Pinx Part 4: Making Waves

I Didn't Like His Face

 As you were standing against the railing staring off into the distance, you tried to tell yourself to relax.  It didn't work.  Min was standing right next to you, quite close.  Especially after Jinho walked over and Min scooted closer to you rather than let him be in the middle.  Which you silently thanked him for, because you still felt sick around Jinho.  It was a confusing mixture of panic and disgust and lingering attraction.  Your mind fighting with itself over whether there was something left there.  The war sets up camp and you slink away to avoid thinking about Jinho.  The whirlwind of emotions causing a hurt and a headache as you can't sort through it all.  

Min seemed to sense this strong reaction from you.  You exhaled afterwards, knowing Jinho was nearby but not able to break through your barrier.  You were grateful that your parents were nearby as well.  If anything happened, then you could rely upon them to sort things out for you.  You wouldn't want to upset the Parks, but Jinho would be put in his place.  You wouldn't have to deal with any of it, because if that happened you would tell your father what had happened.  About how you'd seen him with that other nurse, one that you both were friends with.  The one that had her leg hitched around his waist and---you shook your head to remove the picture.  Look, out there! The sun setting over the ocean.  Beautiful!  
Sighing again, you let your head tilt to the side.  Bumping into Min's arm but not caring enough to move.  He didn't protest and so you were leaning against his arm, feeling more secure.  Knowing he was next to you was reassuring, you could let go of all the turmoil.  None of it mattered, if you could let yourself fully like this man, then you could forget what happened.
"Ok, it's time for bed," your father said.  He had seen you half asleep on Min's arm.  He approached you, and rubbed your shoulder to let you know, that you should move.  
"Yes," you said. The practiced response automatic even when you were tired. Min smiled to see you look so docile as your father, led you downstairs to your room.  He walked behind you the whole way, stopping to go down the stairs first.  Even that was up to the standards, as your father kept a close watch on you.  Even sitting on your bed waiting as you rushed around picking out pajamas and your toothbrush.  Min caught a glimpse of him smiling as you searched through your bag.  Your father waiting to tuck you into bed.  The two of you were obviously close.  As you allowed, him to pull the blankets up to your chin, and kiss you one the forehead.  Before he turned out the light, Min saw you stick out your tongue and pull the covers down abruptly.  Your father heard the familiar rustle and smiled as he switched off the light.  Some things never change he thought even when you were all grown up.
 Min didn't want to stay any longer.  As he would be left alone with Jinho.  There was a mental twinge he felt around Jinho.  As if something was lacking, there was some sincerity missing.  There was nothing obvious besides that he had hurt you in some way, but on the surface Jinho seemed normal. Underneath Min felt there was a bed of mud filled with sharp rocks and slithering creatures.  Waiting for the chance to pierce through human flesh, until there was nothing left in the water.  Only a pool of blood slowly drifting down the river and out to sea.  Min blinked.  He really should go to bed, because his mind was providing him with a sense that he needed to punch Jinho.  He couldn't do get away with it just yet, not in front of his parents and for no apparent reason.  Even if the man made him think of sneaky dealings, he had to push it aside.  No one would benefit from a violent outburst even if Min could tell that Jinho deserved it.
As he went down the stairs, he passed the glass doors of your bedroom.  You weren't asleep as you had pulled out your phone to play games.  You were used to being up late and it was a ritual that you would play tetris until you felt sleepy.  Amongst your changing schedule it was a routine that had helped you switch from day to night shifts.  
As you were sliding the shapes, vaguely you were away of his presence.  You could see into the living room because that one wall of your room was glass.  You were still swiping at the squares forcing them into neat rows.  Until you saw a change in color, all of a sudden you were staring at him as he changed.  In full view of you, he stood there in his boxers.  Unable to do anything, the squares took over, alerting you to your loss.  As you stared at him, back to you, as he rooted through his bag to find pajamas.  Your mind blank as you took in the view.  You avoided thinking anything about what you were seeing, so that you would feel less like you were a ert.  No ratings to stop yourself from feeling guilt or weird, so you didn't have to look away.  It's not like you didn't see TaeHyun baring the same amount of skin.  But, you're not attracted to him, your thoughts filled in helpfully.  
Finally, he found what he was looking for as he dragged a white object from the bag.  You saw him shake it out.  It was a plain white tank top.  Seeming satisfied with the shaking process, he stood up.  Turning back to inspect the couch set up, he saw you.  Still holding his shirt in his hand, he saw you staring at him.  Fairly obvious, since you'd unknowingly shifted up in bed.  
He waved at you.  Adding a warm smile and you felt your face flushing.  Yet, you were returning his smile.  Reacting automatically to his confident stance, as he stood near the glass door of the living room.  
