Why him?

Maknae Love


I whipped my head up toward the sound. Frightened, I peered out the window. "Oww..." I heard someone say. I exchanged glances with the kids. They looked scared. My eyes met with Sungjong. He gave a slight nod.

"Dongwoo, Hoya, Sunggyu, and Sungyeol. Protect the windows and doors. You never know whats out there," Sungjong whispered. "Woohyun, Jooyeon, SuHwa, Hyorin, stay with the kids. L, come with me outside," Sungjong said.

"Aniyo! I'm coming with you," I protested.

Sungjong turned around and glared at me. "I'm. Not. Letting. You." He said stubbornly.

"Too bad, I am." Before anyone could react, I grabbed my jacket and was already out the door.

"WHAT THE HELL HYORIN!" Sungjong flew down the stone steps after me. "You could have gotten hurt! What do you think you're doing?!" I ignored Sungjong and continued around the house. L followed us.

I turned the corner and stopped in my tracks. There, lying in a corner were two green garbage bins tipped over, trash spilled everywhere. Only one garbage bin was still standing. An animal maybe? But I swore someone said 'Oww...' it can't be an animal. I took a step closer but Sungjong stuck his arm in front of me. He shook his head.

I sighed as I waited in my spot. L and Sungjong continued to get closer. The sky began getting darker. There was a small noise and I froze in my spot. Sungjong and L turned around to look at me. Sungjong was halfway motioning for me to come foward when a figure got up from behind the trash can and ran out of sight.

Suddenly, a forceful pain hit my forehead. I closed my eyes, shivering. I suddenly became dizzy and cold. I heard glass breaking and felt an object crush my leg. I shrieked as I flew my eyes open, seeing blood dripping from my forehead and my leg. I didn't know what happened. I fell to my knees, tears b in my eyes at the pain. It felt like a bus just rolled over my leg and a knife went through my forehead.

Then there was a scream. And it wasn't my scream. It was Sungjong and L's high-pitched scream.



Then I collapsed onto the hard ground, hitting my head on the concrete. I could taste blood - my lip was bleeding but I didn't know why. I squeaked out another scream, then my mind out.


I awoke later on a comfortable blue hospital bed. I was laying on a pillow, staring up at the white ceiling. I felt weird. I felt...different. 


"Shhh! Don't bother her, Sungjong."

Sungjong? Who's that?

"BUT SHE'S - "

"She needs time to rethink everything,"



"Dr. Jung is coming, shhh!"

I continued staring up at the ceiling, barely blinking. I felt sore and definitely different. Something was wrong. Something just didn't feel right. A doctor appeared over me and smiled. It was Dr. Jung, I had him as a doctor since kindergarten.

"Annyeong," he said.

"A-ah-ahnnyo-annyong-a..." My voice died out. It hurt for every sound I said. It even hurt for me to open my mouth. I began to panic.

"Shhh, calm down," Dr. Jung said. "Do you remember what happened?" I shook my head. "Well, you don't even remember what anything happened from the past year," Dr. Jung muttered.

"Wh-what did you-u s-s-say?" I struggled to say, my mouth still hurting. I couldn't hear the last part he said.

"Wait, what did you say?" A voice asked.

"Oh, nothing," Dr. Jung said to the voice.

"Dr. Jung, what was that last part you said?" the voice asked again. I tried sitting up, but had no strength to do so.

"Nothing important," Dr. Jung replied. "Hyorin, don't try to sit up. You'll hurt yourself. It's Sungjong you're talking to, you know him..." Before I could reply that I didn't know that guy named Sungjong, Dr. Jung made me be quiet. "Ne, you remember him...Sungjong, Infinite, can you leave the room please?" 

"But - " 

"Sungjong, let's go." Another voice replied. I heard footsteps and the door clicking shut.

"Ah, Hyorin!" It was umma and appa. I wished to see their face again, but Dr. Jung forced me to stay down.

"Your umma and appa are in the room, ne. But you can't sit up. You're too weak. Want me to tell you some things that happened?" Dr. Jung asked. I gave a slight nod. "Well...you were at a friend's house. There was a garbage bin, someone threw it and it hit you in the forehead. Unfortunately, there were broken glass bottles inside the bin. Many flew out of the bin and ended up cutting you. You cut your lip a tiny bit and one piece of glass slipped into your mouth when you opened your mouth to scream. It cut the back of your throat and the sides of your mouth, but we already got that removed. Your leg got crushed by the giant, heavy bin, and got some cuts as well. But your forehead got cut the most - at least twenty or thirty cuts. Most of the glass came toward the direction of your forehead. You collapsed onto the concrete, which gave you a concussion especially since there was glass all over the floor. But..."

I started taking in everything Dr. Jung had said. I weakly motioned for him to continue.

"But the most important part...is that you lost a year of memory. Do you remember someone named Sungjong? Or a group named Infinite?" I shook my head. "Did your best friend Jooyeon forgive you? Do you know who is 2Perfected?" I shook my head again. There's Perfection...but no 2Perfected. And Jooyeon wouldn't forgive me.

Dr. Jung sighed. "Do you know SHINee and EXO-K?" I nodded this time. "Arasso, so it must be exactly one year of memory loss. Infinite came last year...so...do you know how old you are?"

I made a number with my fingers. 16.

