Pinx Part 2: Unexpected

I Didn't Like His Face
The three of you trailed your way through the tables.  Joining your parents and Jinho's at a large table.  They'd only been ahead of you by ten or fifteen minutes.  You saw them happily talking.  They had ordered a traditional spread for lunch.  As you had expected they had gone ahead and chosen for you.  Typical of them, but at least there was some variety so you couldn't worry about it.  Min was bound to like some of it.  Wait, why were you worrying about him eating?  You felt suddenly aware that your heart was beating and that your hand clutching his arm was sticky. 
He slowed down and waited for you to let go of his arm as he pulled a chair out for you.  Directing your eyes to the table, you avoided eye contact.  Mumbled a quick thank you and eagerly picked up your glass.  Water filled your mouth allowing you to wash away the dry sensation in your mouth.  
Jinho sadly ended up sitting across from you.  Not like there was much of a choice but you still wished he wasn't there.  You couldn't believe you were so close to him after all this time.  Especially on a day you'd thought would be filled with perfect and innocent family time.  With the added bonus of Min being nearby, which you had to admit you liked quite a lot.  Obviously, you could no longer pretend that you weren't interested in him.  He had sneakily entered into your thoughts over the past week. You found yourself wondering what he was doing.  Now, you felt like you'd formally introduced him to your parents.  They seemed to like him as well.
Immediately after the usual questions about scores.  Everyone else a little surprised, and you thought your parents were pleased, that Min had beaten Jinho.  You found yourself beaming your smile like a bolt of sunshine.  Considering if you should have your teeth whitened more, so next time you could literally blind Jinho with your smile.  A bonus to rub in that you were happy even after the horrible betrayal.  
As you sat there, you listened at the beginning of the conversation.  However, the men were talking politics in that absurd detail that comes from hours of watching the news.  It's as if they had written the papers on new policies themselves with the facts they were throwing around.  You soon dulled out the noise that you felt unwilling to follow.  Numbers and statistics always bored you.  That was entirely why you'd gone into a science that was mainly about qualities rather than quantities.  You could handle the basic maths involved in your patient care with doses of medication and time tables.  
Your mother was discussing society gossip with Mrs. Park.  They were talking about a wedding coming up in a few weeks.  One you'd been invited to as a family and expected to attend.  Not exactly a close friend but one of the crowd you'd grown up with at the club.  Mostly, your parents ran with the circle that golfed every weekend.  At least that somewhat put a cap on the number of people you were expected to know, but it still left a lot of names on your radar.  You knew that you were expected to eventually marry one of those men.  Of course, your parents had wanted that man to be Jinho but that hadn't gone as you planned.  You'd thought you would marry him until he cheated on you.  That had wiped all your aspirations away.  
You never told your parents the details.  Only that you could no longer date Jinho.  They'd been torn between how shaken you appeared and wanting him as their son-in-law.  Tae-hyun knew the details but mainly because he'd heard you talking in your sleep.  Wanting to tell someone, you'd confessed everything to him.  He was the one who kept you going with surprise visits in those first few weeks.  Unexpected offerings to wash your clothes or buy you a meal, even that movie you'd seen last week was his idea.  Not that particular movie, but he'd wanted you to get out of the house.  While you were back to your normal self, you still hadn't been up to going out.  Your social functions had suffered a blow after spending so much time with Jinho.  Your friends were the same as his and you'd not wanted to see him at all.  So, you'd avoided the clubs and parties.  Socializing through your phone and texts rather than in person.
"Excuse me, I'm going to the restroom," you said.  Noticing that Min and Jinho both stood up with you, in the way meant to impress and flatter you.  The weirdly formal stance of added respect which always had you question the reason for some etiquette rules.  Why stand when a woman leaves the table? It's a bit of a bother for them in mid-bite to jump up.  
As you left, you didn't realize that the topic of conversation shifted to you.  Your father had commented that you didn't ever comment on healthcare.  Thus sparking your mother's need to talk about you.
"I'm still in the dark about why Taesun won't go on blind dates," she said to Mrs. Park.  
"I know, Jinho is the same way.  I thought he would at least move on, but he hasn't dated anyone else," Mrs. Park almost whispered to her. Min and Jinho both tried to pretend they couldn't hear.  They both stared at each other wondering what their relationship to you was.  Jinho seemed a mystery to Sungmin.  He could assume that you'd nearly been engaged to this man, but had no idea why you'd broken up.  Something terrible had happened to ruin it, because here your parents were on good terms with his.  Min wanted to know but could not bare to ask you.  That distress on your face when you'd seen Jinho that night.  He did not want to cause that amount of grief and pain to you.  He wanted to lift you away from that past and let you be happy with him.  
Worse than being forced to see Jinho and act civilly, even though he deserved to be kicked in the shins, your mothers were plotting to set you up again.  Or at least partially, your mother at least had the sense to not forget entirely that Sungmin was there.  She'd done some research into his background and was delighted to find his family was in her social circle.  Sungmin would be a good match for you if she could decide whether or not his career was good or bad.  She had mixed feelings about him being in the public eye, but could not help thinking that would not affect you.  You were good through and through and a little scrutiny could not taint your image.  In fact, you might gain more from a famous husband.  At least, she could hope you might give up your career to have children.  
