A Letter From Hell

Maknae Love


My eyes fluttered open. It was morning again. I sat up and realized my leg was less sore. I gave a weak smile to myself and saw the usual breakfast on the table - bread with butter, orange juice, and a granola bar. I bit into my bread peacefully, staring around the silent room. There were more gifts on my desk, and I picked a teddy bear up.

It had chocolate brown fur with a silk lavender bow tie. It had a tiny note attached to it that said, 'Get better soon. You must! The memory will come back...I know it will. Not from the medicine Dr. Jung is looking for, oh heck no, he must be lying about that. Have you realized that finding a medicine for memories is never going to exist? Ever? We'll just have to teach you everything you lost. We'll teach you your memories. - Sungjong Oppa'

Oppa? Did I call Sungjong 'oppa'? I never called anyone oppa, at least...from what I remember. I shrugged and decided to call him Sungjong oppa from now on.  I scanned all the unread letters scrawled on the table. I picked up one that stood out - it had a red envelope.

I opened it and saw the messy handwriting, but I still managed to read it. The letter was written in glittery purple pen...it looked familiar. On the front it said:


This is to Lee Hyorin.

If this isn't you, stop reading this immediately.


I opened the letter.


Dear Hyorin,


Ever wondered why someone threw that garbage bin at you? Have you ever known who that person was? Well, I'll tell you goddamit.

It was Kai oppa.

He asked me with all his beautiful charms to be his girlfriend. He said he wanted me to be happy. He said that he would do EVERYTHING for me. So do you know what I asked him to do?


You don't deserve Sungjong oppa, . Get away from him. Your memory is now forever gone, no matter how hard you try. Stop being such a to go from guy to guy like this. I did you a FAVOR, Lee Hyorin! I did you a favor, by letting all your memories of the Infinite oppas go away. You're back to liking Sehun, but he's taken. He's taken by Rooeun, my dear sister.

Now, would you like to hear the delightful story of what happened? If not, I'm still telling you, .

It all happened when Kai oppa and I got together. We were lovely and happy with each other. Remember when I said that he would do EVERYTHING for me? That means he would do ANYTHING for me! So I asked him to watch Sungjong oppa and you, when you were at his house doing who-knows-what. So I wanted him to tell me everything you sneaky two were doing. I texted him quickly before he left the house: Make some noise. Then hurt her.

So then, he tipped over two garbage bins, but left one up so he could hide. One bin fell on top of his leg, so he made a noise that probably sounded like 'Ow'. He heard footsteps coming, and threw the garbage bin - straight at you.

Kai oppa heard a scream and he ran away, towards my house. He loves me so much, doesn't he?

Well , I hope you never get well. I hope you stay in that hospital bed in eternity. I don't really give a about you, at all. Neither does Kai.

And neither does Sehun.

I hope you die without your memory.

So, have you noticed that I really hate you? That I wish that you were a at another school? That you've affected my life as if you were poison? You're one screwed up loser, Lee Hyorin. You will never get your memory back. Stop being one stupid and just kill yourself already!

No one cares about you.

Not even Sehun.




p.s. thinking about telling this to the police? Oh hell no, I don't think you want to do that. There will be consequences~! I have the whole entire EXO-K on my side. Who do you have? No one. You're just a selfish, lonely, .


Tears were already spilling down my face from the sixteenth word. Was I really a ? Or was she just messing with my mind? I cried even harder. I was too motionless to wipe my tears. I felt so...hurt.

Kai did this?

And Sooeun?

I knew they were my main bullies at school...but I never that they wanted me to...die.

My tears kept rolling and rolling down my cheeks like a waterfall. I set my breakfast tray on the table next to me, and laid down on my pillow. I could barely breathe because of all the tears streaming down my face. The most painful part of my body isn't my forehead. It was my heart. I crumpled up the piece of paper in my hand and continued to cry.

Ever so slowly, I began to fall asleep, tears still dripping it's way under my eyelids.




Sungjong was in the teddy bear shop, again. He had already bought Hyorin four teddy bears, but he still didn't think it was enough. He spotted a bear with caramel fur and a bright red bow tie. "I would like buy this teddy bear, please," Sungjong said, setting the money on the counter.

"Ne, now go run off to school. Don't be late!" The lady said, taking the money and handing Sungjong the bear.

Sungjong raced to school, a frown on his face. He realized that teddy bears didn't give back memories.

But it was all he could do.




Taemin was making a card for Hyorin. He didn't know why - he just thought it would've been nice to. She was a sweet girl, and since she had her memory lost and she was hurt, why not make a 'Get Well Soon' card?

Taemin drew a pink flower on the front of the card, adding details to it. When he finished, he drew a purple heart on the next page. In the middle of the heart, in black pen he wrote 'Get well soon! We all miss you!' on the page beside it, he wrote a little message. 'Dear Hyorin, I hope you really get well soon! SHINee is missing you! I am too! We want your memory back as well...♥Taemin'

Taemin stared at the heart next to his name. He erased it and wrote, '-Taemin'. He thought that was good enough.

