Pinx Part 5: Holding On

I Didn't Like His Face
You felt yourself calm down after a few moments.  You felt safe as Min was holding you in his arms.  Your father finished his phone call and walked back into the kitchen.
He cleared his throat loudly.  Min released his hold on you.  Heaving a sigh, you separated from him.  Shooting your father a glare, who in return raised an eyebrow at you.  You stuck your tongue out at him before pivoting to find your spoon.  
"Just a second," Min said ignoring whatever piercing glare your father directed at his back, as he fixed your hair for you.  
"Thank you," you said sweetly.  Feeling your heart pound, as he left his fingers linger on your cheek after tucking your hair.  
"You're welcome," he said softly.  He smiled at you, before removing any trace of joy from his face.  He turned swiftly picked up his coffee mug and left the kitchen.  He couldn't stay in the kitchen with your father being there.  He released the breath he was holding inside his burning lungs as he sat down upon the couch.  
The television had tactfully switched from news to a drama. Min settled his thoughts on how the day would unfold.  He had to leave this house and you behind and pretend like none of this had ever happened.  It wasn't as if much had happened, but he couldn't mention you to anyone without risking attention. He needed his friends to back him up for now, he would tell them when he knew for certain that you wanted to date him.  Before then, he wouldn't risk  your safety by telling a single soul about your existance.  
Perhaps, they already knew about you, but he didn't need to bolster their suspicions. He had been careless about seeing you even if it was normal for someone his age to date.  However, he had been too happy with his attraction for you to remember his own status.  You'd reminded him that he was still human.  His wants mattered as much as his fans, perhaps even more when it came down to it.  It was still his life and had the right to fall in love.  Not that he could allow his brain to acknowledge that might be happening, he couldn't admit it yet.  He wanted to be certain of your feelings before allowing himself to lose himself.  He coulnd't lose his head to his heart because it would only end badly if it was a one-sided crush.  
For now, he contented himself with stealing glances at you in the kitchen.  You were bent over the counter rushing to and from the stove.  He had trouble hiding his smile so he hid it taking sips of coffee.  He didn't want to draw attention to his feelings for you anymore than he already had.  He still had no idea, how Jinho fit into your life.  Min couldn't think that he was in the past because he was here in this house too.  That meant something if your parents were all friends.  Min had to be cautious until he knew the details.  
In the kitchen, your father approached the coffee pot, frowning as he lifted it up.  With the oversized mug you'd given to Min, he'd lost two whole cups of caffeine.  He grumbled as he poured the rest into his own mug.  Drawing attention from you with his over stated motions and noise of slamming cabinets.  You rolled your eyes as he grunted loudly as if opening the lid of the coffee pot was difficult.
"Aish, really? Do you want me to do it for you?" you said finally reaching your limit.  Your father pouted at you.  His eyes going wide and soft as he wanted you to treat him better than that man.  
"Truly? Then, I'll go read my paper!" he said cheerily.  Watching happily as you ground the coffee beans and measured everything out.  Flipping the machine to brew, you rested your elbows on the counter.  Your eyes taking in the sight of your mother chatting on the couch to the Parks.  Then, there was your father completely resolute in reading the news.  
"What are you going to do when I get married?" you asked out loud.  You hadn't intended to say it so that he could hear you.  His head jerked upright.  At attention he stared at you, the surprise and shock that you had brought up marriage stunned him.  You'd never acknowledged that you would leave your parents.  He had always assumed that you would not want to get married until much later in life.  He frowned at you, wondering if was really a sign that you were ready to be married.  That fellow had been consoling you in the kitchen.  In a way, that he had never seen you allow with Jinho.  He had a feeling that this time it was different.  You were more serious and forthcoming with your emotions.  He'd seen you openly kiss that man on the cheek.  He hadn't said anything, but he'd seen you.  It frightened him in a way that he never had been before.  What if this man was entirely good enough to take you away from your father?  What if you would be happier with him than your family?  
"Who said you are leaving me behind? I think my son-in-law can move into our house," your father said seriously.  You stared at him.  Mouth hanging open as you weighed his words.  He wanted you to live with him forever?!
"Yah, dad, you've got to be joking! Why would we want to live with you!?!" you .  He frowned before jumping up from the kitchen table.  He chased you around the counter and table.  Finally, pulling you in for a hug.  He smiled into your hair, knowing that for now at least you were still his little girl.  
"I love you Dad," you whispered.  
"I love you too," he replied before whislting.  You pulled away from him glaring at him.
"What?" you asked.
"Do I smell something burning?" he asked sniffing the air.  Your eyes widened as you panicked.  Racing to the stove, you saw that the soup was furiously churning as bubbles rose to the surface. 
"YAH! This is all your fault!" you yelled at him as you turned down the burner.  The flames did little to stop the boiling.  So, you picked up the pot from the stove for a few seconds.  Allowing the soup a chance to cool down as you held it above the flames.  Tasting it with a spoon, you knew it was nearly done.
As you set the spoon down, you realized that Jinho's seaweed soup had some troubles of its own. You attempted to add more liquid, but the seaweed hadn't fared well.  Some of it stuck to the bottom of the pot, slightly burned.  There was not enough liquid and you attempted to fix it, but in the end it was a lost cause.  It tasted mostly normal with a strong hint of charcoal, but it wasn't the worst thing you'd ever ruined.  You shrugged, it wasn't as if you wanted to see Jinho happy.  You wanted to watch him try to complain about your cooking, you smiled knowing he was the only one who would have to eat it.  Karma was working in your favor today after all.
