Pinx Part 1

I Didn't Like His Face
The rest of the week went by uneventfully.  You had the night shift for at least another month.  You wanted to trade shifts after what had happened with Jinho.  You'd wanted to avoid him as much as you possibly could so you swapped your schedule.  Sadly, it hadn't worked effectively because he had more flexibility as a doctor and did the same thing.  You couldn't lie to yourself by pretending he didn't do it because of you.  He had wanted to see you even if you didn't want to see him.  You'd been able to avoid talking to him.  Every time you were near him you would ignore him.  You'd caught him staring at you before when you were filing charts.  He would appear in front of you at random times, using the same hallway as you.  Or taking the same lunch break but you never spoke.  You tried to carry on as best as you could, but he never went away.  After all that time he still hadn't apologized at least until that night.  You remembered that much at least. 
Min was picking you up really early on Sunday morning.  Your parents having gone for an overnight stay at the club.  They did that sometimes to get away from the city.  Even though you'd hardly call it a break, as they never set foot in anything you could remotely call country.  You could have gone to a golf course nearby.  Somewhere located near where you lived, but your parents weren't known for their practical notions.  They went over the top.  SO, you found yourself buckling your lapbelt on a plane as you and Min headed off to golf.  The greetings had been normal between the two of you, but at three in the morning you'd been obviously tired.  Between the night and day schedules and you felt like you should be awake or asleep but not both.  Feeling secure in your seat, you started to drift off to sleep.  You would land at Jeju island in about an hour.  The best part was you weren't flying commercial.  You could admit to being spoiled by your parents, but honestly you preferred the private plane.  It was quieter.  Fewer people, except in this case some more friends of your parents.  They all paid for the plane together.  Rich and almost pracical the lot of them tended to be going to Jeju Island on the weekends.  Min was secretly relieved because he didn't have to deal with a lot of fans either.  He wanted to impress your parents and you and felt this would be a perfect opportunity to do it. He could get to know you better and this time you would be well rested.  Or that was his plan, he only hoped it worked out that way. 
Trailing after the other passengers, you blearily walked towards the waiting area.  You had a small bag with you because you had to change your clothes for golf.  Also, you might stay an extra day just for the spa.  You wouldn't say no to a massage.  Even if it meant spending quality time with your mother asking about when you were getting married.  Her favorite topic since you'd graduated from high school.  Except that these days she was serious about it.  She wanted you to settle down and had hoped you would have been married by now.  
You would have felt this was surreal with you and Min sitting in the back of a town car.  You were not expected to drive.  You never had been since you were a little kid.  Only these days you'd shrugged off the driver your parents wanted you to use.  At least until you'd had to resort to staying away from home, so they'd dropped it.  As you pulled up, you readied yourself for the day.  
"Thank you for doing this. I know my parents are thrilled, just don't blindly agree with them.  Or they'll have you pegged as their son-in-law," you remarked to Min before getting out of the car.  Figuring it was possibly the only time you'd have alone with him today.  As the door shut behind him, you called out over your shoulder, "I'll see you on the green!" 
Pushing your way into the famliar women's locker room as you switched over to your golf outfit.  Hand picked by your mother of course, you couldn't get away with wearing pants.  The compromise extended to a skirt and shirt.  Two pieces which left you feeling slightly more comfortable than a dress.  The skirt was a bright red and above the knee, while you thankfully got away with a white and red diamond patterned tank top.  Not nearly as busy as the full diamond treament with a slim trail of red diamonds across your middle trailing down to your lower right into a full burst of red diamonds.  You had been quick to agree after seeing that it didn't have awkwardly long sleeves or flowers.  
Grabbing some shades, you allowed yourself a moment before exiting the locker room.  Going in search of your parents, you slowly grew accustomed to the length of your skirt.  You thought you could manage not to flash anyone with it on while golfing.  At least that was your goal for the day.  
Finding them eating breakfast at a table, you greeted them.  Pulling out a chair to sit down and accepting a glass of orange juice.  
"How was the flight?" your father asked you.  Out of custom rather than anything else, he always asked you that question.  Even though, he'd already had the report from the pilots.  You were his princess after all, there was no way he would miss out on secretly checking on you.
"Good, the Soongs were there as well," you told him.  He nodded knowing that since he'd greeted them earlier.  
"Oh, isn't Sungmin here with you? Shouldn't he be here by now? Do you think he got lost?" your mother asked.  She seemed sincerely concerned about his welfare.
"Yes, he is here.  Maybe he's renting some clubs?" you offered.  Your parents exchanged looks perhaps horrified that anyone would need to rent golf clubs.  You really had no idea what was going through their minds.  Gulping down your juice, earning a tchh from your mother.  Your unlady-like behavior irritated her when she was trying to brag about you in public. 
