Break Away

100 Themed MBLAQ One Shots

Okay, so I gonna skip the Seeking Solace theme first, I can't get any inspiration from it~


Joon was a son of a huntsman that had killed the king. But, the kindom never been able to locate the huntsman. So they held Joon hostage in the dungeon, hoping his parent will come and surrender himself for Joon. But they never did. It had been 17 years and no one had come to rescue him. People probably had forgotten about him. He just stay there, not knowing why he was held hostage, 'cause he was only a baby when they took him. They never heard of that huntsman anymore. The only thing they know about that huntsman is that he have a tattoo of his symbol, "G.O" on the right side of his neck.

Meanwhile, Seungho is just an ordinary 18 years old guy. He live with his parents. They're not rich, but they can live. They was happy, they can eat and they have each other. One day, the kingdom was a mess. There was news about ther king's murdered, the huntsman, had returned and hiding in the countryside. All of the army search for any clues from anywhere in the countryside. They searched everywhere, including Seungho's house. They didn't find anything, anywhere. Except in Seungho's house. They found a knife with the same "G.O" symbol carved on the wooden park of it. They immediately took Seungho's father to the questioning. Seungho was confused, he try his best to remember why that knife ended up on their house. Suddenly he remembers something. When he was small, really small, he just learn to walk, he met a tall, black haired, and pretty nice looking guy. That guy was breathing hard, then that guy handed him a big bundle of facric. He's a kid, a baby. He just brught it home with him, not knowing what's inside it, he feels so guilty and slam his head against the table all of the sudden. His mother and sister was surprised.

"Why did you do that?"

"I-I am the reason why that stupid knife's here." He said, messing up his own hair.

"I'm such an idiot.."

"Don't be like that, Seungho. Let's just pray for your dad's safety." His mom said, trying to calm Seungho. 

A couple days later, his father returns home, all beaten up and bleeding on some spots. Seungho felt so guilty and angry. He stormed out of his house. He knows he would never come back. He run to the kingsom, he brings that knife with him. He just put all of his anger toward the army that's guarding the kingsom. He knows. He's smart. He knows that these army might not been the one who beat up his dad. But he was so angry he didn't care. He just swing that knife around. He didn't even know how many army he hit. Untilsomeone finally able to hold his hand and stop him. Then the people just literally throw him in the dungeon. The dungeon was dark. But he can see a boy, just sitting and holding his knee tightly, he looked surprised to see him.



Well, since I'll be here for a long time, if not forever, then I need to befriend this guy. I walk in deeper in the dungeon. He just stared at me, looking at me weirdly. He was really skinny, really skinny. His hair is messy, his haircut is worse, like someone just cut his hair with eyes closed. He was dirty, his clothes is ruined, his cheeks sunken in, he have panda eyes, more than mine! Which is pretty rare. But his face is pretty. I took out my hand, trying to shake his. But he just rolled up in a ball. He was so awkward.

"Sorry if I scared you. I didn;t mean it. I'm Seungho." He just looked at me, blankly.

"Uhm, d-do you understand what I'm saying?" 

"A-Ah um" He said in a horse voice. As if he haven't use his voice in a while. As I was trying to talk to him, a guard enter the dungeon.

"Excuse me, but who's your name?"

"Me?" I asked back.

"Of course you, who else?" I looked back, looking at the guy, signaling the guard who else is there.

"Oh, he can't talk. He had been here since he was a baby. He didn't learn anything." The guard answered naturally. As if a baby in a dungeon is normal.

"S-Seungho. You put a baby in a dungeon? What sin could he had done?"

"He was the son of G.O." My eyes widened as I heard that. I felt anger towards G.O. But still, it doesn't make it right to put an innocent baby in the dungeon for only-God-knows ammount of time!

"Who's his name?"

"No one knows~ But the record says Chang Sun."

"How long have he been here?"

"This is his seventeenth year."


"Shut up." The guard said and locked the doors back.



"I'm, Seeunghooo." I said, pointing to myself.


"Yes~ It's me."


"Chang Sun."

"Zang sun?"

"No, Chang Sun."

"Jang Sun?"

"Let's just call you Joon. Don't use the name that bastard gave you."


"Joon." I said pointing at him.

"Joon?" He answered, pointing to himself.

"Yess!!!" I said, getting all excited like I just taught my son somthing. The days in the dungeon pass by without we even realizing it. I teach him a lot of stuff, to the point where he can have a simple conversation.

"Why are you here? Beause I don't knnow why I am." He asked suddenly, which surprised me.

"Um, I killed a few armies."


"You know, Causing someone to die." He gasped at my answer.


"They hit my father, cause he don't know where G.O is."


"G.O is your father's name." Joon gasped again at my answer.


"Yes. He's an assassin."


"Yep. And your dad is one, then he killed the king." Joon didn;t answer.

"Then he run away. They keep you here because they hope he would come and save you."

"Oh, so that's why I'm here?"


"It's not fair."

"That's true."

"Can you tell me what the outside looks like?"

"How about we run away from here instead?"

"Are we allowed to do that?"

"Well, if no one finds out then it's okay."

"Okay~ I want to run!"

"I'll coordinate everything. You just follow what I told you to do, 'kay?"


I spent weeks, months to get close to one of the guard, the nice one, he called Cheol Yong. He was a farmer's son, like me. So he's nicer than the other to me. We tried to do everything to every guard, but it seems like it only works for him. We kept telling him sad stories, making Joon told him how sad he was for not being able to see the  outside world, just keep doing that. To the point where the guard felt enough sympathy to let us go. He made a copy of the key, then give the copy and ask us to go when it's his workmate, Sang Hyun's shift, so he wouldn't get yelled at. Well, I like Sang Hyun, he's one of the nice guard, but since Mir help us, we should do what he want us to. Haha, sorry Sang Hyun~

"Are you ready Joon?"

"Ye~" Then we run, far to the outside world, we can breathe freedom. 

Don't worry Joon. We'll have a new life. A happy one, I mentally said, looking at the impressed Joon, looking around the outside world.



I'm sorry if the story's a bit pushed..

I don't know why, I feel like killing myself for always making one of my ultimate bias be the bad guy XD

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YAY I finally is not lazy enough to request for a new poster~~


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Chapter 38: awnnnn omg i luv this.... SeungJoon married :D
satrina7 #2
Chapter 42: you kill Joonie u.u
Chapter 42: Okay....I forgive you this time....
This is just....Joon and his obsessions and then Seungho and then angst and then die...and then I'm getting curious with the song and now I want more JoonHo and you! Yes you, young lady....we'll have a long talk, stand by on your phone!!!!
ainto87 #4
Chapter 42: OH NOOOOOOOO!! SEUNGHO WHYYYYYYYYYYYY??? ;~~~~~~~~~~~~;

sobbss joonie do u want me to whack him hard on the head? sobsssssss
satrina7 #5
Chapter 41: I want more!!!!!!!!!!! this is not enough SeungJoon :P