
100 Themed MBLAQ One Shots

So, I went to a camp. And I was just sitting on the bus. AND THIS SONG PLAYED. OHMYGOD OLDFEELSSSSSSSSSS I have to make a fanfic with THIS song. I think he's a malaysian singer? I dunno~ Um, check out the song if you can :3333

The young, fragile boy was just sitting on the side of the cold riad. Snow was falling on top of his fluffy, brunette hair. Slowly making the boy shiver due the coldness that started to seep into his bones.

People walked pass him, a christmas night. A night that supposed to be warm, to be merry. But none of this things he felt. Not at all. He was cold, he was hungry. The people that walked pass him gave him a stare full of pity, some gave him a stare of disgust. A young little fragile boy, with ripped clothes and a dirty face full of dust. But he was used to it. He never experienced anything nice, warm, merry. it was all foreign to him. And no, he wasn't ecpecting anything nice and good to happen that night. He doesn't even have the courage to just hope.

The boy slowly looked up from the road that he had been staring at for minutes, even hours, as he saw a pair of tiny, shiny boots right in front of him. In those boots was a small boy, probably same aged as him. Looking at him happily. Smiling, his eyes glistened under the moonlight. It's nothing like he ever seen before. Someone, a human, would ever be this close to him without being disgusted, like he have some kind of infectious disease, nor he was pitying him. And the rarest thing, he wasn't like him. He dressed up nicely. Holding a stick of caramelled apple, hair was combed neatly, leacing a few strands to cover his orehead, a set of outfit that looked new, just like how it should be during christmas.

The boy grinned widely and offer him the caramelled apple he had been holding. He looked at the nicely dressed boy shyly, making the other nod and smile even wider. He then took the apple from the other's gloved hands. The boy watched as he ate the apple hungrily, offering his hand as he finished. Leading him somewhere. Somewhere better. And how he was thankful.


No one ever saw me like you do

All the things that I could add up to

I never knew just what a smile was worth

But your eyes say everything

Without a single word.


They grew up together. Without anyone's knowledge. He knew that his mom won't agree about him taking care of someone barely younger than him. He kept it a secret. And the other was totally fine with it. He was grateful at how the boy would ate a little less than he normally does just to gave the other more. How he would convince his parents that he grew up fast and force them to buy him more clothes. How the other boy would always say that he was the one that should be thankful of how he always accompany him whenever his parents went somewhere far, whenever he was lonely. How he use all of his saved up money to buy a tiny part of his neighbor's lawn. Oh, and he was thankful to the neighbor too, the one that let he live in the corner of his backyard.

He grew up to be a healthy boy, that was all he could ever ask for. Joon. Was the name the boy gave him. He gave it when he was little, just because it was easy to pronounce and it sounds like his idol. Thinking back, it was a really stupid reason to choose a name for someone. But Joon didn't mind. He never minded. Anything that the other do, seems perfect in his eyes. Seungho. It was the other's name. His savior. The one that kept him alive for all these years. The one that he felt like he could never repay. 

But Seungho kept saying that by staying by his side was enough. And of course, Joon never believed him. How could his parents, the one that brought him into this world felt like he was such a bother that they left him alone in the cold, and Seungho, who wasn't even related nor have any relationship whatsoever to him, don't? Joon don't get it. And maybe he never will.

"Smile!" Seungho said as he laud the camera down, letting the timer do it's work. Capturing their picture after three seconds.


Seungho happily ran to the camera, checking the picture that was taken. Smiling at the younger boy in the picture.

"How is it hyung?" Joon asked curiously. Seungho snapped out of his thought and smiled as brightly as he could.

"Awesome! You looks so amazing Joonie!" He said as he showed him the picture. Joon smiled and nodded. turning his head to Seungho, who is a little too close to him. Both of them gasped in surprise. Not knowing what to do. Joon blushed hard, making the other somehow relieved. At least he knew Joon didn't hate it. it was perfect. Both their minds agreed.


If I could freeze a moment to my mind

It'll be the second that you touch you lips to mine

I'd like to stop the clock make time stands still.

'Cause baby this is just the way I always wanna feel.


Joon thought he was nothing. Nothing but a trash that had been thrown out, just waiting to get disposed, to just dissapear. But he found out that he wasn't like that. Not in his eyes. In his eyes, Joon was a diamond. A precious diamond that hadn't been found, just waiting to get polished, so that he could finally shine. On that fateful night. The night that changed both of their lives, the night that decided their future. It was all because of the way he looked at Joon. The way his eyes glistened, as if he was so happy he had finally found the other.. A way that Joon had never been looked at before. A way that intrigued somethingin Joon, so that he chose to come with him. Somehow, he was sure that he would be taken care of. By the boy that once was standing in front of him.


I don't know how or why

I feel different in your eyes

All I know is it happens every time.


Now they're standing across each other, hand-in-hand, both of them looked the best their whole life, but somehow to each other, they were always that beautiful. They take another look at each other, white tux decorating their bodies, sighing happily, wondering how could they got so lucky, the beautiful person in front of each of them were willing to promise that he would stay forever by his side. A lonely tear slide down Joon's cheek, that was soon caught by his husband to be.

"Don't cry.. It's supposed to be the happiest day of our lives." He said as he softly caressed Joon's soft cheeks.

Finally, they made it.

With each of them said 'I do' without a single piece of hesitation, they were linked. Linked by a single promise that was sealed by two golden rings. To be forever happy, to be forever by each other's side, to be forever loved, to be forever love.


'Cause there's something in the way you looked at me

It's as if my heart knows

You're the missing piece

You made me believe that there's nothing in the world that I can't be

I'll never know what you see,

But there's something in the way

You looked at me.


Is this even fluff?


/sigh/ I don't think it's fluffy enough tho~


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YAY I finally is not lazy enough to request for a new poster~~


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Chapter 38: awnnnn omg i luv this.... SeungJoon married :D
satrina7 #2
Chapter 42: you kill Joonie u.u
Chapter 42: Okay....I forgive you this time....
This is just....Joon and his obsessions and then Seungho and then angst and then die...and then I'm getting curious with the song and now I want more JoonHo and you! Yes you, young lady....we'll have a long talk, stand by on your phone!!!!
ainto87 #4
Chapter 42: OH NOOOOOOOO!! SEUNGHO WHYYYYYYYYYYYY??? ;~~~~~~~~~~~~;

sobbss joonie do u want me to whack him hard on the head? sobsssssss
satrina7 #5
Chapter 41: I want more!!!!!!!!!!! this is not enough SeungJoon :P