Lunch Date

I Didn't Like His Face
(AN: Sorry, I've been 'writing' this chapter for five hours.  Actually, I convinced my mom to watch My Lovely Kim Sam Soon, and I kept getting into the drama.  I couldn't resist!!!  TT  Here it is!! Enjoy!!)
You were tired.  Twelve hours on the floor with multiple car accidents.  You'd been busy along with everyone else to keep everyone in safe levels.  Another hard day where you watched as not all the people you tried to save survived.  You always felt more tired when someone under your care died.  Hard not to let it affect you, but you needed a boost.
You were heading to one of the lounges for a quick break. You could go home, but you'd just wind up back here after finding a change of clothes.  At home, you'd have to tell your family about the day you had.  You tried to avoid going home on days that were more gruesome.  
As you were resting your eyes, which was code for sleeping for as long as possible before another person discovered you, the phone rang.  You woke up to the sound of whistling.  
"Troublemaker?" you said as you answered.
"Uh, yes, this is Sungmin," he said awkwardly.  He heard you laughing at him.  Or does it count as laughing at him if you liked his ring tone?  Aish, stop over thinking this. 
"Did you get the schedule ok?" you asked.  Your voice was quite low and husky since you'd been asleep.  You didn't realized that Sungmin was truly noticing it.
"Uh," he paused to swallow,"yes, thank you," he managed.  Waiting to hear you talk some more because he didn't know what to say.  All the words he had planned and rehearsed in his head abandoned him.  
"So, did you have time today?" you asked him deciding to sit up.  You leaned over feeling the rush of blood to your head.  You hadn't eaten enough today.  Sometimes food was last on your list when you had patients to check on and phone calls to make.  Anything could keep you from eating for a few hours, you were probably the worst one.  All of the other nurses tried to force you to take breaks.  You usually declined  and they almost had to drag you away to eat.  
"Yes, do you?" he asked. Your stomach growled loudly.  Leaning over meant the phone was closer to your stomach, so he noticed it, "What was that noise?"
"Oh, I'm hungry," you said neutrally.  Wincing as you felt a little embarrassed.  
"Do you want to eat lunch?" he asked hopeful, "I'm nearby the hospital."
"Oh, you are? Then I'll go see if I can leave for a little while, hold on," you told him. You left the lounge with the phone in your hand.  
"Unni," you called walking over to the nurses' station, "can I go out for lunch?" you asked waiting.  She looked up surprised when she confirmed it was you asking.
"If you've done all your rounds, then of course. You've already been here for 12 hours," she said.  
Smiling you relayed the news, "Yes. I can. Give me a few minutes and I'll meet you outside."
"Oh, wa-" but you'd already hung up.  You were relieved to have a break outside the hospital for a while.  As you headed towards the locker room you passed some of your friends.
"Did you get your period already?" Ahra asked.  
"No, I'm going out to lunch," you told her.  She stopped in her tracks, staring at you.  
"You." she said, "You. You are going out.  To lunch?" 
"Yes, I'll see you later," you called over your shoulder pushing your way into the locker room.  You quickly changed into your street clothes.  Wearing scrubs outside of the hospital was not your style.  It only made you stand out and you didn't want that after a long shift. 
When you were done, you locked up.  There were a few other women there, as Ahra poked her head in, "You'll never guess who's here!"
"Who? Is it the director's son again?" Hyesoo wondered.
"No, Sungmin, Lee Sungmin is here!" Ahra said excitedly.
"Omo! Really?" Hyesoo gasped. The two of them went racing out the door to see him.  Well, this is going to be weird you thought.  You took a deep breath to fortify yourself against the imminent fan girling.  
As you walked down the hallway you saw him.  He was standing in the waiting room, and while no one was bothering him.  They were all staring at him.  Maybe they were too afraid to be the first to approach him.
"Why is he here?" Ahra asked the head nurse.  
