Hazy Memory

I Didn't Like His Face
Heart racing you the water.  You were frantic.  Hands shaking and eyes wild as you thought with all your might. You were definitely awake now, but your brain was still catching up.  
Ok. Let's break it down.  I was drunk.  Again.  Only this time he was there? Ok.  Don't remember that.  Why would I drink in front of him? I mean to the point of passing out? Something happened last night.  Not important.  Right, he's in my bed.  Sungmin.  The Idol.  The man I barely know.  Well, this is not good.  He slept in my bed.  Because of me?  How can I possibly be stronger than him? How could I be stronger than all of them together?  
You could see you attached to Sungmin at the waist with your brother, him, your father and your mother all trying to pry you off of him.  Oh, that was not good.  That was bad.  Very very bad.  
"I need to stop working out," you said to yourself.  You spread the toothpaste on your toothbrush.  Scrubbing your teeth clean as you tried to remember more.  Nothing came to mind at the moment.  More importantly...what do you say to him?  You cannot pretend it didn't happen.  It was a big deal and you didn't know what to say.  
First, I need to take care of this.  You slammed the toothbrush onto the counter, opening the bathroom door to face your destiny.  You instantly felt self-conscious.  So, you creeped over to your bedroom door and slid it closed.  Gently avoiding making any noise.  If you were going to apologize and make a fool of yourself you didn't need any more witnesses.
"You're awake," Min said.  You jumped.  Turning slowly to face him, sitting up in your bed.  He looked amazing half asleep in your bed.  You should get drunk more often.  NO! That's not the point.  Focus! 
"Yes, I am," you said, "I'm sorry."  You saw him shake his head.
"No, it's ok. I've done a lot worse," he joked.  You attempted a laugh, but didn't feel it.  
"Um, I don't remember what happened at all.  So, I'm really sorry if anything happened to make you uncomfortable or anything," you said.  Unable to stop yourself from giving a full apology.  You were going broad spectrum in case something unthinkable had happened.  What if you had accosted him?  Touched parts of his body you shouldn't?  Omo! He was still wearing his clothes at least.  Or at least his pants...must not stare.  
"All I can say is you are strong, and it wasn't so bad. Been a long time since anyone gave me such a hug," he said keeping the mood light. You cringed.  You really should not lift weights anymore.  NO need for that time in the gym.  
"Uh, yes, well then. You can use the bathroom if you like. I think Taehyun should have some clean clothes you could wear if you want," you said.  Wondering if he would arouse suspicion if he went home in the same clothes from yesterday.  
"Oh, yes. That's fine, is it ok if I take a shower?" he asked awkwardly.  
"Of course! It's the least I can do after holding you hostage in my room," you hurriedly said.  The two of you exchanged awkward smiles.  Not knowing that his smile was genuine.  
"I'll just leave the clothes on the bed for you. Take your time," you said backing out of the room.  You gave an awkward half-bow as you left.  You felt stupid.  Why am I bowing to him? It's not like he's a national hero? He didn't save my life!  You prodded Taehyun on the couch to get some clean clothes.  
"Clean ones! Not something you picked up off the floor!" you called to him.  You heard a grunt of understanding before you ventured into the kitchen.  You parents didn't say a word to you.  Complete silence.  Better than a lecture you decided. 
Min was smiling to himself.  He was whistling a happy tune when Taehyun placed the clean clothes on the bed.  Your brother scowled hearing him.  He was starting to like this guy much less than before.  He seemed to be getting close to you easily and quickly.  He didn't trust this man at all.
(AN: Sorry, a bit short.  Been a crazy night.  I barely had the time to write at all! Hope you liked it!)
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I should be updating later. It depends on if I can write this chapter well.


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You know, I realise I never commented on this.
I did love it. Sungmin was perfect and I totally have feels for him now based on this fic and that damn pic you sent of him hugging that fan. Le sigh. Man is adorable.
Anyway, I enjoyed how it is linked to Em and how Sungmin is kind of the knight in shining armour type of thing. Even if he is mistaken.
I couldn't stand her ex though. Didn't care it was an accident he was still a jerk.
Totally Sungmin bias in this LOL.
I like how Kyu is so scary though. Seriously he is like some over protective father lmao.
Shame it was cut short but I really enjoyed it as always. Perfect blend of fluffy romance that I love from you.
SUJU4ever13 #2
Chapter 27: Is this the end?!
Chapter 27: aww. i was waiting for the proposal to come. :( but if u think its not working or u dont have the time to write it then i support u in whatever decisions u make. tho the story was going really well.
kiahae #4
Chapter 27: Wae?
i was waiting for it to continue -pouts- :(
pretty please update soon author-nim ^.^
sincerly_me #6
Chapter 26: KYAAAAA!!!!!!! I also want a couple ring from Min or Donghae, kekekekekekekeke.
Thanks for the sweet chapter!!!!! I love it!!!! Fighting with the next, author-nim!!! ^_^
gaofushuai #8
Chapter 26: Yeeeyyyy~~~ \(´▽`)/
It's been a long time author-nim *hugs*
This chap is so sweet (˘⌣˘ʃƪ) ♥
Taesun's mum is quite funny ^^
Please update often ^^ ♥
Chapter 26: Ask kc ibceincsl somsconevonecon -dies-
Yes. That was my reaction upon reading this. Gawd why is this story so perfect? -kureis-