
Who Do I LOVE???


“WHERE ON EARTH WERE YOU BYUN BAEKHYUN?!?!?!” Kris shouted. “~~~~’s house…” I answered back. “And just fudging WHY were you there?” Chanyeol asked. “B-because I had a fever.” I replied. “And why did you have a fever?” Luhan asked. “B-because I shouted, ran away and got caught in the rain.” I said not daring to look up to the scary EXO members. “And why did you shout and POOF! Disappear into thin air. “Oh, because I- HEY! That’s totally P&C and I shall not answer to that question. Thank You Very Much.” I answered Lay. Kris then twisted my ear. “DO YOU FUDGING KNOW HOW FUDGING WORRIED WE WERE BYUN BAEKHYUN???” “OW-OWIEEE… Mianhae…Now can you please let go…” I pleaded. Kris let go of my ear and pointed a finger at me. “This happens ONE more time and I’ll make sure that you won’t even get a chance to become the President of Byun Enterprise. Got it?” I nodded. Then all the EXO members went back to do their own activities. I went to the sofa and plopped next to Suho who was reading a book. He put down his book and smirked. I gasped and fell to my knees when I saw that expression plastered on Suho’s face. “No more lecturing please….” I rubbed my palms together and pleaded. He chuckled and said “I won’t give you Round 2 or should I say Round 3 including the one I gave you on the phone. Now tell me what happened between you and ~~~~?” Suho asked while wiggling his eyebrows. I got up and threw the pillow at him but he had fast reflexes and caught before it landed on his face. “Ugh….” Suho laughed at me.

“BOYS~ DINNER’S READY!!!!!” D.O hollered from the kitchen. Yeah. I know all 12 of us are  FUDGING rich. Ahem..Ahem.. Let me explain. Suho, son of President Kim who owns The Kim Enterprise which produces World-Class fashion all over the world. Kris, son of President Wu who owns The Wu Enterprise which has large oil palm fields all over China. D.O, son of President Do who owns The Do Enterprise which has many 5-star hotels all over the world. Luhan, son of President Lu who owns The Lu Enterprise which has many resorts in Asia. Chanyeol, son of President Park who owns The Park Enterprise which has many big amusement parks around Asia. Lay, son of President Zhang who owns Zhang Enterprise which has many big successful hospitals in Korea.  Kai, grandson of President Kim, South Korea’s president. Xiumin, son of President Jin [A/N I took this from his Chinese name. Jin Min Shuo] who owns the Jin Enterprise which is one of the largest Electronic Companies in Korea. Chen, son of one of Asia’s most famous Doctor, Dr.Kim. Sehun, son of Oh Enterprises which has many 5-star shopping malls all over Korea. Tao, son of President Huang who owns Huang Enterprise which trains bodyguards for Presidents all over Asian and also has a few hotels in Korea. Lastly, ME, Byun Baekhyun, son of President Byun who owns the Byun Enterprise, one of the biggest conglomerate in Asia owning 5-Star hotels, shopping malls, hospitals, banks and resorts. To be honest, I’m the richest in EXO. As I was saying, there are NO maids, NO chefs and NO butlers in EXO’s mansion. Bodyguards stay outside the house. Bodyguards from Tao’s company of course. Maids will come and clean the house every Sunday morning and end at around 3-4 pm. D.O is practically the ‘UMMA’ of the group because he cooks for us. J

“Coming D.O umma!!!” Sehun hollered from upstairs. There were a thunder of footsteps before everyone was at the table. “What’s for dinner?” I asked. “Japanese Curry Rice with Pork Cutlet.” D.O replied. “Uwaa~” EXO said with mouths drooling including ME. “Thanks for the food!!!” all of us aid and began to WOLF down our food. After about a good 5 minutes, we finished our food. “I’m so full…” Sehun whined while rubbing his tummy. We laughed and then placed our empty plates in the sink. “Who’s turn is it to do the dishes today? Suho asked. Everyone pointed at me. Aww…not me.. I made a mad dash to the stairs but was caught by Kris. “And where do you think you’re going Mister Byun?” “Oh nothing. It’s just that my feet are itchy and I was just stomping around..” I mentally slapped myself for giving a stupid excuse. “Oh really? Tao, bring me the cane so I can whack his itchiness away.” I made a mad dash to the sink and quickly started washing the dishes. I swear I heard the members snicker. Suddenly, I received a call from ~~~~.



“Wae??? Are you hurt???”

“I missed school today because of you!!!!”

“EH?! I thought it was Sunday today.”

“It’s Monday you dimwit.”

“Which means-“

“That Kay and the other EXO members also skipped school today.”

“I wonder why they’re not complaining.”

“Because they don’t want to make you think it’s your fault idiot.”

“What?? Can’t hear you.”

“Nothing. Bye gotta go now.”


I hung up. “Okay, that was weird.” I whispered to myself.


“What was that about?” Kay asked. “Nothing.” I replied. “Let’s watch some movies, shall we?” Kay asked me. “Okay.” I replied. Kay’s staying the night over because I asked her to. Kekeke~

I then went downstairs to grab a glass of water before we started watching movies. Then the doorbell rang. “Kay, mind seeing who’s at the door.” “OK!” she replied and went to get the door. “Who’s there?” Suddenly, I heard her scream. It shocked me and I went quickly to see who it was. I saw…


A/N Cliffhanger!!!! Muah hahahaha. Anyway, this chappie is mostly about EXO so yeah. Sorry I couldn't update for the past 2 days as I was not feeling well. Why my subbies just stopped at 19? Abracadabra!!! Subbies rise!!! *pouts* Anyway, I'm very grateful already to have 19 subscribers!!! *throws hearts* I'll probabably update again tomorrow. So bear with the cliffhanger for now. Bye!!! Gotta Go Now!!! Comment and do subscribe. It means alot to me!!!! Ppyong~

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Gosh!!! Guys.... Errrr... Hehehe... Remember the part where you twisted your ankle? Yeah, plz take it as if you're cured, I totally forgotton about it. Sorry...


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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 33: It's so sweet!!!

Good job authornim!! <3
Chapter 33: Awwww this story is adorable <3
EXObabyLUV #3
Chapter 33: The story is daebak! I will support you if you are going to do a sequel(?). And of course your other ff. i enjoy reading this. Author-nim daebak <3 ~~~~
Chapter 33: PLEASE WRITE MORE! I am anticipating your new story! Definitely rereading this because Baekhyun & L are my two of my biases.
Waffle_Berry #5
Chapter 33: Thumbs up, i love it so much, this is a great story, I'm at school sneaking my phone in class just to read this ff :p great story plot and line, I'll wait for the sehun story then ^^
little-rainbow #6
Chapter 33: Thumb up! great story! ^^ I read this around 8pm and ended at 11:40pm. lol
That. Is. Just. good
Chapter 33: I love this so much!!! ^^
Chapter 31: OMGOSh. I read this whole story in one day,, (yes I sneaked my phone in class hehe) please update soon.. i want to find out!
Chapter 30: Update soon.