Apologies and Gratitude

I Didn't Like His Face
Wired you weren't entirely sure if your heart was racing from the kiss or the coffee.  It shouldn't last this long, right?  The whole way home it seemed to beat more than normal.  You nervously stole glances at him as he drove.  He had taken off the hat and scarf which was a relief.  He'd looked a little crazy in them.  No need to disappoint your mother.  Oh no.  Your mother. What were you going to tell her?  If you told her, then this relationship would could go really well or end really soon. 
You were not confident when it came to your parents.  Somehow, you'd managed to stay with Jinho for the long term but that was because you knew each other for a while.  Your parents knew each other and so they'd both left you to be alone with no interference.  This case was probably not going to work out the same way.
Min was concerned.  You were riding along the same wave of bliss and then you went pale.  As if you'd seen a ghost, the blood drained from your face.  He stared at you a few seconds too long.  Slamming on the brakes when the light changed red.  His arm shot out instinctually in front of you.  Only normally he was with men so he'd aimed higher than was suitable.  You gaped at him, with his hand on your chest.  Both of you unable to break eye contact.  The moment was awkward. You were both mentally panicking.  There seemed to be no acceptable reaction to the situation.  
While you stalled there, you heard the honk from the car behind you as the light changed to green.  Both of your heads snapped away, and his hand disappeared as if nothing had happened.  The blood that had left your face had come back two fold.  One your face and his as he cleared his throat and attempted not to think about what he just touched.  
"Sorry, I'm sorry, I--" Min managed.  You shook your head cutting him off.
"It's fine. You don't need to say anything," you told him.  Honestly, you were more embarrassed when he tried to apologize.  It's not as if he was being a ert---wait, Hyun Tae!  You thought that he would be home as well, so that meant that you could let him be the distraction.  You were going to need a major one to have your mother resist her urge to ask him the list of questions.  Flashing back to the past when you'd brought home a man, you shuddered.  They never lasted long after meeting your mother and going through her list of questions.
"Sungmin, there's something we have to talk about before we arrive," you started.  Hesitant to say this the wrong way, because you didn't want to insult him.  It was for his own good after all.  
"What is it? Is something wrong?" Min asked.  His face contorted as he tried to work out if something good or bad was going to happen.
"Well, I am not sure that we should tell my family about us," you blurted.  Flexing your fingers to avoid pressing them to your face to hide.  You hadn't meant to say it like that but it was more nerve wracking than you thought.  To actually tell him you didn't want your family to know when they already knew him, that meant something was wrong.
"Oh, if you want it that way, then it's fine for now," he acknowledged.  Secretly, he was relieved.  One, that he hadn't actually considered that aspect of you being together, and two you weren't doing any number of things he could imagine.  Like deciding to take back your answer, and that you really didn't care for him at all.  
"It's not that I want to hide it exactly, it's just my mother would be worse than she is now.  She would be way too invasive and it usually turns out wrong," you told him.  He smiled able to imagine that scenario quite well as your mother seemed to be quite the matriarch of the family.  She had been the perfect hostess, even sending out a card after he stayed with you.  For both occassions in fact, the first time had been more awkward.  He hadn't expected it so when the courier arrived, a woman in her thirties asking if she had the correct address at the dorm.  
Well, it didn't go over very well.  Kangin had answered the door first and nearly had her thrown back into the elevator.  Back up had arrived in the form of Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk, and after that there was some yelling.  The woman, either extremely well trained or well paid, never flinched or moved from her spot in front of the door.  Not from the lack of their trying to physically remove her either, but luckily he had been home.  Although, he'd been extremely embarrassed when he finally made his way towards the door.  When she recognized him standing there, they guys had completely lost it.  Trying to push him back thinking it was his stalker, they tended to jump to conclusions a little much.  Min never worried about crazy fans because he knew that he could take care of himself.  
After a few moments, he'd managed to get past them.  Always harder knowing that he couldn't hurt them, not that he usually wanted to inflict them with pain.  They were his friends, but it made matters more difficult.  She'd managed to tell him she had a note from Mrs. Heo.  Seeing him receive it, she quickly pivoted on her heels and left.  He'd managed to call out an apology and thank you before the elevator doors closed.  He wondered what she'd reported back to your mother.  The second time had gone over a little better, but only because Donghae answered the door, he was less suspicious trusting in the security guards to do their job properly.  
