
Who Do I LOVE???



Yippee!!! The bell rang signaling school was over. Guess what? Tomorrow’s a weekend which means NO SCHOOL!!! “Let’s go~” Baekhyun said while he held his hand out. I chuckled and grabbed his hand. He intertwined our fingers before kissing the side of my head. I blushed which caused him to let out a laugh. I slapped his shoulder and he laughed more. I glared at him and released my hand from his grip then walked away. “Y-ya-yah!” he shouted then grabbed my hand again. I shrugged his hand off and continued walking. I was only pretending. Let’s see how long he can stand it. “~~~~-ah!! Baekhyun-ah!” Kris called us. He was together with EXO and Kay. I smiled and ran to him. I clung onto him and whispered my evil plan to him. He smirked signaling he agreed.

“~~~~-ah… Come here~” Baekhyun whined as he held my arms out. I stubbornly shook my head and continued walking with Kris. “Let’s get ice-cream!!!” Xiumin said. “OKAY!!!!” Everyone hollered except a sulky Baekhyun. Awwww…. He’s so cute!!! We drove to the ice cream parlor in our own cars. Apparently, each member of EXO owns their own car. I went with Baekkie while Kay went with Kai. When I entered the car, I gave Baekhyun my silent treatment. “~~~~-ah…” Baekhyun called me. “Mianhae~~” he said. I still continued to ignore him which made him pout. GAHD!!!! I could just pinch those cheeks of his now.

When we reached there, Luhan asked me “What flavor do you want?” “Strawberry please.” I answered him with a big smile. He made an ‘OK’ sign with his fingers and ordered. The rest of the members of EXO also ordered theirs. After getting our ice cream, we sat at the table and Baekhyun plopped down next to me while pouting. I chuckled and hugged his arm. “Baekkie~” I cooed. He continued pouting. Playing hard to get huh? I leaned in to kiss him on the cheek but he turned his head at that time which caused our lips to meet. I blushed and turn away but Baekhyun chuckled and kissed my forehead. He then hugged me tightly with his arm. I scooted closer to him.

"How's life?" Xiumin asked me. I gawked at him "You're sitting behind me IN the SAME class. You tell me." I blinked and smiled innocently at him which caused the whole of EXO and Kay to laugh. Baekhyun laughed softly and nuzzled my hair “You’re the best.” He whispered. I gave him a look and said “Who wouldn’t know?” He laughed and said “I’m so lucky to have you.” I smiled and nodded. “I’m lucky to have you too.” EXO and us talked and joked around for a very long time. It was fun like REALLY REALLY FUN. “It’s 5:30 already. Let’s head home.” Kris said. All of us nodded and went out. We bid each other farewell and went home.

When we reached my house, I invited Baekhyun in. “Where are your parents?” Baekhyun asked. I gulped and said “I live by myself.” “Ohhh~~~ WAIT! If you live by yourself, you’re always alone. What if a bad guy comes in and tries to kid-“ I cut Baekhyun off with a kiss. I cupped his face gently and said “Nothing will happen to me.” I gave him a wide smile and hugged him. He gladly hugged back. We plopped onto the sofa. “Wanna watch a movie?” I suggested. “Sure~” he replied. I took out a folder of movies I had and we started to browse through the folder to find a movie. “This one!!!” I said happily while pointing to the movie entitled ‘ Spirited Away~ ‘. This is one of my favorite Japanese Anime movie. Baekhyun smiled and nodded. I then placed the CD into the player and jumped into Baekhyun’s arms. I snuggled into them and we started to watch the movie.

After 2 hours, we finally finished the movie. I stretched and looked at the clock. It was already 8 pm. “I’ll make dinner okay.” I told Baekkie and got up. I headed to the kitchen and rummaged through the fridge. “Is Kimchi Fried Rice alright with you?” I asked him. “Anything you cook is gonna be delicious.” He said and smiled. I scoffed. “Sweet talker…” I mumbled under my breath. “I heard that.” Baekhyun said which caused me to laugh. I started cooking and finished cooking after 15 minutes. I placed the two plates of kimchi fried rice onto the table.



Baekhyun clasped his hands together and said “I’ll eat well.” He then started to dig in. He looked up to me with eyes so big like D.O’s. I gulped and asked him “Is it yummy?” He swallowed the fried rice and smiled. “Of course it’s yummy. I’m just joking with you.” I scoffed at him and dug into my own fried rice. After we finished, I volunteered to wash the plates. “I’ll help you dry them.” Baekhyun said and grabbed the cloth. We did the washing together happily.