Knowing that doing anything else would leave you unable to turn back.  You waved back, and then flopped down onto your bed.  You pulled the blankets up as high as they would go and hid beneath them.  Trying to hide, the fact that you were about eight feet away from him.  All your doubts, gone as you admitted to yourself that you completely liked him.  There was no faking that type of physical reaction and that was from looking at him.  You couldn't even begin to imagine what it would feel like to kiss him.  With that in mind, it took a little longer for you to fall asleep as you ran through scenarios of kissing Min.
When you woke up, it was early.  Around dawn, even though you'd been up later than usual.  The typical response had occurred as you were not in your own room.  You slept less deeply and woke up much earlier than normal.  This time you were glad, as you threw on some clothes so you could go to the market.
You were walking through the wet market.  Picking your way around the day's catch, with live fish scattered in buckets of water.  You always avoided those as you had guilt over seeing your food moving before you ate it.  Haggling, you managed to get the usual breakfas ingredients for cheaper than usual.  Either you were getting better at talking, or they had taken a liken to you.  You weren't sure which it was, but you found your arms filled with bags.  Even with a few extras some of the vendors had thrown in, even when you'd told them you had no use for them.  They'd ignored you and so you had a ridiculous amount of dried seaweed and some mussles in a bag.  
As you drove back to the villa, you couldn't help going slower.  The turns causing you anxiety in case you spilled anything.  This wasn't your car, but you'd been unable to find a cab.  You'd borrowed a neighbors' car.  They'd always said you could, but you never had before.  Even your parents were not as outrageous as to insist upon a car which would sit in a garage most of the year unused.  
Unpacking the bags, you lined up all the ingredients. Separating them into categories of protein, grains, produce, and other.  The counter filled with an abundance of food.  The fridge provided some side dishes left over from last night.  Plus some really sour kimchi from your last visit, which you considered too strong.  So, you rinsed it slightly as you began to prepare breakfast.  
Your father had already surfaced.  The coffee in his cup as you returned.  He wouldn't eat anything until you finished cooking, but the pot might be empty before anyone else could get their hands on it.  
Slicing the vegetables, you'd thrown in the main ingredients into the pot.  Starting to make a simple but spicy seafood soup, thrown in the kimchi to thicken and heat up the broth.  You were stirring as your father crinkled the paper. The pages turning softly as he searched for relevant news.  Something, he hadn't already seen on the news last night before going to sleep.  He'd been able to argue in favor of the newspapers as you rolled your eyes at him.  Knowing that even if you liked them, that they wouldn't be around forever since paper was no longer practical over the electronic.
One aspect of life wouldn't change as hand crafted meals, always tasted better than those prepared by a machine.  There was a finesse that no amount of metal and wire could perfect as you sorted through the zucchini cutting away stems and splotches.  Picking out the limp parts of the green onion before slicing the bunch of them.  You were halfway through your chopping.  You knew exactly what you were using in what dish.  Only there were a few leftover items.  There was the dried seaweed that you didn't know what to do with, since it didn't go exactly with your seafood soup.  There were the mussels which you couldn't add into the main dish because your father was allergic.  You shouldn't have even brought them home, but the woman had insisted practically following you around until you accepted them.  You weren't sure why she'd taken such a shine to you, but you'd given into her wishes.  She was only trying to be nice and thought your refusal was out of politeness rather than the truth.
As you were adding most of your ingredients to the pot, you noticed the trickle of people.  They were all waking up and slowly gathering in the living room.  Of course, Min had been half awake when you left.  Luckily, he'd just rolled back over.  You didn't want to subject him to a bunch of women early in the morning. Considering who he was, you doubted he could get away with going to a market.  Especially one with middle aged women out to do their shopping.  He'd get into a mob foisting photos of elligble daughters or other unpleasant greetings of a physical nature.  No, that was not the way you wanted to start his day. 
He had since then found a space to change into clothes.  He'd heard you leaving, but known to stay behind.  Seeing you awake, he knew that he needed to put clothes on because who knew who would wake up next.  No need to make a bad impression on anyone else.  He hoped no one else had seen him last night.  He didn't need pictures of him sleeping posted on the internet.  
As your father had come down the stairs and crossed the courtyard, Min had finally forced himself to stay awake.  He wasn't entirely sleepy, but he always tried to sleep as long as possible.  He never knew when he'd have the chance next or how long he'd have.  So, he'd sat up on the couch, gave a morning greeting and flipped on the tv.  Searching for something neutral, he landed upon the news.  
Sadly, this was a bad choice because as everyone else arrived in the living room.  With the exception of your father, Super Junior appeared.  They were commenting on his absence from yesterday's event.  He was the only one that wasn't there.  Awkward silence filled the room as he watched.  He couldn't turn it off because he needed to know what they were saying.  He had to know where he stood in order to deal with it.  Of course, his manager would also know, but he wanted to form his own opinions.  He didn't see anything wrong with it because it had been due to weather.  However, the problem was that they were asking why he'd been on Jeju Island.  It was an unusual place to go for the day.  At least weird for an idol when he had no obligations to be there.  