There hadn't been a return address so he couldn't respond.  Being an idol had it's perks, but a task force of staff was not entirely at his disposal.  Not entirely because it couldn't happen, but that he didn't want it to happen.  He'd talked his father out of forcing him to have a personal security guard.  Instead he'd gone back to learn more self-defense.  Something that he could do to keep a few tricks to keep for himself.  
Your street came into view as the car maneuvered around the corner.  The traffic was still light in the early morning.  The clock said it was not yet seven in the morning.  
"You can park in the garage since you're with me," you said.  He looked at you curious that you seemed entirely unaffected by the events of the day.  A lot had happened and the sun was only starting its journey through the sky.  He followed your directions, parking neatly in an open space, which you told him was usually vacant.  You didn't tell him that your parents had reserved it for you in hopes that you'd get your own car.  They never got rid of it and so it was always empty.  At least until he came along you thought, watching Min do a final check as he took the key out of the ignition.  Straightening up, he smiled at you as he unbuckled his seatbelt and opened his door. You returned the smile and found yourself melting as he planted a kiss on your forehead.  Your legs betrayed you as you went to open your door.  Standing up, you wobbled and had to lean against the car for support.  Shutting the trunk, he noticed that you were having trouble. 
You closed your eyes in attempt to collect yourself.  Feeling a breeze you opened them again, wondering if a car had driven past.  Last thing you needed was a noisy neighbor watching the two of you together. 
There was no car.  He had set down the bags and stood in front of you.  Concern showing plainly on his face.  
"Are you ok?" he asked you.  You stared at him.  Managing a nod even though the motion felt like a lie.  You couldn't possibly tell him that your heart and stomach were doing somersaults.  
"Don't worry, I'm here," he said wrapping you in a tight hug.  You allowed yourself to hold onto him as the words transported you back in time.  While the two of you walked to the elevator your mind ventured further back asking questions of its own.  
Pressing the button, you heard the doors slide closed but you were lost.  Those words you heard Jinho saying them to you on a particularly bad day.  You'd lost not one but two patients both young children.  He'd found you at the end of the shift outside on a bench staring blindly into space.  
He'd sat down next to you saying "Don't worry, I'm here." You hadn't noticed that you were holding back the tears until they flowed freely down your cheeks.  Burning with cold as they dried before you could wipe them away.  Jinho was hugging you and your hair as you let yourself cry.  Afterwards, he'd taken you home and tucked you into your bed.  Your parents hadn't protested as you'd heard him explain everything afterwards.  It wasn't long after that that you got engaged.  
Only that was something you wanted to forget.  Going to grab a new box of gloves, you'd come across Jinho and another nurse in there.  She had her shirt off and was kissing the back of his neck.  You'd awkwardly begun to apologize, when he'd turned and seen you.  You didn't return with the box of gloves and had run all the way to pediatrics to hide from him.  No one asked any questions of you, no one spoke of it to you.  It was as if nothing had ever happened and you were grateful to them.  
While you were having those thoughts, you arrived.  The ding pushng you back to reality.  You led the way to your door, not that there were any others on this floor, but you could key in the code instead of knocking.  
As you changed your shoes, you heard someone coming towards you.  The shuffling of feet ignored as you found a pair of slippers for Min.  Standing back up, your hand reached for a bag, but collided with another.  
Surprised, you looked up expecting to see your brother.  However, it was Jinho standing there in front of you.  He was in your house, wearing his own pair of slippers smiling down at you.  
"I'll carry that for you," he said scooping up more bags.  You stared in shock as he walked them into the kitchen.  You heard your mother talking to him as she began to unpack everything.  
"Taesun," you heard him say your name.  Stepping into the living room after Min, you showed him a smile to tell him everything was normal.  You could manage whatever was going on right now.  Somehow it would work out, and you had your distraction after all.
