Chapter 5

Stella Messorem

I raise my knife and gulp. He roars and swings his sword down towards me. I turn and duck out of the way. We both begin to circle each other. I slowly start formulating a plan in my head. But i need a better sword to make it work.  I reach behind me and pluck one of my smaller feathers from my wings. Since i'm the angel of the stars my wings are made from stardust. The demon swings his sword but I jump over it and land on my feet. I hold the feather behind my back and turn it into a long sword. I scream and swing the sword at him. He steps back surprised, but he recovers and runs at me. Our swords clash. Fire and stars. "Do you honestly believe you can beat me?" He snarls. I spin and catch his sword again.


"Honestly I believe I can because I'm fighting for something that means alot to me, while you just want another trophy." I say glancing at my friends standing in the corner. He takes my break in concentration to slice my arm. White hot pain shoots up it. He laughs again. I clench my teeth and attack him with so much fury and strength he gets pushed back. His two other demons step forward but he holds up his hand. "This scum is mine" He says. "Go and surround the perimeter so she cant call for help." They nod and leave. He turns back to me. I smile and hold up my sword. He runs at me and throws his whole weight into the arch of his sword. I block it but it jars every bone in my body. He has the height, weight and strength advantage. I decide to fix one of those.


I flex my wings and they lift me off the ground. I shoot up so I am above him. I now have an advantage. I look down. His back begin to morph. A pair of bat wings grow out of his back. Oh...... He takes to the air and comes eye level with me. I notice one good thing though. He's smaller now. Okay I can do this. We both raise our swords and and collided.



Eunhyuyk's P.O.V

My best friend is the angel of stars. And now she fighting a flying demon. What am I supposed to do? How come she never told me this? Never mind. I look up they are a blur of fire and sparks. They look like a weird sort of way. Then they clash swords and don't pull away. They are in a standstill. Then ever so slowly I see Ella's sword begin to slowly push his down. Somehow she's stronger than him. She might win. She's going to win! Then he starts to speak.


Donghae's P.O.V

He demon say my name. His voice is cold and raspy. "Donghae listen to me" He says . "SHUT UP" I yell. I can feel Seohyun tremble behind me. "Donghae listen to me, I can do something for you. The one thing you want most in the whole world." "SHUT UP" I shout louder. But I am curious. "LIsten" He says. "All you need to do is grab her leg and everyone in the world will know your name. They will know of how great a singer and dancer you are." "NO" I say "But just think everyone in the entire world, galaxy, universe will know you. and all you have to do is hold her leg for 30 seconds." "DONGHAE DON'T LISTEN TO HIM" Ella shouts. "He's a demon and all they say is lies." My head is spinning, what should I do?

Ella's P.O.V
I yell down at Donghae no to listen to him but I have to turn my attention back to the demon. I push my sword down on his with more strength. Then I feel a hand grasp my ankle and pull. I turn around and look down at Donghae. How could he betray me "What are you doing let g-" Something cuts me off. I look at my chest and see the tip of a fire sword sticking through me. I drop my sword and his disappears. Then I fall.


Eunhyuk's P.O.V

He did it he betrayed her and then she got stabbed. How could he? I stand in shock and watch her fall to the ground. She lands on her hands and knees and stays there.


Ella's P.O.V
Pain and betrayal are the only two things that are going through my head. Why? Why did you have to do it Donghae? I trusted you. I look up and see the demon laughing at me. He calls his friends back inside and they all stand over me. "Couldn't take the betrayal could you?" He asks. They laugh. "What are you going to do now?" I say "Stick my head on your wall, sell my wings on the black market, What are you going to do to my friends?" "I'll probably kill them" He answers. "And I wasn't planning on selling your wings but I might as well. He steps forward at grabs them. Then he rips them off. I shriek. "Oh poor wingless angel what are you going to do now that you can't fly away?" I laugh at his mistake and look back up at him. Then I whisper one word.


"Boom" His eyes widen. My wings explode in a gigantic fireball. He screams but the pure light of an exploding star pierces through his black soul and rips it to shreds. Then I pass out.



I'm sorry it's kind of confusing......what do you think? Comment please ^^


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Chapter 26: *clapclapclapclapclapclapclapclap* encore! Lol I loved this story!
Chapter 25: What happened?! Why is everybody surprised?
Chapter 24: Okay... ill wait
Chapter 23: Awwwe! Yay he finally kissed her! Haha so cute! Update soon!
Chapter 22: Yay! This was so cute! Comtinue!
Chapter 21: Yus! The update has arrived
Chapter 19: Ooooo I love it! Now I better get some sleep...its 3 in the morning. Update soon!
Chapter 15: YAY~ Ella is gonna have a chance to get for Donghae! But I feel bad for Donghae since Seohyun has to move. :(
Chapter 14: I like this!! Update soon~~~ ^__^
Chapter 6: Hae oppa how could you do this?eh? Omo she is awake now . Whats gonna happen now update soon author-nim:)