Well, at least not public obligations.  They were suspecting him of dating a woman, rightly too.  Or did it not count even if he'd already met your parents but you hadn't talked about it?  He wasn't sure exactly, but he knew where he wanted the relationship to go.  He wanted it to become a relationship.  Something he'd avoided for a long while because he couldn't have casual relationships as an idol.  He could have fun, but things would always backfire.  Fun meant that details would be shared with no guilt because there wasn't a strong emotional connection to prevent it.  
No one said anything as they watched together.  The topic eventually changed, and then they had an entirely normal conversation about the rest of the program. Min, meanwhile, was texting his manager.  No need to call since, he would be having an in depth 'discussion' which was really a lecture about randomly disappearing.  That he should not ask for days off and then meet women.  Especially without telling his manager who was only trying to protect him.  
Jinho got up to find coffee.  He knew that he would have to make more.  There was a weird ritual in that your father would have the first coffee all to himself.  He didn't share with anyone.  Everyone else had to wait until he was done.  Then and only then, could they have their coffee.  There was the one exception to this custom, which was that you could have some.  You were capable of getting almost anything from your father.  A little coffee was nothing to you.  
Jinho had grown used to the weird customs in your family.  It was apparent that you and your father were closer than you and your mother.  For some reason, the two of you didn't mix well.  Your mother wanted you to be the wife of someone and that was her main goal for you.  Or at least that was what you thought, which was partially the case but not entirely.  Which meant that the atmosphere had grown really uncomfortable for Jinho to risk forcing you to look at him and him interrupting your time with your father.  If you were in the kitchen cooking, then your father was there at the table.  The rest of the people didn't matter for a while.  
Seeing the selection of foods, Jinho couldn't help smiling.  Even as your father batted him away with the newspaper rolled up.  His attempts at coffee were thwarted, but he'd seen the seaweed.  So, he couldn't help feeling satisfied and happy.  Perhaps there was a chance for the two of you to work out after all. 
Mrs. Park walked in shortly after Jinho left with a glass of juice.  She'd come to get a glass of water.  She too saw the ingredients spread across the kitchen counter.  
"So, you remembered the seaweed. I almost left you a note with how you and Jinho are these days, but then I thought it was you, so you would remember after all," Mrs. Park said.  You were frowning.  Staring at her, wondering what it was you were supposed to have remembered.
"I'm sorry?" you said.  Hoping that it would prompt her to explain her rambling.
"Jinho's birthday. It's just I knew that you would get the ingredients for the seaweed soup after all.  Even if you were making another one, I knew you'd remember," Mrs. Park said.  She was beaming at you as your brain sunk into a deep dark place.
Disgust flashed through first at the mention of his name.  Discomfort raced through second as you realized that he'd noticed and had no idea what that would mean.  Dread slunk in last as you realized that you had to make him the soup.  Even if you didn't want to, Mrs. Park would insist.  Besides the kitchen was your space, and there wasn't exactly room for two to work over the stove at the same time.
"Yes, I wanted to ask you how many servings should I make?" you asked finally.  Knowing that you'd have to make it, so you might as well pretend it was on purpose.  
"Oh, I think the one is enough. You know nothing can rival your seafood soup. I wouldn't want to miss out on that," Mrs. Park side.  She left the room feeling satisfied that she could still gain you as her daughter-in-law.  That would be perfect to show up all those gossipy friends after you'd broken off the engagement.  They'd have to think twice about her and her family because you were the prize.  Jinho was only a doctor, while you came from a family that had connections and status and the hospital, of course.  
That was the only reason you were allowed to work there because your family owned it.  Your last name wasn't Cha but it had come from your mother's parents.  She'd married a doctor and he had been able to run it.  She was the oldest and even her brothers as doctors had been unable to land part of it for themselves.  They still worked there of course, but there were not any better than the other doctors.  You on the other hand were practically a princess even if you hated to admit it.  You were treated differently.  Getting rides all the time from your colleagues because they wanted to be on good terms with you.  Some of them were actually your friends and the others it was harder to discern.  
In the end, they knew that one day they'd all be working for you.  So, they treated you well.  Allowing you to do what you wanted, especially after what had happened with Jinho.  They hadn't taken his side at all.  They'd supported you in your decision to switch shifts and been horrified to see that Jinho had done the same.  You'd wanted to switch him back, but your father demanded a legitimate reason as to why you were messing up his schedules.  You couldn't bear to tell him the details.  So, he thought that you had called it off for more platonic reasons rather than the scandalous truth.
