
100 Themed MBLAQ One Shots

Here's the kids' ages:

Seungho 10

Joon 7

Doongie 5

Mir 3

"Remind me why I'm doing this again?" Byunghee groaned as he slumped all over the couch, beside the quietest son of the house, the five years old, Cheondoong. He chuckled and looked at him,

"Hyung said hyung need money." He answered lightly with a cute, 'I-know-it-all' look. Which made Byunghee felt like he melted of the younger's cuteness, picking him up and started lightly tickling his sides, making the younger giggled uncontrollably.

"If only every single one of your brother are like you Doongie.. This whole babysitting job would be a pleasure." He said, stopped his tickling and started to his soft brown locks. It's nice actually hanging out with these kids, when they're not crying or doing something stupid.

"EWW! HYUNG! SEUNGHO HYUUNNGGG!" Joon voice echoed throughout the house, startling the sleepy Cheondoong who's starting to doze off by Byunghee's touch. Here we go again. Not long after Seungho ran frantically towards Byunghee.

"Yah, Byunghee-yah, Mir puked all over joonie. And he's disgusting now." Byunghee sighed and got up, glaring at Seungho.

"Yah, I'm like ten years older than you. Respect me, call me hyung. And come on, help me." Seungho shrugged and picked up the sleepy Cheondoong from the couch, the younger just koala hugged his big brother, ready to sleep in his arms.

"Seungho yah, you know that's not what I meant." Seungho looked at him, tilted his head innocently.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He hummed and skipped to Cheondoong and Mir's room, ready to put him to sleep. He turned his head towards the kitchen where all the ruckus was coming from. Suddenly a very happy maknae could be seen running as fast as his little legs let him, a carton of milk in his hand, giggling as he ran. He looked at Byunghee and his little face immediately lit up in excitement. Byunghee crouched down to match their eye level.

"Byunghee hyung~ help meeeee!" He said and hopped towards the older, Byunghee caught him and saw a very angry Joon running behind him, so he got up as fast as he can, so the little boy was out of Joon's reach.

"Hyung! Don't protect him! Look he spit milk on me!" Joon pouted angrily, stomping his legs and showed Byunghee his milk stained shirt.

"Mir-yah, why did you do that?" He tried to move his head back, so he could make eye contact with the maknae of the house. But no avail, Mir was hugging his neck and burying his face on Byunghee's chest.

"If you don't tell me soon I'll put you down~" he threatened teasingly. But the youngest immediately obeyed and sat further, looking at him with big, innocent eyes.

"I- I didn't mean to.." He pouted and played with Byunghee's collar, suddenly giving too much interest on his shirt. "Joon hyung took my doll and I was drinking milk.." He averted his gaze back to Byunghee's eyes and smiled guiltily. "I'm sorry, hyung." Byunghee won't lie. He felt like squeezing the life out of the boy in his arms. That boy could be the cutest thing ever if he want to. He just smiled at the youngest.

"It's okay, Mir-ah, don't do it again, okay?" He said, earning a chain of 'not fair!' 'You'll let him off just like that?' 'I hate you!' from Joon.

"I wont!" Mir answered as he hugged the older's neck once again.

"Are you sleepy? Want to take a nap?" He asked, and was answered by soft hums and a small nod. He bounced lightly, trying to put the younger to sleep, and turned around to walk to Mir's room. A small glint of mischievousness flashed in the youngest eyes when Byunghee turned around, making him face his second hyung. He stuck his tongue out, making the older more pissed that before.

"Hyuuunnngg! He just stuck his tongue out at me!" Byunghee leaned out and look at the youngest face, which has turned to a sleepy one.

"Did you?"

"I didn't.." He just nodded and continued his way to Mir's room. Little that he know the youngest was already smirking to the other. Byunghee walked in to see a hardly awake Cheondoong trying hard to open his eyes and focus on the story Seungho was telling him. Mir's eyes immediately widened in curiosity as he heard his oldest brother telling a story.

"What was the story about? I wanna know I wanna listen, start over!" Cheondoong groaned in frustration, he doesn't need to hear all of those over again.

"No way I'm not gonna start over. It's a long story." Seungho answered, making the youngest pout and turned his body, back facing the others. Byunghee chuckled as he saw the brother's attitudes, even though it doesn't look like it, they are the best of brothers. They took care of each other, play with each other, tease each other, they fought, but never really got angry with each other. They love each other too much. He pat Mir's head before he got up, making the other turned to him and looked at him questioningly.

"I gonna help Joon." He whispered, the maknae nodded softly, he started to feel guilty about spitting on his older brother. Byunghee got up and looked for Joon. After walking around the house for a while, he finally found Joon. He was in Seungho's room, all cuddled up in the blankets. He walked over and the pouting and sad Joon's hair.

"Why are you sad joonie?"

"Mir spit milk on me."

"No, that's not it. You'd spit on Mir's door handle and ended up getting your saliva all over Cheondoong's hand, or doodle on Mir's face once he asleep." Joon giggled quietly.

"True.. It's just, you took his side."

"No, I always took his side~" Byunghee answered teasingly.

"See? It's not fair!"

"So what's the real problem?"

"I- I wish my younger brothers don't exist." He gasped as he heard Joon's answer.

"Don't say that. You'd regret it if it happens." Joon shook his head.

"No, I won't. I missed being the maknae of the family. The one everyone coo over and the one people tried to get the attention of." Byunghee stayed quiet, letting the younger continue what he had to say.

