Memory Walk

Maknae Love


I was lying in my hospital bed flipping through the pages of a magazine. I sighed and dropped the magazine back on the table. I didn't have much to do. There was a knock on the door.

"Come in," I said.

The door squeaked open and a boy came out from behind it.

"Are you..." I hesitated. "Is your name...Lee Sungjong?"

"Ne." Sungjong said. He paused for a bit before speaking again. "Do you remember me at all?"

"A-aniyo. Someone said you were a kingka at KS, though I still don't remember you." I said.

"Well..." Sungjong said. "Do you feel well enough to walk to Jang Park?"

"Ne!" I said. I was eager to have something to do. "I'll just let RinAh know..." I got up carefully from my hospital bed and walked out of the room, motioning Sungjong to follow me.

I walked down the hall and turned around the corner. I walked up to a lady at a desk. "Nurse RinAh," I said.

RinAh looked up. "Ne?"

"I'm going off for a walk to Jang Park with one of my... friends." I said awkwardly. I didn't know what to call Sungjong.

"Arasso, but not anywhere else. Dr. Jung said he didn't want you to walk too much because he needed to treat more of the cuts on your forehead tonight." RinAh said.

"Arasso. Gamsamnida, RinAh." I said politely. She nodded and looked back at the papers at her desk.

Sungjong and I walked to the park without saying anything. I took my chance to sneak a glance at Sungjong. His perfectly styled brown hair was covering half of one of his eyes, and his lips were always curved up in a smile. He's pretty cute, I thought. Sungjong started talking.

"I'll explain everything that happened before you lost your memory, arasso?" Sungjong said. I nodded. 

Sungjong explained that he was in a kingka group named Infinite. He described all of the members, and explained that they transferred to KS High from a different school last year. Sungjong told me that I had a birthday party, and Infinite came, along with Jooyeon. He explained about how Woohyun and Jooyeon were together, and that on the day of my birthday my appearance changed completely.

We continued walking down the sidewalk, and crossed the street. We arrived at Jang Park, but continued walking around.

"At your birthday party," Sungjong continued. "You were cutting fruit. And being the little child you were, you weren't looking at where you were cutting so you cut yourself."

I pouted. "I'm not a child!"

Sungjong chuckled. "Well, I helped you heal the cut and it was completely fine. Infinite kept complaining that I over-reacted."

I smiled.

I took small glances at Sungjong as he continued to fill my memory back in. He looked...special. He seemed special. I may have not remember who he was, but he seemed to care a lot more about me than anyone else I knew.

I continued thinking. What if I liked Sungjong in the past, but just never knew? I kept stealing glances at him. He seemed sweet, kind, and caring. Why wouldn't I like him in the past?

"Next, I invited you over to my house, along with 2Perfected and the rest of Infinite..." Sungjong sighed. "It was the biggest mistake of my life."

"Why?" I asked, completely clueless.

Sungjong paused for a quick second, but then continued. "Well, you lost your memory there."

I looked at my feet as we walked slowly. "Oh."

"We were in the house, but we heard a noise and decided to look outside. I told you stay inside, since it would've been safer, but you were stubborn and we gave up and let you come outside with L and I."

I raised an eyebrow. "Wait...who is L again?"

"Second youngest, " Sungjong explained. "His real name is Kim Myungsoo."

"So..." I said. "Should I call him L Oppa or Myungsoo Oppa?"

Sungjong stiffened at the word 'oppa'. "W-whatever you would like to call him." He stuttered.

Ah~! His stuttering is cute! I smiled. "I'll call every Infinite member their real names, but of course with 'oppa' at the end. I can call you Sungjong Oppa, ne?"

"N-ne," Sungjong said shyly. He continued telling the past again. "So, we walked outside. It was getting dark, but there was still a bit of blue left in the sky. We walked around to the backyard, and there were some garbage cans tripped over, but about one or two still standing. Someone threw the garbage bin at you...and here you are now."

