Pinx Part 3: Comfortable

I Didn't Like His Face
As you punched in the code, you attempted to ignore the pairs of eyes watching you.  This was beyond uncomfortable as you stood there willing your fingers to move quickly.  The fourth time you finally input the right set of numbers.  As you filed in through the door, you headed with your bag straight to your room.  Tradition that you couldn't skip as you slung your bag onto the bed.  Letting some of your anger out, before realizing that you were failing as a host.  
Sighing, you resigned yourself to heading back towards the front door.  Where the two of them were standing unable to locate the guest slippers.  You opened the hidden cupboard and opened two new pairs.  The two of them eagerly removing their shoes and coming inside.  You smiled hearing the sound as you all slid across the hardwood floors.  When you were younger, you and Taehyun had taken turns trying to shock the other.  Static electricity from the carpet and the two of you would wait for the zap.  Ok, so you still did it every once in a while, but it was harder to get away with it.  Your brother was no longer smaller than you and he could fight back, if he wanted.
"So, my room is through the courtyard.  My parents is upstairs.  There's two more downstairs.  The bigger one for your parents, Jinho. And the other one, you can fight over," you told them.  They both seemed displeased about it somehow.  Then again, you hated sleeping on the couch as well.  Although, this couch was a giant secition so it wasn't a complete horror.
"Rock, paper, scissors?" Min suggested.  Jinho nodded.  Unable to hide your laugh, you watched them prepare.  The two of them ridiculously stretching their fingers.  
"Best out of three," Jinho added.  Min nodded and you watched as they played.  Jinho won, and you pointed him towards the room.  He took his bag with him, you were surprised to see him with luggage.  You were used to seeing him on the go with almost nothing.  Extremely spartan, he kept few clothes and possessions.  His bag looked like you could fit inside of it.  
You plopped down on the couch next to Min.  He pouted at you.
"What?" you asked confused. 
"So, you want to sleep on this bed too?" he whined.  You stared at him.  Unable to comprehend what he just said.  
Then, he broke into a bright smile.  "It's ok, I like sharing."  Giggling you hit him hard with a pillow, hearing the satisfying thunk.  
"Yah, don't say that! My parents could walk in any minute!" you warned him.  His smile didn't waver as he tore the pillow out of your grip.
"That's ok. They like me," he said confidently.  You gaped at him.  Was he implying that your parents wouldn't care if you slept with him?
"Y-yah, what are you saying? I'm still their precious daughter you know!" you said.  Sounding loud rather than threatening.  
"We already slept together once? Why would they care about the second time?" he said with a smirk.  You stared at him unable to think of anything to say in return. He had a point and you didn't know if you wanted to keep with this defense of your dignity or pride or whether you should tell him to stop being over confident. Not that you could deny that you were attracted to him.  So, you were unable to pick words.  
Unfortunately for you, Jinho had caught the last bit of your conversation.  He walked in all the way no longer eavesdropping.
"You slept together?" he asked.  Your neck whipped around hearing his words.  You felt your face shift to crimson.  Min was glancing between the two of you.  Knowing it wasn't entirely his place to say anything.  It would be different if the two of you had discussed being in a relationship, but you weren't his yet.  So, he said nothing.  
"It's none of your business," you replied after a few moments of awkward silence.  Jinho tensed visibly as you watched him from across the room.  
"I'm hungry," Min stated loudly.  Drawing your attention away from Jinho, he stood up and walked to the kitchen.  You stood up to follow him.  Jinho opened his mouth to say something to you.  His face had softened as he stared at you.  He could see that you were uncomfortable talking about this, and he felt the urge to comfort you.  He wanted to wrap his arms around you like he used to, and keep you close.  Letting you rest yourself, until you had to be strong again.  
"Don't," you said.  Stopping him from doing any of that.  He sighed watching you walk away from him.  
