
I Didn't Like His Face
"Do you want me to help you?" you asked sweetly.  Your mom was staring at the mixture of ingredients.  Scratching her head, she was pondering over the large variety of protein.  There was chicken, beef, oysters, mussels, and some mackerel.  
The vegetables, she could easily prepare as side dishes with maybe a few light marinades.  The fruit obviously to be cut and peeled.  The problem was how was she going to use these together?  She decided to make a seafood stew, and stir fry the chicken and beef.  Wiping her hands on her apron, she began inspecting the mussels.
"No, why don't you go sit in the living room. You already brought me something good, so you earned it," she said.  You smiled, but shook your head.
"No, it wasn't me. True it was my idea, but I fell asleep in the car.  Sungmin got everything," you admitted.  She raised an eyebrow surprised.  She hadn't expected that, but she hadn't thought you were so clueless as to pick such a random assortment.  
"It's fine, go rest. I know you were up all night," she said.  Shooing you out of the kitchen.  Which upon entering the living room, you saw how you'd almost made a mistake.  You'd forgotten that would mean Jinho and Min would be stuck alone together.  What? SO you forgot, you were exhausted.  Even caffeine wasn't a perfect solution.  
Even if you pretended as if you hadn't, pushing Min to sit down on the couch.  Jinho stared at you, not commenting even as you picked up Min's hand.  He was beyond aware that he was in your house, where your father was still probably sleeping.  No way was he going to make any sort of move.  
So, he was pleasantly surprised, when you refused to let go.  You flipped on the tv hoping the noise would prevent conversation.  You didn't want to talk to Jinho ever.  Which transferred to your boyfriend, whom you also never wanted to talk to Jinho.  
Flipping through channels, you didn't find anything that caught your eye, so you settled for news.  You found that it was generally a neutral choice.  Besides, you expected your father to appear soon.  He would want to change the channel anyhow.  
Mostly, you were subtly edging closer.  Min soon found you had managed to use him as a head rest.  Which quickly turned into you reclining on him, with your head moving from near his left shoulder over to his right.  
As your father appeared, you felt Min tense.  You didn't care.  You knew you were fulfilling the unspoken rules.  It was daytime, and you were wearing all of your clothes. With a chaperone, even if he seemed to be displeased with the situation.  
"Good morning Dad," you chimed.  He cleared his throat not responding.  Shuffling into the kitchen, you heard him talking with your mom.  Probably about you and the two other people in your living room so early in the day.  It would make more sense for one of them to be here, but both was something he couldn't comprehend.  There was no way he was happy having two men interested in you appear in his house.  Let alone this early, he hadn't even ingested his coffee yet.  
"It's ok. Besides, even though I had all that coffee, I'm probably going to fall asleep soon.  Then he can't suspect you of anything," you said.  The words quiet because you were feeling sleepy.  You felt warm and safe, and so you were relaxed.  Even as the unslightly one, appeared in your line of sight.  You made a face, but he had already passed by.  Min had moved his hand to your hair gently, and with that you fell asleep.
Your father taking note that Jinho had entered the kitchen promptly made his way out into the living room.  He sat in his chair which was luckily in the best position for intimidation.  He could stare down this fellow while he caught up with the world.  
"Taesun, why---" he started before noticing your eyes were closed.
"She's asleep, sir," Min easily addressed him formally.  Your Dad narrowing his eyes, before sighing.
"She never lasts long," he said.  Min looked at him, wondering what he meant by that.
"Whenever she comes home after a long shift, she always wants to stay up for breakfast, but she always falls asleep," he said.  Surprised Min laughed softly.  He believed it because you kept falling asleep.  
"Don't worry. I know my daughter can take care of herself.  If she trusts you enough to fall asleep, then you must be a decent guy," your Dad said.  Acknowledging your current state as more than just coincidence.
"I don't understand," Min said.  Hearing that your dad smiled, most women would show their complete trust in another way.
"Taesun, she is always tired, but she never falls asleep unless she feels completely safe. Some days when she is working, she can't sleep during breaks.  She has to be comfortable, so the fact that she is sleeping right now, means that she trusts you completely.  So, don't break her heart," he finished.  Min nodded, before inspecting your face more closely.  He hadn't expected that things would progress so quickly.  He knew that meeting your family was a big deal, but he hadn't entirely thought you would feel the same way about him.  
