Get Ready

I Didn't Like His Face
The days blew by one after the other.  The alarm rang eerily quiet as you dreamt that you were performing surgery but you kept handing the doctor sponges instead of what he wanted.  Your panic level rose as you could only hand him sponges.  The patient was covered in sponges because you were running out of room to put them anywhere else.  Every time you picked something up it turned into a bright yellow thick infinity shaped sponge.  You were madly throwing down sponges when you heard a bird.  Looking up you were surprised to find a bright yellow canary flying around the lights.  You were then trying to catch the bird running around the operating table throwing sponges at it.  Until you rolled over and realized that it was your alarm.  Waking up you shifted enough to turn it off, then flopped back against the pillows.  
The lull didn't last more than three seconds as you bolted upright.  It was Thursday you were certain of this fact.  This meant you had only one major plan and that was to make a good impression with Min's parents.  Knowing that it was the big day, you could not lay in bed, you were already wide awake.  You had a lot to accomplish, or at least you had a lot of patiently sitting ahead of you.  You'd casually mentioned this dinner with his parents to your mother and you were booked.  She had inspected the dress he sent without a word.  Declared it passable because he had picked it and actually oohed over the shoes.  
You were getting a full spa treatment.  Or as you knew it to be a day being shown off.  Your mother would drag you to the spa and have everything done to you.  Whilst happily bragging about you to her friends. They would fight over who had a better child and she would point out that you were going on a date with a successful man, one that had more than just a career behind him but a good family as well.  
Grimacing you realized too late, you were living up to her expectations.  You sighed preparing yourself for a day of living in an old time victorian novel where you would drink tea and talk about suitors without openly bragging.  There were no neener neeners to be chanted but the smirk would be on full display.  As your mother pummeled her opponents with your sudden uprising to finally have a boyfriend again.  This would completely bury your previous engagement scandal when you just dropped Jinho.  
Seeing her bright smile, when you emerged from your bedroom.  You knew that today was one of her dreams fulfilled.  The only day that could top this was on your future wedding day.  That of course could only be topped by the birth of her first grandchild.  Topping that would be other grandchildren presumably all boys.  Seeing the future flash before your eyes, distant days filled with beaming smiles as your mother ticked off boxes on her list of your filial obligations.  You shuddered upon seeing a full breakfast before you.  
The clatter of plates as she hurriedly set up your meal.  You were the only one at the table.  Everyone else had left for the day.  You'd slept in not because you wanted to but because your mother had insisted.  She even took your phone away from you so you couldn't set an alarm.  She knew you all too well.  Your days were marked with sleep but you always craved being on time.  There was much you could not be on time for with you hectic management of ER patients.  So, when you could you did your best to be punctual.  You'd missed many events because you were on call.  This day you wanted to be perfect.  
As you choked on a mouthful of rice, you retained your poise.  Determination would see that nothing else would go wrong.  Waving away her concerned gestures, you managed to eat the rest of your breakfast without suffcating yourself.  Squaring your shoulders you tried to press down the thoughts that were on high alert for mistakes.  The anxiety and nervous energy was causing you to fumble your motions.  You tripped putting on your pants.  Even if you felt ridiculous wearing jins to the spa because you were only going to take them off.  Your shirt bunched up under your shoulders and you struggled to slide it down all the way.  Grumbling as it caught on its own folds, you managed to pull it down and felt a blissful moment as it fell smoothly.  Rotating your shoulders, you attempted to relax as grabbed the bag your mom had prepared.  Spa clothes because today was all about fitting the image of others.    
Managing to not fall over slipping into your shoes.  The ones that you'd gotten from Min were a pair of Louboutins in a matching shade of turquoise.  You wanted to break them in slightly and this might be your only chance to practice walking in them until dinner.  You weren't used to wearing high heels and so you awkwardly tottered after your mom.  Who caught your awkward steps and made you walk up and down the hall as she told you to stand up tall and glide.  After about ten minutes, you felt more natural walking in them and hoped this feeling would return later.  
You arrived allowing your mom to take care of check in.  They were expecting you and so you followed the attendant into the locker room.  The spa was a women's club of sorts and your mom had her own large closet.  You changed into the robe she handed you.   Walking the length of lockers, you exited into the spa.  First up was a mud bath, your anxiety melting away as you submerged your body into the mud.  Your limbs feeling light as you sloshed into comfort.  The silence set in as you were the first to arrive.  Popping in some earbuds, you pressed play as women trickled into the room.  The gossip had just begun.  You smiled as they greeted your mom and talked about you openly.  The reason why you'd insisted upon bringing music to listen to because you wanted to drown out any talk about yourself.  The bragging made you feel uncomfortable as your mom stretched your accomplishments into saving the nation.  