"Someone will be here to prepare dinner. But there should be some snacks in here," you said.  Opening the fridge and pointing out what he could probably eat.  You went to the cabinet and pulled out a bag of veggie chips, grabbing some water from the fridge.  You took your hoard back with you to the couch. Min followed you with his own glass of water.  The two of you settling on the couch next to each other.  Flipping through the channels trying to find something to watch, that you both could agree upon.  
Before long the two of you were snuggled up together on the couch.  You'd fallen asleep and Min had been more than willing to let you use him as your pillow.  Your head was resting on his shoulder as he maneuvered a blanket over the two of you.  
Your parents and Jinho's parents all returned.  Coming through the front door, and falling quiet at Min's gestures.  Your parents were particularly pleased to see you deeply sleeping using Sungmin as your pillow. The Parks were greatly dismayed.  Mrs. Park especially, still hoped that you and Jinho would end up together.  She couldn't understand what had happened.  Why had you ended the relationship as you'd been discussing marriage plans.  She'd heard that you'd had a fight over another woman, but she couldn't understand it.  She knew that her son loved you.  Knowing that made it harder for her to watch him suffer, she had seen him staring at his phone.  Not moving for hours, he'd stay in his room and stare at it.  Wanting to call you, but unable to do so.  
They didn't say a word as they walked past the two of you.  Showing the Parks to their room, and then headed to their own.  Depositing bags where they belonged, before the two of them changed.  Coming downstairs in time to open the door for the chef they'd hired.  They set up in the kitchen and you slept through most of the noise until your nose identified food.  
You woke up to realize that your head was moving.  A smooth motion up and down as your eyes tried to focus on the food smells.  There was food nearby delicious food, but you quickly figured out you were on the couch.  Sitting next to Sungmin, who was not asleep.  
"You don't have to move," he said.  He knew you were awake then.  Well, in that case, you thought leaning back against the couch.  Separating yourself slightly, but not moving entirely away.  You had to admit that it wasn't just because you were warmer here.   You liked Sungmin.  
At first, the thoughts had piled up and you pushed them away.  You'd tried to contain them, but the anxiety had drifted away.  Strangely, you felt extremely comfortable around him.  You still felt like a relationship would be scary, but you were an ER nurse.  It couldn't be harder than that surely.  
The situation was surreal.  You were sitting next to him on the couch with your parents coming down the stairs for dinner.  He had still managed to wear pink after changing.  You hadn't noticed it right away but his socks were pink.  The two of you watching Good Sunday together.  Loudly laughing together in the living room as if you did this every Sunday night.  You wouldn't mind if it were true.  Min made you feel comfortable mostly because he was comfortable with himself.  
Your parents even joined you on the couch. The two of them watching with you. They looked utterly relaxed as well.  You wondered if Min had some secret effect on people.  Perhaps everyone he spent time with was completely calm and stress free.  Then again, you could only imagine his busy schedule rivaling your own.  
As you went into the dining room for dinner, you were ready as Min pulled your chair out for you.  Earning a smile from your mother, as he did the same for her.  Your father jokingly glaring at him for being beaten to it.  
The Park family at the other end of the table seemed drab in comparison.  Their faces lacking smiles.  You had always wondered if Mrs. Park got botox.  It wasn't quite so severe but you never saw any sign or age or wrinkling in her face. Of course, it could be that she seemed to never emote.  She was quite neutral with her mask in place out in public. Part of the reason, you were relieved that you weren't marrying Jinho after all.  His parents were good people, but they didn't feel proper.  As if they were fake, or insincere and you had been afraid of living with them.  
This time they didn't fall entirely into discussion of politics.  Everyone was discussing the golf course and which they liked best.  You had to admit that you didn't have a favorite.  To you they were all nearly the same, as long as they had grass you didn't see much difference.  Maybe if you were a decent golf player then you might care, but in the end you'd still need a giant handicap to get a somewhat normal score.  
