 

As I looked at that banner I felt my legs giving in , everything turns to jelly. Forever. Unfortunately, we can't be together forever, hyung. But I promise, I'll treasure your memories in my heart forever.

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YAY I finally is not lazy enough to request for a new poster~~


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Chapter 38: awnnnn omg i luv this.... SeungJoon married :D
satrina7 #2
Chapter 42: you kill Joonie u.u
Chapter 42: Okay....I forgive you this time....
This is just....Joon and his obsessions and then Seungho and then angst and then die...and then I'm getting curious with the song and now I want more JoonHo and you! Yes you, young lady....we'll have a long talk, stand by on your phone!!!!
ainto87 #4
Chapter 42: OH NOOOOOOOO!! SEUNGHO WHYYYYYYYYYYYY??? ;~~~~~~~~~~~~;

sobbss joonie do u want me to whack him hard on the head? sobsssssss
satrina7 #5
Chapter 41: I want more!!!!!!!!!!! this is not enough SeungJoon :P