An hour later and you were rinsing off the mud.  A group of women nearby doing the same.  You were on your way to a session of yoga.  You had opted for this rather than a seaweed wrap that your mom had tried to talk you into.  While at yoga you found a group of women your own age.  They were the daughters like you only the majority of them did not work a traditional job.  They were employed by their parents and attended events.  The same group that you grew up with but never quite fit in with because you were always reading while they were discussing clothes.  
"Oh, it's Taesun!" Yuri announced.  They grinned as a group.  Eerie on their own those expressions felt the dread seep into your pores.  You were no longer feeling that yoga would be relaxing.  The instructor arrived and silence fell before they could gossip about you.  You heard snickering between poses as they talked quietly.  You were in the front focused on executing the poses and steadying your breathing.  The sweat trickled down your face as ascended into upward facing dog.  The same droplets sliding back down your face as you bent yourself into downward facing dog.  The end was near and as you relaxed into corpse pose, you felt their talk drift past you.  
Bowing to your instructor, you slipped out of the room without their notice.  
Calm greeted you in the form of a massage room.  The table well padded and soft.  Not to warm or cool as you laid down with the towel over you.  There was the sound of running water and you waved away the masseuse's attempts at conversation.  You wanted to forget about everything else.  This would be the only time you'd be nearly alone today.  You enjoyed the quiet and nearly fell asleep while on the table. Drifting on through the hallways you felt yourself basking in the light.  The warm tones graced your mood and  kept you in a relaxed state.  So when you saw your mother again, you smiled at her happily.  The women regrouped in a cluster as you got facial masks applied.  The minutes passed and you let music distract you through the waiting time.  The talk settled in as you gathered for mani/pedis.  You could no longer avoid speaking and answered the full barage of questions.  
Your mom had at least managed to keep his name out of it.  You'd told her not to tell anyone else.  Neither of you wanted it to appear in the news but more than that you didn't know what was going to happen.  Your relationship was starting and you didn't want to be talked about in details.  This mystery wouldn't last forever as they heard you were meeting his parents and that yours had met him.  They would hunt down the information but maybe a few weeks would pass before they found out.  Then rumors would fly that you were dating and scandals would break out.  Perhaps you needed to talk to Min about how this would happen.  You weren't sure it would be the same being hounded by the media and fans rather than just gossiped over by your mom's friends.  The stakes were higher this time and you didn't want to mess it up.
Having been shown off to her friends, they were still praising you.  No one tossed any subtle criticisms towards you.  They didn't necessarily approve of you working, but since your mom was pleased with you, there was little they could say.  Neither of you would acknowledge the negative aspect you retained in working, so they didn't waste any effort in saying those words.  
The chatter continued as you all waited to dry.  Soon you found yourself in the elevator dressed again in clothes.  A lunch outift with sandals as to not smudge your pedicure and loose fitting clothes.  You found yourself at a table with Yuri and her mom, Mrs. Park.  As talked about an upcoming fundraiser, you caught up with Yuri.  Much you had heard about from your mom, in recounting the events and causes she'd helped.  Yuri and her mom spent a lot of time with your mom, she was almost like a second daughter to her.  She took up the place when you couldn't go because you were working.  You were grateful to Yuri for being nice to your mom, even though you knew it had more to do with Mrs. Park being her best friend than anything else.  
Yuri finally asked what she'd been wanting to know.  
"So, who are you seeing?" she said softly.  Not wanting to draw attention from your mothers.  You shook your head. 
"It's a secret. We haven't discussed telling people yet," you told her.  She frowned frustrated that you weren't telling her.  
"Do I know him?" she asked wanting to narrow down the options.  Sighing you considered how to answer.
"I don't know, technically you probably do, but maybe not personally?" you told her. Not very confident yourself if she would know him.  You thought if she had met him that you would probably know but you weren't certain.
"You are no fun," she said hearing your cryptic answer.  Your phone vibrated.  The warning that it would ring loudly.  Pulling it out of your purse, you managed to lower the volume as it rang.  Yuri stared at you curiously seeing you try to hide your joy.  
Your mom glanced at you.  Mrs. Park was waiting for you to decline the call.  
"Answer it. What if he has something to tell you about tonight?" she said.  You smiled answering the call.
"Hello?" you said.  
"Ah, Taesun. I just wanted to hear your voice," Min said.  You felt yourself blushing hearing him admit it.
"Really? I don't believe you," you said teasingly.  You heard him laugh on the other end.
"Really. I wish I could leave now, but I only managed to sneak away for a few minutes," Min said.  
"Yah, are you skipping out on work again?" you asked.  Even though you were pleased that he had taken the time to call.