"So, if you don't like golf, then what do you like to do when you're here?" Min asked you.
"Oh, well, I love the markets. Haggling with the ajummas, and cooking with what I've found. But, I didn't plan ahead, they'd already hired a chef for tonight," you told him.  
"You cook?" he prodded.  You smiled opening your mouth to answer, but your mother beat you to it.
"Yes, she does.  Quite excellently, even better than me. She hardly has the time for it though with her hours at the hospital," your mother said.  
"If you don't have to leave before dawn, then you could taste it for yourself. Taesun always rushes out to the market to get the freshest catch," your father added.  The two of them not being too subtle with their praise.  Not that it was a lie, maybe a slight exaggeration, but mostly the truth.  
"Really?" Min seemed impressed.  He was used to Ryeowook cooking and then forcing people to eat his food.  Not that it wasn't good, but being force fed always ruins a certain element of a meal.  He couldn't relax entirely with Ryeowook watching and ready to add more food to his dish for him to eat.  
"Yes, you should taste her seafood soup. It's to die for," Mr. Park said.  You blushed as he went into a description of the flavors involved.  
"Wow, I can't wait to taste it," Min said.  You stared at him, generally you'd have protested, for being talked into somethng.  Yet, the look Min was giving you was making you feel melty rather than irritated.  
"As long as you have time, I don't want to make you late for anything," you told him.  He shook his head.
"No, it's fine. I don't have anything until afternoon tomorrow.  I already told my manager I'd be flying back with you," he said.  You smiled at him pleasantly surprise that he'd arranged to spend more time with you. 
After that, you all went to the deck to have a drink while you watched the sun set.  You were looking forward to tomorrow morning.  Your father had given his silent seal of approval as he handed you a drink.  An obvious nod and thumbs up towards Sungmin to indicate you could date him with no worries.  As long as your father approved, your mother would eventually come around.  
You and Sungmin were leaning against the railing next to each other.  Unable to remove the smiles on your faces, as you enjoyed the view.
(AN: Finally finished this chapter.  Been a crazy busy week catching up on work after the funeral.  Going to continue to be a crazy month.  Hope I'll have time to update soon.  Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!)
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I should be updating later. It depends on if I can write this chapter well.


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You know, I realise I never commented on this.
I did love it. Sungmin was perfect and I totally have feels for him now based on this fic and that damn pic you sent of him hugging that fan. Le sigh. Man is adorable.
Anyway, I enjoyed how it is linked to Em and how Sungmin is kind of the knight in shining armour type of thing. Even if he is mistaken.
I couldn't stand her ex though. Didn't care it was an accident he was still a jerk.
Totally Sungmin bias in this LOL.
I like how Kyu is so scary though. Seriously he is like some over protective father lmao.
Shame it was cut short but I really enjoyed it as always. Perfect blend of fluffy romance that I love from you.
SUJU4ever13 #2
Chapter 27: Is this the end?!
Chapter 27: aww. i was waiting for the proposal to come. :( but if u think its not working or u dont have the time to write it then i support u in whatever decisions u make. tho the story was going really well.
kiahae #4
Chapter 27: Wae?
i was waiting for it to continue -pouts- :(
pretty please update soon author-nim ^.^
sincerly_me #6
Chapter 26: KYAAAAA!!!!!!! I also want a couple ring from Min or Donghae, kekekekekekekeke.
Thanks for the sweet chapter!!!!! I love it!!!! Fighting with the next, author-nim!!! ^_^
gaofushuai #8
Chapter 26: Yeeeyyyy~~~ \(´▽`)/
It's been a long time author-nim *hugs*
This chap is so sweet (˘⌣˘ʃƪ) ♥
Taesun's mum is quite funny ^^
Please update often ^^ ♥
Chapter 26: Ask kc ibceincsl somsconevonecon -dies-
Yes. That was my reaction upon reading this. Gawd why is this story so perfect? -kureis-