"I understand..." I said. I looked up at Sungjong's adorable face. I mean, I know I like Sehun at the moment...but Sungjong... I continued to look at him as we walked around the park once again. He looks like someone special. Someone who cared about me a lot. I believe in him, I thought to myself. Was he the one for me?

Sungjong turned his head toward me and caught me staring at him. I quickly looked away and blushed.

Sungjong grinned, knowing that I was looking at him. He suddenly stopped walking and pulled me toward a wooden bench.

"I...I have something to say, Hyorin." Sungjong said uneasily.

I tilted my head and motioned for him to go on.

"Well..." Sungjong sighed. You thought it was cute. "Hyorin, I need to tell you the truth. I told you all that we've been through...but there's something more I needed to share."

Sungjong scooted closer a bit. "There was this one time...Sooeun bumped her elbow into your books, which then they spilled across the hallway. The books tripped Sunggyu hyung and Sooeun blamed it all on you. That was when I started paying more attention to you. I realized that you were really kind. Even though you barely smiled at me, you always called me by my full name, 'Lee Sungjong'. I always frowned because of that. I was wondering why you were the only one besides SuHwa who wasn't a fangirl."

"Another thing, you never talked to me, which drew my attention to you again. You only mumbled a few words to me, like 'ne' or 'aniyo'. It was hard knowing that a beautiful girl ignored me."

He continued, "You were special. Different. Unique. You never tried too grab my attention with your clothing style, while the other girls wore short skirts and tight shirts. I liked how you didn't show off. You were humble."

"You were really intelligent. You were always at the top of the class, but you never bragged about it which was why I liked you. You were amazingly smart at every subject I could think of. You got straight A's, while the fangirls only got average scores."

"But you, Lee Hyorin, you aren't average. I noticed you in the crowd of screaming fangirls, even though you didn't notice me. Everytime I tried to talk to you, you slipped away into the crowd and I couldn't find you. At school, all the fangirls wanted attention... but you didn't. You were special to me. I realized that I began to have feelings for you day by day, and I couldn't stop myself. We became best friends later on, and that's what made me love you more. I knew you well."

Sungjong took a deep breath before saying his last line.

"S-saranghae, Hyorinnie. I really mean it, even if you have forgotten me. So... will you be my girlfriend?"



[Annyeong! Oooh~! I left you guys off at a cliff hanger! I'm so evil heheh. :3 I won't be updating for this whole week. I'm going on my vacation to California tomorrow. The vacation is two weeks long, and I can't update at all on the first week. But for the second week I might be able update. Thanks for reading everyone! Byebye for now~! I'll be back in two weeks! ~kpopgurl125~ ♥ ]


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I'm done with the fanfic! :) I just wanted to say thank you guys so much for all of your support. I'm very grateful. ~ kpopgurl125 ♥♥♥♥♥ 8/31/2013


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Chapter 15: IM SCREAMING!!!! YAAAAAAAASSSSSS!!!! This chapter wAS LIT FAM!!!! TELL HER KAI!!! YASSSSS HOME BOI YOU TELL HER UP!!!! LET THAT MAFU KNOW WHAT SHE DID!! *turns around to the kingkas and queenkas* "CAN WE GET AN AMEN?!?" "AMEN!!" Ah~ this was so far my favorite chapter from the whole story hahaha the author is a genius *wipes fake tear*
Love your story. The ending is so sweet
Gegey06 #3
these 3 maknaes are my bias...thanks author
hkrhee #4
Chapter 24: Who's ur sister? What is her username going to be if she does start writing?
mishelly13 #5
Chapter 24: Awwee tht was such a cute story!!
Fantastic! Ill be waiting for the mini sequels ! :D
Blehlala #6
Chapter 24: Aww, ending's so cute!!! Looking forward to the mini-sequels!!!!!!
Kuro_no_Daisy #7
Chapter 24: Mikyoung (principal character) and Taemin, and SuHwa (principal character) and Sehun.
mahea_808 #9
Chapter 24: Suhwa and Sehun then Taemin and Mikyoung