Min felt the stares.  He eased off the sofa to make his way to the kitchen.  He needed coffee to help him through this morning.  
"Oh, did you want something?" you asked him.  You saw him searching for something.
"What is it?" you asked him. Knowing if he told you, then you could find it faster.
"Coffee," Min said.  You nodded grabbing him a mug.  You slid the pot from the machine ignoring the sloshing inside.  Inspecting the amount, you deemed it enough and poured it into the mug.  Handing it back to him, as he waited silently.  
Your father stared at you.  Noticing the change on your face when Min had walked into view.   A few seconds ago, he knew you'd been upset over it being Jinho's birthday which, apparently, you had forgotten.  Your father accepted this fact easily.  It only meant that he could move on from grooming him to take over the hospital.  Yet, you had willingly given Min his coffee.  A sign that you were serious about him.  You hadn't even gone through the usual script of asking his permission or allowed him to tease and refuse.  Or get angry that his coffee was now gone, because you cared for this man.  This was something he had to contemplate.  He set aside his paper and dug his phone out of his pocket.  
"There is sugar on the table and cream in the fridge," you told Min.  He nodded his understanding looking around as you smiled before placing a spoon in his hand.  Then, you went back to preparing Jinho's soup.  
"I need to make a call," your father announced stepping outside.  You watched him go as you washed the mussels.  You'd put that in the soup.  Might as well, Jinho would eat them.  He probably liked mussles and would think you did it to accomodate his tastes.
"Is it someone's birthday?" Min asked while watching you start the other smaller pot of soup on the stove.
"Yes, Jinho's," you said trying to keep your tone neutral.
"Oh," Min said still watching you.  
"I didn't know.  Or at least, I forgot. The lady forced me take this seaweed with me, I didn't want it," you said.  Dropping the mussles into the sink, and throwing down the ones you had.  They were certainly closed shut now.  Your eyes threatened tears as you felt your frustration building.  Pressing your palms to your eyes, you stood there trying to control yourself.
Min understood that you were upset.  He wasn't entirely sure about all of the reasons, but there was more than one thing playing in your thoughts.  He did what he could and turned you around to face him.  Then he wrapped his arms around you until you stopped crying.  He hoped that you weren't regretting your break up with Jinho, but he knew that those questions about your past would have to wait until another time.  No sense in making any more waves, because there were enough already here.  
"Yes, I want you to find out more about Lee Sungmin. I need to know about him and his family.  What is his past? Who are his parents and what do they do? They have a membership at the club, but I'm still not familiar with them," your father said.  
"Yes, sir. When do you want to know?" his secretary asked. 
"When I come in to work tomorrow is fine," he told Mr. Kang.  Too much of a rush, and the information he was gathering might draw attention.  He wanted to do his own private evalutaion of Min to see whether he was entirely suitable to marry you.  
(AN: Finally an update!  I've been busy with little free time to write.  Hope you enjoyed this chapter.  I should be able to update over the weekend, but next week is packed.  Just wanted to let you know, I haven't had enough time to get it all down! After this next week, I will have time again!)
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I should be updating later. It depends on if I can write this chapter well.


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You know, I realise I never commented on this.
I did love it. Sungmin was perfect and I totally have feels for him now based on this fic and that damn pic you sent of him hugging that fan. Le sigh. Man is adorable.
Anyway, I enjoyed how it is linked to Em and how Sungmin is kind of the knight in shining armour type of thing. Even if he is mistaken.
I couldn't stand her ex though. Didn't care it was an accident he was still a jerk.
Totally Sungmin bias in this LOL.
I like how Kyu is so scary though. Seriously he is like some over protective father lmao.
Shame it was cut short but I really enjoyed it as always. Perfect blend of fluffy romance that I love from you.
SUJU4ever13 #2
Chapter 27: Is this the end?!
Chapter 27: aww. i was waiting for the proposal to come. :( but if u think its not working or u dont have the time to write it then i support u in whatever decisions u make. tho the story was going really well.
kiahae #4
Chapter 27: Wae?
i was waiting for it to continue -pouts- :(
pretty please update soon author-nim ^.^
sincerly_me #6
Chapter 26: KYAAAAA!!!!!!! I also want a couple ring from Min or Donghae, kekekekekekekeke.
Thanks for the sweet chapter!!!!! I love it!!!! Fighting with the next, author-nim!!! ^_^
gaofushuai #8
Chapter 26: Yeeeyyyy~~~ \(´▽`)/
It's been a long time author-nim *hugs*
This chap is so sweet (˘⌣˘ʃƪ) ♥
Taesun's mum is quite funny ^^
Please update often ^^ ♥
Chapter 26: Ask kc ibceincsl somsconevonecon -dies-
Yes. That was my reaction upon reading this. Gawd why is this story so perfect? -kureis-