After the washing, I held ~~~~’s hand and asked her. “Can I stay for the night?” I gave her my puppy eyes. After thinking for a while, she finally said ’okay’. I pumped my fist in victory. “I’m gonna prepare the guest room for you.” ~~~~ said and headed upstairs. I just followed her. After preparing the room, she threw me a towel and an oversized T-shirt with pants. “Bathroom’s on the left. Shower now. I don’t like smelly boyfriends.” She said and pinched her nose. I gave her a look and headed to the bathroom.

After showering, I headed to her room. She was done showering already. She was standing with playing with her phone WITH wet hair. I shook my head and grabbed her towel from her rack. I sat on her bed and patted my lap. She placed her phone on her bedside table and sat on my lap. I started to dry her hair for her. “You’ll get a cold if you don’t dry your hair.” I told her. She nodded while pouting. I smiled and pecked her cheek. I grabbed her comb and started combing her hair. I patted her back “Get up.” I said. She pouted and clung onto me like a koala bear. I chuckled and hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead. “Want me to sleep here?” I asked. She nodded. I smiled and placed her on the other side of the bed. I got up to off the lights and went back onto the bed. The room was still a bit bright because of the Moon light. I held my arms out and she went into them. She snuggled into my arms and asked me “Baekkie?” “Hmmmm?” “Can you sing me a song?” I smiled and nodded. I then started to sing for her.

This moment feels like I was born as a child who knew nothing
I closed my eyes again in case it would be a dream
You were standing in front of my desperate self and praying
Just once, I want to walk side by side with you

Taken by the soft wind to your world
You asked me brightly where I came from to your side
And I told you that It was a secret
Wherever we walk together
Will be paradise

You are an eye-blinding entity compared to Michael
Who would remember you, I will not forgive it
Like the beginning when stepping into Eden
Believing you every day from the bottom of my heart

I always want to protect you
So that even the small things won’t tire you out, I’m eternally in love

As your guardian, I will block the stiff wind
Even though people turn their backs to you
If I could become the person
Who can wipe your tears on a tiring day
It will be paradise

I, who has fallen in love with no other place to
Go back, my wings have been taken away (oh no)
Even though I lost my everlasting life, the reason to my happiness
You are my eternity Eternally Love

(EXO-K Angel)

I heard soft breathing from her signaling she was already asleep. I hugged her and went to sleep too. “Night ~~~~-ah” I smiled and pecked her forehead.

I was sleeping peacefully when suddenly ~~~~-ah started sobbing and screaming. “~~~~-AH!!!!!” I shook her. She woke up and hugged me. I hugged her tightly and whispered. “It’s okay…. I’m here….” I said and ran my fingers through her hair and then started rocking her.

A/N I’m back!!! I’m leaving you al; with that much of that scene only. MUAH HAHAHAHA!!! Phew~~~ I finally finished my exams. I would like to say thank you to charlotte_snsd , YulSic98 , -vanessa391- and KhailuvO for subscribing^^ I welcome you to my story and hope you’ll continue supporting me. Thank you so much Kpopforeveryuying for upvoting!!! *throws hearts* I hope you enjoyed this update. I’ll update my story soon okay^^ So…. Hehehe~ Subscribe, comment and upvote. Bye-bye!!!!! *waves*


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Gosh!!! Guys.... Errrr... Hehehe... Remember the part where you twisted your ankle? Yeah, plz take it as if you're cured, I totally forgotton about it. Sorry...


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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 33: It's so sweet!!!

Good job authornim!! <3
Chapter 33: Awwww this story is adorable <3
EXObabyLUV #3
Chapter 33: The story is daebak! I will support you if you are going to do a sequel(?). And of course your other ff. i enjoy reading this. Author-nim daebak <3 ~~~~
Chapter 33: PLEASE WRITE MORE! I am anticipating your new story! Definitely rereading this because Baekhyun & L are my two of my biases.
Waffle_Berry #5
Chapter 33: Thumbs up, i love it so much, this is a great story, I'm at school sneaking my phone in class just to read this ff :p great story plot and line, I'll wait for the sehun story then ^^
little-rainbow #6
Chapter 33: Thumb up! great story! ^^ I read this around 8pm and ended at 11:40pm. lol
That. Is. Just. good
Chapter 33: I love this so much!!! ^^
Chapter 31: OMGOSh. I read this whole story in one day,, (yes I sneaked my phone in class hehe) please update soon.. i want to find out!
Chapter 30: Update soon.