You removed the pots from the stove setting them on their platters.  You would serve the meal directly from the pot on the table.  Rearranging everything to make room, you forced your father to move away.  He pretended to be upset as he gathered more coffee into his mug.  Stirring endlessly, as he watched you position everything perfectly.  Then, since you had guests, you didn't yell loudly.  Instead, you walked into the living room, to politely announce that breakfast was served.  
Jinho eagerly sat down in front of the bowl of seaweed soup.  You picked up your own spoon to dip into the seafood soup.  Hiding your smirk as you watched him take his first taste.  He made a face before trying it again.  
"Isn't it good, Jinho?" you asked politely.  He looked at you his face in confusion as he inspected your state of mind.  He dumbly nodded as his mother said how considerate you were to remember his birthday.  
You smiled as you offered Min some fish in his bowl.  He wasn't entirely sure why you were so happy, but he was willing to go along with you.  The two of you talking about the island where you had both spent a good deal of time.  The two of you were comparing favorite spots and hiking trails.  
As you all sat at the table together, you felt like you were with your family.  If only the Parks weren't here, then it might be perfect.  You blushed as you could imagine the two of you as a couple.  It was so easy to be with Min as the two of you shared smiles.  You were unknowingly mirroring each other.  Your parents noticed it as they both shared a look between themselves.  Your father frowned wanting that report on Min ASAP.  Your mother brightly continued to feed Min thinking that he looked tired and in poor condition.  She wanted a healthy grandchild after all.  
Min even helped you with your bag after you finished packing.  He appeared outside your room, ready to make sure you didn't lift a finger.  He opened doors for you and insisted you go first. You had sent the Parks ahead to the airport.  You'd wanted to clean up the kitchen as you usually did.  
You never wanted to leave behind a mess when you left the house.  It only meant that when you returned tired that you would be more frustrated having to clean.  You did chores when you were in a good mood in order to keep your lows from sinking any lower.  
The four of you managed to squeeze into the car with your father sitting up front.  You were sandwiched between Min and your mother.  Not exactly feeling comfortable so close to him and your mother at the same time.  Your dad's face kept appearing as he stole glances at you.  Min resolutely kept his face pressed to the glass.  Not wanting to show any interest in you even though he wanted to hold your hand.  Your fingers touching slightly as your hand slipped out of your lap.  
When you boarded the plane, the two of you were sat together.  This time you didn't bother with the middle arm rest.  The extra barrier was unneccessary as the two of buckled your seatbelts.  Min even leaning over to check yours.  
"Aish, I can do it myself!" you protested as he tugged on it.  He pretended to flinch as you smacked him on the arm.  The two of you grinning as your parents watched.  
Finally, the plane took off.  As the wheels left the runway you felt a slight jerk as the nose dipped slightly.  When you pushed aside the anxiety clouding your thoughts, you realized that you were holding his hand.  You looked down at your finers laced together.  
"Are you ok?" he asked.  He was worried since you had a firm grip on his hand.  
"Oh, yes. I'm fine," you said.  Leaning back in your seat, you didn't let go.  The warmth of his fingers easing your fears that something was wrong with the plane.  
"Here," he said popping an earbud into your ear.  The two of you sharing as he pulled up some happy music.  The two of you had your heads bent together and your hands intertwined as you flew home.  Knowing that at least for now, you didn't have to separate or hide your feelings.  
(AN: Finally! Had time to write and post!  Was at a conference so have been busy busy busy! Anyhow, I hope you enjoy this chapter even if it's a little shorter than the rest.  I figured you'd rather have an update than wait for more!)
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I should be updating later. It depends on if I can write this chapter well.


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You know, I realise I never commented on this.
I did love it. Sungmin was perfect and I totally have feels for him now based on this fic and that damn pic you sent of him hugging that fan. Le sigh. Man is adorable.
Anyway, I enjoyed how it is linked to Em and how Sungmin is kind of the knight in shining armour type of thing. Even if he is mistaken.
I couldn't stand her ex though. Didn't care it was an accident he was still a jerk.
Totally Sungmin bias in this LOL.
I like how Kyu is so scary though. Seriously he is like some over protective father lmao.
Shame it was cut short but I really enjoyed it as always. Perfect blend of fluffy romance that I love from you.
SUJU4ever13 #2
Chapter 27: Is this the end?!
Chapter 27: aww. i was waiting for the proposal to come. :( but if u think its not working or u dont have the time to write it then i support u in whatever decisions u make. tho the story was going really well.
kiahae #4
Chapter 27: Wae?
i was waiting for it to continue -pouts- :(
pretty please update soon author-nim ^.^
sincerly_me #6
Chapter 26: KYAAAAA!!!!!!! I also want a couple ring from Min or Donghae, kekekekekekekeke.
Thanks for the sweet chapter!!!!! I love it!!!! Fighting with the next, author-nim!!! ^_^
gaofushuai #8
Chapter 26: Yeeeyyyy~~~ \(´▽`)/
It's been a long time author-nim *hugs*
This chap is so sweet (˘⌣˘ʃƪ) ♥
Taesun's mum is quite funny ^^
Please update often ^^ ♥
Chapter 26: Ask kc ibceincsl somsconevonecon -dies-
Yes. That was my reaction upon reading this. Gawd why is this story so perfect? -kureis-