
100 Themed MBLAQ One Shots



"I WOULD'VE NEVER GUESSED!" The three members shouted with amazement in their eyes, looking wide eyed at their leader.

"YOU REALLY REALLY LIKE HIM LIKE THAT? I MEAN, YOU AND JO-" The maknae stopped because of a pillow flying at him in full speed.

"HAVE A BRAIN, MIR!" Yelled Seungho.

"He.. He could've heard!" Seungho whispered.

"SORRY I'M SO EXCITED!" Mir jumped up and down-with a sitting position ofcourse, or else he'd be killed-on Seungho's bed.

"So.. Please? Can you guys help me?" The other three immediately nodded excitedly, not even giving it a second thought.

"Okay. We can do this!" They said in unison. They started to arrange some scenarios, happily.


Scenario 1: Accidentialy date~
Success rate: 80%

The three chuckled at the geniousness of their ideas. But only Seungho who was not convinced this is a good idea.

"Trust us, hyung." Cheondoong said, as he helped Seungho choose the clothes for his 'date'.

First, he pull out a set of tux.

"How about this?"

"THIS DOESN'T LOOK ACCIDENTIAL AT ALL!" Cheondoong stared at the tux, puffing his cheeks.

"...Maybe you're right." He nodded. He searches through Seungho's closet once more. This time, he pull out a cute set of clothes.

"That's not mine. How could it end up in my closet anyway!"

"It's mine! Why did you take it? I've been searching for these." He said as he put the clothes on the bed, making sure he didn't forget about it. He looked through Seungho's set of clothes once more.

...And they decided on an ordinary T-shirt and jeans. 'Stylist my ! It's the normal things I wear!' He wanted to get upset at Cheondoong, but the fake maknae's eyes are all brightened up and cute to be mad at.

"COMEONCOMEONCOMEON!!" Joon yelled from downstairs. 

"I WANNA EATTT" He continued. 

As soon as the five members gathered, they took the company van and drive to the nearest restaurant.

A few minutes into the meal, the three started a crappy acting about wanting to go to the toilet, just to leave Joon and Seungho alone. Seungho slapped himself in the forehead. 'What person would believe all of them have to go poo-poo right in the same time? ...Right. Nobody.' He talked to himself mentally.

"Oh, really? Be back real quick~" Joon smiled at them. 'I stand corrected.' 

A few moments passed and Seungho and Joon was just talking among themself, having a great time. But suddenly Joon got all hyped up.

"WAIT! WHY DID THEY GO POO-POO ON THE SAME TIME?" Joon yelled, ignoring the disgusted glared from all of the people who were eating. 'So, he's not as stupid as I thought.' Seungho was somehow relieved.

"THEY GONNA PUSH THE BILLS TO US! THIS IS NOT OKAY!" He yelled again as he walked to the bathroom, with his own amazement, the three was still there. Standing blankly at the mirror in front of them. Joon forced them to go inside and pay the bills together.

"Why are you guys still here? You shou;d've escape throught the window or something!" Seungho whispered. 

"I know! But there's no window in the bathroom!" G.O whispered back.


Scenario 2: Force them to give too much fanservice.
Success rate: 90%

It's been a few days since the four of them begin to be really active in twitter, which to they advantage, Joon doesn't have. They would always put photos about Joonho there. Which Seungho thought was a horrible idea, so he just post a few selcas with Joon. The fans then started to go crazy. The comments, everything. Once they got the fans on the palm of their hands, they talked to the manager hyung. Telling him that fans are eager for more fan service. Being the manager he is, says 'okay' to everything that can fans happy.

Well, this doesn't need a lot of explanation, but this move made Seungho more desperate than ever. Joon would get all clingy and touchy but just on camera..


Scenario 3 : We don't care anymore. Lock them up.
Success rate: 100% (If this fail tan they're not meant to be -Mir)

The four of them are tired and don't know what to do. The three held a secret meeting and decided on a solution.

Joon was in his room when he heard loud noises from outside.

"HELP! NO NO NO!" He was getting up off his bed, trying to see what was happening, when suddenly Seungho was thrown into his room, all disoriented with messy hair and clothes.


"...Hyung. Did they just lock the door?" Joon asked, when Seungho's trying to open his mouth, suddenly G.O yelled from outside.





20 minutes passed, none of them said a single word, Joon was grunting and jumping around, trying to hold everything in.

"Hyung, what do they want us to do?" Joon finally spoke.

"Umm, they, wanted to.." Seungho hesitated.

"WHATEVER THEY WANT, I'LL GIVE IT TO THEM! AS LONG AS I CAN PEE!" He yelled, sitting uncomfortably.

"T-They want to know if you like me..." Seungho said. Joon tilted his head with a confused face.

"Of course I like you." 

"You know, like if I'm.. um, like you, um, like.. Do you want to.. um.." Seungho stutters.

"YES! ANYTHING!" He yelled once more.

"G.O~" Joon banged the door. Finally he opened the door. Joon immediately run to the bathroom.

"See? He promised 'ANYTHING'." G.O smiled proudly.



I don't even know what the hell is this. Aw, well, I made this, So I decided to put this on anyway.

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YAY I finally is not lazy enough to request for a new poster~~


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Chapter 38: awnnnn omg i luv this.... SeungJoon married :D
satrina7 #2
Chapter 42: you kill Joonie u.u
Chapter 42: Okay....I forgive you this time....
This is just....Joon and his obsessions and then Seungho and then angst and then die...and then I'm getting curious with the song and now I want more JoonHo and you! Yes you, young lady....we'll have a long talk, stand by on your phone!!!!
ainto87 #4
Chapter 42: OH NOOOOOOOO!! SEUNGHO WHYYYYYYYYYYYY??? ;~~~~~~~~~~~~;

sobbss joonie do u want me to whack him hard on the head? sobsssssss
satrina7 #5
Chapter 41: I want more!!!!!!!!!!! this is not enough SeungJoon :P