Jinho had been irritated to see you walk away with Sungmin.  He scowled seeing that happen, but knew he couldn't do anything about it, but then he noticed you'd dropped your badge.  It allowed you through security and he knew you would need it.  He began to whistle as he headed to his car, he felt his plan forming as he walked.  He knew exactly what to do to get you back.  
Your mother had opened the door for him.  Expecting to see you, but instead happily seeing Jinho.  He asked about her upcoming fundraisers and thanked her for having them stay while at Jeju Island.  
"Omeoni, I came because I need your help," Jinho explained.  Your mother stared at him, preventing her joy from showing.  
"Oh is that so?" she prodded wanting to know exactly what he wanted help doing.  
"Yes, Taesun and I never formally broke our engagement. I don't think she told you what happened, but I'm glad we didn't because I still want to marry her," he said.  She took a deep breath as she heard him talk.  He explained what had really happened.
"I found out that the other nurses had meant it as a joke. You see, Yuri's boyfriend is also a doctor, and we look a little similar from behind.  They knew something would happen, but I don't they expected her to start taking off her clothes.  She surprised me as well, when I felt her kissing me I turned around, and saw Taesun.  She--well, she just ran away.  I didn't know what to do, so I let her be.  Before I knew it, a few weeks had gone by and she hadn't even spoken to me.  Not even once.  And then, I grew angry because she thought I would cheat.  I don't know what to do, but I don't want to lose her," he finished.  Your mother sighed.  She hadn't entirely expected that because she assumed that your falling out had been over some medical issue rather than a personal one.  
"Does she know that you still care about her? I think you should talk to her.  You have to explain what happened and your feelings.  I can't help you too much.  You know Taesun can be stubborn, if you can get her to accept the truth, then maybe you can work things out.  I'm glad that you told me," she said.  He nodded seeming lost.  He dreaded doing exactly as she said even though he knew that he would have to at some point.  The thought of you off somewhere with Sungmin made his blood boil.  He hadn't wanted to push you, but now he didn't want to sit around waiting any longer.
So, when your mother asked him to stay for breakfast he readily accepted her offer.  Helping her with some chores she had, because he liked fixing things and it meant he didn't have to think too much while he waited for you to come home.  
(AN: Update!  Well, I bet you weren't entirely expecting that.  Then again, maybe you were?  I decided to make Jinho less of a jerk, because then it'll make the love triangle more interesting.  Hope you like it!   Oh and I started another fic for Siwon...you can read it here: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/523592/will-the-stars-shine-arrangedmarriage-siwon-superjunior-you)
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I should be updating later. It depends on if I can write this chapter well.


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You know, I realise I never commented on this.
I did love it. Sungmin was perfect and I totally have feels for him now based on this fic and that damn pic you sent of him hugging that fan. Le sigh. Man is adorable.
Anyway, I enjoyed how it is linked to Em and how Sungmin is kind of the knight in shining armour type of thing. Even if he is mistaken.
I couldn't stand her ex though. Didn't care it was an accident he was still a jerk.
Totally Sungmin bias in this LOL.
I like how Kyu is so scary though. Seriously he is like some over protective father lmao.
Shame it was cut short but I really enjoyed it as always. Perfect blend of fluffy romance that I love from you.
SUJU4ever13 #2
Chapter 27: Is this the end?!
Chapter 27: aww. i was waiting for the proposal to come. :( but if u think its not working or u dont have the time to write it then i support u in whatever decisions u make. tho the story was going really well.
kiahae #4
Chapter 27: Wae?
i was waiting for it to continue -pouts- :(
pretty please update soon author-nim ^.^
sincerly_me #6
Chapter 26: KYAAAAA!!!!!!! I also want a couple ring from Min or Donghae, kekekekekekekeke.
Thanks for the sweet chapter!!!!! I love it!!!! Fighting with the next, author-nim!!! ^_^
gaofushuai #8
Chapter 26: Yeeeyyyy~~~ \(´▽`)/
It's been a long time author-nim *hugs*
This chap is so sweet (˘⌣˘ʃƪ) ♥
Taesun's mum is quite funny ^^
Please update often ^^ ♥
Chapter 26: Ask kc ibceincsl somsconevonecon -dies-
Yes. That was my reaction upon reading this. Gawd why is this story so perfect? -kureis-