"I will find him, and meet you outside," you told them.  Checking your phone, you had about five minutes before your tee of time.  Your parents were never late.  One of the biggest faux pas were tardiness on the green because the majority of their friends and business contacts all golfed here as well.  They treated tee times as law set in stone.  No changes for any reasons.  Pinx was popular enough to attract most of the elite of Seoul on the weekends during the prime season.  They would bring their entire families to the resort.  Golf providing a way to socialize and for their offspring, like you, to meet the right kind of people. 
To your surprise as you walked outside, you spotted Min chatting up a group of guys.  The kind that your mother would approve of in a heartbeat.  He was decked out in pink.  Plaid pink pants with a lighter solid pink polo.  You had to admit he pulled it off really well.  Not wanting to interrupt, you stood on the patio watching him.  He easily talked with them, you didn't know if he knew them or not.  They were all animated and obviously having a good time.  Someone caught your eye and then Min was turning and looking at you.  A sudden recognition crossed his face before he called you over.
"Taesun-ssi! Over here," Min said.  He had wondered who had gotten his friends interested.  He'd spent a bit of time here with his own parents.  He'd made a few friends and occassionally they would still meet up to golf together.  Their parents had given up on trying to socially golf with their sons as their group tended to tee off alone.  He'd never come across you here though, not that he could recall.  Probably since you'd avoided coming here after being set up on golfing dates.  Worse than a blind date because you were expected to play through the entire course before being able to escape.  
"Hello." you said to the group, "Sungmin-ssi, we tee off in five," you informed him.  He nodded his understanding.  
"Ok, I was just saying hi to my friends. We should walk over. Did you already find a caddy?" he asked you.  Four pairs of eyes were staring at him.  Yours included as you wondered at how much attention he was showing towards you.  His friends a little surprised he was here with a woman and her parents no less!  They knew he had to be serious about you for him to agree to this.  Golf outings were almost as certain as an announced engagement.  Or at least one of the first steps to announcing an engagement.  
"Yes, my parents insist on picking one for me. It's as if I don't have functioning arms," you said unable to hold in your pout.  Min felt his heart pound in his chest.  His full attention on how adorable your lips were.  Shaking his head subtlely he tore his gaze from you.  
"Well, as you can see, I have to go. Maybe I'll see you all later," he told his friends.  They were waving goodbye as he casually guided you towards the green.  You didn't think anything of his hand on your back. That is until you found yourself standing next to your parents across from someone you didn't expect to see.
Jinho's parents were standing with your own.  The Parks were quite nice but you hadn't seen them since you'd ended things with Jinho.  You awkwardly said hello to them out of social protocol.  Your mother would give you a smack for being rude to them.  
"Really, you should go ahead of us," Mr. Park was saying.  Apparently they were waiting on someone to join them, you stared dumbly out towards the hole.  
"No, no, I insist that we should play together so it won't matter.  Darling, why don't you start us off?" your father said.  Your mother nodding and stepping up to do just that.  Her elegant black slim fitting golf dress perfectly forming to her swing.  Mrs. Park went next, the two of them falling into old gossip.  You suspected they hadn't talked for a long time either.  Your mother and Mrs. Park had probably expected to be in-laws at some point.  
"Ah, here he is," Mr. Park said happily.  You turned to look expecting one of his business contacts, but stunned to see Jinho materialize. His gray shirt with yellow accents, the collar and pocket a bright sunshine yellow.  Paired with his long gray and yellow plaid golf shorts exposed his tan legs.  You couldn't stop yourself from admiring how good he looked.  Glad that your sunglasses kept your eyes from betraying your interest.  
"Sorry, I'm late father. I had a call from the hospital, but I had to tell them I wasn't available," Jinho explained.  You stared at him wondering why he'd refuse a request to do a surgery.  He was highly respected a surgeon and he never turned down a patient in need.  
"Are you sure that they can do without you?" your father asked.  He was only partly joking, you bit your bottom lip.  Feeling your anxiety build up, as you heard your own parents pride in Jinho's skills.  
"Of course they can.  They want the best, but my parents come first," he said.  Walking over to give his mother a hug, as she beamed.  Your mother quick to compliment him.
"Your Jinho is so filial.  You're so lucky to have him," she said.  You pretended not to hear as you lined up your shot.  As you swung, you felt yourself loosen up slightly.  All those years of forced golfing and you'd gotten used to the feel.  It was something you didn't hate, not that you were truly good at it.  However, being able to let go and whack something helped you relieve your stress.  As you waited for Min to hit his ball, you saw your parents giving a thumbs up to the Parks.  You frowned a little confused as to what they were talking about.  