He sighed and slipped the card into an envelope.




Sehun came back to his house after school, going into his room and looking at himself at the mirror. Memories from the past of Hyorin went through his mind.


"So how's - " Hyorin's sentence was cut off when Kai appeared from behind the bushes.

"Well well well, what's going on here?" Kai asked, smirking.

Hyorin gave Sehun an alarmed look. "I...I think I should go. See you..." Hyorin didn't finish her sentence as she walked away quickly.

Sehun gave a long glance at Hyorin, then looked back at Kai. His smirk was gone, and it was replaced with a frown.

"First of all," Kai said, giving Sehun a hard look. "you forgot to meet up with me. Second of all, why are you hanging out with her? Third of all, STOP hanging out with her."

"What gives you a right to say that?" Sehun asked furiously.

"She's rude. She's mean. She's just another fangirl who wants attention. You're giving her special treatment. Don't be like that. Remember what Suho hyung said? Give all fangirls equal amount of attention."

"She is not a fangirl. She's my friend," Sehun said through gritted teeth.

"Whatever you say~!" Kai sang. "I'll convince you no matter what," he muttered.

Flashback Ends

Sehun had tears welled in his eyes. He wiped them away. He realized he was such an idiot to let Hyorin slip out of his hands so easily. Does she hate him now? Does she even care about him? Think about him? Does she even remember him, now that her memory is gone? Sehun started realizing all of it. Kai and EXO-K...meant nothing to him compared to Hyorin. Hyorin was his everything.

Sehun's thoughts were interrupted by the door opening. He swung his head toward the door. Kai came into the room...holding hands with Sooeun.

"What the hell is going on?" Sehun asked, his eyes shocked at what they were seeing.

"We're together now, aren't we, babe?" Kai kissed Sooeun's cheek. She blushed and nodded proudly.

Sehun turned around slowly, looking back at the mirror. He didn't know who he was anymore. He wanted Hyorin back so badly.

Sehun ran out the door without grabbing his jacket.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" Kai yelled.

Sehun continued to run, ignoring Kai's calls. But he did text him once.


From: Sehun, To: Kai

GTFO of my house. I'm going to Hyorin, my best friend. Why don't you go tell Suho hyung that I'm done with EXO-K.


From: Kai, To: Sehun

What the hell dude! I just got here! Chill out! And whoa, you're joking right? You're going to Nerd-Rin? I'm not telling Suho anything.


From Kai, To: Sehun

Hello? Sehun? Are you there?


Unfortunately, the number you are texting has blocked you. Your messages have not been sent.


"Goddamnit Sehun," Kai muttered, throwing his phone on the table.

"Kai oppa, it's alright," Sooeun said soothingly, brushing his bangs when he sat down at a chair.

Kai sighed.

"...could you do me a favor, Kai oppa?" Sooeun asked.

Kai smiled. "I'll do everything for you, babe."

"Send this letter before Sehun gets there. Ride your car over to the hospital - cars are faster then Sehun, aren't they?" Sooeun handed Kai a sealed red envelope.

"Of course, I'll break the speed limit if I have to, if it's for you," Kai kissed Sooeun's cheek again and ran out the door, getting in his car.

This plan is working completely. I got Kai to do everything I want! EXO-K is backing me up too! Now let's get SHINee on my side next... Sooeun grinned.

In the car, Kai observed the envelope. What could be inside...? Kai was about to open the envelope up when the driver behind him honked their horn.

He decided against it.




I awoke later, my cheeks feeling stiff from my dried tears. Someone was beside my hospital bed...

My heart beat went a million times faster.




[Annyeong! Thanks for reading, everyone! Comment and subscribe please! :D ~kpopgurl125~]


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I'm done with the fanfic! :) I just wanted to say thank you guys so much for all of your support. I'm very grateful. ~ kpopgurl125 ♥♥♥♥♥ 8/31/2013


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Chapter 15: IM SCREAMING!!!! YAAAAAAAASSSSSS!!!! This chapter wAS LIT FAM!!!! TELL HER KAI!!! YASSSSS HOME BOI YOU TELL HER UP!!!! LET THAT MAFU KNOW WHAT SHE DID!! *turns around to the kingkas and queenkas* "CAN WE GET AN AMEN?!?" "AMEN!!" Ah~ this was so far my favorite chapter from the whole story hahaha the author is a genius *wipes fake tear*
Love your story. The ending is so sweet
Gegey06 #3
these 3 maknaes are my bias...thanks author
hkrhee #4
Chapter 24: Who's ur sister? What is her username going to be if she does start writing?
mishelly13 #5
Chapter 24: Awwee tht was such a cute story!!
Fantastic! Ill be waiting for the mini sequels ! :D
Blehlala #6
Chapter 24: Aww, ending's so cute!!! Looking forward to the mini-sequels!!!!!!
Kuro_no_Daisy #7
Chapter 24: Mikyoung (principal character) and Taemin, and SuHwa (principal character) and Sehun.
mahea_808 #9
Chapter 24: Suhwa and Sehun then Taemin and Mikyoung