As you walked back to the table, you heard a slight silence fall.  No one spoke for a few moments, as you shifted anxiously in your seat.  You really wanted to change into some more comfortable clothes, or more accurately clothes that would make you feel comfortable.  Not this short red skirt which had you crossing your legs not out of seduction but trying to keep yourself from accidnetally flashing anyone.  You didn't trust the table with no table cloth to keep you covered up.  You'd met more than one y young boy roaming the country club.  No need to make things easier for them.  Experience from having your own little brother and his friends who had taken full advantage of being forced to spend long hours here.  
As if reading your mind, Min turned to you, "Are you ok?" The concern obvious in his tone.  
"Yes, it's nothing," you said.  You didn't want to tell him that you hated wearing this outfit.  No need to draw attention to your short skirt.  Just push through until you could go change and hide in your room.
He leaned in close whispering, "I don't believe you."  You stared at him suddenly your anxiety replaced with a pulse that began to race.  Skin tingling as you felt the warmth of his breath against the side of your neck.  
"Wh-why--why not?" you managed.  He showed you a small smile before pulling something out of his pocket and handing it to you.  Well, you wanted to grab it, but he spread it out across your legs.  Covering them, was a pink handkerchief.  How had he known?  You stared at him, unable to form words.  Could he read your mind?  Further confusing you, he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, before turning back to his food.  All you could manage was to blink your eyes.  You weren't dreaming becuase Jinho was staring at you from across the table.  He seemed to be unhappy about what he'd seen.  Of course, you weren't entirely certain he'd noticed the handkerchief, but if he hadn't then it would look a lot worse.  He could not actually think you'd let a guy rub your thigh during lunch with your parents?!? No, what are you doing.  Stop it.  Focus on eating at the least.  The faster you finish lunch, the faster you can change out of this skirt.  
"It's too bad that you can't stay longer with us," your father was saying to Min.  You were able to turn your head to look at your father.  He seemed to be sincere with his words.  Does this mean that he really approved of Min?  Little did you know, that he'd been keeping a close eye on the two of you.  He hadn't seen or heard anything to make him dislike Sungmin.  In fact, knowing the deatils of his career and family he'd been pleasantly surprised to know that they were on equal grounds.  You were a socially acceptable except for that small fact that you worked for money.  Unlike most of the society women who 'worked' with charities.  Like your mother, who had given up working once she'd married and found out two months later that she was pregnant with you.  
"Yes, but I do have to work later," Min said.  His schedule hadn't changed even after he'd tried to bargain his way out of it.  He hadn't had a day off in quite some time, at least not a real day off where he could play.  The day had been better than most and he understood it was because he was with you.  He hadn't wanted to check his phone or surf the web the whole time he'd been near you.  He'd been preoccupied with you and aware of how you were feeling.   Which is exactly how he'd noticed you pulling down your skirt earlier, more than once when you thought no one was looking.  He'd been able to repress his smile, but he couldn't ignore it.  He had to try to make you feel better.  Even if it was lacking he had spread that handkerchief over your legs to let you know he knew how you were feeling.  
Your father stood up to take a phone call.  He left the table and silence fell once again.  One that you didn't mind as you and Min received more food from your mother.  Irritatingly, so did Jinho, who seemed to be secretly relieved.  He still didn't know if you'd told the details of the end of you relationship.  Even if he thought that technically that it wasn't over because you'd never talked about it.  It didn't count if you never said it was over.  He was keeping that card hidden for when he thought you might once again speak to him.  He had an entire plan set in his mind on how to win you back.  
Frowning, your father came back to the table.  He sighed as he set his phone down gently.  Staring at Min who seemed confused, but knew something was wrong.
"That was the pilot, they've shut down travel for the day. I don't think you'd be able to make it in time," he informed Min.  He pulled out his own phone to check his messages.
"If you'll excuse me, I need to confirm that with my manager," he said bowing and leaving the table.
"Really? What's happening?" you asked.  Curious as to why they'd stop flying planes.  
"There's a sudden storm with crosswinds. They are not going to fly for the rest of the day.  They'd already made a flight back to Incheon Airport.  So, they don't want to risk landing and taking off. Most of the commercial flights are going to be delayed and cancelled as well," he explained.  The table was quiet as they took in the news that you were going to be spending the night.  Of course, Min was free to try to leave, but the rest of you were unlikely to have a need to leave immediately.
"Are you sure there's no way I can make it in time?" Min asked.  His manager was telling him that even if he managed to get on the next flight, he'd still be late.  Because there'd been no free seats and he'd flown privately, so he didn't even register on the list to be on standby.  Taking a boat and driving would take far too long, so it seemed it was best he spend the night.  
"I understand, I'll post some messages late," Min said.  Sighing as he hung up the phone, then trying not to hide his expression of delight.  He didn't have to work today and he could spend the rest of the day with you.  Putting on a neutral face, he walked back to the table.