While you slept, the two of them watched the news.  After a while, everyone was in the living room with you.  Your mom waiting for everything to be done, while your brother had climbed out of his cave.  The darkness in his room entirely overwhelming every time he opened the door.  He'd been allowed to paint it black, and was the only one who could walk in his room.  The shock of Jinho and Min there wasn't entirely enough to wake him up.  However, he too noticed that you were asleep.  Although, he was a bit surprised that your mom was comfortably sitting next to you.  She was massaging your feet as you slept.  
Min had not been able to freak out.  If he did, then you would wake up.  So, he didn't twitch but felt awkward when she first sat down.  
"Aigoo, my daughter is so tired. She must have had a hard night at the hospital," she said.  
"I think she did," Min said tentatively.  He couldn't think of anything else to say.  
"Yes, well, since you went to the market, I hope you are hungry.  I'm making a large breakfast.  Do you need to call someone, because it will be a least an hour," she said.  Min smiled.  
"No, I made sure I had enough time today to see Taesun. Besides, the other members will be happy to eat my share," he said.  
You rolled in your sleep, the foot massage actually tickling a bit.  Min had to catch you from sliding off.  You soon rolled in the other direction feeling the tickling begin again.  You had a grip on his shirt, and your face was pressed against his chest.  He had both arms around you now, worried that you may actually fall off.  Your mom purposely tickling your feet in an attempt to wake you up.  
"Mmmmmmmmmm" you managed.  Slowly waking up, you retracted your legs, but it didn't stop the tickling.  
"Stoppppp," you moaned.  Min was laughing along with your family.  You pressed tighter against Min, but it didn't work.  You opened your eyes and realized where you were.  
"Mom, you can stop now, I'm awake," you commanded seeing her.  She chuckled, patting your foot before returning to the kitchen.  
"Thank you," you said.  Min seemed surprised to hear those words.
"For what?" he asked.
"Not dropping me," you said.  He smiled pleased that you had noticed.  Then, you checked to see that your dad wasn't watching you and kissed him on the cheek.  
"Ugh, noona, gross. I haven't even had breakfast yet," Taehyun complained.  Gesturing that he felt like hurling from witnessing your actions.
"Yah, I don't complain when you kiss your girlfriend in my presence!" you said.  
Hearing that kissing was involved, your dad turned his full glare towards Min.  Who nervously looked away and pretended to be very interested in the weather report.
"Yah," Taehyun fiercely whispered.  Waving his hands hoping to signal you to drop the subject.
"Girlfriend?" your dad said.  His warning having been issued, he jumped onto the matter of his son dating.
"No, she was just using a figure of speech," Taehyun dodged.
"No, I've met her before," you said gleefully.  Happy that he was squirming, since he'd hidden her from your parents. 
"Oh really, so how long have they been dating?" your dad asked.  Looking at Taehyun, but clearly asking you knowing you would answer.
"I'm not certain, but I think five months," you answered.  
"So, you don't think we're good enough to introduce to your girlfriend?!" your dad huffed.  Taehyun swallowed nervously.  You enjoyed their conversation as Taehyun was lectured on proper manners and ettiquete regarding dating and women.  
You took the chance to lead Min outside onto the balcony.  You stretched your arms to help wake up from your nap.  
"See, my family approves of you," you said knowing he'd been worried.  
"Yes, so far," he said.  He frowned knowing it would be harder to get his to approve of you.  Not his parents, who he was planning to call later.  They would easily accept you after knowing your status and that you saved lives.  He was more worried about the other members accepting you.  They might find it hard to let you in as a complete outsider.  It wasn't as if any of them knew you.  Kyu had already reacted negatively to you.  He sighed leaning against the railing.
"You don't have to leave, right? Because I don't want you to," you said.  Sneaking under his arm so he was hugging you from behind.  
"After breakfast, I promise to stay until you fall asleep," he said.  You smiled turning around.  
"Well, then I better take advantage of this opportunity," you said.  Kissing him on the lips, not caring if anyone else could see.  He pulled away when the door slid open.  Your brother coming to tell you breakfast was ready.  
"Ok, we're coming," you said.  Min lowered his arms to go inside, but you kept your arms around his neck.  Kissing him one more time before letting go.  The two of you holding hands as you went inside.  Sadly, Jinho and Taehyun had conspired against you.  Forcing the two of you to sit apart at the table.  You at least saved Min from sitting next to your father.  
