chapter 7

The hard decision

Jongup: Yah, guys what are you doing during the midnight!!!

         Zelo and Eunji both fell asleep and been surprised and waken up by his loud voice

Jongup: (with a teasing voice)Maknae-ya what are you two doing??

Zelo: Oh-oh what time is it? When did the light ?

Jongup: it's 1 am. And i still didn't got my answer

Eunji: Odoke??? but it's relief that my mom and and on trip or i'll be a dead meat by now: 

Zelo: That' relief. Let's go home . Hyung and I will take you there

Eunji: When did i go to sleep?

Zelo:(giggling) As soon as i was starting to tell the main point and you was snorking really loud (laughs)

Eunji( blushes) Odoke, meanhe!

Jongup: Wowo our maknae has grown a lot!

Zelo: Yah! Hyung! You're just a year apart from me and making me like your little baby!

Eunji: Oh you weren't?(laughs as teasing Zelo)

Zelo: Stop guys! Yah Jung Eunji let's go quick!

Eunji: Arosso arosso. Let's take a taxi


     in the taxi they all seated at the back seat and it was Eunji-Jongup-Zelo

Jongup: It's seems like i'm sitting between a couple

Zelo and Eunji: Yah( hits him at the same time)

Jongup: Even the move is same (laughs). After they reached Eunji's house

Zelo: We'll walk you to your door!

Eunji: No, take this taxi and go back

Zelo:Shiroo, we'll walk

Jongup: Zelo's right. Maybe there will be some stranger by your door

Eunji: Arosso! 

          As they were walking to her house door there were 1 man leaning the wall by her door

Jongup: Yah! See that Eunji! There really is stranger by your door! Daebak i'm great at foresight

    They reached the door and that man was l.Joe! Eunji just recognised him

L.Joe: Eunji, can...

Zelo:(surprised) Who's that your friend?

Eunji( fake smiling) ah he's just our new classmate!

Zelo: oh really but why is he doing this late

Eunji: HE... He is new that he's didn't memorise all the schedule and he's nearby and asking me. I forgot that he'll come. L.Joe, how long have you been here

L.Joe: (smiles at Eunji) Just a few hours

Jongup and Zelo both : Few hours?

Eunji: (fake yawning) Oh,boy i'm tired. I don't want to be late tomorrow again. you should go boys!

Zelo: Again?

Eunji: Well that's a long story?(grinns to Zelo) Bye guys!( she quickly opened her door and got in and closed)

L.Joe: Hi, i'm L.Joe. It's nice to meet you. i'm her classmate

Zelo: Yeah, i'm Zelo 

Jongup. Jongup! it's late let's go Zelo. We'll go now bye

L.Joe: (smiling) Bye!!( sits to his car and drives off)


        Back in their dorm in their room as usual lying on the bed

Jongup: You really like her don;t you?

Zelo: Seems i like her a lot

Jongup: Wow, it's been yesterday you didn't know your feeling

Zelo: it turns out like that hyung

Jongup: But that L.Joe guy was suspicious

Zelo: Wae hyung, he is her calssmate

Jongup: Still, his gaze to Eunji was different. It was like a hungry wolf staring at lamb.

Zelo: Haha hyung you're funny

Jongup: you better be careful of that man!

Zelo: Arasseo hyung! is she sleeping now I want to call her

Jongup : Then call her(smiles) i'm curious about your conversation

Zelo:(dialing Eunji) She's maybe sle..

Eunji: What is it Zelo?

Zelo: Oh, i thought you were sleeping

Eunji: I can't because i slept i little earlier. By the way thank for caring for me in the dark

Zelo: ( it's nothing) thanks for leaning my shoulder it was a first time a girl leaning my shoulder

Eunji: Yah, don;t embarass me, but really?

Zelo: Yes!!! i can't sleep either and Jongup hyung(looks at him and he had already fell asleep) is sleeping

Eunji: So what do we talk about

Zelo: you dance really well, Eunji. i became a fan of yours

Eunji: And you dance and rap really well and i have became your number one fan

both giggles

Zelo: You have a class tomorrow right?

Eunji: Yeah, but i want to talk to you more

Zelo: (blushes) really? then sing me a song as a present

Eunji: Arasseo . Hmph( checks her voice and sings "ALL FOR YOU' by herself

Zelo: WOw your voice is amazing ,even more than Daehyun hyung's(giggles)

Eunji: Haha and i'll join B.A.P instead of him(giggles) now tell me the main part of the story i'm curious. 

Zelo: Well, and starts talking.......


HI guys! i'm back too much Eunlo right keke

do you guys prefer Eunlo or Eunjoe comment pls 

and thanks for Jenicakrung and KoalaLand97 for always KoalaLand97ommenting and supporting me <3



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Chapter 38: Sweet ending !
snabilah50 #2
Chapter 38: hope you can make a sequel..its goid but the romantic is kinda off a bit..
Chapter 37: they reunited ~ yay ljoe got caught xD
snabilah50 #4
Chapter 36: zelo start to rmmber but he didnt know the exact place to sve jiji..hope you update asap..this story is getting interesting..and i love it so much.
Chapter 36: hope the police arrest ljoe (omgimsobad)
Chapter 35: hope Eunji would be fine !
tiffani123456 #7
Chapter 35: Chapter 36 !!!!!
tiffani123456 #8
Chapter 34: I can't wait for chapter 35,36,37,38,39,40 ..................
tiffani123456 #9
Chapter 35: Please update fast !!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 33: asdfghjkl they just hugged after 72930729010173 years omg.