
Who Do I LOVE???


The letter had said…

‘You think I’d never find you. Your Minhyuk oppa is dead. Your turn! Look behind you…’

In fact, the dumb me had to just look behind. I saw a few men dressed in black and had masks. I wanted to scream but one of them placed a cloth over my mouth. I was struggling and tried to push the man away. Before I knew it, I fainted. The last thing I could remember was me being dragged into the car…

I could taste a metal taste in my mouth… It was blood…. I tried moving but I couldn’t… I slowly opened my eyes and adjusted myself to the brightness…

“I see you’re awake…” A man said with a low and scary voice. He was sitting on a chair in a dark corner.  

He got up and slowly walked towards me… The heels of his shoes clucking as he walked towards me and finally… he stopped. I looked up at him and gasped. Fear written all over my face. It was him... The person who killed Minhyuk oppa… Him…

“Wh-what do you want?” I mentally slapped myself for stuttering.

He smirked and tilted my chin upwards so I could look at him. “Easy. Your lover’s life.” He is still evil after all…

“WHY?! YOU ALREADY KILLED MINHYUK OPPA!!!!!” I shouted back at him with tears of anger streaming down my face.

“Ohhh~ DID YOU KNOW WHAT HE DID TO ME !!!!” He yelled back at me and kicked my stomach which caused me to groan in pain.

He pulled my hair roughly and made me face him. “He MADE MY COMPANY GO BANKRUPT!!!!!” He yelled and kicked me again… Owww… it hurts badly.

“Pass me her phone…” he commanded one of the men. The man gave him my phone… !

“Let’s see…. Hmmmm…. AHAH! Here’s his name…” He then called that number. I rang a few times

before someone picked up.

“Hey baby.. Miss me already?” Baekhyun answered… YES BAEKHYUN…

“Hey, Mr.Byun.” The man chuckled.


“Chill… I haven’t done anything yet… Be here in 30 minutes…. You call the police… She’ll die… The address in sent…”


“BAEKHYUN DON’T COME!!!! Please…. You’ll die… DON’T YOU DARE COME!!!!” I yelled into the phone.

“Pabo… My promise was to sacrifice anything for you.. even my life…” Then the line went dead. That man had ended it.

“WOW! Romantic story indeed…” He spat and slapped me. He sat back at his chair and said. “His time starts now!”


I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!!! That’s why, I already planned it all out with the other EXO members. I’m smart right? Hahaha! Thank you. Now… Drama begins.

I went outside my room and yelled for the EXO members attention. They came out and smirked knowing what would happen now. We rushed downstairs and changed into our battle suits. What can you say. We have Tao here~~~ We were trained by his parents’ academy since young.

“You know the plan right?” Kris asked all of us. All of us nodded our heads in unison. He smirked and put his hand in the centre. All of followed suit and placed our hands on top and shouted “WE ARE ONE!!!” We then moved into action. Kris drove a van which took the whole EXO-M in it. Suho took his BMW with the rest of the EXO-K members. I drove my own Ferrari and off we go to the destination.

We reached there in 10 minutes considering how fast we zoomed there. We got out of our respective cars and stepped in front of the door. I mouthed “1.2.3!!!!” I then kicked down the door.

When I saw the condition of my girlfriend, my heart tore to pieces. There she was grunting in pain with a red mark on her cheek. THAT BASTARD MUST HAVE SLAPPED HER!!! “~~~~-ah!!!!!” I shouted.

“Well well well~ Look who do we have here… Nice to meet you again.. Mr.Byun.” I narrowed my eyes trying to remember him… “MR KWON?!?” I shouted in disbelief… “Looks like you have good memory… Hmm… Let’s see… I remember the time when your father recklessly rejected to become affiliates with my company when I worked so hard to build my company back up because of none other than Minhyuk…” He walked towards ~~~~ and pulled her hair. “Her past lover!!!” “LET GO OF HER!!!!!” I shouted. He gave a signal to his men and they started attacking while I had to handle Mr.Kwon.

“You’re crazy.” I spat at him and was fighting him when suddenly I found his weak spot and kicked him. He doubled over in pain and fell to the floor. I kicked him again which caused him to fall flat on the floor. I saw Sehun having trouble and wanted to go to help but… “BAEKHYUN!!!!!” Someone shouted.... followed by a pair of warm arms and a painful gasp. NO….NO!!! NO!!!! I looked behind and my heart stopped.



A/N SURPRISE!!!!!!!! Drama starts now!!! Gosh... I'm so evil.... Hehehe~ I'll probably update again tomorrow or if I'm free later.. Thanks to vampirewolf , stef3luv and Blackjack12321 for subscribing^^ Sooo... Leave comments, subscribe and do upvote!!! Thankiew^^

Bear with the line "~~~~-AH!!!!!!!" for now. I'll be back!!!

With love, Candy888



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Gosh!!! Guys.... Errrr... Hehehe... Remember the part where you twisted your ankle? Yeah, plz take it as if you're cured, I totally forgotton about it. Sorry...


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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 33: It's so sweet!!!

Good job authornim!! <3
Chapter 33: Awwww this story is adorable <3
EXObabyLUV #3
Chapter 33: The story is daebak! I will support you if you are going to do a sequel(?). And of course your other ff. i enjoy reading this. Author-nim daebak <3 ~~~~
Chapter 33: PLEASE WRITE MORE! I am anticipating your new story! Definitely rereading this because Baekhyun & L are my two of my biases.
Waffle_Berry #5
Chapter 33: Thumbs up, i love it so much, this is a great story, I'm at school sneaking my phone in class just to read this ff :p great story plot and line, I'll wait for the sehun story then ^^
little-rainbow #6
Chapter 33: Thumb up! great story! ^^ I read this around 8pm and ended at 11:40pm. lol
That. Is. Just. good
Chapter 33: I love this so much!!! ^^
Chapter 31: OMGOSh. I read this whole story in one day,, (yes I sneaked my phone in class hehe) please update soon.. i want to find out!
Chapter 30: Update soon.