"So, what's the score?" you asked him.
"Loss, no way I can make it on time.  So, I guess I need to find a room somewhere," Min told the entire table.
"Oh, that's not a problem," your mother said right away.
"I don't want to impose," Min said knowing he'd feel better paying his own way.
"Don't be ridiculous, we have extra space.  The villa is entirely for this purpose.  To have room for unexpected guests!" she continued.  Clearly not taking no for an answer, she waited for him to give in her to wishes.  He slowly nodded his agreement.  Sending a quick text to his manager so he wouldn't waste time finding him a room.  He had no intention of saying no when he could be with you instead of being alone.  Sad and in a hotel room with only a his golf clubs to keep him company.  Not exactly the best scene to be happy on a Sunday night.  
"Besides, they bought the darn thing and we hardly ever use it," you told him.  Slightly teasing your parents, but you couldn't have prevented them from buying that villa if you had wanted.  They'd have done something more extravagant and at least this one was nearby all of their favorite golf courses.  With the details settled, you made your way into the locker room to change into shorts.  
As it turned out, you were worrying about whether Min had spare clothes.  In fact, he'd brought a bag with him.  He tended to do that if he knew he'd be travelling via plane.  He'd learned that playing it safe was better than getting judged by someone quick enough to snap and post a photo of him.  So, he met you outside looking completely normal.  Even if his sunglasses and hat didn't exactly disguise his appearnace.  He didn't have to worry much because the car came along shortly afterward and the two of you set off for the villa.  Your parents had wanted to stay longer to talk with more of their friends.  To your dismay, Jinho climbed in as well.  Leaving you sandwiched between the two men in the backseat.  Min swiftly draped his arm around your shoulders, not to claim you entirely, but to allow you more room.  Or at the very least the illusion of room because you were closer to him with unspoken permission.
Waiting for you to adjust he rested his left hand on the back of the seat. You leaned into him going around a curve.  Unable to stop yourself from pressing your face into the crook of his neck.  Trying to hide your blush, you didn't move back or protest.  
Jinho was seething next to you.  He was watching you melt into Min's personal space.  As if you two were dating, but your mother had mentioned that you weren't dating.  Or were you?  Were you going out with this guy?  He was an idol!  A pretty boy as far as Jinho was concerned one who couldn't possibly be right for you.  He had worn all pink earlier!  Jinho couldn't exactly remembe the last time he saw you wearing pink.  At least not in those bright shades of it.  Of course, he'd surprised by your gofling outfit as well.  He realized that your mother had forced you to wear it, but that meant that you were supposed to impress someone.  Since you'd met him and his family by accident, that could only mean she was hoping you would end up with Sungmin.  He frowned coming to a conclusion he wished wasn't true.  
As you came to a stop, you felt with slight dismay that Min had removed his arm from around your shoulders.  He opened the door and helped you out.  You led the way inside and the two of them followed you into the villa.  A fabulous one in Block A with four rooms and above and beyond what you could possibly need for one night.  
(AN: Finally, got this done.  There's less cute but I had a lot of detail after learning about how flights are cancelled.  Plus finding a place they would stay and magically the Art Villas were perfect.  Beyond perfect but yet since there are more than the two of them, well I won't spoil it yet.  Anyhow hoped you liked it anyway!!  Probably won't be able to update for a few days. TT Another busy week ahead!)
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I should be updating later. It depends on if I can write this chapter well.


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You know, I realise I never commented on this.
I did love it. Sungmin was perfect and I totally have feels for him now based on this fic and that damn pic you sent of him hugging that fan. Le sigh. Man is adorable.
Anyway, I enjoyed how it is linked to Em and how Sungmin is kind of the knight in shining armour type of thing. Even if he is mistaken.
I couldn't stand her ex though. Didn't care it was an accident he was still a jerk.
Totally Sungmin bias in this LOL.
I like how Kyu is so scary though. Seriously he is like some over protective father lmao.
Shame it was cut short but I really enjoyed it as always. Perfect blend of fluffy romance that I love from you.
SUJU4ever13 #2
Chapter 27: Is this the end?!
Chapter 27: aww. i was waiting for the proposal to come. :( but if u think its not working or u dont have the time to write it then i support u in whatever decisions u make. tho the story was going really well.
kiahae #4
Chapter 27: Wae?
i was waiting for it to continue -pouts- :(
pretty please update soon author-nim ^.^
sincerly_me #6
Chapter 26: KYAAAAA!!!!!!! I also want a couple ring from Min or Donghae, kekekekekekekeke.
Thanks for the sweet chapter!!!!! I love it!!!! Fighting with the next, author-nim!!! ^_^
gaofushuai #8
Chapter 26: Yeeeyyyy~~~ \(´▽`)/
It's been a long time author-nim *hugs*
This chap is so sweet (˘⌣˘ʃƪ) ♥
Taesun's mum is quite funny ^^
Please update often ^^ ♥
Chapter 26: Ask kc ibceincsl somsconevonecon -dies-
Yes. That was my reaction upon reading this. Gawd why is this story so perfect? -kureis-