The meal passed fairly normally.  Inquiries made about Jinho and Min's work and families.  Then you were enjoying your mother grilling Taehyun over his secret girlfriend.  She wouldn't drop the subject and so little else was discussed as she pestered him with questions and he tried to give her politely vague answers.
Finally, you were helping clear plates.  Even as your brother tried to escape, your mother cornered him and demanded he washes dishes.  So, he was stuck in the kitchen with her.  
You gave your father a kiss on the cheek.  
"I'm going to get ready for bed," you told him.  Pulling Min along after you.  Of course, he had to sit on your bed, while you changed.  But you opened the door, afterwards, even if you couldn't talk while you were brushing your teeth.  You managed to make silly faces at him.  Especially while washing your face, and the two of you were laughing.  
He lifted the covers for you and you crawled into your bed.  Scooting over so he could sit next to you.
"Oppa, when am I going to see you again?" you asked.  He smiled.  
"I think I have Thursday free. Do you want to go on a proper date? Or maybe I could introduce you to my parents?" he asked.  You thought about it.
"Hmm, either one is fine. But, I bet that your parents will be jealous that you've already met mine," you said.  He smiled.  
"Ok, then I'll see if we can have dinner with my parents," he said.  
"I promise, that I'll check my messages more, so that I can talk to you," you said.  Knowing that you could take your phone out of your locker, it's not like it was forbidden.
"You better," he said seriously.  
"Of course I will, because I will miss you," you said.  He blushed hearing that.  
"Oppa, will you sing me a song?" you asked.  He nodded and happily did as you requested.  Singing to you until you fell asleep.  He kissed your forehead before getting up and closing the door softly.
"I'll be going now," he said.  Your dad nodded.  
"We'd like it very much if we could meet your family," he said.  He knew his wife would want him to request it.  
"I understand, I'll speak to them about it," he said.  
"Goodbye, Sungmin remember to take care of yourself," your mom said forcing food into his hands.
"I can't accept this," he tried to say.  
"Too late, you alread have," she said letting go.  He laughed nodding.  Bowing after putting on his shoes and saying a formal goodbye to your family.
With that he called his mom to tell her about you.  
"Oh, really? Her family goes to the club?" she said asking about their gofling habits. 
"Yes, they do. They have a house their too," he said.  
"Then we probably know them, what is her name?" she asked.
"Heo Taesun," he told her.  She smiled hearing that she knew that who your family was and she approved.  Your father owned a few hospitals, so she knew you wouldn't be after status.  
"Well, by all means, we would love to meet her!" she said.  Her husband looking confusedly at her.  She wrote down the time and place on her calendar, telling her husband not to make plans on Thursday.  She was hoping that she was finally meeting her daughter-in-law.  
(AN: Update!  Hope you like it!  It may be another few days before I can add a new chapter.)
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I should be updating later. It depends on if I can write this chapter well.


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You know, I realise I never commented on this.
I did love it. Sungmin was perfect and I totally have feels for him now based on this fic and that damn pic you sent of him hugging that fan. Le sigh. Man is adorable.
Anyway, I enjoyed how it is linked to Em and how Sungmin is kind of the knight in shining armour type of thing. Even if he is mistaken.
I couldn't stand her ex though. Didn't care it was an accident he was still a jerk.
Totally Sungmin bias in this LOL.
I like how Kyu is so scary though. Seriously he is like some over protective father lmao.
Shame it was cut short but I really enjoyed it as always. Perfect blend of fluffy romance that I love from you.
SUJU4ever13 #2
Chapter 27: Is this the end?!
Chapter 27: aww. i was waiting for the proposal to come. :( but if u think its not working or u dont have the time to write it then i support u in whatever decisions u make. tho the story was going really well.
kiahae #4
Chapter 27: Wae?
i was waiting for it to continue -pouts- :(
pretty please update soon author-nim ^.^
sincerly_me #6
Chapter 26: KYAAAAA!!!!!!! I also want a couple ring from Min or Donghae, kekekekekekekeke.
Thanks for the sweet chapter!!!!! I love it!!!! Fighting with the next, author-nim!!! ^_^
gaofushuai #8
Chapter 26: Yeeeyyyy~~~ \(´▽`)/
It's been a long time author-nim *hugs*
This chap is so sweet (˘⌣˘ʃƪ) ♥
Taesun's mum is quite funny ^^
Please update often ^^ ♥
Chapter 26: Ask kc ibceincsl somsconevonecon -dies-
Yes. That was my reaction upon reading this. Gawd why is this story so perfect? -kureis-