Back to Work

I Didn't Like His Face
The seatbelt slid off your lap.  You handed the earbud back to Min.  He gave you a soft smile as he knew that he had to meet his manager.  As you watched the passengers up front gathered their belongings.  It was a private plane but still about ten people were on board.  
Reluctantly you let go of his hand, you'd wanted to pretend like you had forgotten that you were still holding on.  Then, you realized that wasn't nearly in the realm of logic.  So, you let go and felt your heart sink slightly.  Your father hurried your mother off the plane because he knew that he couldn't interfere with your relationship.  At least not yet, maybe when he had all the facts then he cold act.  In your best intersests of course, he cleared his throat as he went through the open door.
You finally stood up from your seat.  Allowing Min to hand you your bag, and then making your way towards the open hatch.  Sighing you paused, and glanced back over your shoulder.  Min was adjusting his own bag over his shoulder.  You frowned knowing that you didn't want to say goodbye, but that you wanted to say something.  
He walked towards you, wondering why you'd stopped.  
"Did you drop something?" he asked helpfully.
"No," you answered taking a deep breath.  You had in some courage as you leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek.  
"Oppa, don't forget about me," you said.  You smiled at him and then turning around you got off the plane.  
Min was stunned.  He couldn't imagine forgetting about you, but he hadn't expected that response.  Probably because he kept most women at a comfortable distance.  He didn't let them get close to him because he knew most of them wouldn't be able to handle his lifestyle.  Now, he was rethinking his thoughts about you, he had forgotten to care about what might happen to you if you dated.  He worried about hurting you, but he couldn't force himself to forget you after that kiss on the cheek.  
Your parents were pretending not to wait for you on the runway.  The car was waiting for you, and you looked back over your shoulder one last time before getting inside. Min wasn't in sight as you pulled the door closed.  The wheels began moving as you stared at the plane but he didn't emerge.  Finally, you couldn't bend your neck any further, so you leaned back against the head rest.  The sighs escaping from your mouth like a strong wind.  Your mother hid her smile, while your father frowned.  He really wanted to know about this fellow before acting, but he didn't like the way you were reacting to him.  He didn't allow himself to think of your feelings but how this would affect your life, your career, and your future.
Min forced himself to get off the plane.  He couldn't stay here forever.  His thoughts churning as he debated with himself over which course was best.  Should he attempt to protect and shield you from the world by not going out with you, or should he formally ask you to be his girlfriend and let himself be happy.  He raked his hands through his hair as he tried to reach a decision. 
"Yah, are you trying to pull out all of your hair?" the words hit him like a brick.  Min shook his hair back into place.  Plastering his hands to his sides, so that he wouldn't attract anymore attention.
"Oh, Kyu what are you doing here?" Min asked him.  Kyu shook his head.  
"That's all I get? Really? After I came all this way, and you don't even give me a proper greeting?!?" Kyu huffed.  Pretending to be gravely offended he scowled darkly at Min.  
"Sorry, sorry, I was thinking about something. I thought I was having a rest, but it turned out differently," Min attempted to tell a partial truth.
"What were you thinking just disappearing like that? You realize that you had to pay a penalty, right?" Kyu asked him.  Wondering what was up with Sungmin because he was obviously not concerned about work.  Normally, he'd have asked right away about how the performance was, or if the members had been well while he was gone.
"Yes, I don't care about the money, you know that.  I've got something on my mind. So, how was everything?" Min finally asked.  Kyu frowned kicking the ground as they walked.  Not offering to take Sungmin's bag because he was now annoyed with his hyung.  There was something seriously bothering him and yet, he wasn't talking.  He should share or else how would Kyu keep him from self-destructing?  The managers were hopeless as far as Kyu was concerned.  Either they could solve it on amongst themselves or not at all.  
"Fine, be that way. Everything was fine except for you not being there of course.  The rest was normal," Kyu said.  Min nodded feeling a little better hearing that.  
"So, are you hungry? We have a little time. I'll treat you to lunch," Min said making his peace offering to Kyu.  Kyu was more than happy to accept this bribe although he filed the suspicious behavior of Min away for later.  He wouldn't let this one go for longer than it took to fill his stomach with meat.  
"Ok, let's go!" Kyu said a grin forming on his face.  He tugged on Min's arm to make him walk faster to the car.  Kyu drove because he knew where he wanted to eat lunch.  He already knew where they were eating, in fact he'd planned for it that morning which was his reason for volunteering to pick up Min from the airport.  
Min smiled as he they talked normally and Kyu told him that he'd better remember to call everyone.  He had talked to some of the members through text, but he knew that he had to do more than that.  If Kyu had already reacted that strongly, then the rest would be worried as well.  He knew he had some explaining to do but he wasn't ready just yet.  First, he had to figure out his feelings.  
As Kyu forced the last piece of meat into his mouth, he groaned. Min winced in discomfort watching him.
"I told you not to eat order all of that," Min reprimanded him.  Kyu stuck out his tongue partly to be contrary but also because it made him feel a little better.  If his tongue wasn't in his mouth, then technically there was more room in his body for all of that meat.  
"It was worth it," Kyu managed to say.  Min just rolled his eyes and watched as Kyu nearly had to roll himself off of his chair.  