"He's waiting for someone," she said smiling at you.  Your eyes widened as you tried to remain innocent as long as possible.  Too late.  He saw you.
"Oh, hello," he said giving a half bow.  You returned his greeting feeling the weight of a thousand eyes on your back.  Or at least, it felt that way as you walked over to him.
"Should we go?" he asked you looking a little desperate.
"Yes, let's go," you said.  He smiled and gestured for you to go first.  All of the staff were gaping at you.  You merely waved goodbye to them.  They were not going to let this one slide when you came back.  
"Why didn't you wait outside?" you asked.
"Oh, well I couldn't stand out there, and I couldn't just park at the curb," he said pointing.  You laughed picturing him idling outside the emergency room entrance. 
"Right, well I hope you like people talking about you, because everyone at the hospital will be talking about you for at least a week!" you told him.
He grinned, "It's unavoidable. Here is my car," he said opening the door for you.  You found the seatbelt as he ran around to the other side.  
"Ok, let's go!" he said.  
"Where are we going?" you asked.  He looked over at you.  
"Somewhere good," he told you.  You smiled and leaned back in the chair.  You would have talked, but sitting down to your tired body meant that you could close your eyes. 
He saw that you had your eyes closed.  He wasn't sure if that was a bad sign or not.  He frowned not knowing what to do if you fell asleep.  He'd feel guilty waking you up.
"Don't worry, I'm not asleep. I'm only resting," you said to him, eyes still closed.  "I'm sorry, it's a habit. If I sit down somewhere I feel comfortable after working, I'll want to sleep."
"That's ok. You're tired," he said, "We're almost there."  Shortly after that, you noticed he parked and the car stopped moving.  
"We're here!" he announced.  You forced your eyes open.  Shaking your head to help yourself resist.  While you were fighting with yourself to stay awake, he came around to open your door.
You looked up at him.  "I need help," you confessed.  He looked at you a bit concerned.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"Your car is too comfortable," you pouted.  Drawing a laugh from him.
"What do you want help with?" he asked you seriously.
"Can you pull me out? I don't want to get up," you said.  Whatever nerves that had dissipated now came back full force.  He swallowed as he reached out to grab your hands.  He pulled you out of the car making sure you didn't hit your head on the way up.
"Oh, thank you, but I was only teasing you," you said awkwardly.  You hadn't really expected him to help you in that way.  He cleared his throat loudly to chase away some of his embarrassment.  
"You're a gentleman, so nice," you said complimenting him.  He smiled hearing you list it as a good quality. You stared at him suspiciously. 
"What?" he asked seeing your gaze.  It looked almost hostile with the attention you're giving to his face.  
Snapping out of it, you responded, "Nothing, I'm just tired and hungry let's eat!" The two of you walked inside.  You became happy again as you saw that the tables all had grills.  
"I thought, you might like the extra protein," he said in explanation.
"This is perfect," you told him.  The two of you blushing from the eye contact.  You ordered some meat and side dishes to put in the lettuce wraps.  You took turns cooking the meat.  You didn't offer each other food, since it still felt a little awkward.  The lunch was fairly boring.  You two didn't really talk much.  He'd tried to pick a place that would be a little private, but people were watching you.
"I'm sorry," he said when you got back into the car.  
"Why are you sorry?" you asked him. 
"I didn't think that things would be this bad," he admitted.  You gave him an encouraging smile.  
"It's not entirely your fault, those fan girls are intense," you whispered.  Letting the shiver pass down your spine as you shuddered.  
"There can be some that have trouble with boundaries," he concluded.
"Well, at least no one came close to us while we were eating," you said. 
"That's because they were too busy taking pictures," he said.  You winced.  
"Oh man, I am never going to hear the end of this at work.  They're going to think I'm dating you.  Ahhhh, what can I do?" you panicked.
"I have a solution," he said.  You perked up since he sounded extremely confident.  
Eagerly you asked, "What is it?" 