"Taesun-ah, Jinho-yah, Sungmin-ssi," you heard from your mother's lips.  Dread seeped into your body as you felt yourself losing any control, "We're going to play as pairs.  We'll play through if that's alright?" she finished.  You stared at her unable to say yes.  
"Of course, it's my fault the tee time was behind. It will speed things up," Jinho said.  Min nodded his agreement when you remained silent.  Your parents left the three of you.  You sighed as Jinho lined up his shot.  Perfect as always you thought.  Knowing you were going to have less fun losing another round of golf to him.  You'd played with him and your parents before. You always failed to beat him. He always had the top score and his parents always bragged about it.  He could have been a pro golfer if he hadn't been so insistent upon wanting to save lives as a surgeon.  
Unable to refuse, you watched Jinho's ball land in the best position.  You slowly walked to find your own ball. Knowing that you were in for another unsatisfying round of golf.  
"Are you sure you're ok?" you heard.  You heaved a sigh feeling like you might be over reacting to Jinho's presence.  
"Yes, I'm fine," you reassured Min.  He didn't feel convinced after having you silently walk beside him. The three of you mostly remained quiet as you played.  Your irritation showing only slightly in your shots as you ended up in the bunker a few times.  Min offered to help you rake though, partly out of concern for how long you were taking.  Mostly though, he wanted to reduce your stress level.  He knew it wasn't much but he hoped it might help you feel less burdened about Jinho's presence.  
At the end of the first nine holes, you'd called it quits.  Preferring to watch them rather than suffer through nine more holes.  Even after picturing Jinho's face on the ball, you'd been unable to get out of your slump.  To your surprise, when you checked the score card, Min and Jinho were nearly tied.  They both had a score of plus three at the fifeenth hole.  You were actually wondering if you'd see Jinho lose.  Both earned a birdie through the next two holes.  They were both on plus two as you watched.  As you attended the flag, you secretly hoped that Jinho would mess up. Wanting to increase the chance of that, you played your hidden card.
"Oppa, fighting!" you cheered for Sungmin.  He smiled at you as Jinho was preparing for his putt.  He made his in two .  Earning him a par and score of plus two.  You watched with baited breath as Min lined up his putt.  He sunk the ball in one from fifty yards earning himself a birdie and score of plus one.  He had beaten Jinho.  You beamed and happily retrieved his ball for him.  
"Daebak!" you cried.  Surprising the two of them as you handed him back his ball, and leaning in to give him a kiss on the cheek.  Min flushed a deep pink nearly matching his clothes.  You were happy that someone had finally beaten Jinho.  Any excuse to see him out of his comfort zone made you feel a little better.  You knew he wasn't perfect, but everyone else seemed to think so.  You finally had something to add to your list as you slid your arm through Min's and the two of you made your way to the club house.  \
(AN: So, this has been in my head the last few days.  Finally had time to write it, there'll be more soon.  There's less cute than I wanted but I had to draw the line since learning the official rules of golf got too boring.  The PGA manual had way too many sections.  Hope you like it! In case you were wondering, Pinx is the name of the course/golf club, an actual one on Jeju Island.)
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I should be updating later. It depends on if I can write this chapter well.


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You know, I realise I never commented on this.
I did love it. Sungmin was perfect and I totally have feels for him now based on this fic and that damn pic you sent of him hugging that fan. Le sigh. Man is adorable.
Anyway, I enjoyed how it is linked to Em and how Sungmin is kind of the knight in shining armour type of thing. Even if he is mistaken.
I couldn't stand her ex though. Didn't care it was an accident he was still a jerk.
Totally Sungmin bias in this LOL.
I like how Kyu is so scary though. Seriously he is like some over protective father lmao.
Shame it was cut short but I really enjoyed it as always. Perfect blend of fluffy romance that I love from you.
SUJU4ever13 #2
Chapter 27: Is this the end?!
Chapter 27: aww. i was waiting for the proposal to come. :( but if u think its not working or u dont have the time to write it then i support u in whatever decisions u make. tho the story was going really well.
kiahae #4
Chapter 27: Wae?
i was waiting for it to continue -pouts- :(
pretty please update soon author-nim ^.^
sincerly_me #6
Chapter 26: KYAAAAA!!!!!!! I also want a couple ring from Min or Donghae, kekekekekekekeke.
Thanks for the sweet chapter!!!!! I love it!!!! Fighting with the next, author-nim!!! ^_^
gaofushuai #8
Chapter 26: Yeeeyyyy~~~ \(´▽`)/
It's been a long time author-nim *hugs*
This chap is so sweet (˘⌣˘ʃƪ) ♥
Taesun's mum is quite funny ^^
Please update often ^^ ♥
Chapter 26: Ask kc ibceincsl somsconevonecon -dies-
Yes. That was my reaction upon reading this. Gawd why is this story so perfect? -kureis-