"No. I'm not.  Besides you are better than work," he said. You shook your head not believing how smooth he was talking.   
"I'm having lunch with my mom and some friends," you told him.  
"Did I interrupt your lunch?" he asked sounding worried.  
"No. I'm glad you called.  But, I'm going to hang up now, so go back to work," you said.  
"I don't want to," he said.  You laughed picturing that he was doing aegyo that you couldn't see to go with that pouty voice.
"I'll see you tonight," you said.  Hoping that would placate him because you knew they were listening to your conversation. 
"Ok, bye," he said.  
"Bye!" you said ending the call.  
Before they could ask you about the call, your phone vibrated again.  You saw that Min had sent you a picture of him doing his pouty aegyo after all.  Snickering you replied via text that he needed to work.  
"So, you are seeing him later?" Yuri asked.  Her target locked as she tried to scrape information out of you.  
"Yes, I'm meeting his parents later," you said.  Not betraying enough detail for her to determine who it was you were dating.
"Oh, so you have been dating for a long time then!" she said confidently.  You shook your head.
"No, not really.  I think it has been about a month," you said.  Tapping your fingers on the table as you tried to count the days, but you weren't sure when you should start counting from.  The first time you met? Or the day he asked you to be his girlfriend?  Frowning you pondered your dilemna.  
"And you are meeting his parents so soon?" she asked a bit surprised.  You nodded neutrally.  You didn't see how it was strange because while it had only been a month, he seemed to get along well with your family.  So, you didn't feel awkward about his parents, you were nervous to make a good impression, but it didn't seem too fast.  
"Yes, well, we already know his parents.  He has gotten to know us quite well already," your mom said.  You smiled remembering the day he tucked you into your bed.  He made your heart flutter just thinking about it.  
"Ah, in that case, I assume he comes from a good family.  I bet you are not telling me who he is because he will be a great catch," Mrs. Park commented.  Your mom only smiled mysteriously not wanting to reveal anything else.  You were grateful that she had reigned in her bragging for your benefit.  Yuri pried more but her questions were easily deflected with ambiguous answers.  The rest of lunch passed by easily enough.  
Afterwards, you found yourself packed back into the car.  Stepping out you were at a salon, and soon you were sitting in a chair.  You had changed into the dress for the night.  Sitting as still as possible, you stole glances at yourself as you had your makeup and hair done.  The makeup was neutral with only a touch of pink to your lip and a hint of turquoise on your eyelids.  Your hair cinched in a low chignon you felt ready seeing yourself in the mirror.  
Your mom took you out for tea.  You had a some time to fill before you could leave for Min's house.  You didn't want to be early if he was still working.
"I have a surprise for you," she said.  You stared at her.  She handed you a box from out of her cavernous purse.  
"Go on, unwrap it," she persuaded you.  You smiled peeling off the paper and opening the box.  Lifting the lid, you saw a sparkle shine up at you.  The necklace was a diamond studded band that fit around the neck so there was no clasp.  From the right side there hung a large sapphire, you stared at it in wonder.  
"Mom, this is too expensive," you said.  She waved her hand to reject your protests.
"No, it is not. You have to remember that you are our precious daughter. Besides, that dress is screaming for some jewels," she said and you knew you were going to wear that necklace.  
"I don't even know how to put this on," you said.  There was no clasp and the opening of the band was only a few centimeters.  She smiled, lifting it from the box and showed you the hinge.  She stood up, bending the hinge to fit it around your neck.  You felt the weight of the necklace resting against your neck.  The cool metal sent a shiver through your body.  
She sat back down at the table gazing lovingly at you.  You couldn't hide your own happiness.  Truly, you hadn't expected to feel this good about yourself.  You felt beyond your average self and were glad you were getting the chance to show Min's parents you at your best.  
"Thank you," you said.  She smiled in response and the two of you enjoyed tea.  It was her way of secretly filling your stomach so that you wouldn't want to eat too much at dinner.  
Your mom led you back out to the car when it was time to go.  Min had texted that he was on his way and that he would arrive soon.  You were going to hail a taxi, but your mother shook her head sending you off in the car with chaffeur.  She was not going to let you endure the strain of a taxi ride.  Besides, the driver already knew the way and you could spend the time in comfort.  
As you arrived, the gate was opened, and you saw that his parents had a large house with a front garden.  The car rounded the circle driveway stopping in front of the door.  You got out and began your walk up the stairs to the front door.  The stairs were long and composed of stone which had a stone fence at the top creating an outdoor terrace on both sides of the front door.  The effect was to make the house still grand but feel more warm and inviting.  
