
Who Do I LOVE???

In the morning~

Nae Aiya dalkomhan gotongi millyeowa Aiya~


I groaned and slammed my alarm clock off. I sat on the bed, ruffled my hair and shook Kay. “Yah. Get up.” I said groggily. She got up and… and… and… bumped her head on the bed’s headboard. “Omma…” she said and rubbed her head. I stifled a laugh and she glared at me. “Come on, let’s wash up and cook breakfast.” I said to her. “You first.” She said and pushed me down the bed. I landed on my . Ow….. “Yah!!!!” I shouted and glared at her. She ignored me and pulled the covers back on her and snuggled back asleep again. I grumbled and went into the toilet, I brushed my teeth, took a shower and changed into my school uniform. I went out of the toilet and my soul nearly jumped out from my body. I saw Kay standing right in front of me. “YAH!” I smacked her head. I swear I heard her giggling. Oh that girl is so gonna get it from me.

I headed downstairs to the kitchen and started cooking some fried eggs, bacons and sausages. Kay came down fresh and smiled at me. I smiled back and placed the breakfast on the table. “So you excited? You’re gonna go to school without the NERDY image anymore.” Kay said and bit onto her bacon. “A little bit.” I replied. “Kay?” “Hmmm?” “What if they bully me more.” I asked her. “No one will hurt you when I’m there.” Kay said and puffed her chest out. I giggled and nodded. We finished our breakfast, wash the plates and dried them. We then went and wore our shoes and headed to school.

At the school front gate, I sighed and looked at Kay. She mouthed a ‘hwaiting’ and we went into the school. When we entered, I heard murmurs. “Wow! New student?” “Damn…she’s pretty” “I hope she’s still single” I clutched onto my file tightly so that it was covering my name tag. I smirked mentally and thought to myself *Ignorant people. Don’t even know that I’m the nerd they bully. Pfft..* I entered the school, went to my locker to take the books for the first period and headed to class. On the way, I bumped into someone. And that someone was none other than L.


I was walking down the hall when suddenly I bumped into someone which caused her to drop her books. I picked up the books and passed it back to her. And that was when I got to see her face. “~~~~?” I asked. “Yeah. Hi, L-ssi.” She replied. “So… Will you forgive me? I’m really sorry..” I told her. She smiled and said “Sure. Past is past and present is present.” “Thanks^^” I replied. She then headed to her own class. I continued walking down the hall and saw INFINITE. “YAH!!!” I shouted. They looked at me and waved. I jogged up to them and said “~~~~ forgave me already.” “Jeongmal???” Woohyun hyung asked. “Yep!” “But you know… she’s friend with that Bacon guy and they seem close.” Sunggyu hyung said. “Yeah!” Dongwoo and Hoya said in unison. “So???” I asked. Sungyeol placed a hand on my shoulder and asked “You do know what happened between you and Baekhyun before right?” I gulped and nodded.


“Oppa!!!” Haewon clung onto me. “What the HELL do you want?” I asked and glared at her. Haewon is currently the girlfriend of my good friend, Byun Baekhyun. I don’t know why but I don’t like this Haewon girl. She gives me the creeps… Suddenly she pulled me down and kissed me roughly. I tried pulling away but that girl was too strong. Suddenly, someone pulled me roughly and punched my jaw hardly. “Why the HELL are you kissing my girlfriend?!?!?” Baekhyun shouted. I scoffed and spat “That’s where you’re wrong Byun Baekhyun. That here just pulled me down and kissed me.” “No way in HELL I’ll believe you. I can’t believe that you’ll do this to me. Forget it, I don’t even want to know anything anymore. You’re not my friend!!!” he shouted. I admit I felt a bit hurt after hearing those words coming out from Baekhyun’s mouth. I looked at Haewon and saw that she smirked. See! It’s all this ’s fault. I knew it! “Fine!” I replied. Baekhyun scoffed and dragged Haewon away with him.

Flashback end

“But.. it wasn’t my fault…” I said. “We know L. We trust you.” Sunggyu said. After Baekhyun and I ended our friendship, we never treated each other nicely anymore. Insult was thrown everytime we meet. I do feel angry and also a bit guilty. Only time can fix this, if only Baekhyun can learn to trust me again. I sighed. INFINITE and I then headed back to class.


