
100 Themed MBLAQ One Shots


"Hyung what are we doing here?"

"You'll see!"


"Don't try to open your eyes!"

"Fine!" Joon closed his eyes even tighter. After being yelled for almost opening his eyes for the third time. Seungho had ask him to close his eyes for about 10 minutes now. He have no idea what all of this are about.

"DONE!" Seungho yelled, Joon started to open his eyes.

"YAH! I haven't tell you to open your eyes!" He immediately close them again as tight as he can.

"YAH! I thought you were done when you said you were done!"


"So-sorry, hyung!"

"Come here!"

"How? Can I open my eyes?"

"Oh yea, Come here" Seungho said as he walk over and help Joon, taking him by the hand.

"Okay, open your eyes." Joon do as he was told.

"Tadaaa~" Seungho said as Joon open his eyes. Joon was looking at a dining room. No, THEIR dining room. It's their dorm. Only slightly decorated, by candle, petalk, flowers and foods.

"Woah~ you made this for me, hyung?" Joon asked, Seungho nodded happily.

"Waaahhh thanks hyungg!" Joon immediately hugged Seungho.

"Yep~" Seungho answered and they ate the food that Seungho had made for them. Well, it's not as tasty as Byunghee's cooking, but it's edible. So it's good enough for Joon. 

After their 'dinner date' they go to their living room, they watch TV and talked, as they talked, Joon kept staring at his leader's full and plump lisps. He doesn't know what's wrong with him, but he just can't turn away.

"Joon, what are you staring at?"

"H-huh? What did you say?"

"What are you staring at?"

"N-NOTHING!" he answered nervously. Seungho let out a small giggle.

"Don't try to hide it!" Seungho said as he at his upper lip nervously. Joon tries to swallow his saliva to ease down his suddenly burning throat. This time, Seungho laughed out loud at Joon's reaction. Then suddenly his body froze and stiff as he felt Joon kissing him. At first he just wide-eyedly stared at Joon's closed eyes, but he slowly responded. At first Joon want it to be just a simple peck on the lips. But it didn't go as he planned. Somehow, Joon himself didn't understand, it turns into a really passionate kiss. The next thing he realize was he was lying on the sofa, Seungho was on his knees with both hand on each side of Joon, supporting himself. Their face was just about ten centimeters away from each other's. He was so nervous. He thought he forgot how to breathe.

"Joonie, is this really okay?" Joon hesitated for a second. Then he shake his head.


"Aish! Whatever! You're the one who kissed me first! I'm not listening anymore." Seungho said coldly, leaving Joon wide-eyes.

"Wait! You're goint to.. to ra-ra-ra-rap-e me?"

"Well, if you said it like that it sounds bad!"


"No~" Seungho said, then he kissed Joon again. He started to lower his body closer to Joon. Joon can feel Seungho's body closing in, closer, closer..





Joon opened his eyes slowly, he could see Seungho's face above him.

"Hyungg~" He hugged Seungho tighly, causeing Seungho to fall on top of him.

"Yah! What is it? I thought you died! I can't wake you up!"

"Wake me up?" Joon's eye suddenly shot open.

"Wa-wait! IT WAS A DREAM?"

"Well, whatever it is, I'm pretty sure it is."


"Well, you must have had an amazing dream. But, can you let me go? It would be weird if someone suddenly walk in.." Joon immediately let go of Seungho.


"What are you dreaming about?"


"Oh well, rise and shine sleepy head~"

"No, I gonna try to sleep again! I'm gonna continue that dream!"

"Ah, whatever! Don't come to me when manager hyung scolds you!" Joon just shrugged and bury his face in the pillow.

"Hey you're not gonna dream about us again, you know~" Seungho said as he walk out of the room with an evil smirk in his face.

Joon saw that smirk and left blank-minded.

So, was it a dream?

Or was it real?



Ah, okay this chapter is really weird, At first I wanna try , but I'm just not good at it! So~ in my defense: it (might) be a dream, and dream are supposed to be weird!~ And since I felt guilty for making G.O looked bad on those previous chapters, I (kinda) compliment his cooking here *\(^0^)/* please forgive me Byunghee oppa~

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YAY I finally is not lazy enough to request for a new poster~~


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Chapter 38: awnnnn omg i luv this.... SeungJoon married :D
satrina7 #2
Chapter 42: you kill Joonie u.u
Chapter 42: Okay....I forgive you this time....
This is just....Joon and his obsessions and then Seungho and then angst and then die...and then I'm getting curious with the song and now I want more JoonHo and you! Yes you, young lady....we'll have a long talk, stand by on your phone!!!!
ainto87 #4
Chapter 42: OH NOOOOOOOO!! SEUNGHO WHYYYYYYYYYYYY??? ;~~~~~~~~~~~~;

sobbss joonie do u want me to whack him hard on the head? sobsssssss
satrina7 #5
Chapter 41: I want more!!!!!!!!!!! this is not enough SeungJoon :P