"Even the fans think you are gross," Min said gesturing towards a cluster of them staring in shock and horror.  Obviously stunned, that one person could eat so much food in during one meal.  
"Whatever, they still love me," Kyu said while wondering why he had decided to wear such tight pants today.  Min scoffed as he watched Kyu exit the restaurant in front of him.
"Right, that's why none of them came over to talk to us, out of love and respect..." Min stated.  Kyu glared and the fans visibly shrunk seeing his expression.  Min laughed seeing this while feeling a little bad for them.  Their beloved idol had deflated from all the ribs he'd piled on his stomach.  
"Lies," Kyu said.  Unable to think of anything now that he was focusing on his full stomach.  Min easily took the keys from Kyu's hand.  He knew that he couldn't let Kyu drive when stuffed this full.  They had a schedule today as well.  This afternoon they had practice, mostly to make up for Min's absence over the weekend.  
The door slammed and Kyu jumped.  Waking up, he realized that they were parked in the garage.  He followed Min bleary eyed into the elevator as they made their way to practice.  Min managed to hold the door open long enough to allow Siwon and Henry into the elevator.
"Hyung!" Henry said happily.  He waited his turn as Siwon hugged Min.  
"I wasn't gone that long," Min protested.  Siwon relased him and stood back. 
"Yes, but we worried because you didn't tell us that you left," Siwon said.  Min clamped his jaw tighter to hide his discomfort.  It didn't have the effect that he hoped for as Henry noticed.
"Hyung are you ill?" Henry asked genuinely concerned.
"No, I'm fine. I guess I am a little tired, you know how it is not sleeping in your own bed," Min said.  Thinking about seeing you in through the glass doors in your room lying in that bed.  He suppressed his smile as he thought about you kissing his cheek.  
Siwon inspected him as he spoke.  He knew that Min was off as well.  They knew each other too well to not pick up on the little changes in behavior.  Especially when they were trying to hide something becuase they didn't want it getting out to the media or worse the management.  
"You should be worried about Kyu. He might have managed to fit an entire cow in his stomach," Min said.  He didn't need to elaborate because Kyu looked to be nearly sick from overeating. 
"Really? We're learning a new routine today, you're going to want to grab a bucket for later," Siwon said thumping Kyu on the back with a good amount of force.  Kyu looked as if he might hurl right then, but he managed to hold it in.  The three of them were laughing as Kyu tried to be the master of his own stomach.  
Siwon was right about the bucket of course.  Kyu didn't mind too much because he felt much better after losing all that extra mass in his stomach.  The rest of the members didn't pick up on Min's distress.  They didn't have the time to talk as they were learning and focusing on their own movements.  
Meanwhile, you were home preparing for a night shift at the hospital.  You had managed to sneak in a nap and a shower before leaving.  You allowed your brother to drive you to work.  Even if you knew, he only wanted the excuse to have the car because he probably had a date.
Slipping into your scrubs, you felt more at ease.  You could focus on work rather than what your heart kept whispering to you.  That really you should be more bold and ask Min out on a date.  Instead, you did your rounds and took vitals of the patients.  Helping as you always did to keep the doctors and patients from overwhelming each other with information.  You were glad to be back to work.
(AN: Finally an update.  Sorry it took so long, partly because of work and then because I took a long time writing the last chapter for my other fic.  So, here it is.  There are some good SuJu moments though! Hope you like it!)
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I should be updating later. It depends on if I can write this chapter well.


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You know, I realise I never commented on this.
I did love it. Sungmin was perfect and I totally have feels for him now based on this fic and that damn pic you sent of him hugging that fan. Le sigh. Man is adorable.
Anyway, I enjoyed how it is linked to Em and how Sungmin is kind of the knight in shining armour type of thing. Even if he is mistaken.
I couldn't stand her ex though. Didn't care it was an accident he was still a jerk.
Totally Sungmin bias in this LOL.
I like how Kyu is so scary though. Seriously he is like some over protective father lmao.
Shame it was cut short but I really enjoyed it as always. Perfect blend of fluffy romance that I love from you.
SUJU4ever13 #2
Chapter 27: Is this the end?!
Chapter 27: aww. i was waiting for the proposal to come. :( but if u think its not working or u dont have the time to write it then i support u in whatever decisions u make. tho the story was going really well.
kiahae #4
Chapter 27: Wae?
i was waiting for it to continue -pouts- :(
pretty please update soon author-nim ^.^
sincerly_me #6
Chapter 26: KYAAAAA!!!!!!! I also want a couple ring from Min or Donghae, kekekekekekekeke.
Thanks for the sweet chapter!!!!! I love it!!!! Fighting with the next, author-nim!!! ^_^
gaofushuai #8
Chapter 26: Yeeeyyyy~~~ \(´▽`)/
It's been a long time author-nim *hugs*
This chap is so sweet (˘⌣˘ʃƪ) ♥
Taesun's mum is quite funny ^^
Please update often ^^ ♥
Chapter 26: Ask kc ibceincsl somsconevonecon -dies-
Yes. That was my reaction upon reading this. Gawd why is this story so perfect? -kureis-