"You can date me," he said plainly.  You stared at him blinking more than normal.  Ahhh, why can't I stop blinking?  He asked me out.  Wait, did this count as a date?  Aish, I don't know.  
"Are you sure about this?" you asked.  You weren't sure so you wanted to know how serious he was.  I mean, dating an idol?  That doesn't seem like the easiest relationship.  
"Yes, I'm completely serious.  I like you," he said picking up your hand.  
"Yes," you said.  What could possibly go wrong? I can handle a challenge.  After all, I do work the ER for a living.  It can't be any worse than that. 
"Oh wait, I forgot to give you your phone back," you said.  Searching your pocket for it, you couldn't find it.
"Where is it? I swear it was in my pocket," you said.  You scrambled looking for it.  His expression was alarmed as he realized that you lost his phone.  You were about to get out of the car, when he stopped you.  
"Don't worry, I can fix this," he said.  He took out your phone, "I just need to make a call," he said.
"But I probably just left it in the restaurant! I can go get it!" you said. 
"No, a fan probably took it out of your pocket, I just need to make a call ok?" he said trying to prevent you from getting out of the car into the slowly forming mob.  They'd gathered since you were in the car together and they could easily take pictures since you were still there.
"Oh, hyung it's me.  The fans got my phone, I need you to wipe it. Thank you," he said hanging up.  He handed you your phone.  
"That's it?" you asked.  A little surprised at how easy that was.
"Yes, it happens a lot, they just tell the company to wipe the memory. They just got it, so they can't have gotten much from it.  I gave you the password but they didn't have it.  They can't have cracked it already."  You stared at him in awe.  His lifestyle was much different than yours, and he dealt with a crisis easily.  You could handle blood and injuries but apparently theft was your weak area.  Not a terrible weakness to have considering being robbed is somewhat unlikely. You looked out for each other at the hospital and usually got rides home from friends.  
"What about everything on your phone?" you asked a little disappointed. 
"Oh, it's all in the cloud now.  So, as soon as I get a new phone, I'll have access to all of it again," he said.  You nodded. 
"So, do you have time for a side trip?" he asked you.  
"Where?" you said.
"Well, I have to get a new phone," he said, "how else can I call you?" 
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I should be updating later. It depends on if I can write this chapter well.


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You know, I realise I never commented on this.
I did love it. Sungmin was perfect and I totally have feels for him now based on this fic and that damn pic you sent of him hugging that fan. Le sigh. Man is adorable.
Anyway, I enjoyed how it is linked to Em and how Sungmin is kind of the knight in shining armour type of thing. Even if he is mistaken.
I couldn't stand her ex though. Didn't care it was an accident he was still a jerk.
Totally Sungmin bias in this LOL.
I like how Kyu is so scary though. Seriously he is like some over protective father lmao.
Shame it was cut short but I really enjoyed it as always. Perfect blend of fluffy romance that I love from you.
SUJU4ever13 #2
Chapter 27: Is this the end?!
Chapter 27: aww. i was waiting for the proposal to come. :( but if u think its not working or u dont have the time to write it then i support u in whatever decisions u make. tho the story was going really well.
kiahae #4
Chapter 27: Wae?
i was waiting for it to continue -pouts- :(
pretty please update soon author-nim ^.^
sincerly_me #6
Chapter 26: KYAAAAA!!!!!!! I also want a couple ring from Min or Donghae, kekekekekekekeke.
Thanks for the sweet chapter!!!!! I love it!!!! Fighting with the next, author-nim!!! ^_^
gaofushuai #8
Chapter 26: Yeeeyyyy~~~ \(´▽`)/
It's been a long time author-nim *hugs*
This chap is so sweet (˘⌣˘ʃƪ) ♥
Taesun's mum is quite funny ^^
Please update often ^^ ♥
Chapter 26: Ask kc ibceincsl somsconevonecon -dies-
Yes. That was my reaction upon reading this. Gawd why is this story so perfect? -kureis-