"I miss my mom, my dad and Seungho hyung. My parents are too busy taking care of Mir now. And Seungho hyung always play with Doongie." He crossed his arms and huffed, his little eyes getting glassy.

"You missed your brother?" Joon nodded softly. "But that doesn't mean it's okay that you want Doongie and Mir to disappear." He stayed quiet. "Mir loves you, you know.."

"I.. I love him too."

"Doongie do too.."

"He don't. He loves Seungho hyung."

"And you. He was always trying to get your attention."

"I love him too." Byunghee couldn't help his smirk as he looked at the younger's eye, Joon immediately looked away, embarrassed by his earlier confession.

"So, if you love them why do you want them to be disappear?"

"....I don't." He chuckled and took the bundled up boy, putting him in his arms and lifting him.

"You slept there because you missed him?" Joon's eyes widened for a moment, before nodding hesitantly. Seeing this, Byunghee lift one of his eyebrows and smirked at him.

"Okay, I slept there because I'm angry and I need to sleep, but I'm dirty and don't want to make my own bed dirty." Byunghee laughed before putting him down in his own room.

"Why don't you take a nice shirt, take a bath, clean yourself, and I will drive you and Seungho to the playground?" Joon squealed happily as he heard that. He ran and took his clothes, before dashing off to the bathroom. Byunghee just shook his head at the other's action. He then walked to Mir and Cheondoong's shared room to find Seungho. He saw the eldest softly rocking the youngest in his arms, Mir was already on the verge of sleep. While Cheondoong was peacefully asleep. He walked towards Seungho and softly took Mir off his arms, which awaken the little boy a bit, but he closed his eyes back as he saw it was only Byunghee, no one to be scared of. It's not Joon hyung, he's safe

"Seungho why don't you get ready and we'll go to the playground after I put him to sleep?" He whispered, trying not to be heard by the youngest, he'll have a sugar rush attack once he heard the word 'playground'.

"But I'm tired."

"Joonie misses you."

"But I never left?"

"He misses playing with just the two of you." Seungho stayed quiet for a second.

"...I see. I'll go then." Seungho walked off the room and not soon after, the maknae was asleep. Byunghee placed him softly on his bed, he opened his eyes a little, Byunghee smiled at him and tuck him to bed, kissing his forehead.

"Sleep well Mir."



"So, are you ready?" Joon said, all giddy and jumpy, excited about his little trip. The older chuckled at the temporary maknae. They drove and played in the playground for quite a while. When they got home, they were surprised when they saw Doongie awake and closing the fridge with a carton of banana milk in hand. "Doongie?" The five years old's eyes widened and broke into a relieved sigh as he saw the others.

"Why are you awake?"

"Mir woke up because he needed to pee, and freaked out once he saw none of you home. He cried and yelled all over the place. I barely managed to get him to stop."

"You can get him to stop?" Byunghee asked, impressed. He nodded arrogantly.

"I told him you were buying groceries. But he won't believe me at first. He just stopped like a minute ago."

"Where is he?"

"He's playing with crayons now." Cheondoong said, pointing at their room. They nodded and walked to the maknaes' shared room, while Cheondoong make a grabby hands towards Seungho, the eldest ended up carrying him, Cheondoong sighed in relief once again as his hyungs were home now. He happily drank the banana milk.

"Isn't that for Mir?" Joon asked as he saw him drinking the banana milk. Cheondoong gasped in surprise once he realized he was drinking his younger brother's milk. He showed a guilty smile-the one he learned from Mir- and mumbled an 'oops'. They walked into the room, a puffy, red eyed maknae was drawing with such sad expression, which made Joon felt guilty for leaving him and wanted him disappear, cause the maknae clearly love them so much.

"Mir-yah.." Joon called. The maknae immediately looked over his shoulder, starting to cry again when he saw the others. He ran to them and hugged Joon.

"I'm sorryyyy, I'm sorry hyungg. I won't spit at you. Never again! But don't leave meeeee~" he whined, having Joon on a much stronger grip any three year old could do.

"I won't, don't worry.." He said as he hugged his youngest brother back.


Seriously guys I feel like this is a joonmir fic. Not updating for auch a long time and popped here with a joonmir fic, you may kill me..


But I'm sowwwwyyyy :< I've been busy with my life. I just finished my tests, I'm gonna move to another house, studying for schoolarship tests, I have too much in my handsss~ I hope you guys forgjve mee ♥

And btw if it's brotherly love, I cant write anything but joonmir. Their brktherhood is just awesomeeeee

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YAY I finally is not lazy enough to request for a new poster~~


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Chapter 38: awnnnn omg i luv this.... SeungJoon married :D
satrina7 #2
Chapter 42: you kill Joonie u.u
Chapter 42: Okay....I forgive you this time....
This is just....Joon and his obsessions and then Seungho and then angst and then die...and then I'm getting curious with the song and now I want more JoonHo and you! Yes you, young lady....we'll have a long talk, stand by on your phone!!!!
ainto87 #4
Chapter 42: OH NOOOOOOOO!! SEUNGHO WHYYYYYYYYYYYY??? ;~~~~~~~~~~~~;

sobbss joonie do u want me to whack him hard on the head? sobsssssss
satrina7 #5
Chapter 41: I want more!!!!!!!!!!! this is not enough SeungJoon :P