
I Didn't Like His Face
You were a little surprised to see your mother cooking.  Usually breakfast was not traditional.  You got what you wanted from what you could make in a few minutes.
"Mom, what are you making?" you asked.  Your father frowned giving a gruff grunt.  He seemed unhappy about something but that was general state with him.
"Breakfast, you could make the coffee," she told you.  You did as she suggested.  Turning the water on full force to fill up the pot, pouring it the reservoir.  Getting out the coffee beans and grinding them, the smell sending a waft of comfort through your nose.  You loved the aroma as you dumped the fresh ground coffee into the filter and turned it on.  As the coffee brewed, you fetched some mugs from the cabinet. You set down your favorite which was a bright yellow.  You pulled out different colors as you went along setting the five mugs in a cluster on the counter.  Each one empty and waiting to be filled with coffee.  Digging through the pantry you pulled out the good stuff, coconut sugar and creamer.  
As you were preparing the cups, yours and your brother's were set up the way you always did.  The rest you left empty not daring to fix coffee for your picky parents.  You brought the two mugs to the table.  Ensuring that your brother would sit next to your father.  As you sat down across from him frowned again, it seemed he was onto your plan. Wanting to put as much distance between your father and Min.  You waited and your mother set out the food.  
You were still waiting, when you heard the door open and Min walked out. You tried not to stare at him as he walked towards you.  He gave you a warm smile.
Then, shocking you a little he stopped before he reached the table, and bowed to your parents.  You were flabbergasted.  Your father made a noise which you thought might be approval.
"I apologize for not greeting your properly yesterday. I am Lee Sungmin," he said formally.  You watched seeing that his form was perfect.  Taehyun was rolling his eyes, knowing that Min was earning points in his favor.  He didn't want this guy to be liked by your parents. He didn't trust him one bit.
"Oh, there's no need for that," your mom said, "Taesun is always causing trouble."  She was trying to make Min feel better but you were not pleased.  Making trouble as if!  You knew full well that she was extremely proud of you working at one of the best hospitals in the country.  Sadly, you'd not snared a doctor for a husband, which was her one regret.  She wanted you to be married and have grandchildren.  Like most mothers, she talked endlessly about it when no one else was around.  Now, she was going to push you towards Min with all of her might.  Any hope of grandchildren added fuel to her campaign.
"Yeah, she is," Taehyun said snarkily.  You kicked him under the table.  Earning a smile from him, as he knew he was getting to you.
"Have a seat," your dad said shocking you.  He spoke words.  Quite unusual that they weren't harsh or reprimanding.  You were curious as to why he was being welcoming and nice.
"Thank you," Min said sitting down next to you.  
"Ah, do you want some coffee?" you asked him. As he nodded yes, you leapt up to get him to escape the tension you felt.  You were pouring him a cup and before you could bring it back to the table.  You sensed him next to you peering at the sugar. 
"Oh, let me get you a spoon," you said dashing to pull one out.  You stared as he stirred his coffee.  He took a sip tasting it.
"This is good," he said a little surprised.  You smiled, you were a coffee addict and you always had fresh beans.  
"I'm glad you like it," yOu said.  Finally, walking back to sit at the table. He followed you.
"Try the soup," your mom said to him.  He nodded and all eyes were on him as he ate.  He was smiling and you felt the tension dropping.  You started to eat and lost yourself in the flavors.  This morning was different as your mom pushed food on him.  You and your brother for once having to seek your own food.  Your father even spoke.  He and Min were discussing some political matter.  You didn't have time to follow the ups and downs of politics.  Your schedule left you tired and unwilling to pore over detailed debates.  You were glad you didn't have to suffer through another lecture from your father.  Min seemed to be scoring all sorts of points.
"You should come play golf with me sometime," your father was saying.  Mouth gaping open as you stared at him.  Complete shock as you tried to understand what had just happened.  Your father had only ever invited Jinho to golf with him and that was after three months of knowing him.  
"That would be good," you heard Min reply.  Now, your eyes were the size of saucers as you stared at him.  Not quite comprehending that this was actually happening.  Taehyun looked equally perplexed.  He'd even paused mid-chew.  You knew this was an almost miraculous event.  Your father liked Min even after he'd spent the night in your bed.  Granted, he didn't exactly have a choice, but still.  
"Do you play too?" Min was asking you.  You blinked a few times before you realized he'd asked a question.  You had yet to answer him.  
"Uh, yes," you muttered.  Shock overcoming your logic centers.  Your brother was choking across the table.  
"Good, then you and Sungmin can come out with us on Sunday," your dad said brightly.  You froze.  
"Dad, I'm sure Sungmin has plans already," you waffled wanting to get him a chance to escape.  Don't be merely polite you thought at him.  He didn't notice your look telling him he could decline.  It was smart to decline! Why would he say yes?  Your father was merely tricking him into a day of grilling and possible humiliation.