After saying I forgave L, I headed to class. “You forgive people to easily. Sorry ~~~~ but I still can’t trust L.” I smiled and replied “It’s okay. Your choice.” Kay said she had to go to the restroom first. I went into class and the boys threw me winks and smiles. I rolled my eyes and went to my seat. Murmurs were heard everywhere. Suddenly a boy shouted “Hey new pretty girl, that seat belongs to the ugliest NERD ever. Don’t sit there!” I smirked and stood up. “Well… I am the ugliest NERD you’re talking about.” I said and flipped my hair over my shoulders so that my name tag was visible. Gasps and murmurs started until the teacher came in. She hit the table with the wooden ruler and the class immediately kept quiet. “Page 134. Questions 1-20. NOW!” the teacher said. All the students groaned and complaints were heard. Just then Kay and EXO entered. “Mianhae teacher… We kinda ran into something bad. That’s why we’re late.” Kay apologized and bowed followed by EXO. “It’s okay. Better make sure you won’t be late next time.” The teacher said. “Ok, Thanks teacher.” Kay said. Then they headed back to their seats. Kay sat next to me while Baekhyun sat next to her. “Hey ~~~~!” Baekhyun chimed. “Annyeong~” I smiled. “So what’s the so called ‘something bad’ you guys ran into?” I asked. “Recess.” Kay said. “Okay.” I said and continued doing my work.


“Recess!!!” Sehun chimed. I laughed and we went to the canteen together. We went to queue and bought our food. Kay and I then headed to our usual seats. We sat down and started eating when SUDDENLY Baekhyun sat with us. “Why are you here?” I asked. “You can’t even let your best friend sit here. I’m hurt.” Baekhyun said and placed a palm on his chest. “You know she doesn’t mean it that way, you dimwit.” Kay said. Baekhyun glared at her. I smiled and said “Start explaining now.” “Explain what?” Kay and Baekhyun said in unison. I smacked my fore head and muttered “These two are surely S-T-U-P-I-D.” “YAH!!! We’re not deaf!!!” Kay and Baekhyun shouted together again. “Your so called ‘something bad’ you guys ran into.” I said. “Oh…” Kay replied. “Well… it all started when I came out of the toilet.”


Flashback start

I was walking out from the toilet when suddenly I saw L on the floor and a furious Baekhyun who was held back by EXO. “YOU BASTARD!!!!!” Baekhyun spat. L got up and scoffed “Why? Afraid I’ll snatch her away again?” “YOU!!!!” Baekhyun shouted and wanted to punch L again. I stepped in between them and stood in front of Baekhyun “Baekhyun. Stop.” I said. I then turned to L and said “L-ssi I don’t freaking care whether ~~~~ forgives you because I don’t. Don’t you ever go near Baekhyun or EXO anymore or lay a FINGER on them especially Baekhyun because I’m not gonna let it pass if my best friends get hurt.” I spat and then turned around. Lay and Luhan who were holding onto Baekhyun let go of him and started walking towards class followed by the rest. Then, Baekhyun attacked me with a hug “Komawo~” I hugged him back and smiled “That’s what Best Friends are for right?”. He nodded and let go.

Flashback End

“That’s the story.” I said. ~~~~ mouthed an ‘o’ and nodded. “But I’m curious Baekhyun. Why were you and L fighting?” I asked. Baekhyun gulped and said “Can I tell both of you when I’m ready?” “Sure. Won’t force you.” I said. ~~~~ and I smiled together. The bell rang signaling recess was over so we headed back to class.


A/N Here’s Chapter 19^^ Sorry I couldn’t update sooner. SCHOOL!!! Urgh… Tired…… Anyway, thank you so much to marj_nat21 , iloveexo2010  and quinachups for subscribing!!! Love ya all!!! Gotta go now. I’ll update when I have the time. Bye bye~ Comment and do subscribe!!!!

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Gosh!!! Guys.... Errrr... Hehehe... Remember the part where you twisted your ankle? Yeah, plz take it as if you're cured, I totally forgotton about it. Sorry...


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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 33: It's so sweet!!!

Good job authornim!! <3
Chapter 33: Awwww this story is adorable <3
EXObabyLUV #3
Chapter 33: The story is daebak! I will support you if you are going to do a sequel(?). And of course your other ff. i enjoy reading this. Author-nim daebak <3 ~~~~
Chapter 33: PLEASE WRITE MORE! I am anticipating your new story! Definitely rereading this because Baekhyun & L are my two of my biases.
Waffle_Berry #5
Chapter 33: Thumbs up, i love it so much, this is a great story, I'm at school sneaking my phone in class just to read this ff :p great story plot and line, I'll wait for the sehun story then ^^
little-rainbow #6
Chapter 33: Thumb up! great story! ^^ I read this around 8pm and ended at 11:40pm. lol
That. Is. Just. good
Chapter 33: I love this so much!!! ^^
Chapter 31: OMGOSh. I read this whole story in one day,, (yes I sneaked my phone in class hehe) please update soon.. i want to find out!
Chapter 30: Update soon.