Before you could decide to knock or ring a doorbell, the door popped open.  Min came outside and you saw that he had just gotten there.  His hair plastered to his head with sweat and his skin gleamed in a coat of the same liquid.  His clothes lose and wet from his long dance practice.  
"You look...beautiful," he said.  The words quiet as he seemed stunned.  
"Thank you," you said.  Not sure what else to say because he looked in need of a shower.  He was staring at you.  His eyes taking in every inch of you as he stood there quietly.  You met his eyes and he smiled widely. 
"I love you," he suddenly said.  You stared at him with surprise.  He moved closer, wiping his hand on his sweatpants before reaching towards your face.  Thinking better of that idea, he let his hand drop to his side.  
"Um, I would love it if you took a shower," you said bluntly.  You didn't know what else to say.  Those were the only words that entered into your mind.  He smiled anyhow.  
"I'll be back in five minutes!" he said over his shoulder.  You saw him running up a set of stairs as the door closed behind him.  Left alone outside, you walked over to a table sitting on the terrace and sat down to wait.  
Your heart pounded in your chest as you replayed those words in your mind.  He loves me you thought happily to yourself.  The squeals you wanted to release only mildly surpressed.  There were no witnesses present to verify whether you may or may not have made any celebratory noises.  Happily you took in the garden from on the terrace.  You couldn't quite make out all the plants in the dark that was settling outside.  You could make out some rose bushes that seemed to still have a few blooms present on them. There was a row of cherry trees and the fountain in the center of the circular driveway pumped water soothingly.  Water rose and fell as you waited. 
True to his word, Min reappeared in a formal tuxedo in the traditional black and white.  He offered you his hand to help you out of the chair.  Accepting his help, you felt your pulse quicken.  As you stood up he didn't let go of your hand.  Rather he pulled you away from the table a few steps.  With his free hand he reached up to your cheek.  You felt yourself blush under the warmth of his fingers.  
His eyes found yours.  
"I love you," he said again.  You had to look away as you blushed fiercely.  He smiled wonderingly at you satisfied with your reaction.
"You don't have to say anything, but I do love you," he said.  Feeling the warmth spread from your core to the rest of your body, you felt everything drop away as he leaned in to kiss you.  
The moment didn't last as the door opened again.  
"There you are," you heard.  Min broke off the kiss, but not stepping away from you.  You enjoyed that he stayed close holding your hand with the other not straying far from your face.  Playfully he touched your face not wanting to break contact with your face.  
"Yes, father this is Heo Taesun," Min said.  His father nodded.  
"I suspected as much when I saw you kissing her," he said dryly.  You blushed, but Min didn't seem fazed by this observation.  
"Well, don't just stand there, bring her inside to meet your mother," Mr. Lee said.  Min offered his arm properly and escorted you inside the house.  
(AN: Well, I had planned to write the dinner scene, but then this came out instead.  Once I had the idea, it wrote itself.  The confession of love, well, it happened.  Felt natural and I couldn't unwrite it, hard to take that I hope you enjoyed it!!)
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I should be updating later. It depends on if I can write this chapter well.


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You know, I realise I never commented on this.
I did love it. Sungmin was perfect and I totally have feels for him now based on this fic and that damn pic you sent of him hugging that fan. Le sigh. Man is adorable.
Anyway, I enjoyed how it is linked to Em and how Sungmin is kind of the knight in shining armour type of thing. Even if he is mistaken.
I couldn't stand her ex though. Didn't care it was an accident he was still a jerk.
Totally Sungmin bias in this LOL.
I like how Kyu is so scary though. Seriously he is like some over protective father lmao.
Shame it was cut short but I really enjoyed it as always. Perfect blend of fluffy romance that I love from you.
SUJU4ever13 #2
Chapter 27: Is this the end?!
Chapter 27: aww. i was waiting for the proposal to come. :( but if u think its not working or u dont have the time to write it then i support u in whatever decisions u make. tho the story was going really well.
kiahae #4
Chapter 27: Wae?
i was waiting for it to continue -pouts- :(
pretty please update soon author-nim ^.^
sincerly_me #6
Chapter 26: KYAAAAA!!!!!!! I also want a couple ring from Min or Donghae, kekekekekekekeke.
Thanks for the sweet chapter!!!!! I love it!!!! Fighting with the next, author-nim!!! ^_^
gaofushuai #8
Chapter 26: Yeeeyyyy~~~ \(´▽`)/
It's been a long time author-nim *hugs*
This chap is so sweet (˘⌣˘ʃƪ) ♥
Taesun's mum is quite funny ^^
Please update often ^^ ♥
Chapter 26: Ask kc ibceincsl somsconevonecon -dies-
Yes. That was my reaction upon reading this. Gawd why is this story so perfect? -kureis-