Dr. Jung shook his head. "Aniyo, you had a birthday and invited Infinite and Jooyeon. You're seventeen, not sixteen, Hyorin." I invited some guys named Infinite and JOOYEON? What was I thinking...

"Well, anyways, rest up. You'll gain your memory back...maybe." Dr. Jung murmured the last word and left the room. It was silent.

I drifted off to sleep, a question in my head. Who's Sungjong?


A day passed. My eyes fluttered open. I tried sitting up - it happened easily. I healed, definitely. Dr. Jung entered the room, smiling at me.

"Annyeong," The word came out of my mouth without me knowing. I could talk again!

"Annyeong, Hyorin," Dr. Jung said. "I'm glad to see that you're better,"

I gave a weak smile. "Dr. Jung... do you know who threw the garbage bin?"

"Aniyo, police are still investigating. Now...I have a question for you," Dr. Jung said. SuHwa entered the room.

"Annyeong," She smiled at me.

"Annyeong," I said. I gave her a tiny hug.

"May I continue talking?" Dr. Jung asked. We nodded. "Let's test your memory. Do you love anyone?"

I smiled at the kind, funny, smart boy that appeared in my mind. "Ne,"

"Who?" Dr. Jung asked. SuHwa smiled. A boy with the name tag 'Sungjong' entered the room and was about to speak when SuHwa interrupted.

"She loves Lee Taemin," SuHwa said.

Sungjong's face fell. "Aniyo!" I said. "It's Oh Sehun," I said. "Remember? I told you that last year,"

SuHwa began looking confused. "Aniyo...you told me that two years ago...but then you stopped liking him."

Sungjong ran out of the room looking upset. I raised an eyebrow, not knowing what was going on. "Well, Dr. Jung said I might have lost a year of memory. So I don't really know much. Who's that guy Sungjong, anyway? He looks upset. Oh, and who's Infinite?"

SuHwa gave me a long look. "You're joking, right?"

"Aniyo," I said, shaking my head.

SuHwa continued to stare at me. "Who do you really love, Hyorin? That you really, really, really love?"

"Oh Sehun," I said immediately. He was so cute!

SuHwa burst into tears and dashed out of the room yelling, 'WHY HIM?'.

"What did I do?" I asked, concerned and scared.

Dr. Jung looked at me gently. "Your friend now loves Sehun. Apparently she starting to like him once you stopped, which was last year."

"But I never stopped liking him. Last year I started liking him, not stopping." I said firmly.

"You lost your memory, remember? Now, go back to sleep, you need rest. I'll give you time to talk with your best friend Sungjong later on." Dr. Jung left the room. I was with silnece again. I laid down and closed my eyes again, feeling tired. Drowsiness took over me after a minute.


Later, I awoke to a brown-haired boy staring at me. I checked the name tag. It said 'Sungjong'.

"Annyeong, Hyorin." He said.

"Annyeong," I said, rubbing my eyes.

"Infinite was so worried about you," he took my hand in his. I pulled away. He gave me a hurt look.

"Who's Infinite?" I asked. Sungjong gave a small laugh. "What?" I asked seriously.

"Wait...you're not kidding?" Sungjong's voice became thick.

"Ne, who is Infinite? Who are you?" I asked again.

Sungjong shed a tear. "You...you don't remember? You don't remember Infinite...or me?"

"I don't know who you are," I yawned. "Well, I'm still tired and sore. I'm going back to sleep, arasso?" I smiled and dug my head into the soft hospital pillow, falling asleep as I heard Sungjong cry.





[So...like the story so far? Subscribe, comment, and upvote! Thank you guys! Comments are very appreaciated. :) And oooh! There's so much drama~! Hyorin doesn't remember Infinite! :O Comment please. I REALLY love reading them. They let me know whether you are enjoying the story or not. Add me as a friend, I'd gladly accept your request! Thank you for reading, awesome readers! :D Oh, and if you don't know what to comment, answer this question: Who do you think Hyorin will end up with? I love reading predictions! Anyways... ;D Poster by New Evolution, Eirojram. ~kpopgurl125~]


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I'm done with the fanfic! :) I just wanted to say thank you guys so much for all of your support. I'm very grateful. ~ kpopgurl125 ♥♥♥♥♥ 8/31/2013


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Chapter 15: IM SCREAMING!!!! YAAAAAAAASSSSSS!!!! This chapter wAS LIT FAM!!!! TELL HER KAI!!! YASSSSS HOME BOI YOU TELL HER UP!!!! LET THAT MAFU KNOW WHAT SHE DID!! *turns around to the kingkas and queenkas* "CAN WE GET AN AMEN?!?" "AMEN!!" Ah~ this was so far my favorite chapter from the whole story hahaha the author is a genius *wipes fake tear*
Love your story. The ending is so sweet
Gegey06 #3
these 3 maknaes are my bias...thanks author
hkrhee #4
Chapter 24: Who's ur sister? What is her username going to be if she does start writing?
mishelly13 #5
Chapter 24: Awwee tht was such a cute story!!
Fantastic! Ill be waiting for the mini sequels ! :D
Blehlala #6
Chapter 24: Aww, ending's so cute!!! Looking forward to the mini-sequels!!!!!!
Kuro_no_Daisy #7
Chapter 24: Mikyoung (principal character) and Taemin, and SuHwa (principal character) and Sehun.
mahea_808 #9
Chapter 24: Suhwa and Sehun then Taemin and Mikyoung