"No, Sunday I'm free until late afternoon," Min answered unaware of who he was talking to, "Where do you usually play?" he continued stupidly.  You wanted to snap your fingers and tell him to run.  Run fast and don't look back you yelled with your thoughts.  By then, he and your father were discussing the various clubs and golf courses.  The two of them going on in detail about which they preferred.  Apparently, Min's father was a member of the same club as your parents.  At least, his parents weren't available on Sunday.  That would be too surreal as your parents felt each other out.  You felt yourself being pushed in the direction of Sungmin.  It was like your parents wanted to marry you off.  
The food was gone.  Plates and bowls clean, but your father and Min were still talking happily.  You and Taehyun exchanged surprised faces.  Neither of you knew how things had turned out this way.  As you were listening to them, you noticed your mother's inexplicable grin.  All of her teeth showing as she nodded occassionally, clearly the seal of approval had been stamped.  It was already dry and waiting for you to pick up at the next window.  Your brain tried to make sense of how it had happened, but somehow you had passed out and woken up with a potential husband.  This felt wrong on a few levels, but you had to admit you didn't hate it.  It's not as if Min had done anything wrong, and you liked him.  Only, if your parents were involved things would move faster than you wanted.
"Then, I'll pick you up at six on Sunday?" Min asked you.  You confirmed with a silent nod.  Unable to say no, as your mother shot you a warning glare.  You knew things would get bad and rice would mysteriously disappear from your meals if you went against her wishes.  She had the power to dole out delicious food to everyone but you.  In a way, that went unchallenged.  You didn't want to go another fast against your will.  Her punishment serving two purposes to make you think twice about your actions and also to thin you down.  She was always complaining you weren't feminine enough.  That your body had muscles and bulges that she didn't appreciate.  
"Go walk Sungmin out," your mother chirped.  Snapping you back to reality, as you followed after him.  
As you both put on your shoes, you waited until you were outside.  You were in the entrance way, your house a large penthouse apartment in a towering building.  Your father a successful businessman. You'd lived here most of your life.  As he pressed the button to call the elevator, you chose your words.
"Thank you, but don't feel pressured to come on Sunday. You really don't have to go to all the trouble," you told him.  You weren't sure if you had said the right thing.  His face was hard to read.  
"Taesun-ah, I want to go. I want to get to know you and your family better because I like you. I want to date you," he said boldly.  
"Date me?" you said stupidly.  You stared at him in a daze.  He wanted to date you?  Even after all that had happened?  
"Yes, I confess that while you held on really tight to me last night, I could've gotten free if I wanted, but I didn't because I liked it. I liked that you were holding onto me," he said moving closer to you.  You felt your face grow hot and your heart start to pump harder.  
"Ya-yah, what're you saying?" you said awkwardly. Your protests not exactly convincing even to yourself.  He smiled as he reached out to your cheek.  
"I know it was bad of me, but I enjoyed every minute of last night," his honesty stirring up butterflies in your stomach.  His forehead was touching yours as he leaned closer.  Resting there, keeping the distance between you because he didn't want to rush this.  He didn't want to force himself on you.  He wanted you to want him back.  
You heard the elevator arrive.  The doors opening as you were still deciding.  He made the decision for you, head raising as he kissed you sweetly on the forehead before stepping into the elevator.  
"I'll see you on Sunday," he said waiting for the doors to close.
"Take care," you said wondering how your heart could still be racing as the doors closed.  You stood there watching the numbers move as the elevator carried him away from you.  Eventually, your forced your feet to move and trudged back inside the house.  
(AN: What do you think? How many points did Min score during this chapter?  Sorry, yesterday I couldn't update because the heat got to my computer! TT)
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I should be updating later. It depends on if I can write this chapter well.


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You know, I realise I never commented on this.
I did love it. Sungmin was perfect and I totally have feels for him now based on this fic and that damn pic you sent of him hugging that fan. Le sigh. Man is adorable.
Anyway, I enjoyed how it is linked to Em and how Sungmin is kind of the knight in shining armour type of thing. Even if he is mistaken.
I couldn't stand her ex though. Didn't care it was an accident he was still a jerk.
Totally Sungmin bias in this LOL.
I like how Kyu is so scary though. Seriously he is like some over protective father lmao.
Shame it was cut short but I really enjoyed it as always. Perfect blend of fluffy romance that I love from you.
SUJU4ever13 #2
Chapter 27: Is this the end?!
Chapter 27: aww. i was waiting for the proposal to come. :( but if u think its not working or u dont have the time to write it then i support u in whatever decisions u make. tho the story was going really well.
kiahae #4
Chapter 27: Wae?
i was waiting for it to continue -pouts- :(
pretty please update soon author-nim ^.^
sincerly_me #6
Chapter 26: KYAAAAA!!!!!!! I also want a couple ring from Min or Donghae, kekekekekekekeke.
Thanks for the sweet chapter!!!!! I love it!!!! Fighting with the next, author-nim!!! ^_^
gaofushuai #8
Chapter 26: Yeeeyyyy~~~ \(´▽`)/
It's been a long time author-nim *hugs*
This chap is so sweet (˘⌣˘ʃƪ) ♥
Taesun's mum is quite funny ^^
Please update often ^^ ♥
Chapter 26: Ask kc ibceincsl somsconevonecon -dies-
Yes. That was my reaction upon reading this. Gawd why is this story so perfect? -kureis-